the chosen aesthetics of the various redstoners fascinate me. tango and impulse are tinkerers of various mechanical marvels. doc is the industrial revolution personified. mumbo continually casts himself as a silicon valley startup guy. its just. Interesting
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a dog and a rabbit walk into a har. har har har har
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Meet Finsly! He's one of my fishy among us ocs! He lives in a place that I was working on designing called the Coral Resort! It's a place that's home to many fish beans! Finsly is a cheerful yet mischievous fish bean, he also likes to bite things.
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0 notes
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tumblr is gonna ruin the quality but idc!! TAKE PATHETIC MAN PROFILE PIC!! please :3 (with credit ofc) dont mind his frostbite btw...
Randy Jade Demi-boy PFP that i took too long on sorry guyz
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MCC has added a monument to Techno in the MCC lobby!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of Techno’s memorial in the MCC hub from the update video for MCC 23. It consists of a wooden slab with a custom diamond sword with a stone hilt embedded into it. The sword’s connection between guard and hilt is decorated with a golden pig face and a custom version of Techno’s crown hangs from one side of the guard.
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The Watchers’ Favourites
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2K notes · View notes
googling ‘jobs for autistic people’ and realising that everyone still thinks autistic people are either sheldon cooper or really tall toddlers
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voxakayourlocalgoblin · 2 months
If you showed this photo to a hermit fan a week ago they'd explode
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(taken from the Gamers Outreach Twitter)
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voxakayourlocalgoblin · 2 months
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voxakayourlocalgoblin · 3 months
I completely forgot I had this account ngl so art dump ig :D
Mostly among us/original stuff tbh
The bear wearing the blue robes is actually based on my Minecraft skin. His name is Mage Bear!
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Among us, but thanks to the power of mods I join a cult.
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Imagine getting voted out for cleaning a toilet, couldn't be me...
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Reblogging to spread awareness
how to fucking flag pedophiles
so my dudes, how to flag “maps” (minor attracted people aka pedophiles)
1. click “flag this blog”
2. click “this violates tumblr’s community guildlines”
3. click “someone is at risk of harm”
4. click “harm to minors”
5. type “pedophile” in the box
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Here's a FNAF fan fic that I was writing that I'll never get finished so here! Considering most of my work here was FNAF centric I hope someone will enjoy it.
The day was bright, the hot summer sun shone through the thin cloud cover. Recently life has been treating you pretty good. You've gotten to move to the place of your dreams, thanks to your parents. Your parents had given you enough money to be well off, though you haven't heard from them in awhile. Regardless, you've started to settle down in your new apartment. It was a roomy apartment room, surprisingly high ceilings, with a couple windows nearby. The room was pretty empty, there's just a few pieces of furniture scattered across the room, followed by a kitchen and your bedroom. Everything was normal for once, you thought to yourself. You sit at the table that takes up a bit of the room you're in and toss your leather satchel on to the table. You take a deep breath and reach into the satchel. You kept some of the more important items in it. A small rabbit plushie, a couple of your mother's old animatronics schematics, and a diary of sorts were of the most important items in it. Your father worked in business, while your mother had a very hopeful career in robotics and engineering. The small bunny plushie, with its tattered blue fur and red bowtie, seemed to smile at you when you held it. It was a gift to you when you were a young kid. It was given to you by a staff member of Makos Family Dine & Play. It was an old restaurant but one you've had plenty of good memories with. You vividly remember the times the 'kid shows' would be on. On the stage would be four animatronic animals and then one person dressed up in a blue bunny suit. The small band of animal themed characters played songs for the children at the diner. And when the time for the adult shows to start the animatronics would be swapped in for another group of animatronics. You turn your attention back to one of the schematics, mom always had a dream of making her own family restaurant. But then something happened, you don't remember what it was. The most you remember was your parents having an argument, then you found yourself here where you are now. All grown up and alone, your parents are now out of your life for the most part. You gaze over the paper, noting that it details how they could be built. The schematic itself was for a bunny like character, Bonnie. You took the other schematics, one was an 'experimental' version of bonnie. Same with another character, Fredbear. You look back at the plush bunny, it's worn bead eyes stare back into you. You've decided that you're going to try and fulfill your mom's dream.
It's been a year since you and your two business partners opened Fred Bear's Family Diner. The place was lively on a good day, lots of kids and families would visit, despite the slightly neglected interior of the dinner. The kids would always have the brightest of smiles on their faces. You would remember it, since you were always one of the one's in the costumes. Your mind would drift sometimes off of making the kids smile, wandering back to your parents. Your memories of them, while sweet for the most part, had been twisted. You remember your father being pretty abusive to your mom, arguments every other day or so. Other than that, a lot of your memories have faded with time, barely leaving a mark on your conscience.
