voicesfrommysoul · 6 months
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A new plot bunny jumped into my head and is refusing to leave. As I know less than nothing on the subject I’m going to be writing about, it’s time to start doing research.
Step 1: podcasts, books, and audiobooks.
The main character needs to learn a lot about the marine world. The laws, rules and regulations, the whole nine yards. So I followed a bunch of podcasts.
Tomorrow (it’s currently 11:54pm) I’ll start looking at books and audiobooks that might be useful.
Step 2: online articles, papers, and reference links.
In aid of this I’ve created a word document to home all the links to useful information I find online, as I find it.
As of now I’ve only done an extremely basic search for information that has mostly produced Wikipedia links. I’ll be starting the hunt for better information tomorrow also.
Step 3: Reaching out to experts
Step 3 is always the scariest step. It’s so beneficial though! However as this is day 1 and just the germ of an idea, this step is a long way off.
Asking experts now would be a waste of their time. You don’t know what you don’t know and right now I know zip about anything.
I find reaching out works best when you have specific questions and at least a baseline knowledge of what you’re talking about.
With the recent James Somerton scandal (seriously it’s wild), I want to be as transparent as possible with my own process.
Unlike James, I put effort and pride into my work. If the James situation proves anything, is that creativity is a skill and one you can’t just copy and paste.
I know I’m not a big deal, I’m not even a small deal. I’m a tadpole in a vast ocean.
However, I still care about my work, my writing, and improving my skills everyday.
I’m far from perfect. Writing is the greatest thing in the world. And I will write until the day I die. Sorry not sorry for being dramatic.
I am the drama. The drama is me.
Anyhoo, that’s it. That’s the tea for now. Still writing, still learning, still improving.
(And if I can do it, so can you. I believe in you!)
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voicesfrommysoul · 6 months
Just realized i never said it there.
But if in any way you are pro israel or neutral on the genocide happening right now on palestine you are not welcolmed on my blog.
"you are antisemit" my choice to stand against a genocide is not based on any hate towards a religious group, I couldn't care less about people's religious belier as long as they aren't made to cause harm . I am against violations of humans right.
"you are pro hamas" I'm not, I'm for a ceasfire, I'm for the stop of diabolification of civilians and the mass attacks on childrens, babys, men and women who are currently cutted from any ressources which include water.
"yes but they started it" Go read about the history from neutral sources or from palestinian civils who are showing of daily their horror for the world to believe them. social media is censuring, America is a direct influencer of all this and so is so multiple countries because MONEY.
"but about the queer palestinians ?" israel is bombing them and you fell right on the pinkwashing.
"you fell for propaganda" there is always propaganda everywhere but one is backed by multiple proof and the other is constantly caught lying to gain sympathy.
"but-" if you still have any but to add you are not welcolmed and I hope that you'll be graced to see the horrible lie you are being served while innocents are suffering from your blindness.
Call for a Ceasfire, Boycot and stay alert.
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voicesfrommysoul · 1 year
I don’t know what writer needs to hear this
but you can write something very plain. 
You don’t have to write some genre-redefining masterpiece. You can write a story about two people very simply falling in love. You can just write a story about a person going to the store. You could, if you were so inclined, just re-write Star Wars but like, make all the names start with M.
Don’t let the fear of not-writing something transcendent stop you from just writing.
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voicesfrommysoul · 2 years
I have an African American character in a new story I’m writing. She has curly kinky hair going down to her shoulders. My question is: how would I describe her hair in three different states; wet, recently dried, and dry? Also, how long would it take on average to completely dry? She lives in a relatively cool environment where the sun isn’t normally very bright.
Describing curly hair in various states
Well, it depends on her type of hair. 3C or 4A ? Low porosity or high porosity ?
3C is more curly, 4A more kinky, but I advise you to look it up by yourself as there are more types than just these two (and one can have multiple on its head ! I have a mix of 3B/3C/4A, 3B on the front near my face, 3C for the vast majority and 4A for underneath the sides/back).
Low porosity means that the hair is not likely to absorb anything, high porosity means that it will absorb water/products but reject it as fast as it entered (there are techniques to “lock it up”). Low porosity hair generally keeps its volume even under water, while high porosity hair tends to be wavy when it’s wet, due to water weighing it down.
