twinkylink303 17 days
Anytime I interact with plants and people it goes like this 馃ぃ馃ぃ, every person falls into one of these categories 馃ぃ
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twinkylink303 18 days
Ian had a very rough day at work. He was fired, and mugged on his way home. Apparently, people had yet to get over the gay Jesus stunts he and his cultish following had performed. He regretted none of it, but damn did his fucking bones hurt. He was so tired, the bone deep fatigue practically oozing from him.
As Ian limped home he hoped to God that the house was quiet and no one was home. At the very least, not Frank. Alas, Ian was never so lucky. Everyone, including Lip and Tammi were there. The family was fighting again, and Ian just couldn't take it. He slinked up the stairs, his footsteps slow and heavy. The noise and the questions being thrown his way, blurred into one loud ensemble.
By the time Ian reached his room, tears were forming around the crease of his eyes. He got into bed, and just laid there. The weight of depression, and a day soured pushing down on him until he felt like he couldn't breathe. Ian hyperventilated and started shaking as he fought to get air in his lungs.
Suddenly, there were arms surrounding him. Ian fought it, but the arms just squeezed a little tighter. Not enough to hurt him, but just enough to keep him put. As Ian calmed down, the adrenaline and panic ebbing from his body, he began to hear again.
"Ian. Ian. Ian! Breathe! Take a breath! Come on!" It was Mickey, practically begging Ian to just breathe. Ian took a breath, and just started sobbing. Mickey's grip remained firm, in a way that said, 'it's okay, I'm here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, alright?' Mickey kissed Ian's forehead, knowing he would speak when he was ready.
Ian rested his head on Mickey's chest, curling up against the stocky brute. At least he had Mickey, and that was more than enough.
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twinkylink303 18 days
Oh Baby, please show me how it's done. Would you start by running your fingers down my body, tracing all of my dips and curves? Maybe you'd use your mouth. Slowly suckling away at my skin like you're dying of thirst. Babe, there's bruises blooming on my skin now. Oh God, please baby don't stop. Slide your fingers down to my nice little tdick and pinch me. Prod me. Pull until you hear me mew. Then there's that mouth and ah fuck, you're such a good master. Please, please, please don't stop
Tips? I've never written smut before
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twinkylink303 20 days
Took some photos of myself for the first time. Did I manage to make myself look good? I've never done this before 馃珷
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twinkylink303 24 days
Justice League identity reveal where they don鈥檛 know who Batman is and one day a bunch of them walk in on him just casually eating yogurt in the cafeteria with his cowl off. A bunch of them recognize him, a couple don鈥檛, and they鈥檙e all shocked.
Turns out Batman didn鈥檛 realize none of them knew who he was, since it had taken him all of ten minutes and three google searches to put everyone鈥檚 secret identities together and he just assumed they had all figured it out by this point. Or maybe he had meant to tell them and then just forgotten. Either way, he regularly interacts with half of them outside of hero stuff and hasn鈥檛 bothered with the whole separate persona thing with them in years. Shouldn鈥檛 they really have figured this out by now? So what if he forgot? This is clearly on them.
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twinkylink303 28 days
Haha I'm dying 馃珷
I swear I'm intently listening to you ramble about your adorable hyperfixations and not staring at those kissable lips, wondering what they would look like screaming my name. And I'm definitely not looking at your neck, wondering if I could spell our initials with hickeys. And I'm looking how your hands move when you explain things to me, because I'm focused, not because I'm wondering how they would look wrapped around me, wet with spit and cum...mhm... focused. Very.
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twinkylink303 2 months
ive seen a lot of people talk about after care on here but only mention it to the extent of some cuddles and a bath and i just want to remind everyone that aftercare shouldnt be limited to that.
if you have a harder session, tend to your subs bruises, scratches, and marks. put ice on bruises and welts to help with inflammation and pain.
if you do bondage, take care of rope burn and help them do some stretches. their body is going to be stiff from being restricted in one position for a long time. also a heating pad can help with sore muscles.
if they have any cuts or are bleeding, dress their wounds properly. make sure to put on antibiotic ointment on before a bandage if needed.
if they have burns for whatever reason, run them under cold water and maybe use ointment on those to help them heal.
make sure they pee after sex to help prevent a UTI. their legs may be shaky so help them get to the bathroom if needed.
give them advil or some other pain med to help with any aching or discomfort.
make sure they drink water. they need it and i cant stress how important this is. also give them some food even if its just a little snack.
give them verbal assurance and praise. tell them they did good and that youre proud of them.
still run a bath, get them cleaned up, give them kisses, cuddle them, etc but dont forget about the rest of aftercare, its so important. take care of your subs and always remember consent, communication, and safety are key.
also give your doms aftercare and affection too, theyre people with emotions and need it
aftercare is just as, if not more, important than the actual scene and should never be skipped, rushed, or disregarded
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