walltowallfandoms · 24 hours
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My 5 favorite out of context House MD screen shots
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walltowallfandoms · 2 days
i love it when characters are codependent. i love it when losing someone feels like losing a limb. i love it when two people "complete" each other so wholly and terribly that one can barely function without the other. i love it when the fear of losing the only person who understands them is so all-consuming they'll destroy anything to stay together, including themselves.
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walltowallfandoms · 3 days
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@the-great-ladyg Hope you don't mind I'm answering in a post, hun, I just have a lot to say about this!!
I think the reason Antis don't attack big name authors it's because Antis are "brainless". And no I don't mean this in the ableist sense, I mean this in the sense that they don't think for themselves. They're victims of mass media fearmongering, they like or dislike whatever is dictated by the general level of current tolerance.
Everyone has read big name author books with questionable themes. The thing is, nobody brings that up because it, genuinely, doesn't matter. So the public doesn't ponder about the nature of those questionable themes, and if they do, because the general public it's a lot more smart than Antis give them credit for, disregard it as simple fictional content and for what it is: As something that doesn't matter.
Now, because there's been such an upraise in fandom puritanism in the last few years ―I'm not sure why but what I am sure of is that there's not just one source of why―, people do stop and ponder about these things. And because there is a widespread fear and sense of "urgency" and "danger" about these things, Antis thusly are born.
Think of it as the tide-pod challenge a few years back. There most likely wasn't a huge number of kids who did it; a big part of the reason many did was because of the mass media reports about the subject. But Gen-Z got blamed and labeled and attacked for it just because there was a mass media panic about an issue that pretty much no one was seriously considering at the time.
Same with proshipping. The amount of proshippers who do genuine harm is nothing compared to the amount of proshippers who are just normal, everyday people. Mass panicking over this only breeds more hostility towards proshippers, who are in turn more reachable and brought up in reachable social media; i.e. TikTok, Twitter, etc.
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walltowallfandoms · 3 days
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happy thursday everyone
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walltowallfandoms · 3 days
Just as a reminder: 1st person is I/we, 2nd person is you, and 3rd person is He/She/They/It/etc.
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walltowallfandoms · 3 days
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this honestly just came out of left fucking field i would have never expected to hear anything like this in this show. consider me Pleasantly Surprised tbh
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walltowallfandoms · 3 days
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this honestly just came out of left fucking field i would have never expected to hear anything like this in this show. consider me Pleasantly Surprised tbh
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walltowallfandoms · 3 days
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My version of "Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene" attributed to Georges de La Tour :]
My composition got a little spread out and I feel like I could have kept it a lot tighter and more true to the original, but I'm VERY happy with it overall. I totally made up Data's insides as I went along because there isn't a lot of info on his guts, and the one image I did find didn't have any lungs, which I find hard to believe since he breathes a lot. Is there any practical purpose for his lungs to glow blue? No, but he canonically has blinking lights inside his head so i figured I might as well do whatever I want <3
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walltowallfandoms · 3 days
I don't understand how people can be so passionately antis. I feel I don't have enough time in a day to do everything I love to do, where is the fun in dedicating my time to something I don't like?
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walltowallfandoms · 4 days
Never seen an anti hate reality shows with the same energy they hated on problematic fiction, even though reality tv has a much bigger potential on influencing someone's worldview. "Well everybody knows it's all fake anyway." Yeah no shit
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walltowallfandoms · 5 days
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House M.D. | 2x14 Sex Kills
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walltowallfandoms · 5 days
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walltowallfandoms · 6 days
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He wears his robes out of spite.