Oh, and shrinkage entered the chat ! Afro hair generally shrinks when dried, but it varies for one another. For example, my hair shrinks A LOT, meaning that the length I get when they are wet (even though they are low porosity) is totally different from their length once dried, they shorten like crazy.
I advise you to watch videos on YouTube of Black girls doing their hair. You will be able to see their length wet, dried, how they dry depending on how they style it, what methods they use to detangle and so on.
Each head is different, even in the same family, hence why it’s complicated to answer your question with a short answer.
- Mod Lydie 
Completely agree with Lydie! Curly / afro hair looks vary, coming in a wide variety of textures, thickness, and porosity. Some folk’s curly hair seems to dry within a second (aka mine…ugh!) while others can hold moisture that seems to cling on for hours on end.
I recommend you do the following:
Determine the general look and hair type for your character
Look up “determining curly hair type” and matching images in relation to said hair (for example, if it’s mostly 4C, look up wet and dry 4C hair images or videos) 
Find the appropriate words for these images. I have a words to describe Black hair that was made for you! See the bottom of this post.
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Here’s some more descriptions from the 3 - 4 curly hair range. Feel free to use these terms in your writing. This info is from research I’ve done for my own hair care, mostly based on the NaturallyCurly website.
Hair typing terms and general care guidelines
3 type hair
Curly Twirly 3A 
Definite loopy “S” pattern and curls are well defined and springy. 
Naturally big, loose and often very shiny. 
Size: Sidewalk chalk size. 
Best Products:  Gels and creams with light moisture and curl definition. Milks and smoothies.
Curly Spirally 3B 
Well-defined, springy copious curls 
Range from bouncy ringlets to tight corkscrews. 
Size: Sharpie size.
Best Products: Gels and styling creams with extra moisture and serious frizz control.
Curly Kinky* 3C 
Voluminous, tight curls in corkscrews. 
Can be either kinky or very tightly curled, with lots of strands densely packed together. The very tight curls are usually fine in texture. 
Size: Pencil.
Best Products:  Styling creams, butters, and oils. This hair needs extra moisture and tender care.
*Note on the word kinky: Kinky is not always a well-perceived word, depending on the individual. There’s plenty of alternative words, though. 
Read more: Describing Black Hair as “Kinky”
4 type hair
4A Coily Springy
Tight, coily, most fragile curls.
Well-defined “S” Pattern
Size: Crochet Needle or smaller
4B Coily Crimpy
Tight, coily, fragile curls
Less-defined “Z” Pattern
Hair bends in sharp angles
Best Products: Pre-poo with coconut oil or castor oil to help retain natural oils in your scalp. 
4C Coily Ziggly
Tight, coily, fragile curls
Curl pattern won’t clump without styling
Less visible definition per individual curl
Best Products: Use a creamy humectant as a leave-in to maximize protection from the elements. A curl defining custard or gelee can stretch the coil safely for twist-outs and braid-outs. Use a detangling co-wash with slippery elm or marshmallow root.
Hair typing is for general use
I recommend these types of hair typing charts to get a more general idea of what you’re going for in terms of the look of hair. But everyone’s hair is different! Hair porosity, width and density informs specific hair care needs, not the hair type. 
If you’re not looking for in-depth hair care, but general info just to carry the story along, hair typing terms and assumptions should work just fine for your individual story / characters. Just avoid generalizing. (e.g. her hair is 4c and all 4c hair loses moisture fast! No, OP’s happens to do this, but it’s not a rule for all people with that hair type)
More reading: 
Words to describe hair
WWC Description guides
~Mod Colette
Published Jan 2022
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
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To all my black followers and friends, stay safe.
Also, I would like to add that black lives have always mattered, will always matter.
It’s awful that we even have to say that because it should be a given. However, we need to say it loud and clear for the racists.
We cannot be silent. 
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
A black girl will be spending years in jail because she had a mental health crisis. PLEASE READ
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Meet Saraya: she was experiencing a mental health crisis. Police came and tackled her. She is 15.
