twilightprophet · 7 hours
i'm legit curious pls reblog this and put in the tags what your first band t shirt or merch was
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twilightprophet · 22 hours
Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer
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twilightprophet · 23 hours
ok well anyway. i broke down and made a helluva boss sideblog — @holymolyfizzie. we'll see how long it lasts, but i've been into it for a while and i like the characters so,,
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twilightprophet · 23 hours
why are yt to mp3 websites always the shadiest fuckin sites I feel like I’m going down a dark alleyway risking the chance of getting drugged and/or stabbed just bc its the only place where I can find a guy to deal me some decent fart with extra reverb dot mp3s
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twilightprophet · 1 day
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twilightprophet · 1 day
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the black swan is a large waterbird primarily found in australia, along with being popular in waterfowl collections throughout the world. black swans are very well known for displaying homosexual behavior; up to a quarter of all black swan pairings are same-sex. surprisingly, this can be beneficial to the overall population of swans; it isn’t unusual for a female to temporarily mate with one male of a same-sex pair, then leave the eggs in the males’ care. black swans don’t have a particularly high rate of successful fledging - 30% - but for chicks in the care of same-sex parents, that rate drastically rises to an 80% chance of success. it’s believed that this is due to responsibilities being distributed more evenly than in opposite-sex pairs, leading to overall more successful parenting.
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twilightprophet · 1 day
As pride month begins, let us not forget our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
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twilightprophet · 1 day
happy pride. here’s the link to wikipedias list of birds displaying homosexual behavior
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twilightprophet · 2 days
Fizzarolli is the most character ever. He’s a professional clown. He’s gay. He’s the main character’s best friend from childhood. He’s a sex icon. He’s an amputee. He’s in a monogamous relationship with the personification of the deadly sin of lust. He’s just a little guy. He’s a pampered princess. He’s covered in burn scars. He’s one of the most famous people in Hell. All 4 of his arms and legs are robotic. He can use sign language. Hell manufactures robots specifically made to behave like him when he can’t perform there in person.
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twilightprophet · 3 days
sorry for being a hater i want to be a lover but everything pisses me off
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twilightprophet · 3 days
UPDATE: Dangers in North Gaza!
Our friend, journalist and photographer Mahmoud Abusalama, gives us an update about the dangers in the north of Gaza in the weeks long attack on Jabaliya refugee camp. There has been constant, brutal bombings and no water has been allowed in the North as part of Israel’s starvation campaign they induced on the people of Gaza. He himself was targeted by Israel for documenting the truth about what happens on the ground.
The situation keeps getting worse and worse for the people of Gaza and there’s no hint of stopping anytime soon. Everyday, we’re worried for our friends in Gaza and pray for this vicious onslaught to stop. Please, if you’re able, take to the streets and protest your governments for aiding and abetting the Gaza genocide, and do everything you can to help them.
Gazans continue to require basic necessities, and prices for things have only gone up. If you donate to HelpGazaChildren, Hussam sends a portion of the funds to the North to Help Mahmoud Abusalama find ways to feed the starved community of Jabaliya.
Please keep donating to HelpGazaChildren! This grassroots effort is helping so many people in Gaza when the world has abandoned them!
Donate to our GoFundMe which goes directly to Hussam, who manages camps in Rafah, with NO middleman in between!
HelpGazaChildren Notion Site || #helpgazachildren tag
GoFundMe Link
[ID: video of mahmoud abusalama speaking towards the camera as he walks through the ruins of Jabaliya refugee camp in north Gaza. There are subtitles to the video.]
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twilightprophet · 3 days
So recently the mayor of my city placed a bunch of sharp stones under a bridge commonly used by homeless people to escape the harsh tropical storms we experience during the summer
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A priest decided that was an utterly anti humanitarian course of action (rightfully so) and so his solution.. was to destroy those rocks with a hammer.
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I'm not Catholic (in fact, I grew up Jewish and am now atheist) but I feel this is what religion is supposed to be about. Using the divine to help humans behave a little more... human.
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twilightprophet · 3 days
Here's a website where Palestine GoFundMes are vetted and shared that you can send out to people. The url is gazafunds.com
Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
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twilightprophet · 3 days
I've said it before but for newcomers, I will say it again. I fully stand with Palestine and Palestinians. If you're neutral, or you don't care, or you support Israel or you're "free everyone", unfollow me right now. This is not a political topic. Tons of innocent people dying is not a political topic.
Everyone's always saying that they're for making a change but I don't see any change in an account that doesn't stand for humanitarian crisis. Swifties, I'm sorry but y'all post millions of things about Taylor Swift's albums and various tours but can't be bothered to reblog posts about people dying.
1000 is a big number and we know that. Now imagine, 36050+ people dead, 15000+ are children, 80,643 injured, and 10,000 missing.
We all know what to do when genocides happen, it's in the history books. This is going to make it in history books. Stop being ignorant.
Free Palestine and all eyes on Rafah.
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twilightprophet · 3 days
the 3.5mm headphone jack was the wound through which light entered your phone it was a little cave for angels to live in inside your phone and big tech got rid of it cause theyre scared of God the wrong way
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twilightprophet · 3 days
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did the dinosaurs look at the meteor and thought "how pretty"?
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twilightprophet · 3 days
ngl i miss rping sometimes. it's been 7 yrs since i last rped as jason funderberker. yet i think about it still. how does one just move on from that?
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