On this fateful day, you wake up earlier than you intended. In a half dazed state, you look around. A gentle whispering caught your attention, "Say Eliot..." the voice was familiar to you, your father's voice? "Why don't you come over here?" The voice was coming from behind your bedroom. Your heart tugs you out of bed, it's been so long since you've seen him. You leave your room trying to find the voice. "Eliot! ELIOT!" The voice gets louder to the point it's screaming at you. You walk towards the table, the same table you were sat at when you decided to take on the challenge of starting a business. You noticed the rabbit plushie you loved so much moved from where you left to the kitchen table. You reach out and touch the worn blue fur of the rabbit. As you touch the plush rabbit, you feel something grab your hand. Kinda like a bundle of wires, the voice you heard earlier twisted into that of someone else. "Come child, let's count to three!" You tried jerking your hand away, but like a boa constrictor the wires only tightened their grasp. "One! Two!" The voice sounded incredibly cheerful, despite having a death grip on your hand. "Three!" You felt the wires dig deeper into your hand. Blood, you could smell it. The wires cut deeply, before disappearing into your hand. You try to scream but something holds you back from doing so. The little blue rabbit on the table stared back at you, the only way you could tell something happened here was the small pool of blood on the table, and some marks from something mechanical scratching the table. You felt your left hand twitch, like it wasn't being controlled by you anymore... You hear childlike laughter in the distance. You decide to find some bandages to stop the bleeding and once your hand gets patched up, you head out for work. The weather outside had started getting worse the closer you got to the diner, but you didn't let that phase you as someone had planned to have a pretty big birthday party today. You head to the back room where the costumes were located. You crank open Fredbear and hop in. The suit fits you perfectly. You awkwardly walk to the stage. A normal routine for you, usually it's as simple as singing a song. But today was different, of course it was. You get into position as a group of three families walk into the diner. Around five or six children happened to be here, as well as your business partner William.
You notice a yellow rabbit walking out from the backroom. William must've decided to join you in your performance. And so the party occurred, all the kids were distracted. All but one, a young brown haired boy, wearing a striped shirt. While his friends and family had been distracted, William lured him to you, with a cartoonish wave he ushered the child closer. Then like an instinct, you reach your left hand out. The kid takes your hand with a curious look. That curious laughter from earlier rings in your ear. You hear laughter from William within the suit. William moves down to the small child, slipping the kid's hand out of your unusually hard grip. "Why don't we go somewhere else to play?" You can hear William say as he drags the child with him. Something compelled you to stay put and not make a noise. Was it a fear of what might happen to you if you tried to fight William? Or was it some kind of secondary fear? You suddenly feel your chest tighten, something bad is happening and you can't quite put your tongue on it. 'One, two, three!" The child-like voice had returned, though you weren't sure where the sound was coming from. You stood there as you watched one of the parents freak out, their child was now missing. "Charlie?!" The father cried out, while the faint smell of blood occupied your mind. You tried to move, but the suit didn't budge no matter how much effort you exert. 'Do you want to play with me?' The childish voice asks. "CHARLIE!!?" The man was hysterical at seeing something of the kids lying on the table closest to you. The rest of the children had huddled into the corner where the four other parents were. The father of the kid walked up to you, in the Fredbear suit. All you can do is stare, you see the distraught look in his eyes. He was a single father who came to have fun with his kid and to celebrate a friend's birthday. You tried moving again, this time the joints of the suit creaked in response to you. Everyone was freaked out when the suit, which had been standing perfectly still before, moved. "We will be right back!" The voice of the suit sounded heavily disoriented, you could see the fear in the children's eyes. You begrudgingly start the tread to the backroom where you saw William walk into. You slam open the door... 'Do you wanna play a game?' The voice sounded even more disoriented, but you pushed past the voice in your head. "William... what did you do?" Your voice sounded heavily disorientated, but your anger was evident. The man in the spring bonnie suit looked at you, the yellow fur of the suit was stained by a fresh splash of crimson here and there. He didn't respond, he just looked at you with cold eyes. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You knew William wasn't right in the head but murdering children? Your hand twitches again, and William notices. "How unfortunate" he laughs, like he knew exactly why your hand was doing that. His laughter turned hysterical, it almost felt like it was mocking your slightly twisted version of justice. You walk up to William to be met with what used to be a lively child. Blood carpeted the floor stretching to meet Fredbear's feet. The storm outside had turned into a harsh rain with light and thunder. Unbeknownst to you, a leak had started forming to right above you and with the harsh rain from the outside the leak was threatening to spill over. But you hadn't been paying attention to that, your eyes had locked on to Williams. The one question you had for him was "Why?" He responded with a laugh and before he could finish his answer you felt something wet hit your suit, right around the neck.
