valerie-reese · 6 years
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Mabel Reese
Mabel Reese is the youngest child of Vivienne, Mari and Johnathon Reese, and the only blood child of Mari Reese. Mabel took after her mother- punky, and wild, and ready to kick ass if need be. Unlike her older siblings, Mabel still practices Wicca. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin with her girlfriend, Eleanor, and her six year old daughter, Maevaris. She works as a waitress as she tries to get her music career off the back-burner. 
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valerie-reese · 6 years
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Caroline Wood (nee Reese)
Caroline Wood is the oldest child of Vivienne, Mari and Johnathon Reese, and the only of her siblings to leave their childhood thinking, “Jesus, my family is weird.”. Caroline likes to pretend she has everything under control, and she’s the happiest person on planet earth- after all, her marriage is strong, her daughter, Alyssa, is healthy, her career as an interior designer is going well- and she’s an active participant in her church. That means everything’s going fine, right? Caroline refuses to let people see through her facade- she hates church, she doesn’t love her husband, and she hates feeling so fucking boring. But she’s keeping it together. She’s keeping her marriage together. For Alyssa. For her daughter. Her daughter deserves a normal life.
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valerie-reese · 6 years
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Mari Reese
Mari Reese is the wife of Vivienne and Johnathon Reese, and birth mother of the trio’s youngest child, Mabel Reese. Mari is a spunky, punk plus-sized queer activist and high school art teacher. She was born in Texas, and moved to Southern California in her early twenties for university, and to pursue art. Mari was the first person Valerian told about Angelo, when they started dating in high school. 
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valerie-reese · 6 years
“ you know, you would think that more people would be willing to be a live model. “ aiden is more than a bit frustrated. “ it’s so difficult to get a figure drawing right from a photo. i need someone to actually draw.” he runs a hand through his hair, ripping his current page from his sketchbook and tossing it into the trash.
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“You know- I’d be willing to do it if I didn’t have to be completely naked. Like... boxer briefs only. I just don’t love the idea of being like... completely naked in front of a group of art students. I don’t know those people.” 
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valerie-reese · 6 years
36) Favorite daydream?
I’m married. My child is playing in the backyard. Everyone’s happy. Sometimes it’s a night time sort of dream, too. 
37)What’s the most interesting historical lgbt+ fact that you know?
Uhhh. When President Clinton signed DoMA, my dad was so upset that he didn’t talk to anyone for three days, and only spoke up when my mama accidentally knocked the aquarium off it’s shelf and started crying. My mama never cries. Now, I know that’s not exactly what you were looking for- but my parents are lgbt+ and it seemed pretty big. I was twelve.
38)Favorite cartoon growing up and what you think it says about your personality?
Beetlejuice the Animated Series. We didn’t watch a lot of television but I liked that one. Lydia and Beetlejuice were weird, like my family. 
39)What’s your love language?
Physical touch. I’m a tactile person.
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valerie-reese · 6 years
11, 12, 13, 14, 15
11)What’s your favorite reaction from someone when they learned you were lgbt+?
“Well, no fuckin’ duh, we raised you. I was more surprised that Caroline started dating boys than you.” -My mama, when I told her about my crush on a boy at my school. 
12) Favorite Pride memory? (If you haven’t been to pride, do you want to go?)
My parents started taking me to Pride before I can even remember- my favorite Pride memory was when I was fourteen or fifteen, I’m not really sure which year it was. I just remember, there was a moment where an older man spoke to me and he treated me like I was there for myself. For years, I’d been there as a supporter, an ally, as someone’s kid- but I was finally old enough to be there for me. 
13) Do you have a place near you where lgbt+ people like to go and hang out?
The entirety of Boystown. I don’t know, I’m kind of a homebody unless someone invites me somewhere.
14) If you could open up a hangout spot for lgbt+ people, what would it be and what would you call it?
Maybe a book store or library focusing on centering queer authors and stories? I’m a doctor, dammit, not a businessman.
15) Best gay joke you’ve successfully executed?
Is not memorable enough to mention. Sorry.
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valerie-reese · 6 years
Pride Month Ask Game!
What’s your gender identity/sexuality?
If you’re out, how long have you been officially been out?
What’s your Hogwart’s house?
Did you have an “aha” moment where you figured out your identity? If so, what was it?
Favorite lgbt+ character/couple?
Favorite lgbt+ movie?
Favorite lgbt+ song?
How did you meet your best lgbt+ friend?
Who was your first crush? How do you feel about them now?
Favorite color of the rainbow flag? Why?
What’s your favorite reaction from someone when they learned you were lgbt+?
Favorite Pride memory? (If you haven’t been to pride, do you want to go?)
Do you have a place near you where lgbt+ people like to go and hang out?
If you could open up a hangout spot for lgbt+ people, what would it be and what would you call it?
Best gay joke you’ve successfully executed?
How stereotypically (insert identity here) are you?
What’s your favorite Pride item? If you don’t have one, what’s your dream Pride item?
What does Pride mean to you?
Who’s your adopted lgbt+ parent? Child?
Favorite Ally™️?
Would you consider yourself a supernatural gay or an extraterrestrial gay?
What’s something about you that you’re the most proud of?
What’s your favorite memory under a rainbow?
Your favorite lgbt+ music artist?
Are you dating anyone? If so, how long have you been together?
Best lgbt+ reaction gif?
Are you the driver or the passenger in your lgbt+ friend group?
Favorite lgbt+ book?
Unicorns, fairies, or witches?
What’s your favorite part of being in the lgbt+ community?
Favorite rainbow colored snack?
Are you THE “gay cousin” or does your family have more than one?
Favorite lgbt+ meme?
