war-ofhearts · 3 months
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hongjoong stuck in a woosan sandwich ♡
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war-ofhearts · 6 months
farmer: for fuck's SAKE why am i the ONLY ONE who does ANYTHING around here farmer: pierre, you make money, why can't you fix the fucking bus farmer: willy, you could totally fix that goddamn boat farmer: i am literally singlehandedly saving this fucking town from defeat!
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war-ofhearts · 6 months
I absolutely love that anyone who plays Stardew Valley has such strong opinions on who is the worst villager in the game and what should happen to them.
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war-ofhearts · 1 year
How to live in this…
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war-ofhearts · 1 year
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
why you should reblog and support content creators
i’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and became a content creator in 2014/5, so i’ve been here for years and I can confirm that: people barely reblog posts now and it’s becoming an issue. yes content creators make stuff mostly for them, but if we post them it’s so people can see and enjoy it. and this happens when you hit “reblog”
the likes/reblogs ratios is a big disaster. when I first started, the reblogs were like 70% of a post with 30% of likes. now it’s 10% reblogs and 90% likes. likes are good, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t give us visibility.
reblogging = sharing posts to your followers. it’s easy and quick
reblogs are important because it motivates people to create stuff and create more
it’s a great way to introduce your followers to a show/an artist/sports. i don’t wanna throw myself flowers but a few of my followers got into motorsport because I was reblogging posts about it (and also creating gifs and edits)
reblogs are a great way to make new friends because your followers/mutuals will see you have stuff in common and it will help to engage a conversation and start a friendship.
content creators spend a lot of time editing and a reblog shows that these hours weren’t lost 
reblogging helps us making our work be seen as tumblr’s tags are sometimes broken and they don’t appear in tags
it encourages people to create more and. i’m posting graphics and reblogs are encouraging me to keep posting them and creating more
top bonus is when you leave nice stuff in the tags. we see them and we love it and we love you
reblog because it’s free and the button exists for a reason
there is many more reasons but i won’t spam you
we are nice
we provide stuff for free
we take requests and make stuff you ask for
we share our resources: colorings, writing tips, where to get pictures, where to get fonts, tutorials, links for softwares
because we struggle a lot with tumblr’s tags
because people are sometimes rude to us and send rude asks (ex: writers - to publish their writings sooner)
because our work is being stolen by people claiming it’s theirs
because our work is being reposted on other social medias without asking us and crediting
i’m not pointing a gun to your face screaming “REBLOG”, i’m just telling you that if you like a post, you should think about reblogging it so your followers can see it and you’ll make one person happy <3
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
I was 12 🥲🥲 now i’m 20 lol
u know whats wild. everyone on here like 20 and when i first joined everyone was like 14 15. u ask anybody n they been here for years. nobody new on here. staff locked the doors n were all Stuck Inside
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
while it is important to acknowledge that religion is not this universal block of toxic christianity and that other religions have different, and often healthier, fundamental ideals, it is also important to acknowledge that there are religious abuse survivors from ALL RELIGIONS. i trend i am seeing a lot on tumblr is this idea that non-christian religions are inherently less toxic, and to some extent there maybe threads of truth in it, but religious abuse is not dependent solely on the religion practiced. the religion involved can impact that the severity of the abuse, especially when you look at it’s cultural saturation and how that affects the victim, but ultimately it is HOW it is practiced and how the LEADERS USE IT TO EXERT POWER AND CONTROL OVER THEIR COMMUNITY. this is why even religions and spiritualities that can be considered fairly simple or healthy can still have people coming out of it suffering from religious trauma. to claim that certain religions are free of abusive situations or concepts is incredibly dismissive to survivors from those communities.
 it is so important not to idealize any religion, which is very easy to do when you look at it next toxic christianity, because no practice is universally harmless (because peoples perceptions and experiences are not universally consistent!) and no community is universally non-toxic. where there are places of power in a community, there will always be people who abuse that power, so we must respect and support survivors regardless of what religion they are coming from.
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
a real ass guide to life
there’s a lot of shit on here about lighting candles and waking up early to see the sunset and if we are being hella honest, no one actually does that. u probably don’t own candles or if u do there in a closet and the only time you wake up early all year round is never. so here’s a guide to actual human beings.
-wake up when you need to. don’t wake up at 5 to “journal” and “meditate.” sleep is more important. if you have a class at 9, wake up at 8. it’s simple. - eat something. it doesn’t have to be avocado toast. just have a bagel or a bowl of cocoa puffs. - have ur meds if u take any - attempt to look nice. at least brush your hair and your teeth. but honestly no one cares how u dress. if you wanna dress like a stripper, then dress like a goddamn stripper. honestly no one cares. (but if ur in hs try to follow the dress code a little bit?) - wear makeup if u want, or if you don’t then don’t. - ur probably not gonna exercise or stretch. who cares. i dont. your friends don’t. if ur feeling up to it then go jog 4 miles, but if ur not then don’t. - actually try to have a plan of what ur doing for that day. attend ur classes, and do ur work. ur education is hella important. FUCKING DO IT. kill those grades, murder everyone else in that class, impress and surprise ur teacher, parents, and everyone else who thought u couldn’t do it - attempt to be social. make plans with friends and try to go. it can be lowkey and only like an hr. eat pizza or go to a bar. just have fun. - eat healthy. eat a hamburger when u really want a hamburger and eat a large pizza when u really want a large pizza but try ur hardest to eat healthyish. - watch ya shows. who doesn’t love some amazing netflix binges? watch it. do it. - actually read. books are honestly the best. at least try to pick up the first harry potter. - go to sleep before 2AM!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ sleep is hella important. - shower. you don’t need to buy expensive bath bombs or candles and have a fancy bath and coat ur skin in so much lotion that you are a walking wet rag, but try to smell somewhat pleasant. - do what u want. just make sure it’s legal. have sex, travel, learn how to code, be with ur family, have a family, marry someone nice, build an empire, be fierce, be strong, but most of all: be happy. you live once on this planet. live it to the fullest. and don’t let ANYONE bring you down. not a girl, not a guy, not a parent, or a so called friend. keep your standards high, and heels higher.
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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family ♡
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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recent instagram posts from me | feel free to follow my instagram account : @thomreads
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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Here’s a 2020 edition of that coffee post — it seems that no matter what I am still all about iced coffee (with oat milk) when I’m writing on hot summer days 
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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🌼 [source: motherthemountain on instagram]
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war-ofhearts · 3 years
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