wandawidows · 3 days
Echo was Marvel's redemption.
It was a beautiful show from beginning till the end.
But no one will talk about it.
Just like no one talked about Ms. Marvel or Hawkeye.
People will still say post Endgame Marvel is going to hell.
Cause we have another woman hero amongst us.
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wandawidows · 15 days
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They will do this until someone admits to being in love
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wandawidows · 15 days
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hi. hawks your eye or whatever
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wandawidows · 15 days
Clint: Nat, you’ve gotta order a piece of this pie.
Natasha: I did. You guys immediately ate it.
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wandawidows · 15 days
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wandawidows · 15 days
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by Maca [jayh.sketch]
[based on this book cover]
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wandawidows · 15 days
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“the relationship with dottie and peggy was the one that was like… so much about fascination and curiosity. dottie had never met anyone like peggy before. someone that powerful, a woman in that role, and it was just foreign to her. it’s like you can’t tell if she wants to be her, if she wants to have sex with her or if she wants to kill her. and i was just like “i think she wants to do them all, so that’s what i’m going to play.””
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wandawidows · 17 days
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Incorrect Loki Quotes [216/?]
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wandawidows · 18 days
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yes im still thinking about nwh
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wandawidows · 18 days
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#they protecc
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wandawidows · 19 days
when you scold wanda for the chaos she caused and she gives you this 'sad abandoned puppy' look
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wandawidows · 1 month
Sinners Part Two
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Summary: In a small town, you try living up to your mother’s expectations while encountering Wanda Maximoff, a mysterious woman and a childhood friend of your mothers. It leaves you questioning her intentions and your beliefs.
Parings: Wanda x Fem R
Warnings: None besides Wanda testing the waters with you (will be added as I update more chapters! ♥️ Happy reading)
Author notes: You are 19 years old while Wanda is 36. Story will be updated every two weeks! Two more chapters left (: Thank you everyone for reading this.
Please read the first chapter if you come across this one first for new readers!
You sauntered downstairs, the clacks of pans getting louder as you descend further into the kitchen. Your mother focused on getting the food on the table. She pointed towards the counter. “Set the silverware and make sure they’re properly placed this time.” 
Today Wanda was coming over. After you got home from Church, she was all you can think about from yesterday. You can still remember the way her expressions shifted when she looked at you, as those eyes followed you around before or so you kept thinking. Even when you sleep, you can still feel her presence lingering in the corner of your room. You know she isn’t there, but glimpses of her face in your dreams felt so real. 
The first time you dream about her, the encounter of déjà vu washes over you. Maybe you were going insane and thinking of another woman around town. 
You placed the silverware carefully, aligning each one just as your mother taught you. Hopefully she won’t throw a tantrum over a spoon placed an inch to the left. She seemed too focused on what she was doing and you’ve never seen your mother this tense or excited. She never mentioned Wanda, but she never mentioned anything about her life back then. She told you It’s a waste of time to babble on about such things. 
The doorbell echoes and you pause, momentarily staring at the silverware in your hand before carefully placing them aside and making your way to the front. You breathe in and out one last time for a good measure and gripped the handle and twisted. The door swings open, your eyes widen in surprise, and it takes you a moment to register Wanda standing before you. She wears a flaxen dress, its fabric rippling in the light breeze and delicately skimming against the sides of her thighs. Her dress reached halfway, giving you a good glimpse at her sun-kissed legs, glistening. A yellow flower nestled in her hair on the left side. She beams and snaps her fingers.
You mentally berated yourself and offered a swift apology. 
Wanda chuckled, her laughter , crossing her arms in front of her. Her smirk widened, and she glanced past you, nodding towards the entrance. “Well, darling, are you planning to keep me waiting out here all day?”
As you stepped aside, she gave you that look, the exact same one back outside the church and suddenly your heart pounded quicker. An aromatic honey apple scent overwhelmed as she passed, your head suddenly heavy as you closed the door and led her to the kitchen. Food was set evenly in the middle of the table, your father already took a seat with your mother. 
“Wonderful to see you again my dear friend.” She gestured at the seat across, and you noticed the only chair left was right next to her’s. Debating on moving it to the other side of the table, you figured your mother would scold you for being rude.
“Well I appreciate you having me over. It’s been awhile since we last saw each other.” 
From there It was nothing but short stories and awkward laughters between all of them. You kept your eyes on your plate, shuffling your food inside your mouth praying this dinner will end soon and you can lock yourself in your room. Once in a while, you’d sneak a glance whenever you heard Wanda speak or laugh at something your father said. Unbeknownst, Wanda knew your cute tactics of being sneaky without batting an eyelash. You’d do it again when she took a sip of wine, her lipstick staining the glass. 
