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"No climate justice on occupied land"
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Why Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
Women and their jewellery have a very intricate relationship. The tale of the nagging wife troubling her husband for new jewellery is as old as time. It is a reflection on a woman's vanity. Folk tales mock her ignorance of worldly ways and her frivolous obsession with being adorned. She is redundant to a mere crow that admires shiny things. However, this begs the question, is a woman's desire to collect jewellery as absurd as men paint it to be?
The world has forgotten that until very recently, women were forbidden from owning any form of capital. Be it property, money or even small inanimate objects, they belonged first to her father then her husband. The roof above her could be taken away on a whim with a clock's tick. In these trying times, jewellery emerged as a beacon of financial security for most women of the globe.
Mother of pearls, diamond earrings, gold necklaces etc. were-- although not in print-- under a woman's reign of control. They had an impressive resale value and could last several generations under proper care. More so, they could be secretly sold usually without paperwork to acquire a woman some monetary freedom. If her husband gambled all their assets away, atleast she'll have enough money to put some food on the table for her children.
Jewellery has often times saved people from calamities. Unlike land, jewellery is easier to sell. In case of an emergency, a large sum of money could be obtained without much trouble. Jewellery are an excellent heirloom. The wisdom of grandmothers is passed down to granddaughters to come, allowing them some command over their own life.
Jewellery is a form of investment just like land and shares. Its value is diminished solely due to its association with women. It is not a woman's vice but a survival tactic against the suffocating patriarchy. Jewellery is something she can have under her own name--no matter how small or how futile-- it is her sole capital, her best friend.
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Its time to let trans butches have complicated relationships with gender just like all other butches
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Western responses to the Korean radical feminist movement:
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TL:DR - criticising men is evil and refusing them our bodies and labour is evil
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men will say some shit like: haha if we were alone i'd rape you and no one would ever believe you
then when ur rightfully like ??????
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Thank God , sex by deception is illegal. What a fucking rapist mentally this Trans cult have . I really wanna see how all the TRAs will defend this now ?
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Reminder that this happened in november last year. A trans-identified male in Norway beat his partner to death, reportedly with a baseball bat, because he wanted to prevent said partner from breaking up with him.
This is textbook male violence.
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If I was Jesus I would’ve simply said no dad this is your dream
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No more trying to appeal to men. Appeal directly to women, work with women, educate and be educated by women, and if a man tries to derail a discussion about women with whatever - war, men's mental health, men's suffering - tell him men should kill themselves more and send him on his way.
So much energy is spent begging men for a scrap of humanity. Redirect that energy to a tradwife, or something, because, in the worst case scenario, you had a depressing discussion with a woman who didn't recognize her own dignity vs a man who doesn't think you're intellectually capable of having dignity at all.
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i truly can’t think of anything more evil than convincing children they’re going to hell and suffer eternal torture because of their natural attraction to other girls or other boys. every time I think of what religion has unleashed on this world I get unforgivably angry
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a homeless moid asked me for money today and when i told him i didn't have any, he went, "lying fucking bitch," and that's exactly why even if i did have money, he wouldn't get a cent of it.
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When we see a terf we block and don’t engage. In theory that’s great - leaves them without an audience, saves us from accidentally helping them recruit.
In practice things are less than optimal. You see some feminism 101 take like “bitch is a slur” and your hackles go up. Go on OP’s blog and there’s a bunch of posts about women’s rights. That could be a red flag - I don’t have all day to vet this person. Better not reblog, just to be safe.
What is the effect on the tumblr ecosystem? Feminist posts with any teeth at all can never go viral in this atmosphere! Any discussion of surrogacy more nuanced than “it is an individual choice” will get no engagement; only the most milquetoast sentiments can prevail.
I don’t have a solution. I just want to point out that the atmosphere of (justified) paranoia has set feminism on this website back 20 years.
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Feminist linguistic suggestions:
-Stop using misogynistic insults such as “cunt”, “bitch”, or “whore”, even in a neutral or “endearing” way
-Stop using the word “pussy” when describing cowardice and referencing testicles when describing bravery
-Use female-default language
-Don’t refer to yourself or other women as “girls” unless you are specifically talking about children
-Do not tolerate other people using offensive language towards women around you
-Act confused when people call women girls, especially if the context is sexual
-Laugh more at women’s jokes
-Stop lightening your voice to please men
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Are you a fucking terf? And you compared someone’s trauma? The fuck is wrong with you? Oh and by the way, trans people are much ore likely to experience sexual assault than cis people.
Yes, I'm a fucking terf - although I prefer the term radfem.
Also did you just accuse me of comparing peoples trauma (not a clue what post you're responding to)
And then compare the trauma of trans individuals with others? As though the rates have anything to do with women at all? Are women committing these violations against trans individuals?
Many *many* groups of humans are vulnerable to sexual assault. Are female spaces and opportunities a shield for all of them?
Mens predilection for sexually assaulting each other is awful. Why exactly is it fucking terfs fault? Why exactly is it womens duty to endanger themselves to solve it? Males have the same rates of criminality regardless of their fashion choices or ideology - why should we invite any in at all?
If you want to make a change - get your bros to stop raping entirely. It still won't change your sex or make you welcome in womens spaces but at least you'll be safer in your own.
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Men can nuke humanity to extinction but women who choose not to have children are the ones men fear the most to kill their bloodlines. Men develop weapons that can kill tens of millions of humans at once but it's women who need to be controlled so we don't bring nations to their knees. Humanity can be destroyed by men committing mass murder on an apocalyptic scale or humanity can be destroyed by women refusing to give birth.
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