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walltowallfandoms · 7 days
im annoyed and a little pedantic so can i just say as a blanket statement
queerbaiting is when the promotion for a FICTIONAL STORY intentionally hints towards two characters having a romantic relationship, without any intention to follow through in the show, in order to get queer people watching without discouraging the homophobic enjoyers of the show
queerbaiting is NOT:
a celebrity who you think is queer because theyre gnc or they have a 'vibe'. that is a real person and they cannot queerbait
two friends of the same gender pretending to flirt with each other for fun. those are real people and they cannot queerbait
a show with two characters of the same gender who are canonically friends that YOU PERSONALLY think would be better in a relationship. that's not bating, that's shipping, and subject to opinion
there are more but those are the main examples of people misunderstanding what queerbaiting is and being mad at something that isn't actually a problem
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walltowallfandoms · 7 days
Star Trek TNG characters and whether they'd rat me out for farting on the bridge
(for the sake of argument let's assume it was a dank, zeppelin-sized fart I absolutely had to let out before it Hindenburg’d my intestinal tract, and not just me being rude for no reason)
Beverly: doesn't rat me out. Probably messages me privately later to politely suggest I stop by sick bay
Wesley: doesn't rat me out on purpose, but whispers to me way too loudly and still gets me caught
Geordi: rats me out accidentally after seeing an “unusual gaseous emission” on his VISOR and announcing it to the crew, but feels bad about it
Worf: rats me out without hesitation (and tells me my flatulence was “dishonourable”)
Pulaski: rats me out to everyone and offers to prescribe me an anti-gas med
Riker: rats me out to the captain but only if it's funny
Deanna: doesn't rat me out but subtly indicates to me she knows I did it, and 100% gossips with Will about it later
Data: doesn't rat me out but if someone else does he gives everyone an impromptu treatise on flatulence. Tries to teach himself how to fart later that week
Picard: does not rat me out but calls me into his ready room to give me a stern speech about “Starfleet decorum”
Ro: doesn't rat me out but tracks me down in Ten Forward after to ask if that was me
Barclay: too awkward to rat me out and accidentally creates a distraction for me by going into a coughing fit when he smells it
Yar: if Picard asks about it she'll rat me out; otherwise she won't, but she does turn to me and say “Seriously?”
Lwaxana: loudly announces to everyone within earshot that I farted and I was hoping no one would notice, but it's okay because it wasn't my fault for PASSING GAS IN FRONT OF A DAUGHTER OF THE FIFTH HOUSE OF BETAZED, THE HOLDER OF THE SACRED CHALICE OF RIXX AND HEIR TO THE
Q: says “ooh, how gauche!” and then either makes it so the entire ship can smell my fart OR makes my farts smell like wedding cake, depending on his mood
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walltowallfandoms · 7 days
That lorefm thing finally made me lock my fics. The thing I really didn't about the debacle wasn't the app itself (I hate it but I knew something would be done after all that backlash) but the people defending it and not understanding why writers are upset and seeing writers as terrible people for not supporting the app even after all the explanations given. It having that kind of support is scary to me cause it meant the people behind the app and others might try again cause there'd be people into it. Then there's also seeing someone's post saying "Fanfic is already stealing from IPs and now you're all mad someone is stealing from you?" cause wtf?
Also, whose voice would be used for the app? I bet the AI voices are stolen, too. Those issues have been talked about a lot last year (the AI scraping and the voice actors' voices being turned to AI and used without their permission) and I'm just tired.
The fear of harassment from antis didn't make me lock my fics but this did. Kinda sad cause a lot of my readers are guests (based on the kudos I get) although I hope something could be done with all this so I can unlock them someday.
The app-makers claimed the voices were used with permission. My guess is that this is either a lie or they were paid for the use in a prior app.
I hear people about the wayback machine and how it's sad when fics are locked because they aren't saved that way, but frankly, I love locking my fics.
It promotes AO3. It tells people to man up and admit they're serious enough to need an account instead of letting them be like "Oh, I only dabble" while looking down their noses at the people who provide their entertainment. (Yes, this is more common than you'd think.) It gets rid of the gawking masses who were sent a link because it was ~cringe~.
Shoutout to the rando in the coffee shop the other day regaling the entire space with how she found a Richard Nixon/Eugene Krabs fic. Haha.
It makes it less of a blow when someone is harassed into locking. And just generally, it emphasizes that using AO3 is a privilege and fandom is a community. This isn't just ~content~ with no context or restrictions.
Minor barriers to entry greatly improve the internet.
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