Snap! POP! Scrrreeeecch!
You struggle to the wall as you feel parts of sharp metal digging through your skin. Your body slams itself into the wall as metal starts digging into your ribs, "wh-" the springlocks cut into your neck, making it hard for you to breathe and talk. You hear laughter from multiple sources. You slide down the wall, your body screaming in pain. You started screaming as you felt your blood pooling in the suit. Why you thought to yourself why you... The last thing you saw was William checking on you. The previously yellow fur of the bear became matted by your blood. The area where the joints were bloodied red. You soon passed out from blood loss and were left in that room by someone you thought you could trust.
"Sir? Sir? Are you ok?" You woke up, to a totally different location. It was inside a Fredbear's family diner, but something was off. You looked around dazed. What stood in front of you was the child Afton murdered. "Charlie?" The boy tilted his head, "That's me!" A friendly smile turned onto his face.
A blue rabbit stood to the right of the kid, with a yellow rabbit to his left.
You look at your hands, one was flesh and the other a mechanical hand. 'One gives... One takes...' both rabbits have a violent spasm before trying to grab Charlie. You try to reach out for the boy, but he's quickly dragged off. You take in your surroundings, missing posters filled the places where party posters would be, streamers were replaced with light chains. The fun colors of the pizzeria had been bleached into a dull monochrome color. You try to say "Hello?" You feel in shock when you realize your normal voice has been replaced by that of Fredbears. The voice sounded more sinister than before though.
Why? Why are you here? What does this place want from you?
You couldn't answer that question.
You looked back to your hands to see they have been replaced with nightmarish claws. "You are a nightmare..." a whispering voice said to you. "Left for dead by a murderer... who you tried to stop..." the voice sounded feminie. You force your clunky form upright. You get a better view of the diner. "Haunted by a past of mistakes and regret" you follow bloody red footprints. You walk through a door to find you've been transported somewhere else.
It's the town you lived in as a kid and in front of you a gruesome scene. A car crash where a family died was left in front of you. Life was seemingly sucked out of the air where you stand. You see someone struggling to get out of the wreckage. Your bulky nightmarish form stood a good distance away from wreckage. You instantly recognized the figure, your younger sister. A small plushie was in her grasp, a yellow bear with a purple tie and hat. Just like Fredbear you thought, you notice the eyes of the plushie looking directly at you. You felt compelled to walk closer and to try and help your younger sister. Little did you know your actions in this nightmarish realm would affect those things around you. You slowly tread towards the ruined cars, and slowly push the metal off the kid. With a creak some of the material gives way, letting you extract her from what would've been her deathbed. Your claws, despite being sharp, let you hold your young sister in such a way as to not hurt her. You also grab the small plushie. A thick fog had covered the area, enough for you to be hidden by it. You gently put the young one on the ground by a house. You notice her gaze up at you, fear filled her eyes before you got pulled back to reality.
You try to move, only to realize your still stuck in that stupid bear suit. A light filled your dead eyes, as a familiar bunny came in with what looked like a kid. The kid, no younger than eight, looked at the monster next to him. Something sparked in your soul that moment… an ever burning hatred. Though what you didn't realize is that it's been more than a year since you've been here. Time flows weirdly in the nightmarish realm that you'd call a prison. You try to move again, the rusted metal groans as you manage to get them to move. You hear a kid scream… you were too late, yet again. You could feel the agony those poor children went through, the pain that he brought them. Your arm reaches out trying to grab the silenced child but it falls short, bumping into what felt like another animatronic. You couldn't make out what it was but you had a feeling that it had something to do with him. Your mind wanders for the moment being, you wonder if Henry remembers you or if he was caught up with trying to make his job work. You wondered if anyone missed you… but more so you wondered….
Why would he do it?
What would cause a man to become this desperate…
Despite your body being still from suffering in the springlock suit, you could feel the burning hatred, a feeling that twists your soul into something that you wouldn't recognize. You try and force the suit up right, with no avail. You hear his laughter, feel their pain, yet no one can hear yours. The voice from before echoes in your head. 'One two three, count the means.' The voice sounded sinister this time around. 'Four five six, controls not contained' the voice kept singing to you with a childish giggle in between verses, you continue to listen. 'Seven eight nine, we laugh and cry…" the voice goes silent as you feel another presence in the room. 'Help! Help!' It screams from thin air. The bunny had left the room again, you felt your lifeless chest tighten. The darkness fills the room again and you fade off into another nightmarish land.