Most influential lgbt+ person (fictional or otherwise) in your life?
How do you make menial tasks more enjoyable?
Favorite daydream?
What’s the most interesting historical lgbt+ fact that you know?
Favorite cartoon growing up and what you think it says about your personality?
What’s your love language?
What was/is your favorite subject in school?
How accepting of an environment are you currently in?
What’s your favorite animal?
Who do you headcanon as lgbt+, but their sexuality/gender identity has not yet been confirmed?
Do you read the instructions or play through tutorials before doing something or do you just dive in headfirst?
Stars, moon, or the sun?
What’s your favorite outfit and where/when do you like to wear it?
Where do you want to be in ten years? Fifty?
Favorite example of an lgbt+ animal?
Coming out story? If you aren’t out, what’s your dream coming out story?
What do you want to get out of this pride month?
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valerie-reese · 6 years
“Fox, this is Luna if I haven’t said that yet.” He smiled, nodding at Valerie. “Vegetarian, don’t worry. I’ll make a note to make sure there is no shellfish anywhere near.”
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“Then I don’t have to worry about shellfish.” Valerian grinned, pulling out his phone and offering the contact page forward, "Put yourself in here, I’ll text you.” 
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valerie-reese · 6 years
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“In my experience, cheap wine from the grocery store tastes better than this.” he laughed, looking at the bottle. “Oh well. I’ve sampled. That’s the least I could do, honestly.”
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Valerian grinned, “Not great for fancy restaurant shit. Probably good enough for getting someone drunk. You’ve sampled.”
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valerie-reese · 6 years
“Well I suppose I rebelled a bit, nothing crazy though.” Jaehyun shrugged, letting his fingers linger in his coat pocket before dropping them. “I mean, who doeesn’t rebel as a teen? I think my father is just overprotective since I’m suppose to take over the company in a year or two. He wants to make sure nothing happens to his precious heir.”
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Valerian let out a laugh, “That would make sense, I guess. Must be a big ass company- my ama’s small business certainly doesn’t warrant security guards for her heir.”
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valerie-reese · 6 years
"Probably, yeah... and hey, if you ever need help with how shitty med school is, give me a ring. Been there, somehow, done that." Valerian said with a grin, "Good luck."
“See? That’s why it’s an ethical nightmare and he shouldn’t have sent the email in the first place. He holds a position of power over you.” Valerian sighed, shaking his head, “Say no, if he effects your grade negatively for it, you take the email to the board of ethics at your college. He can do whatever he wants, but he can’t get away with it without consequence.”
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“Alrighty, but I think I am just going to leave it alone right now and act like I never received it to see if he ends up emailing me again..” He said as he looked at him. “Thanks for the help.. I guess you’re right and that it could’ve caused more trouble than good.”
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valerie-reese · 6 years
"It is. It's also just cute... Angelo and Angela." Valerian giggled, wrapping his arms around one of the dogs necks and hugging it, burying his face in Domino's fur. "Of course they do. Who's a good dog? Who's a good doggy?" He said, giving the same treatment to Angela. "Are you puppies taking care of my Angelo? Huh?"
“You- you named her Angela?” Valerian grinned, looking up to Angelo, “After yourself?” He crouched down to stay at eye level with the dogs, offering his hand forward and grinning. “Hello, puppies!”
“Y-Y-Yeah. I-I thought it was a p-p-pretty name so..” He shrugged a bit as the two dogs came bounding over and sniffed his hand before putting two paws on his shoulders. They licked his face almost clean off as Angelo giggled. “S-S-Seems they love y-y-you.”
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valerie-reese · 6 years
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Johnathon Reese
Johnathon Reese is a quiet, gentle sort of man. He had never been much of a talker- though, he didn’t much need to be with Vivienne and Mari in his life. He has a lovely singing voice, though. He’s a romantic sort, used to show up at the end of Mari’s school day with daisies in hand and invite her on an adventure. He would write letters and poetry for Vivienne, a gesture she appreciated much more than flowers and adventure. Johnathon brought up children first- they had been together for years, and he had always wanted to have kids one day- and he was the one who they decided would stay home when the children were young- not all three of them had to work, after all.
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valerie-reese · 6 years
ian was outside on a fifteen minute smoke break, cigarette hanging from his lips as he looked through his phone. hearing footsteps approach him, he looked up and offered the other a smirk. “you here to get some ink done?” he asked, blowing out smoke. “i’m on a fifteen minute break now, but i’ll be right in the shop in a few minutes.”
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“Uh, kinda. I’m here for a consultation. It’s Valerian, I think we talked on the phone earlier?” Valerian said with a small smile, “I’m gonna let you finish your break, though. I’ll be inside.” He said, turning to head toward the door of the shop.
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valerie-reese · 6 years
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What’s the rest of your night look like?
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valerie-reese · 6 years
“I swear on her life I’m not a serial killer or anything. I’m not askin for anythin’,” he held up his hands in defense with a smile. Luna giggled, happy to see happy faces above her. 
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Valerie grinned, looking up towards the other man, “I’m Valerie.” He offered, standing up straight. “And I’m allergic to shellfish. So I wouldn’t recommend using any in your pasta dish.”
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valerie-reese · 6 years
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Vivienne Reese
Vivienne Reese is the matriarch of the Reese family, a queer, polyamorous witch who runs a shop selling supplies for other wiccans and providing tarot readings for those who ask- for a reasonable price, of course. She moved to Southern California from Toulouse, France when she was fifteen. She is the birth mother of Caroline Wood (nee Reese) and Valerian Reese, but after complications with Valerian’s pregnancy, her and her partners decided Mari would be the birth mother of any future children. 
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