twelvehumss · 3 years
I always believe that happiness is a choice, and you can be happy at all times. The little prince said that one loves the sunset when one is so sad, and he got to watch the sunset forty-four times one day. When the pilot asked the little prince if he was sorrowful that day, the little prince didn’t respond. Most of the time, you can’t explain what you truly feel, or you prefer to keep it to yourself.
Being happy was an easy thing for me when I was still a child. As long as there are delicious foods, new toys, and your family beside you, we get to be satisfied easily. As we grow up, we tend to be more greedy. We would always start by asking from the most little things, and whenever we have achieved those self-proclaimed needed things, we seek more and more. Being fulfilled with your life is the fastest key to happiness, but it is also the hardest thing to do.
For you to be happy, you must first accept that happiness is non-existence sometimes. Things won't always work as you have expected, and that's okay. One of my favorite Korean dramas, It's Okay to Not Be Okay, taught me various life lessons from the title itself. People would suffer from different emotions or even mental illness at some point of their lives, and that is perfectly fine. Emotions are our own ways of asking for help in situations that we cannot manage, it has been part of our coping mechanism.
Have you ever felt sad without any reason? Crying unconsciously and asking yourself what happened? I believe that most of people have experienced that. I can't explain that phenomena scientifically or mentally too, but I guess I learned how to cope up with those negative emotions.
Adults these days might be lost in their paths, but we knew the things we unlike clearly. We often get irritated with those things that we hate, and that adds to our frustrations and negative emotions. Perhaps, for you to choose happiness, determine what brings you joy first. Find yourself, discover more about yourself, and achieve your goals. The process of finding oneself might be tough, but that is what exactly makes your teenage life interesting.
I have uncovered my love for fashion since I was in elementary. I do get anxious whenever I sketch those ugly fashion illustrations, but I enjoy doing it whenever I’m bored. I hated how I couldn't cut a piece of cloth properly, but I would still daydream about my fashion design dream. I am not confident of passing my dream school and pursuing my dream career, but I decided to don't put too much pressure on myself and just enjoy the ride. I learned to be gentle to myself.
I discovered Chinese rap music and fell iin love with it about four years ago from a rap-related variety show. I started discovering more about it by listening to different rappers and learning their flows, beats, and lyrics. I don't have a nice voice nor can I sing gracefully like singers, but I thought if I could actually rap in Chinese. The hip hop culture also taught me about peace and love, and how cool we should be rather than giving a f*ck on things. Whenever I’m frustrated, angry, nervous or sad, I would listen to different rap songs that would lift up my mood. Instead of saying words that might harm other people's emotions, I put my AirPods on my ears and follow the beat of the rap songs as I try to learn those techniques in rapping faster. I really enjoy how I cope up with negative emotions using rap music. I also love making new playlists on sad days, it is surprisingly therapeutic for me. I guess music really heals the heart, especially the ones from your favorite artists, mine would be songs from Jay Chou. On days that I feel unmotivated to live, I’ll just remind myself that I need to work hard, for me to earn a lot of money, travel and watch my favorite singers, bands, and rappers live.
I told my friends that the only skill that I learned last 2020 was to learn from doing a perfect eyeliner, haha! One of my biggest insecurities is my body. Whenever I look in the mirror, I would hate my growing pimples and ugly face too. Most of the time, I just don't feel good about myself. But then, slowly, I learned to embrace myself with those imperfections that everyone else has. I started learning how to do makeup, and I enjoy the process of dressing and styling myself up. I put a lot of ideas and efforts every time that I would lock myself in the room and glam up. It boosted my confidence and creativity. I also love to see different supportive creatives on Instagram who inspire me to do what I want. Finding a group of people that shares a common interest in you is one of the best experiences ever. I felt a sense of belongingness and acceptance from this society.
Being happy is about how you treat yourself. I realized that there are days wherein I can do nothing and rest only without feeling sorry. I realized that it is okay for me to become selfish at times and prioritize myself, my welfare, and my happiness. We shouldn't be afraid to choose what we love and dream for what we want as long as we're not hurting anyone else. Don’t be tough to yourself, embrace your own emotions and enjoy life. You’ve got this! Treat yourself right, we are our own little prince and princess. Watch the sunset when you're sad.
- Spicy Chicken 🌶 🐔
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twelvehumss · 3 years
While talking about water, I remember swimming and talking about swimming, I remember a terrible  flashback when I was in China. That time, the vacation was a hot summer, and the best exercise we can think of that day is swimming. So, my friends and I went to the beach nearest to us. Hope and hope, finally on the day of swimming, we first did warm-up exercises, and then we threw into the water like a group of ducklings. Wow! The water is so cold! I don't know anything about swimming. Watching other people there try, I also decided to start learning to breathe in the water. But I forgot that it is my first time to swim and when I wanted to raise my head because I can’t take it anymore, my friend just used his hands to push my head inside the water again and used his legs to lock my hands from stopping him. It was a bad experience because I nearly experienced death there. 
There is a wonderful beach during sunset and sunrise because when I’m in China, I always go there to see the sun reflected by the water. Not only that, the rocks there are almost the shape of a heart. I wanted to get some to bring it home, but one of my friends told me not to because it is a gift from nature. If I bring it, that’s ruining nature. And I realized he is right. This place is very peaceful and lovely. I think it would be romantic if I bought my future partner to watch the sunset and throw a small barbeque party with my friends.
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twelvehumss · 3 years
"Pouring Rain"
Everyday I go in and turn the showervalve and close my eyes to the hot rain like water.
