volatiledogboy · 5 days
I love wearing my new pussy plug! It feels soooo good to walk around with it filling me up and molding my hole to its shape. I feel like the background sensation of fullness calms me down and soothes my silly little puppy brain. the longer I wear it the more I understand where it is inside me, and I can shift around subtly to tease my little cunt. I swear the tip barely kisses my cervix and it feels so good to angle the right way and rub. been sitting getting some coursework done while bouncing and wiggling on it for a while :) feels so natural to be a slutty horny puppy who has to have his cunt plugged all day
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volatiledogboy · 6 days
hope you enjoyed my pictures sir <3 you’re right i read your response and had to take a day to get my words back good god, i wouldn’t last a second with you.
awwhhhh see? i told you, kittys are so cute when they puff up and fluster. love seeing just how easy it is to get you folding so quick!!! youre such a sweet thing id hate to see you so overstimulated and needy just from a few words… as to say its the only thing im gonna be thinking of for the next little bit
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volatiledogboy · 6 days
I've never admitted it before, but I really like the puppy stuff. My partner is really vanilla, but we've been together 6 years and idk. I'm scared to bring it up in case he thinks I'm a freak. What can I do to maybe slowly try to open up abt this kind of stuff to him? 💜
first off, so glad youre even opening yourself up to just talking about it! im no expert unfortunately but the best advice i can give is to have a sit down convo about kinks, keep it slow and light if theyre that vanilla and unsure of themselves, but if it comes to a point of them not being into it, id suggest talking about other ways you could fulfill your needs, weather its on your own, through a blog or such, or some other way! i do hope things work out for you
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volatiledogboy · 6 days
other noises? well i know for sure lambs babble a lottt!! Its kinda cute! and puppys whine soemtimes, Its so cutee!!
puppy whines are so adorable! they get all drooly and needy and suddenly words just dont work anymore. so many different sounds such cute little things make!! cant imagine how sweet itd be to see a cute lamb all babbly and talkative, just to watch all those words come apart into bleats and incoherent mumbling when i start touching their fluffy little lamb parts, wonder how much time itd take for all those thoughts to be gone as well, like a good little lamb
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volatiledogboy · 6 days
hia hai sir!! im a fox pup who just found your blog and i love your posts so mych! makes my tail wag and boycunt drip from excitement!! im still new to this side of tumblr and i wanna make a blog one day m just so nervous! do you have any tips?
awhhhh well hi cute thing, love seeing how docile some of the more wild pets are, shows just how easy it is to tame a needy pup. it can be a bit nerve wracking to start a blog, but my few tips are :
1) everyone heres just as nervous at first
2) the delete blog button is always available if you get too nervous
3) block creeps liberally
4) remember this is for fun! sometimes i can feel like i have an obligation to post, but this is just a fun kinky thing for me to do, and i remember this is my blog no one elses
hoping to see a new fox pup blog pop up soon ;)
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volatiledogboy · 6 days
im a new puppygirl here, and i love love love your content sososososo much i yip and whine just reading it!!! im sosososo excited to be here!!! I'll learn tricks and everything!!!!
hehehe glad to have a new doggy around!! im sure youll learn looots of tricks and commands soon, eager puppys are so adorable. good puppys always learn to sit, lay down is another good one, rolling overs bound to get a lot of attention! one of my favourite commands is wait. getting a puppy so exited and wild, telling them to sit and wait for me, just seeing how eager to obey they are versus the puppy brain urge to whine and bark, especially when i have a nice puppy all patiently waiting as i get myself ready for them. youd think i was punishing them just by getting undressed and lubing myself up
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volatiledogboy · 6 days
Hi again! Just wanted to share a lil something
I used to be very very against anal for myself- I just hated the idea but the more I got into puppy play and stuff like that I kinda started experimenting
I got myself a plug and now I can't cum unless I have it in! It feels so good to be all plugged up when I'm grinding on my pillows and toys and I can't believe I didn't wanna try it before!