This time the scenery was much more familiar, it was the very room your body was being stored in. You could hear the children's laughter from inside the darkness. When you went to investigate where the kids were you witnessed something horrible. The fully animatronic version of Fredbear, that William presumably put up after your passing, had a small child in his jaws. This child was that of your coworkers, you also noticed four other older kids standing by the stage all wearing animal masks. The tallest one there had a red fox mask on, though you could recognize who it was regardless as you were familiar with Afton's kids. He was the tallest one out of the group, but you could sense something was off about the kid. And that's when you saw it.
The animatronic bites down on the poor kid, and the screams of many could be heard. One man caught your attention, a man in a purple suit with somewhat messy hair. The man went up to the animatronic, trying to free his kid from Fredbears strong jaw. The world around you feels dull and monochrome. Despite that, you use your nightmarish claws to help pry open the animatronics mouth. No one could see you, except that small kid. His eyes, lost with no light, stared at your horrifying form. "I'm sorry Evan… I never wanted this to happen… Our creations were never meant to bring harm." Your voice was surprisingly clear. "Your spirit is welcome to rest here in this place of monochrome and pain." You keep a watchful eye on the child as he cradles the young child in his arms. "For all the pain and suffering you've brought to those kids, you've lost something close to you by our own creations." William glances up, like he heard you. You see tears beading up by his eyes. You feel a twisted sense of satisfaction from the grizzly scene in front of you. You knew it was wrong, you even started questioning what's the point of seeing this. Is it just supposed to be a constant reminder of the pain and suffering he brings? Your death was just the start of a downward spiral. You saw him drag his son's body into the animatronics room. Your shadow follows the pair, the man holds the child closely. You hear him whispering 'it'll all be ok' and things along the line of 'I'll save you… give you eternal life….' You see him pry open an unidentifiable animatronic and slowly he puts the body in it. A familiar voice calls out to you "father? Where am I? It's dark in here, I wanna go home away from the scary robots…" the voice of the child, whose fate was ultimately decided upon this day. Another voice filled your head, "You may be a nightmare, but you have a purpose." It's that feminine voice from earlier, a voice you felt odd hearing. "Like an old doll sitting on a shelf, you were forgotten…" The voice sounds closer than before. You notice something you didn't before, the eyes of the suit your body resides in was glowing a faint white. "But now… you must wait, with your ever watching eyes." 'Who are you?' You thought to yourself. "You will find out in time"
The scenery around you twists and shifts back into a very familiar house. Your sister sat on the bed alone at this moment, hugging her little golden teddy bear. Tears streamed down her eyes. Fear filled her mind, you wished you could reach out to comfort her but you knew in this form she wouldn't recognize you. You feel an odd mix of anger and guilt when you look at her. She didn't deserve this, no one did. You hear her soft voice "eliy… I miss you…" her voice was filled with sorrow, pain even. The small golden bear seemed to be looking at you again. Something was pushing you to go and try to interact with her, a twisted knot in your mechanical stomach. You try to speak "Ava? Listen to me, you're not alone… I don't know what has happened to me, I don't want you to see me like this." The young girl looked around for the voice of her older brother. She only saw shadows, but she could feel your presence. She was speechless, she didn't know what to do. How could she? She was only eleven years old… a horrid laughter fills your mind, you recognize it. It looks like Ava wasn't the only one to survive that car crash… You hear a bang on the child's door, she immediately tenses up. The door slowly opens, revealing your father. His face was scarred from the crash, his laughter seemed sinister to you. You felt a strong urge to hurt him, like he hurt your mom. You grab him by the arms forcing him to stay away from Ava. He tries to move but your sharp claws dig into his clothes and even cut at his skin. You turn your father around and force yourself to be seen. Your form was completely black, like the shadows you've gotten used to stalking, the only exception to this was your yellow bowtie and hat. Your mouth lined with two rows of vicious looking fangs opened, like you were going to chomp down on your father's head. Instead a voice sung out, corrupted by malice and pain. "If you dare lay one wrong finger on her, I will make your life a living NIGHTMARE." You force your grip on him harder to make sure he got the point. He stared into your blood red mechanical eyes. You drop him before fading back into the shadows, blood stains your metal claws. Ava starred in horror and you watched as your father comforted your younger sister. You're drawn back to the Diner after that situation.