Saraya Rees is a 15 year old biracial girl from Coos County, Oregon. After being abruptly instructed to stop taking her antidepressants by a local pediatrician, Saraya went into psychosis. In her manic state, Saraya poured a small amount of gasoline on the floor. Her parents called Coos Health & Wellness in hope that that would send mental health advisors, Coos Health & Wellness sent the police. While still in psychosis, the officers arrested her, questioned her without her family or lawyers present, charged with attempted murder and assault, and sent her to juvenile prison for 11 years.
This is not justice.
This is inhumane.
1. Call these people and demand that she be let go to the custody in her parents.
Please call Governor Kate Brown and Senator Jeff Merkely.⁠
📞Governor Kate Brown: (503) 378-4582⁠
📞Senator Jeff Merkley: (503) 326-3386⁠
2. Sign the petition! 
Please DO NOT donate to CHANGE.ORG, instead donate to Saraya’s gofundme. 
3. Follow @justice4saraya on instagram. You can find info on where to send her encouragement cards and get updated on progress.
4. SEND CARDS TO THE FOLLOWING (please also note card sending rules)
ALBANY, OR 97332
EDIT: PLEASE CONSIDER THESE RULES WHEN SENDING HER CARDS! The family has asked for the following when sending cards: 
-No vulgar language or cursing (she’s a child, afterall) 
-No stickers
-No metal 
- Do not use return address stickers
-No Cash
Using these things could mean Saraya doesn’t get your card. If you want to donate to the family during this very hard time, please use the GOFUND ME.
You can also send her gifts for when she gets out to a PO BOX: 
PO BOX 211
Saraya’s website: https://www.justice4saraya.com/
UPDATE EDIT: Jan.5.2021: Saraya has written a letter: 
Dear Mom and Dad, 
I want you to post this on every social media platform that you can. I want you to do so, so that everyone knows how messed up the system is and how messed up the state is.
I don’t care if people know about my “crimes”, and I don’t care if people know I’m in prison. All I care about is letting people know the truth, this for me, and all of the rest of the kids in the system. This is what really, this is the truth….
I am Saraya Rees. I’m 14 years old, and I’m being charged with attempted murder x2. And attempted aggravated assault x1. I was arrested July 8th, 2019. I was in a detention for 3 months and 9 days. I spent my 14th birthday in Juvy. Not only that, but I have been sexually and physically harassed and the staff did nothing to help. I physically hurt myself even though I was on suicide watch.
They allowed the boys to make sexual gestures and comments to all of the females. The staff at my Juvy made fun of people who self harm or attempted suicide. They would do that right in front of the kids who have done that. Out of all the staff there was only one that was respectful. That staff’s name was Tom (thank you Tom for helping me through all this BS).
The reason I’m telling (whoever it may concern) this, is so you know what really happens in the system. But now I’m going to tell you why I’m really stuck in prison. I am being held in prison because I cried for help. People who know me, know I’ve done many things as a call for help. This was all of the biggest, what I did was pour a small amount of gasoline of the floor at my house. I was never going to light it, but the police and the court all said otherwise. 
When in comes to the court they don’t care about the fact they care about tearing people and families apart. The kids that they arrest are the kids who are being sexually and physically abused at home, the teen moms, the kids looking for love in the wrong places, places because their families don’t want them, the kids who are hurt, the kids who are suicidal. They arrest the misunderstood and that is not fair.
They arrest kids even if they have never committed the crimes, they arrest kids for no reason sometimes. As citizens of Oregon we need to take a stand, we need to stick up to this injustice. Please help get the kids like me who, without their families have nothing to hold onto. No reason to continue living out of places like this…please. Join our cause at #takeastand4oregon. 
                -Saraya Rees, 15 (she was 14 when this was written, I believe) (currently serving 11 years for a crime she did not commit)
⚠️UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE⚠️ Saraya is going back to court for a review hearing!! OYA neglected to transfer Saraya to an inpatient mental health facility despite the fact that Saraya has completed the program at Oak Creek Correctional Facility months ago. It was stated back in October that Saraya be transferred once she completed her trauma work, but her PO officer continues to create more obstacles to keep Saraya incarcerated. Saraya will be back in court soon for her review hearing. All positive vibes greatly appreciated. This could be a huge step in the right direction. 🤞🏼 Please visit justice4saraya.com for more on her story and ways to help.