Wanda’s chair screeched unexpectedly, apologizing when her fork slipped out of her hand and clattered to the ground. When she reached for it, she used your thigh for support, her perfectly manicured fingers wrapped around with a light grasp, sending a shiver down your spine. "I think I need a new fork," she all but said, her hands still resting in the same place. "Apologies, darlin', hope you didn't mind me using you." Wanda grinned and motioned her hand back and forth before pulling away, leaving a lingering warmth on your thigh.
The weight of her hand was missed for some odd reason you were unable to comprehend. Usually, the gentle pats from an elderly woman at the bread store were just a friendly gesture, never thinking much of it. However, her touch stirred an entirely different sensation. 
One you were sure you’d be praying on your knees begging god forgiveness. You continued to eat, pretending everything was normal and Wanda was only an old friend of your mom’s coming to visit. Wanda went on to answer a few questions asked by your father, while you listened, waiting for Wanda to make her move on you. She seemed to always catch you by surprise. 
“No husband and no kids. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to have kids.”
“Surely the right man will come along in time hon. You’re a gorgeous woman and anyone would be lucky to have you.”
You rolled your eyes, glancing down at your plate. Wanda shrugged, tugging at her bottom lip before taking another bite. “Maybe, but I think I’ll manage just fine without one,” she said, lifting her glass for a sip and then turning her attention to you. 'What about you? Anyone catching your eye?
The question caught you by surprise but you responded casually, figuring she was trying to get to know you better. “No one at the moment, just focused on getting through college applications, ma’am.” You cleared your throat the second you finished, the last few words getting stuck. From the ugly expression your own mother gave you across the table, she scowled you for not speaking properly. 
Wanda squeezed your arm reassuringly, always ready to come to your rescue. “Oh, she's perfectly fine.” She winked and settled in for a few more bites from her own plate. “I do hope to see you all around town. I figured I’d be delighted to extend my stay.”
Your father nodded and gulped the little bit of wine he had left. “Well, Wanda, you're always welcome here. Perhaps you’d be able to help our daughter with her applications. We never have the time to assist her.
"I can manage just fine, father," you said confidently
Your mother cleared her throat and dabbed her mouth, nodding in agreement. "I don’t want you getting into some party college and wasting your life. God has a plan for you, and you'd better stick to it, girl. Wanda, what do you think?"
Wanda's nose scrunched up, her lips stretched, and a small twinkle settled in her green eyes. You pondered what thoughts were swirling in her head as she agreed. Despite the knot twisting a thousand times over, it seemed clear God did not intend for Wanda swooping in and destroying his plan.  
As you grappled with making sense of your emotions, the sensations from Wanda’s touch made you forget how to use your head. It wasn’t love but rather a twisted plan Wanda woven you into. 
“I should be going.” She scooched out as she stood up, extending her hand. She gazed over towards you. “Be a dear and walk me out.” 
With a brisk nod, you got up and waited for Wanda to gather herself before following her closely behind. You can hear your heart thumping, afraid she might even hear it. As soon as the front door opened, she turned around quicker than you could comprehend the situation. Her eyes floated down your body and back up to your face. “Sure do look beautiful honey.”
When you didn’t reply she grasped your chin between her fingers, one eyebrow raised. “What do we say when someone gives you a compliment?”
“Th—nk you ma’am.”
She hummed pleased. “I’ll be seeing you.”
Taglist is closed so the ones on the list will be added for the rest of the chapters until I figure out another way to do a taglist. I was thinking of the google survey thing I saw someone was doing.
if you didn't tag in this for some reason, I either typed in your user and tumblr couldn't find your account for some reason. (:
@ifthisaintmee @the-lakes89 @aru-son
@maximoff-jp @unicorniusfallapatorius @random-fag @natashaswife4125 @wndasdoll
@thursdayygrrrl @falloutboy-lover @obsessedwjill @ksandraxox @scarletnatsblog
@bbbyliv0202 @peyt-n @wandaswife13 @criticsstuff @kimlipimsingle @sam-h-69
@rowiebear @thalia-is-not-ok @immclovinmilfs
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wandawidows · 1 month
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Loki + tumblr [168/?]
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wandawidows · 1 month
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THE MARVELS (2023) dir. Nia DaCosta IGN Exclusive Deleted Scene
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wandawidows · 2 months
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#we love to see women supporting women
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wandawidows · 2 months
The Loki series really took this insanely unpredictable mysterious tricker god and said “butttt what if we gave him bisexuality and abandonment issues 🤭” AND IT WORKED SO WELL WTF
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wandawidows · 2 months
marvel characters who are false advertising
ant-man: he can be ANY SIZE not just ant-sized
cyclops: this fucker has TWO eyes not just one
winter soldier: he is there all year round
wolverine: doesn’t wear a wolverine fursuit. you’d think he was a furry but no he isn’t
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