Three animatronics stood on the stage now. A purple bunny, a yellow chicken, and a brown bear. It also appears this location has gotten spruced up. You 'open' your eyes, light fills them nearly blinding you. Laughter could be heard from all around you, you recognized the laughter. Kids enjoying a birthday party. What you didn't realize is that your soul had possessed another animatronic. You look at yourself, you've possessed the purple bunny instead of the old Fredbear animatronic. The building had been mostly remodeled, when compared to what you remember. You continue the rabbit's job of playing songs for the children.
Despite the peaceful nature of things right now, something felt off. You could sense that someone else was stuck here with you. 'Who…. Are you?" A voice asked you. "My name… my name is Eliot…" you replied to the voice, a child-like giggle filled your head before turning into a sad whine. "I don't… know that name" the voice sounded pained. You figured the voice your talking back to was a child, presumably one of the ones that William murdered.
You and the child stood, playing the child friendly tunes that these animatronics usually play. It went on like this for a while… Till one evening the red fox had a malfunction.
You both watched it happen, you were numb to it at this point. All the 'accidents' that have happened at this diner. From the first one, when your springlock suit malfunctioned to the bite that left a child to be lifeless. You hear screams and panic is going on, but your mind pays no attention to it. Instead you think about the blaring ambulance horns from outside, it was something that rattled you to your cold dead core. You watch as the Emergency paramedics take care of the mess. The child most likely wouldn't survive, that much you knew. You felt the left hand of the animatronic twitch. You could feel the frustration in the air between you and the other spirit in the rabbit suit.
You feel your mind slip off into the nightmarish realm again. This time you find yourself in a different place, one of the main chain's sister companies. Something felt off about this place. Cold and silent, like a tomb. Something dark lurked here, you couldn't put your metaphorical tongue on it. You heard a collective scream, the howl of five different people. Some voices were familiar, others were not.
"Tick, tock, tick…. Tock'' one of the voices taunted you. This was a voice much more sinister than you ever knew. One even more sinister than your twisted voice. "With all those suffering, you keep a watchful eye over them" then it was clear where that voice was coming from. A pair of pure white orbs stare into your soul. You hear a violent laugh followed by a mechanical screech. "All these children, and yet you could only save the one closest to you." You realize that the figure you were exchanging banter with was a piece of yourself. A fragment of yourself, that became twisted as you further decayed in the old Fredbear suit. Your train of thought came back to the present. "We want revenge…" your own voice spoke back to you, it had the slightest hint of malice in it. Then all the voices came back all at once, "WE NEED REVENGE…" the voices nearly deafened you. The figure, the one that looked like Fredbear, seemed to glitch out. The feminie voice that kept talking to you from before returned. "Eliot… if that's what you wanna go by now. We have a new task for you… to locate him and fix all of this." The voice sounded almost scared. You reach out towards the even more hellish version of yourself before you get pulled back to the rabbit suit.
Time passes at an alarming rate, minutes turn to hours. Hours into days, days into weeks. Weeks into months, and then months into years.
Each passing moment felt like you were being choked. Suffocated by the urge to find him, to make him relive the torture he put you and the other through.
It has been a couple years since the accidents. A few more spirits joined you and the kid, each one possessing each of the other animatronics. The amount of despair and agony you could feel between everyone here… it was enough to fuel you into a frenzy. Night time came faster for you today, the workers of the diner kept the animatronics on free roam mode at night. Mainly to prevent them from locking up or to scare away potential thieves. You think back to all the bad things that have happened here.
You fall victim to a spring lock failure, your soul can't rest. Your body and soul became forgotten. Your forgotten soul is cursed to roam the world as a living nightmare, stuck in a never ending circle of searching and trying to save them.
A young kid, their name unclear to you, murdered by your psychopath of a coworker. This kid was the first of them to be lured by his hands.
William's own kid, sacrificed to Fredbear by his own siblings' hands. An unyielding maw of steel was their demise. The boy with the fox mask caused the death of the young one, leaving his soul to possibly possess a familiar body.
A young girl, about the same age as the last kid. You didn't know much about this kid, aside from the fact it wasn't your first time seeing the kid.
An older kid, lured into the backrooms during a huge party. He was a regular party goer here. You remember him fairly well.
Another girl, this one even younger than the last. Her name…? You can barely remember it, eli… eliza… Elizabeth. It wasn't directly his fault that time. The animatronic designed to do his bidding killed her. It was a cruel accident.
