unbasicunnie ¡ 2 years
Anime that surprised me despite their outward appearance/synopsis (not in any particular order)
Anime that I have misjudged…
1.) Silver Spoon (Gin no Saji) 
aka the show about farming
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My thought going into this show: 
“Why the fuck would anyone watch an anime about farming?”
“I’m only watching this because the author of FMA created this… but I doubt it’s going to be any good.”
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My thoughts after watching: 
“Fucking hilarious. I laughed so hard in this show more than anything I’ve seen in a while.”
“You don’t even need to like agriculture- or know a single thing about it to enjoy this show.”
“The character development and all the characters in general are fantastic”
2.) Welcome to the NHK
aka the 24 episode anime about a NEET-stalker-hikikomori, his otaku kouhai, and a depressed teenage girl
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My thought going into this show:
"I’ll watch it later- seems boring”
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My thoughts after watching:
“This show has some of the best dark humor- seriously- a masterpiece. ”
“T an adventure that seems like an epic journey to those who seem to live in a small world, removed from society. ”
“Conspiracy. Conspiracy. Conspiracy.”
3.) Ping Pong: The Animation
aka… the show… about pingpong with the weird art
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My thought going into this show:
“Why ping pong out of all the sports- ping pong is like the least interesting sport”
"Strange art. I can’t get used to watching this”
(I pushed this show off for like about a year now)
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My thoughts after watching: 
“If you haven’t watched this you’re missing out- this show barley has anything to do with ping pong. Just watch this amv and you’ll see > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYzk0YjOZ0w
"The visuals are fantastic. I like how this studio took the risk to stand out like this. They made a good choice in making the art this way- it seems a bit more realistic and ‘closer to home’”
4.) Free! 
aka the gay swimming anime/ fan-service crap
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My thought going into this show:
"As a girl… I like this kind of stuff but I’m not sure if this is worth the time.”
“Is there even a plot?”
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My thoughts after watching:
“It’s more than just a gay swimming anime. It has fanservice- and it does live up to it’s nickname as the ‘gay swimming anime’ -but that’s just the humor in this show- ”
"Sure this show got more hype than it probably deserved- however- this show is also not all about swimming”
"Good message- deeper plot than first glance”
5.) Nobunaga Concerto
aka one knows this show, that one historic show with the weird art that no one watches
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My thought going into this show:
"I’m bored out of my mind- but this will make me even more bored.”
“not interested in Japanese history
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My thoughts after watching: 
"It’s not your traditional ‘realistic Japanese history drama’
“I found this show in a corner, the bottom of the stack beneath all of the great shows out this season- and it turned out to be the most interesting/ unique.”
"This is one of the best WRITTEN shows of all time- even in eng subs I can tell that the dialogue was thought out carefully ( but not tooo carefully )”
"It’s funny! The main character is quirky and clumsy.” “The Op/Ed is great- I have it on my ipod”
These five anime are one of the most unique and best shows I’ve ever seen in my whole life. If there is a lesson gained from this- It’s to never be afraid to try something new
Because you never know… you might just come across a gem and you wouldn’t even know it.
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unbasicunnie ¡ 2 years
Anime Rec List: High School Life
There’s plenty of anime about high schoolers, but here’s some specific anime that take place in/have a plot centered around being in high school!
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-Kun
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Silver Spoon
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From Me to You
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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
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unbasicunnie ¡ 3 years
Writing ADHD characters, an incomplete guide by a person with ADHD
So, if you want to write a character with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, it doesn’t matter if it’s an original character in your new story, or if you’re writing PJO fanfiction, there’s some things you need to know: •Soda, sugar, coffee, they don’t make us MORE hyper, they actually help us calm down. A lot of people with ADHD self-medicate with coffee and soda on a daily basis when they don’t have access to actual treatment •Our brains have two settings: hyperfocus and complete lack of attention. If your character is seriously worried about something, or if they like what they’re doing, it’s very likely they’re not going to stop. At all. I have once spent two entire days researching a topic, without moving from my computer, until I had to. Because I peed myself. I was fifteen. Hyperfocus is a serious problem, even if it’s sometimes useful. Don’t treat it as a superpower, please. •On the same note, your character probably cannot spend too much time or energy on something they don’t like. As in, sometimes five uninterrupted minutes of reading are harder to achieve than three hours of writing, simply because the reading is not fun. •We fidget. A lot. Your character probably repeats a movement over and over and over and over again, or they might always be doing something with their hands. You can make it something useful, but it is not necessarily common (Leo Valdez, from HOO, is a good example of useful fidgeting, with the things he builds. Annabeth Chase, on the other hand, tends to fidget with her necklace, a completely non-useful movement that is repeated several times, enough to be mentioned) •Crazy energetic moments of inspiration happen. They usually don’t last. And people can’t really follow along with what we’re doing. The results, in my experience, are 50/50 on total garbage or amazingly good. •Conversations, especially between several people with ADHD, can really easily go from point A to point G without going anywhere in the middle. Our brains tend to make different connections. •Memory. Our memory is shitty and weird, most of the time. Same as our focus, it usually is either perfect or not there at all. I have lost countless hours to my own brain, chasing my thoughts. •Planning is hard. Proof reading is hard. Finishing things once the original boost of focus is gone is almost impossible. I’m sorry this is so short, but it was a spur of the moment decision.
Feel free to ask me questions. I’ll probably love to explain things to you. And please. To all fanfic writers. Stop making the characters go more hyper when they drink coffee. Seriously, one coffee makes me focus, two make me productive. Three make me take a nap.
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unbasicunnie ¡ 6 years
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First, i dont think this is a nice edit. But look at our jeonghan’s cute smile, lets appreciate it.
🌱 If you save it, please like or reblog.
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