vames · 4 years
#listentounderstand Waka be droppin them jewels 💎💎💎. #RealTalk #WakaFlocka (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9I2gOuFkdQiCvAcdbU_SZDXnwpTN_tjVoQeO80/?igshid=z8rjml03vjie
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vames · 4 years
#truthbetold💯 Repost from @davidgoggins There is no one in the world who doesn’t have a hater- at least one person who doesn’t like them. In life, it is always about moving forward and taking that next step. A lot of us don’t take that next step because we failed on the step prior. So, taking that next step becomes very difficult not so much because of the one prior but because of the fear of what pdeople might say. Haters will always be lurking out there somewhere in the dark, waiting for you to fall flat on your fucking ass. You could win the national championships in basketball and the haters will say it because of bad refs who missed the call! A lot of us allow these haters - jealous and insecure people- dominate our every thought. It’s not so much that we are afraid to fail, most of us are afraid of the judgement that comes with failure. It’s not just about failing in life- a whole bunch of people are lazy, insecure, underachieving, unwilling to grow, living in the past, bitter, spiteful and vengeful, etc. These are the very people who will always find something wrong with you and your success and achievements. These are the type of haters who would say that if you walked on water, it would be only because you can’t swim!!!! I have one finger for all of these people and I am guessing you all know exactly which finger that is! Stay hard! 🖕 (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9IL-Jwl357VZe2tZ0EFoQ14xKl2U8i2RL6bTg0/?igshid=jph3fqx7mz10
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vames · 4 years
Regaining what once was! #listentounderstand Repost from @davidgoggins Some of you won’t give a shit or even comprehend what I am about to say but, for the titans, warriors and motherfucking savages out there, you will know EXACTLY what I am talking about. No matter how disciplined you are, there are those days where your schedule, work, and the elements of life get in the way and they give you every excuse not to show up to battle with yourself. On those days it is very important to remember that there is someone out there working harder than you, waking up earlier and going to bed later. There is a person who forgoes personal desires and comforts, who doesn’t give a shit about the inconveniences of life, work, family, etc., they simply find and make the time to get it in, whatever it is. That is the very person who should haunt you. If life happens to get in your way and you happen to miss whatever it is that you were supposed to get in that day, that person should be the only motherfucker you see in your sleep. A true savage understands that this is how a warrior’s mind thinks so l, what we need to do is make sure that the vision that person sees in their sleep is you. There will be many days and nights where you are too exhausted to even think about getting it in. On those days, keep the souls of the many that you want to take in your mind. Allow that to be the extra energy you need to go the extra mile, swim the extra lap, add a couple of sets, study a few hours more, etc.! Learn to forgo personal desires and comforts to earn real estate in the minds of the weak! (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FHHKVFtRg37zEX0GrHdCBFceGx0mspB-W26w0/?igshid=1s58vrh4ftuml
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vames · 4 years
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Loss is always devastating. Whether it be family, friends, role models, etc. the hurt will hit you. The impact can and will change your life forever. It's important that we all work on making a positive, powerful impact in this short life we live. Live love, show love, be love. Immortalize yourself by making great and positive memories in the time we all have. Rest easy, rest in love and rest in heaven Kobe and Gianna Bryant 🙏🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zrm7AFLnJK5IFaFLP7NjqA_VmPpaXFSGNSzU0/?igshid=qfj0pdkict1n
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vames · 4 years
🙏🏾 ^ (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ziphTl07ZyawdJq2pNTK-zaaTLJfiQ2FKcGA0/?igshid=qfuoeynf7ypq
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vames · 4 years
#listentounderstand #learntoevolve Repost from @davidgoggins Your entitled mind is dead weight! A lot of us are asking and looking for help before we even help ourselves. A lot of people are looking for a handout before they put in the work. We believe we are entitled to things, deserve things and have earned things. A lot of us think we are working much harder than we actually are. We believe if we put in a good solid week of work, we ate all of the right foods for a few days, we studied diligently for our exams, etc., that means we have earned victory and should reap the rewards! While there is nothing wrong with asking for help, you first have to make sure that you have put in all of the hard work and exhausted all options on your own. You have to be willing to go the extra step and put in the extra work. If you are the person asking how to lose weight while sitting on the couch...if you want to go Harvard and have the grades but not the extra curricular activities to separate your application from the rest...or maybe you want to start for your high school basketball team but failed to go to summer conditioning (like I did!), you fall into the category of those people who put in a half-assed effort and expect to be rewarded. Most people asking for help know exactly what the fuck they need to do and that answer usually is simply...work harder! (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7bOlTNFMvwxlpOQNa4MmRJCrOdEQCYy3K7uUQ0/?igshid=akzgopzvaj88