The list could continue but your mind has taken a drift. This time you see several kids in front of you. Five to be exact, all standing in this dull monochrome place. Each kid has tears streaming down their small, desolate, faces. This miserable place you find yourself in now was the diners future. Destroyed by rot and neglect. It was eerily quiet, aside from the drip, dripping of water from leaks in the ceiling. It was then you saw him, a man dressed entirely in a purple night guard outfit. He was ripping apart the older versions of the animatronics. First the bear, then the chicken, the fox, and finally the rabbit. The kids looked like they couldn't stomach watching their only hope being smothered away. 'One. The bear. Two, the chicken. Three, the fox. Four, the bunny.' a soft voice fills your ears. The voice turns from a soft humble coo to a violent one. 'We will catch you… we will find you' You realize that they weren't talking about you. They were talking about the man, the one who despite the pizzeria being shut down in this realm, roamed the halls. You look down at yourself only to see something you haven't seen in awhile. Your body had returned to you, at least for this hellish moment. The man had disappeared around the corner, you provide chase. The other spirits follow you like lost ducklings following their mom. After a quick game of cat and mouse they finally corner this man. The room was rather small, filled only with two old arcade cabinets and the old spring bonnie suit. One of the kids approached the man. The man started freaking out, looking for a place to run. You stood and watched, as the kid chased him around. Eventually the man gets into the suit and an oh so familiar thing happens to him. He stands and laughs before you hear a deafening screech. The springlocks in the suit go off, presumably due to the poor condition of the establishment. The children stare at the man, no emotion was spilled here. Just a silent rage, as his body slammed against the wall with a heavy unyielding thud. His body suffered from multiple spasms before it finally stopped moving. The suit now lies in a pool of crimson, unmoving. All the other spirits back off, leaving just you and him. A twisted smile forms on your face as you remember his misdeed to you. "The world is cruel isn't it Afton." Your voice sounded as it once did before your untimely demise. You let out a psychotic laugh. "You murdered so many people… and for what?" You gesture to the small visions of the kids who stand further away from you than before. "Now… It's your turn to learn what it feels like to be forgotten. Afton, I will see to it that the rest of your life will be your own personal hell."
Chapt. 2
It was a bright sunny day, one you've grown accustomed to. Today was your lucky day! You finally got a job at one of your favorite childhood places! Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, a place that held so many good memories. You take a prideful stride into the place, it was your first day on the job. You were to be working there full time. You look around once you've reached the place. Three animatronics stand on the stage, you remember their names. Freddy the Bear, Chica the chicken, and Bonnie the Bunny. Oh and Foxy the fox, who had been in pirate cove, a little side stage. Your job was to do repairs on the animatronics and make sure no one comes in to steal them at night. You wear a badge with your name on it "Chloe Davidson" was written on the badge. The party room happened to be empty, so it was just you and the four animatronics in the room. You decide to get a closer look at the animatronics. The three main animatronics stare straight ahead, read to play their songs for the next party. Though something caught you off guard about one of the animatronics. Bonnie's eyes seemed to follow yours, it's eyes unblinking. The joy in your stride had seemingly disappeared, as you could almost immediately sense that something was off here. The animatronic's head tilted to the side like it was curious. You figured you were just imagining it, so you head off to the security room. It was a small office with a computer monitor and fan on a desk. Also on the desk was a Freddy plushie, not that it was really important. Your phone went off in your pocket. You pick it up despite not knowing who called you, a voice sung to you in an almost playful tone.
"Welcome to the diner!" Then the voice glitched out for a second. "We… hope you enjoy your stay in this hellish place"
"Who is this?" You ask into the phone and only get a chuckle in response. "An old friend…" the phone turned to static. You stood tall in your chair, the Freddy plushie seemed to be watching you as you checked the cameras. You got another phone call, this time it was your boss. "Hello? Hello?" The voice chimed on the other end. "Hello!" You replied happily, a smile crept back on to your face. "Chloe, we have a big party coming in today. Do you think you could help keep an eye on the kids? We don't want any more accidents happening." The voice sounded hushed but a little bit frantic. "Will do boss man" you replied. You brush your chocolate brown bangs away from your face. He hangs up, leaving you waiting for the on coming party goers. You heard music come down the halls, it was a cheerful tune but you had no clue where it was coming from. You ignore it and keep watch for intruders. An hour or so goes by and you soon find the pizzeria filled with a couple families. You greeted the parents with a smile, the kids cheerfully rushed ahead of you. The party goes on as normal, the families eat food and play games with each other. You sit patiently at a spare table. The sounds of laughing kids and the happy smiles of the parents makes your day so much better. But something changed that. A loud knocking noise grabbed your attention, it seemed you weren't the only one who noticed it. A small girl, about maybe seven or eight had also gotten distracted by the noise. The girl went towards the source of the noise, you followed behind her. Grabbing your flashlight off your tool belt, you walk around and listen for the thudding sound. Another thud rang out, followed this time by a scream. The child had gotten to the room before you, an eerie silence followed. An older boy sat on the floor next to the old grimmie animatronic. The older kid had a foxy mask on, stained with some kind of oil the mask looked old. The kid looked dirty, his hands covered in something foreign to you. He sat next to the now dismembered Fredbear animatronic. His eyes spoke of fear, his body language spoke differently though.