YES!!!! this is literally so so real. before i got into puppy stuff i was always meh abt anal but now i can barely resist using a plug like 24/7- tail plugs my beloved. My fav idea is having a dog all plugged up in public, so subtle they might even forget about it, but one well placed ass grab and boom a cute little whimper
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volatiledogboy · 7 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Awrufff ~
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volatiledogboy · 7 days
Good doggys train eeeevery day
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volatiledogboy · 7 days
Sirr please please please tell me all about how you’re gonna get me high and breed me until all I am is a drooly whiny mutt I really need it :( I’ll do whatever you wantt
awhhhh only cause you asked so pathetically!
first things first, i gotta see my good puppies all properly dressed! required uniform is a collar and thats it, but i looove my pets in ears, a pretty tail, paws, maybe a gag, and some cute skimpy clothing if needed. so much more obedient all dressed so handsome. next my good pups gotta sit on the floor in front of me, knees add hands. i think id grab my bong and pack the bowl full watching you squirm impatiently, practically drooling from both ends. good dogs take biiiiig hits, so you’re gonna need to take a nice deep breath. id take a hit or two as well of course, but that bongs gonna be pressed to your lips till you cant see straight and forget how to talk. good dogs dont talk anyways. youll probably be almost riding my leg the second i take the bong away, needy and curled against me with your head on my lap? im afraid youd be soooo dizzy and stoned youd barely be able to moan as i get you on my lap and tease a puppys cunt, making sure my good boys nice and ready before i get outta my jeans and use you every way i can. any pauses would be you taking another bong rip or to tell you what a good puppy you are.
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volatiledogboy · 7 days
sir can i maybe send you some pictures? are you open to that? nothing too crazy just some titties and ass that i feel like you might enjoy <3 (i also would love to hear the things you respond it’s secretly for me too shhh) last ask for today i promise! just want to make sure if you’re comfortable with that or not!!! thank you for even taking the time to read and respond to me! when i read your responses you just seem so nice daddy i want to thank you like this. praise and double ds <3
hehe arnt you a cute thing. my dms are closed for right now but i take images in my ask box (not posted if requested) but thats a bit harder for some so its no big deal! might try to find another way to exchange pics but not sure. and thank YOU for comin over here showing how needy and cute you are
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volatiledogboy · 7 days
trust me sir i will be here waiting, you’re the only person on here to truly get me off <3 i open your blog anytime im horny and finish within a minute it’s pathetic. i’m usually a top irl but your words jsut put me on my knees, im sure we could battle it out though it sounds like fun. a dog boy and a cat boy fighting to assert dominance, i know a big scary mutt like you could put me in my place but of course not without a fight <3 the chase is always the best part right?
oh of course, having a kitty all bratty and needy knowing just how much i like putting pets in their place hm? its so cute watching pets attempt to get back at me when i know they’re trying to rile me up just to be rough. if just my words make you this worked up i really dont think youd even be able to get half a sentence out before you stumble and whine. kittys cant tak well when theyre so wet i know. its so fun barely lifting a hand and watching pets slip so quick into needy whiney messes. kittycunts are just really needy, poor pathetic kittys need someone to help them out hm? itd be a real shame to have you so pent up. i might let you hump my thigh if you’re lucky
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volatiledogboy · 7 days
Woof, I'm a drunk puppyboy, I just wanna talk to people, but all of my friends are asleep 😭
this genuinely happens to me all the time hehe, i love when doggys get yappy and drunk. its so cute to see how you just get so needy and talkative. i think all good dogs should get lots of attention when nice and drunk!! maybe letting them hump my thigh as they talk if im feeling nice
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volatiledogboy · 7 days
Oh no I got high off some fuckass cart and now I’m so brainless I need someone to tell me what to do… whatever shall I do.. woof
awh poor thing, i personally get on here and jerk off for like a hour- its so cute fun to hear about others bein completely dumbed down and needy for someone elses commands.. such a good puppy just so needy and whiney
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volatiledogboy · 8 days
i think i love you. thank u for the nut as always <3 i want you so bad i do this thing where i obsess over tumblr boys for a while till they inevitably stop posting 💔 pls keep me in ur thoughts and prayers bc i keep you in my search box (;
- 🐈‍⬛
Arent you cute, I love taking time out of my day and seeing just how many of you consistently interact with me! My posting usually happens in bulk throughout the week just because, but it genuinely is so fun. Good pets always cum back for more
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volatiledogboy · 8 days
oh my lorrdd youre so good with your words! I swear sometimes i can barely think straight when people send me asks, it gets me all excited but i think thats js cuz i love talkin!!
-your "irresistable" lamb boy🐑
oh me too, getting asks is so fun even when i cant answer right away. i love seeing all the cute pets that wanna talk!!! its hard to not think about all the other noises they make-
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volatiledogboy · 8 days
Not a horny thought but with all the new anons coming (cumming. I’m sorry) I can’t help but take a teensy bit of pride in the fact that I was the first 😤😤 /lh lh
On a different note thoughhh I got myself a fun little gift !! >///<
So glad you sent that first ask,, you get bragging rights hehe
awhhhhh good doggy!!! puppys deserve a nice gift every once in a while, and by that i mean as often as possible for being such good boys
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