viridianmort · 5 years
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My art piece for Dark Livestream by Anna_Hopkins for the Tomarry Big Bang! I drew about three different versions before finally settling on this one ^^;; (by the way the glowing eye thing was insired by another drawing of Harry I’ve seen long ago, but I can’t quite remember which one and who drew it. If anyone knows please tell me so I can give credit for the inspiration!) @tomarrybigbang
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viridianmort · 5 years
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My entry for @tomarrybigbang 2019! I had the privilege of being partnered with @merlinwhyisthishappening this year, who wrote an incredible story. 
(*Please open image in new tab, tumblr kills all detail)
 A Curse by Any Other Name | Entry 2D 
Harry grew up hearing the legends of the gods, especially one in particular. Lord Voldemort, the water god, had always blessed their village with rain to water their crops and fill their lake. Except, it stopped raining. For a year, their fields were dry and when the lake began to visibly diminish, there was only one thing to do. Fifty years ago, Lord Voldemort granted the villager’s pleas for rain once they sent one of their own to him. This time, it would be Harry. 
I got to emulate the beautiful style of the Bride of the Water God manhwa artist Yun Mi-kyung. I started drawing by copying my favorite anime styles over ten years ago, and it’s been awesome and challenging revisiting those styles!
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viridianmort · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Dubious Morality, Mentions of child neglect, Mentions of Drowning, Character Death, Arranged Marriage, kind of, Forced Marriage, Human Sacrifice, gods and mortals, snake face Voldemort, Gratuitously hot Tom Riddle, inspired by Bride of the Water God manhwa, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut Summary:
A sacrifice. That was all Harry was meant to be. Harry grew up hearing the legends of the gods, especially one in particular. Lord Voldemort, the water god, had always blessed their village with rain to water their crops and fill their lake. Except, it stopped raining. For a year, their fields were dry and when the lake began to visibly diminish, there was only one thing to do. Fifty years ago, Lord Voldemort granted the villager's pleas for rain once they sent one of their own to him. This time, it would be Harry. Luckily or unluckily, his fate was not to be eaten by the god as he thought it would be, but rather to be his husband. There were only a few things wrong. First, Lord Voldemort didn't have a nose. Second, his brother Tom, who Harry seems to always stumble into at night, does have a nose. A very nice one. Third, both of them are rude and horrible, but Harry can't help but like them anyway.
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viridianmort · 5 years
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How surface texture affects bloodstain patterns. (Video)
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viridianmort · 5 years
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Another year, another bang! If you’re as ensnared by the Tom/Harry pairing as much as everyone else here, then join this year’s big bang and show it! Don’t forget to also reblog this post so more can join in on the madness.
For anyone new to the event, here’s a short explanation of what it’s all about but if you’re looking for something more in-depth, try the ‘About’ page.
🌟 General Information:
→ The event group chat on Discord still lingers and an invite will be sent out to anyone who signs up as an writer and/or Beta. (Artists will also get one after summary-choosing is over.)
→ All fanfic will be submitted to the AO3 collection ‘tomarrybigbang2019′ this year.
→ Minimum word count for fanfic is still 7,500 words.
→ Any and all forms of art is accepted but if you’re really not sure please don’t hesitate to shoot an ask!
→ A form for back-ups/pinch-hitters will be open at all times if you’d like to volunteer your services should someone drop out.
→ There’s also a beta-request form if you want someone to look over your fic at any point throughout the event.
🌟 Important Dates:
• Sign-ups for writers close: May 27th
• Sign-ups for artists close: May 31st
• Posting of work begins: September 10th
• Masterpost published: September 17th
🌟 Links:
• Sign-up form
• Ask
• About
• Schedule
Please reblog this post and help spread the word! Tell everyone you know so we can have even more amazing works this year!
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viridianmort · 5 years
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Someone: Tom is literally Voldemort why do some people ship them?? Me, a Tomarrymort shipper: TOM AND VOLDEMORT ARE THE SAME PERSON?? OMG NEVER HEARD OF IT.
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viridianmort · 5 years
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viridianmort · 5 years
If you can’t, don’t
People often say, I want to write, but I can’t.
Well, let’s break “writing” down a bit. “Writing” isn’t one single activity. When you say I want to write, but I can’t, what you probably mean is, I want to write, but I dread certain tasks I believe are necessary for writing. 
Guess what? You don’t have to do those things. At all. 
So you want to write a story. Maybe you start one, or maybe you don’t get that far. The point is, you hit a wall beyond which your anxiety refuses to let you go. You just…can’t…face it. 
Whatever that wall is? Don’t do it. Ask instead, what can you do? You always have options. You always have a choice.
People rarely want to do anything if they’re forced to do it. The writing-advice blogosphere’s obsession with self-discipline might help some people get going, but it makes others feel trapped. Those folks don’t need to cultivate discipline, they need to cultivate freedom.
This is why “You shouldn’t write if you don’t want to” pisses me off. You do want to write, but a sense of obligation has crushed that desire so far down you can’t feel it anymore. The only way to get back in touch with it is to stop making yourself do things you can’t do. This doesn’t mean giving up, it means doing what you can do instead.
Is it impossible to start writing at all? Okay, you can’t do that right now. But you can probably open your writing app and create a new file. 