You crouch down to his level and look him directly into his eye. "May I ask you what your name is?" His eyes met yours "Michael…" the kid responded, before fixing something on the old rusty animatronic. "What are you doing in the maintenance room?" You ask with curiosity. Michael looked ashamed of himself and let out a sigh. "Trying to fix something" he responds, evidently upset at something. You weigh your options in your head, on one hand you want to help Michael and on the other you wanna keep your job. You ultimately come to the conclusion that it would be better to help the boy with whatever he was planning to do. "Is there any way I can help you?" You ask him in a very soft voice. "Yeah, by leaving me alone and telling no one I was here…" He snapped back, obviously aggravated.
You frown at the kid but decide to leave him alone. You sigh, "alright, just know so you're aware I'll be in the security room after the party outside is over. If you get lonely feel free to talk to me." You return to the big party outside, that little girl you encountered earlier was talking to her parents. It was only then did you notice she was holding a very familiar plush doll. Similar to one of the animatronics on stage this plush animal was a purple rabbit with a red bowtie. Your phone suddenly vibrates in your pocket, it catches you off guard. You fidget with your phone for a second before picking it up. The voice on the phone this time sounds familiar. "Hello?" The voice sounds upset when it says " Can you help me with something? I'm lost" you become curious at the strangely familiar voice over the phone. "How? Wh-" The Bonnie animatronic stopped playing it's song, before turning to face you. It didn't take a genius to figure out who she was talking to. The animatronic stood motionless, with its eyes sitting immobile and ever watching.
The children continued playing but something still felt off to you despite all the happiness in the room.
Bonnie moved again, this time making a pointing gesture at you then moving its hand towards itself. You still hold your phone to your head. "You look… familiar… we need help." The phone hangs up and Bonnie returns to playing music like nothing happened. Then suddenly, you see Michael sprinting out of the parts and service room. His Foxy mask barely attached to his face, he seemed scared in a way. You manage to catch him before he slips out of the building. "Hey! Mike!" You yell over the partygoers' laughs and general deafening happiness. He halts in his tracks with a little slide
across the tiled floor. "What?" He asks as you approach. "Are you ok? You seem scared of something…" Michael takes a deep breath, before waving to you to break off from the rest of the party. Once you two were relatively alone, he explains why he was stressed. With a loud sigh he let's it out, "I have no reason to trust you but my father, William, had a business partner. Two actually, Henry Emily and Eliot Stewart." He takes a quick deep breath. "Well I noticed Eliot hadn't come to visit in a long time. The last person I'm aware of that he was with was my father."
You think you can see where this is going. "So you think your father is behind their disappearance?" He takes the Foxy mask off. "The last place I've seen both my dad and Eliot was at this pizzeria before it got renovated about two years ago."
The day was still bright back then. When the first springlock accident happened, it was due to negligence.
The first death caused a domino effect.
First it was Eliot, then those children afton killed before he found his world falling apart. Then it was one of his own kids.
Michael puts the fox mask back on, this time properly fixing it to his face.
"I found something in that old Fredbear suit you guys had in that back room. Come." He stood back up, standing surprisingly tall. You both went into that room and when you did you started to feel a sense of unease. You felt like something was watching you from the shadows. Michael went near the still somewhat dismantled animatronic. Michael removed part of the animatronics arm, revealing the endoskeleton of the animatronic. As well as what looked like rotten flesh… You almost puked.
"Someone got trapped in the Fredbear suit." He removes more of the shell covering the endoskeleton, which reveals something disturbing. The metal spring locks had embedded themselves into the person's arm. Little bits of metal clung to the rotten skin. One of the other things that stood out was that on the hand, wires could be seen intertwining the fingers and what was left of the hand. Michael didn't seem phased by it. You both sit there for a minute, thinking on what to do next. The animatronic twitches to life before grabbing you by the arm. Catching you completely off guard. Causing you to stumble to the floor, you get an even better look at the thing. The 'fur' was covered in a gross looking layer of mold and blood. The animatronic stares directly into your eyes, and that's when you see it. Two little dot eyes staring back at you. The mouth of the animatronic was now opened like it was gasping for air. And then something odd happened, you felt lightheaded and the last thing you saw before passing out was Michael trying to free you from the animatronics grasp.