April. 13. 2021 UPDATE: THE FAMILY NEEDS YOUR HELP (via instagram)
1) We are looking for a level 5 inpatient residential facility (level 5 means it’s being medically managed) ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY that works with Juvenile Youth with Saraya’s charges. If you work with a facility that has these resources and are willing to work with Saraya and her family please contact the Justice4Saraya Instagram or the Facebook page in a direct message. ⁠ ⁠ 2) Private residential facilities outside of state-run care are notoriously expensive. In the state of CA and FL, these homes can run up to 50k per 30 days of treatment. We are looking for more amplification of the family’s GOFUNDME page in order to get the best long-term treatment for Saraya and her family. They will require much individual and family therapy in order to heal from this atrocity and broken system. Please donate if you can or spread the word. ⁠ ⁠ For any trolling behavior you have seen on social media, we want to make a few things clear⁠ ⁠ -Paul Fraiser, The DA of Coo’s County who put out his “official statement” last year of Saraya’s case had nothing to do with Saraya’s case whatsoever. He was never involved in her sentencing and is only the boss of the Assistant District Attorney, who was advocating as recently as WEDNESDAY TO KEEP SARAYA IN PRISON. She even reminded the court that Saraya was placed in Oak Creek because of her risk of being a “danger to the public”. Anyone referencing the DA’s statement has VERY limited information based on a biased police report and interview. ⁠ ⁠ -PLEASE DO NOT PERSONALLY CONTACT JUDGE MEGAN JACUOT. She is actively working to help get Saraya out with her new imposed timeline. ⁠ ⁠ -It is up to Saraya’s OYA PO officer and her Supervisor to find Saraya a way into residential treatment. Saraya has expressed her remorse and finished her program requirements in order to leave.
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
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Its not about "i wasnt there" "i didnt do it"
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
So, quick question - could you pierce someone's lungs/kidneys and have them die over a couple of hours?
Disclaimer: I am not qualified to give medical advice (or honestly, any advice). Please fact check me because I am simplifying things and I can and will make mistakes. A lot of lung/kidney injuries can happen from penetrating damage, and I'm just picking a few randomly. 
Off the top of my head, I'd say you could definitely pierce a lung and cause death over a few hours, but to answer this, I have to talk a little about the lung anatomy first. First, you have the lung on the inside. The outside of the lung is covered by the visceral pleura. The next layer (even more to the outside) to that is the parietal pleura. In between the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura is the pleural cavity. Next, let's talk about terminology. A pneumothorax is when air enters the pleural cavity. 
Now, let's get back to your question about the lung. A few things could happen in if you puncture the lung. First, you could cause a tension pneumothorax, which happens when air enters the pleural cavity but can't leave, so with every breath, you get more and more air entering without leaving. This increases the pressure in the pleural cavity, which them presses down on the lung right next to it. Even worse, as this stays untreated, that pressure can even spread and compress the other lung. Since the heart is around where the lung is, the heart can get compressed too. You're probably thinking, "This sounds pretty bad," and it is. Death happens pretty quickly, definitely within a few hours, possibly even less depending on the severity. 
But you wanted a couple of hours, right? Good (or not so good) news! You can get to this point with a simple pneumothorax, which can happen from lot of reasons, including stabbing. It can even happen spontaneously! This is also not great, but it's not as immediately fatal as a tension pneumothorax. However, if you don't treat it, it can progress to a tension pneumothorax, and there you go! Death in a few hours since you, as the author, can control how and when this progression occurs. 
A lot of things can enter the pleural cavity from trauma, such as blood, which we would call a hemothorax. This can also cause death from blood loss or from pressure again as that blood builds up and starts compressing other structures. This can happen from trauma too. 
Let's move on to the kidney. First, I know less about the kidney, so this answer is a little vague, but I'm giving it my best shot! (We can also revisit this in a year or two if you want a better answer.) If a person's kidney is stabbed deep enough, that cut can cause urine and/or blood to leak out into the rest of the body. They can get pretty bad bleeding. Next, they'd go into shock. Depending on the rate of bleeding, death can happen in a few hours too, and that's also under your control. 
I hope this helps! Happy stabbing (of fictional characters)!