You’ve got a file open on your desktop. That’s great, you can stop there if you want. But you might ask, could you start writing your story in it? Maybe you can’t. Could you type a few random words and phrases into it that aren’t related to your story? Maybe you can. 
Now let’s say you’re looking at a document with some random words and phrases in it. Can you type one sentence on the next line that relates to your story? If you can’t, there’s almost certainly something else you can do. But if there isn’t, stop. You can ask again later. You get to choose.
At every point, remind yourself, I don’t have to do this if I don’t want to, because there’s always something else I can do instead.
I’ve been advised many times to “break a task down into steps.” But when you make a list of steps, you still feel obligated to do all of them eventually, and from where you’re standing, those future steps look very intimidating. That’s not what we’re doing here. Each action you take comes with no expectation that you’ll do anything next. It does come with that possibility, but that’s it. Who knows how you’ll feel, what you’ll be capable of, when you get there? You’ll practically be a different person. 
You might have to get creative. Recently I had to write an email I couldn’t face, and somebody said, "Well, can you write a fake version you’ll never send?” I could. Once I’d done it, though, I decided it wasn’t too bad, and the effort of sending it was so minimal I had no reason not to. 
Not all cases will be that easy. But the mere freedom to not do what you can’t do will help you see more alternatives. When I was depressed, I used to beat myself up for not getting to the grocery store. It turns out there are affordable ways to get your groceries delivered, but I didn’t even think to research them until I’d stopped blaming myself for being too lazy to leave the house.
Not forcing yourself to do stuff that hurts you does not mean giving up and doing nothing. It means learning some new moves.
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viridianmort · 5 years
If you can’t, don’t
People often say, I want to write, but I can’t.
Well, let’s break “writing” down a bit. “Writing” isn’t one single activity. When you say I want to write, but I can’t, what you probably mean is, I want to write, but I dread certain tasks I believe are necessary for writing. 
Guess what? You don’t have to do those things. At all. 
So you want to write a story. Maybe you start one, or maybe you don’t get that far. The point is, you hit a wall beyond which your anxiety refuses to let you go. You just…can’t…face it. 
Whatever that wall is? Don’t do it. Ask instead, what can you do? You always have options. You always have a choice.
People rarely want to do anything if they’re forced to do it. The writing-advice blogosphere’s obsession with self-discipline might help some people get going, but it makes others feel trapped. Those folks don’t need to cultivate discipline, they need to cultivate freedom.
This is why “You shouldn’t write if you don’t want to” pisses me off. You do want to write, but a sense of obligation has crushed that desire so far down you can’t feel it anymore. The only way to get back in touch with it is to stop making yourself do things you can’t do. This doesn’t mean giving up, it means doing what you can do instead.
Is it impossible to start writing at all? Okay, you can’t do that right now. But you can probably open your writing app and create a new file. 
You’ve got a file open on your desktop. That’s great, you can stop there if you want. But you might ask, could you start writing your story in it? Maybe you can’t. Could you type a few random words and phrases into it that aren’t related to your story? Maybe you can. 
Now let’s say you’re looking at a document with some random words and phrases in it. Can you type one sentence on the next line that relates to your story? If you can’t, there’s almost certainly something else you can do. But if there isn’t, stop. You can ask again later. You get to choose.
At every point, remind yourself, I don’t have to do this if I don’t want to, because there’s always something else I can do instead.
I’ve been advised many times to “break a task down into steps.” But when you make a list of steps, you still feel obligated to do all of them eventually, and from where you’re standing, those future steps look very intimidating. That’s not what we’re doing here. Each action you take comes with no expectation that you’ll do anything next. It does come with that possibility, but that’s it. Who knows how you’ll feel, what you’ll be capable of, when you get there? You’ll practically be a different person. 
You might have to get creative. Recently I had to write an email I couldn’t face, and somebody said, “Well, can you write a fake version you’ll never send?” I could. Once I’d done it, though, I decided it wasn’t too bad, and the effort of sending it was so minimal I had no reason not to. 
Not all cases will be that easy. But the mere freedom to not do what you can’t do will help you see more alternatives. When I was depressed, I used to beat myself up for not getting to the grocery store. It turns out there are affordable ways to get your groceries delivered, but I didn’t even think to research them until I’d stopped blaming myself for being too lazy to leave the house.
Not forcing yourself to do stuff that hurts you does not mean giving up and doing nothing. It means learning some new moves.
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viridianmort · 5 years
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viridianmort · 5 years
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viridianmort · 5 years
I hate line art so much, but it makes everything so clean and easy to colour after ;;;;;
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viridianmort · 5 years
I am terrified
I have been confronted by my actual improvement in art and I don't know how to react to this. If you look at my diagnosis art from last year and then the piece I just recently posted.... wow
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viridianmort · 5 years
I offer you, a drawing.
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viridianmort · 5 years
When your character tells you a thing and you, the author, are like, “No, you’re shitting me,” and the character’s all, “I absolutely am not,” and you realize that every single seed needed to grow that thing WAS ALREADY PLANTED IN THE STORY.
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viridianmort · 5 years
Avoid using semi-colons in fiction. Break the sentence into two instead.
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viridianmort · 5 years
Some of the best writing advice I ever got was if you’re stuck on a scene or a line, the problem is actually about 10 lines back and that’s saved me from writer’s block so many times.
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