When you seemingly came to your senses, you appeared to be in a different room. The room appears dark and empty, except for the yellow eyeless bear standing in the middle of the room. A childish voice fills your mind, "do you wanna play a game?" Followed by a slightly glitched voice "it's me. Don't you remember?" The bear extends its hand out, like it was offering you something. You look around, no way out, only the golden bear in front of you. Seeing no other options, you grab the hand of the robotic bear and close your eyes. You feel it's grasp tighten strongly. And then you find that you and the bear are at an old Fredbear's Diner location. A familiar place for the soul trapped in the Fredbear suit, but it was foreign to you. The place looks black and white to you, with only spots of red staining the walls and floors. Thick heavy looking chains dangled from places seemingly hidden in the ceiling. Several missing children posters were posted on the wall. Everything felt wrong about this place. You take in more of your surroundings, you swear you could make out a familiar shape out in the shadows. A rabbit, the same size as the thing you were standing next to, hid almost too far away to see. "Come." The voice of the creature sounded deep and distorted, but you listened regardless. As you followed the yellow bear you noticed a strange black goo dripping from the joints of the bot. Your chest suddenly swells with a feeling of deep sorrow. Something dark and old lies here. The creature leads you to a door and walks through it. The voice glitches into a voice that's vaguely familiar to you. "You're the first one I've managed to make visit us… Lonely souls, mostly children." You continue to follow it. When you pass through the door, you instantly recognize it. An old carnival, one that used to come to this town a lot and one that also used animatronics for some of the attractions. You follow the bear through a crowd of unknowing people, all of them seemed to be nothing but shadows. You two enter a large tent, only to find darkness and a couple pairs of glowing eyes staring back at you. "Welcome! Welcome!" A voice called out from the shadows, the golden bear pushes you behind itself. A twisted looking rabbit comes out from the shadows. It lets out a cold chuckle. "Fredbear… What brings you here…?" The voice was a weird mix of sinister and goofy. The bear seemed really reluctant to answer. It notices you… "fresh meat?" The eyeless bear stares down the bizarre character in front of it. "Leave." The voice of the bear carried a lot of weight around here, in this land of shadows it seemed. The creature disappeared in a tiny blaze of fire and the golden bear grabs your arm and forces you to follow. Through the tents you go, passing through multiple familiar locations and ending up back at a room similar to the one the bear first dragged you in.
This one was populated by four other creatures. Each stuck in a twisted version of the animatronics you've known since your childhood. Then there's one more entity in the room. A small boy. The small boy, surrounded by the twisted creatures, looked up at you. His eyes opened widely, a Fredbear plushie was stuck in his grip. You were a normal person to the kids spirit. "Why am I here?" You ask the golden bear. Despite not having eyes, the bear stares at you. "We cannot rest… Agony fuels us to find him." The gold bear moves its exposed hand, the black goop you noticed earlier seems to have spread through the animatronic more. "Tell Michael… I'm sorry…" With that you feel yourself come back to reality. The bear's hand had stopped gripping your arm. You noticed a tiny bit of blood on the ground, you figured you cut yourself on the moldy, grotesque robot. The eyes of the bear had disappeared, altering it completely lifeless. Yet you could feel an odd sense of warmth in your chest, something was staying close to you. Michael came frantically running in from the other room, watching you attempt to stand upright. He soon helped you up, scanning your body for any issues.
"Michael…?" Your eyes stared at him, with an unease you weren't aware of. "It's me chloe. What happened?" You looked shocked, like you just saw a phantom. "Your not gonna believe me."
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Help how do I stop getting followed by these bots?
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I died and I'm back with something related to a m o n g u s
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I'ma turn this into digital with a color palette tomorrow:>
But anyways I made this at a bus station cuz I've been playing (or attempting to) play the new mode released in the game (hide n seek)
I kinda instantly feel in love with how goofy the gamemode is and kinda created an oc out of my avatar for the game...
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Sorry for not existing here for awhile I've lost a lot of motivation to the things I love thanks to seasonal depression and my currently crappy living situation. So I drew something related to madness combat to take my mind off of somethings so I straight up won't have a meltdown. So please enjoy this poorly drawn clown.
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