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vames · 4 years
#listentounderstand (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7SqpRaFGwh4TLe4rbd1OIFqImD3yeg8e4ilB80/?igshid=yv5u2i10b14f
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vames · 4 years
#listentounderstand #youareenough #manifestyourdreams (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OvyY2lnESKcUl1v_Dpokcza2v162mXAIiBPQ0/?igshid=1r9dy7p6267kz
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vames · 4 years
#listentounderstand #staydriven Repost from @mindset.therapy #spreadpositivity #motivationoftheday #positivityiskey #mindsetmatters #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #keytosuccess #mindsetcoach #inspirational #mindsetshift #mindsetiseverything #successtips #moneymindset #motivationalquotesoftheday #motivationalquotes #inspirationalquote #inspirations #motivation101 #successmindset #successquotes #morningmotivation #quoteoftheday #powerofpositivity #successfulmindset (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7F8iPglVDf71kGeEV_5FyCeDpfK6Ug6gyNOKQ0/?igshid=zy91czsze7jh
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vames · 4 years
Repost from @etthehiphoppreacher #BestOf2019 Give a man the answer, and he'll only have a temporary solution. Teach him the principles that led you to that answer, and he will be able to create his own solutions in the future. Tag 3 people 2020 1% Tour Miami, FL - January 11 London - March 7 Los Angeles, CA - April 18 Atlanta, GA - May 23 Houston, TX - June 6 Honolulu, HI - June 20 Toronto - July 25 Washington D.C. - October 24 Reno, NV - November 14 #ETOnePercent @etthehiphoppreacher 👈🏼 (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6PVG6ql8qa1s82TlSefda5pBBr6wsWgn6nMMc0/?igshid=1f30waivymp0x
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vames · 4 years
#Repost @theorlandojones ・・・ Annnnnndddd #Boom 💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #FreedomAintFree #IWroteTheTruth #ISpokeTheTruth #TheyAreTryingToSilenceMe #TheyAreTryingToStopMe Stand with me on this one #Fam..... what say #YOU???? 🙏🏿 @tmz_tv let’s talk @ariannahuff let’s talk @huffpost let’s talk ‼️PLEASE REPOST TAG ME SHARE‼️ (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6D1t4jlWW2Qy62-PkVMPhusZZUXm0JVMej8Hg0/?igshid=ynug5hzd2ylt
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vames · 5 years
Repost via @dtr360books #2pac speech at the Indiana Black Expo (1993) -- One of the geatest of all time! #2pac #makaveli #tupac #2pacshakur #tupacshakur #westside #westcoast #legend #hiphop #90srap #2pacquotes #RealHipHop #tupacamarushakur #DTR360BOOKS (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5M06E9Fq-fLUpkhV6pNFVCaYpbJLFCYX3E1PU0/?igshid=1nx72x2c64nrm
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vames · 5 years
Today.... I level up +1! 🎂 🎉🎊 👑 (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4b0bMtl0A5ONeg_EDn2HYhZO2UMIPZPO5SV340/?igshid=12x5ebcpvvmwy
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vames · 5 years
Speaking that truth! #listentounderstand #truthbetold Repost from @ericaleshai #AfroChat 🗣 We really have to learn our own history. No more expecting biopics to be historically accurate. No more reading memes and tweets and believing them to be truth. No more allowing “influencers” to be your main source of information. Verify everything and everyone. Because if we continue to accept the narratives they tell us, we’ll remain ignorant while vilifying our own men and loving the ones who keep us disenfranchised. Please research for yourself. Truth is not fluid. There’s no such thing as her truth, my truth, or their truth. There is only the truth. Let’s be learners and advocates of our true history. 🖤 . . . . . . . #harriettubman #harriet #blackhistory #blackexcellence #history #controlthenarrative #ericaleshai (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Yvi7ZFU6LHa8p6aFCXErRvUGptYp0QuWuesA0/?igshid=11yvhsuwnopzj
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vames · 5 years
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vames · 5 years
#listentounderstand #generationalwealth #winnerswinandloserslose #findaway (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VUyHkFJOspTdbzrrd_x0WAos0bXXGi1_cs0M0/?igshid=1je8sn2ykld1v
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vames · 5 years
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@blackandmissingfdn - Please SHARE. #HelpUsFindAviana Read more from NY Post: https://nypost.com/2019/09/20/missing-new-jersey-teens-photos-show-up-on-sex-trafficking-websites/ #BlackConnections (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sLkm2lyqqvbAbW75Gbw-rWXxrKPSDUYrwoRA0/?igshid=1uwggvaipzj8m
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