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
nobody asked me, but I’m telling you anyway: there IS such thing as a white horse
Person: “And then the prince rode up on his white horse and–” People with just enough knowledge to be obnoxious (and also the nerve to interrupt): “–there’s no such thing as a white horse!” Actually, there are white horses. Especially if you’re writing a fantasy story where people can call coat colors whatever you want them to.  In the Real World, what would technically be considered a white horse IS rare. The definition is that the horse has unpigmented (pink) skin over its entire body, and white hair. That genetic combination is unusual, but these horses exist. Sometimes they have dark eyes, and sometimes their eyes are blue. The genetics of these horses are usually “dominant white” or “sabino white,” but there isn’t a visual difference between the two types. (Pictured below: a rare “dominant white” horse that happens to be a Thoroughbred.)
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The obnoxious person was probably about to say that horses that look white are actually grey or gray. And sometimes, that’s true. In the Real World, gray refers to a horse with a gray gene, which is fairly common in most breeds. Gray horses are generally born a darker color, but “whiten” as they age. Their skin is pigmented. Some of them turn completely white when they’re still very young, and some never completely whiten. But most commonly a horse with a gray gene will be totally white by its middle age. One acute difference between most gray horses and most white horses is the appearance of the horse’s head, especially around the eyes and muzzle, with pigmented versus unpigmented skin. (Pictured below, a mature gray stallion.)
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But grays aren’t the only horses that can appear white or mostly white. Appaloosa, paint or pinto markings in certain breeds sometimes result in horses that appear white. A famous example is the “medicine hat” tobiano, which is born with white markings over so much of its body, that many lay people would describe them as white.
(Pictured below, a medicine hat tobiano stallion. The skin around his nostrils, mouth and eyes is pigmented.)
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Another example of horses with unpigmented skin that can appear white but aren’t, are the double-dilutes, which are the result of horses that carry two copies of the gene that dilutes other coat colors. When two single-dilute horses mate, they have a 25% chance of creating a double-dilute offspring. An example of a horse with one dilute gene, specifically the creme gene, is a palomino (chestnut + one dilute gene) or buckskin (bay + one dilute gene). A horse with two creme genes is called a cremello, and can range in color from light gold to creamy white. Cremellos have blue eyes or sometimes amber eyes.  (Pictured below, a very light-colored cremello stallion. Note the unpigmented skin on his face and how it affects his appearance.)
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One thing to note about unpigmented skin is that horses can sunburn in these areas, and are more susceptible to skin conditions including cancerous conditions.  If I’m reading a book and horse-savvy, contemporary characters describe a horse as “white,” I might roll my eyes, but there ARE white horses out there. If you really want to include one, you can have the character acknowledge that their color is rare. But for a “white horse” aesthetic without the complications, it’s true that gray is probably a safer bet. You can use additional description to make it clear that the gray horse in fact has a pure “white” coat, like the example above.
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
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Gripping a sword overview
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
This is not how I ever pictured horses drinking.
Nobody asked me, but I’m telling you anyway: horses don’t lap water. They partially submerge their muzzle and siphon the water through their lips.
Dreamworks got this wrong in Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron nearly two decades ago, and I’m still mad.
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
One Last Bit About Platonic Interactions vs Romantic...
Had a chat with a few people and here’s what we’ve come up with. These are just our thoughts on the matter and are in no way the only answer.
Different societies and cultures have different views on what interactions qualify as romantic or platonic. For example, in most societies and cultures, open-mouthed kisses are considered to be romantic. Some even consider them to be so intimate and sexually charged that kissing in public is forbidden. Yet, there are a few societies/cultures where open-mouthed kisses are viewed as an acceptable platonic interaction.
So, really, the best thing you can do is consider the culture/society you’re in. Do research to learn what is and isn’t acceptable. If you need help, ask a few friends or family members for their advice.
One of the people I consulted suggested this guideline: if you could engage in the interaction with a neighbor your same age, in your bedroom, and not be embarrassed if your parent and/or significant other walked in, it’s probably a platonic gesture.
Perhaps you’ve laid on your bed half-naked with a platonic friend, nuzzled each other’s noses, and giggled drowsily while you gazed into each other’s eyes. Hey! That’s great for you and your platonic friend that this is something you feel comfortable doing together. However, this is not going to be the average experience between two platonic friends, and if you show two characters doing this in your book, your readers will assume these characters are romantically interested in one another. So, feel free to do what you want to do, just be aware of how your target audience is likely to view what you’re portraying.
List of Typically Romantic Interactions
leaning back to gaze into each other’s eyes while embracing
leisurely holding hands (as opposed to with purpose or playfulness)
kisses on the mouth
gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes for long periods
intimate tickling/tickling when alone
rubbing noses (butterfly kisses)
grazing nose, cheek, forehead, ear with nose
intimate touching (touching sensitive places)
holding each other in bed when not part of consolation/comforting
straddling each other
holding hands for long periods, such as during a movie
flirting, especially with sexual undertones
looking away bashfully when your eyes meet
awkwardness after accidental touching
finding ways to touch when intimate touch is restricted
sensuously brushing a lock of hair behind the ear
lovingly stroking cheek or jaw 
sitting together in an intimate embrace for a long period
kissing jaw, neck, clavicles, shoulders, torso, thighs
nibbling ear, biting lip
slow dancing, especially with bodies touching and intimate gaze
List of Typically Platonic Interactions
kisses on forehead or cheek
closed-mouth kiss on the lips (sometimes)
kisses on the back of the hand (sometimes)
holding hands with purpose, for comfort/support, or to be playful
playful tickling, usually in a teasing way, in front of others
arms around each other, especially in support or comfort
lying together or close embrace in support or comfort
scratching back/shoulder rub/back rub when non-sensual
playing with each other’s hair/styling each other’s hair
leaning against each other when tired, needing comfort
sibling-like teasing
whispering gossip in each other’s ears
sharing knowing looks
handshakes, fist bumps, elbow bumps
patting on back, arm, or shoulder
rubbing shoulder or back in comfort or consolation
fast dancing, non-intimate slow dancing
Again, you might find some variation from one society and culture to another, but generally-speaking, most of these interactions would be viewed in this way by the broadest number of people. And, if you choose to use a romantic interaction in a platonic relationship, do double-duty to have a reason and make it clear to the reader.
I hope this helps!
ETA: Romantic/Platonic Series Posts
Romantic/Platonic Part I
Romantic/Platonic Part II
Romantic/Platonic Part III
Romantic/Platonic Part IV
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
Ways to find a plot when you have characters and a setting
… but only characters and a setting. 
You have a world. A universe. A setting. Good! Describe what happens in it normally - describe your main character(s)’s daily life. Now, what would destabilize this routine completely? If many things could, write them all down. Pick your favourite idea(s). Plots are born from change: everything was going normally… until it wasn’t.
Make a list with all the goals/motivations of your main characters. Can the plot revolve around your characters going after these goals? 
Which goals are more important? Focus on those. 
Are different characters’ goals in conflict with each other? Conflict is usually what propels a story forward. 
What could go wrong in your character’s pursuit of their goal? Make it go wrong.
If you don’t know your characters’ goals, go back to the drawing board; they probably need more development.
If there’s not enough conflict of different motivations, make a new character who creates conflict!
How do you want your main character to have changed by the end of the story? Do you want them to be less selfish? To have come to terms with a part of themself? To have learned something new? Write down ideas that could accomplish this change. 
If you can’t think of any way your character could be changed (read: improved) by the end of the story, go back to the drawing board. They might be “too perfect”.
The change that triggers your plot can be anything. It doesn’t have to be the start of an epic war that will bring forth the apocalypse, it can be your character meeting a new person who shakes things up in their life, or anything you want!
Motivations can be anything. It doesn’t have to be something grand - if your character’s motivation is to just live a quiet life, you can still come up with a plot that will get in the way of that goal! 
Character development can be anything, as well - you don’t need a cliché moral to the story; your character doesn’t even need to change in a good way, if that’s not what you want for your story!
This is what I’ve found works for me, but if you try it and it doesn’t, or if it sounds way too sententious and strict for you - that’s okay! Take it with a grain of salt! Maybe you think your characters are just fine and don’t need more developing even in the situations in which I recommended you “go back to the drawing board”, or maybe you have better ways of coming up with a plot. That’s fine, the writing process can be very personal!
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
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Distractions, drawn in PS
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
I can barely contain myself right now
holy shit
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voicesfrommysoul · 3 years
aladin calls his fucking monkey ‘daddy’
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