Pouring rain sounds my ears, surrounds my field.
My mom asks me to make it quick and thorough, to make it in time for breakfast.
The smell of hot meat pies and warm blankets getting wet from my damp hair.
It calms me to happiness.
My mom hugs me good morning my baby boy.
I turn back to say the same as I open my eyes like that day 
Of pouring rain.
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twelvehumss · 3 years
I wish I could be perfect .
But I wish it would be the opposite.
I wish you could see me the way I see you.
Sleepless nights that knocks me out.
The endless stuff to distract me from you
Doing chores like hobbies to move on to someone else
Dreaming for another to be as perfect as you but different.
Someone that feels the same way as me
The one that erases 
The thought of you and me……
I said I'm trying to move on.
I guess hurting me is part of it.
Remembering what you said
"Maybe i'm not the right guy for you"
I'm such a simp that a "Maybe" turns me around.
A maybe that shows differently
The "maybe" that I don't want to be real
I did fall for you.
I did try for you.
But I didn't try enough to feel like I tried at all.
So guess what 
I'm still trying.
And still trying to do that to someone else that tries back and actually does .
I'm sorry if any of what I did made you feel awkward.
But I'm also sorry that it c2osted a close friendship.
Its stupid but that "Maybe stuck to me"
I just hope that it's different for the next one that I like.
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twelvehumss · 3 years
"Just imagining"
I'm the part of the ocean that's calm.
At Least the part where it's enough to reflect everything and enough to be seen what others see and not what's below.
It's beautiful that it fits every background. But never enough to fit with what's below.
A constant divergence of the same thing, just seen and acted differently by its own self.
On one hand it's perfect with pink skies or cloudy blue with a mirrored heaven like mood and atmosphere.
A place I want to be in.
A place to be with my thoughts.
The other side being what's below.
All the wonders and biggest fears of me.
Sharks and large fish and living sea creatures.
But corrals with luminescence scattered and streaked across the top like a starless stargazed mirror of the sky.
And a big heavy confusion of pressure and the lack of rules by gravity.
Im that ocean and im both different and the same.
So you can drown or live to see the lights everyday.
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twelvehumss · 3 years
Everything passes eventually
Do not forget that even the longest night will
eventually give way to sunlight
Most nights I lie awake and stare at my ceiling
I question every word I spoke,
Every move I made
I'll criticize myself until my thoughts fill my lungs
And I suffocate
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twelvehumss · 3 years
"Not me this time"
He's THE best friend and got me through the dark era of awkwardness that is 6th grade to junior high. 
He's one of a few people that taught me how to make friends in the 1st place ,giving me an opportunity I never really expected or wanted since the start but now can't think of what I am now today without it.
He's the only pacifist I know and have never really seen fight but I honestly would pay to see that.
He's Manfloid Jessie Cunanan or MJ , born on the 4th of September 2003 yet it still feels like he's older than me and looks older than me cuz of facial hair(I honestly still don't know if im jealous or it just looks better on him) and is basically one of the most friendliest guys you could ever meet and sometimes you really want to see them get pissed just to be sure they are still human. To this day I still have only seen him mad twice and it seemed human at least but still not enough to satisfy my curiosity.
He's above average height(at least in my standards), curly hair but the curly hair that is like compressed if that makes any sense? , and he's on the chubbier side and it makes him look soooooo much safer to be around with, like it gives off this vibe of " I can crush anyones skull open if they even think of hurting you" even if he is a pacifist. 
He talks like that calm friend that takes 80-90% of your worries when you hear him talk. And I'm not kidding when I say that it has shut down most of my violent thoughts. 
He is extremely helpful and at a level  blindingly golden as a friend. And rightfully so, going out of his way just to help me in a lot of stuff and entertaining my every question
In all definition he is THE best friend and more waaaaaaaay more than what you would expect from a person and his interests and tastes are similar to mine so that's a plus out of the overwhelming infinity out of a hundred.
We didn't really talk much in junior high, we only interacted when I just so happened that we were in the same vicinity. I know it's questionable to say he's your best friend when you didn't talk much at all for 3 years but really it worked out in the most convenient way possible as earlier in the school year I talked to him to catch up and now he's a usual in chatting plus that 3 years  not interacting with each other gave a lot of stuff to talk about and new stuff to have in common but with varying degrees of expertise in the field of games ,anime etc etc etc etc.
He's really intelligent but has times where his pacifist nature gets the better of him and he blames himself for stuff that he has no fault in whatsoever. It's absurd that a guy this great exists.
He's a guy I can literally tell anything to and feel like i'm not a weirdo for liking stuff and being myself and It's gotten to a point where I even have fun in guessing what he'll say and what he'll react with and honestly it's one of the best actual relationships I enjoy being part of.
MJ one of those guys I would literally be thankful for punching me back to reality. 
MJ, if you by any chance read this, you are a SSS+ 6STR Friend that is a 10pull of 10 limited 5strs with a free ticket. That's luck that I would never even think of being the one to have.
And also don't see yourself as unattractive in anyway cuz a great deal of people would be lucky to have such an absurdly good person.
(That incidentally has interests that I could be more happier to have.)
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twelvehumss · 3 years
Three Decades and A Year
To the lovebirds that is my only epitome of true love, you have set the standards so high. High enough for me to wish for the kind of love you both have. 
I am forever in awe on how amazing your partnership is. Truly, there is no perfect marriage, but yours became one because of your experiences together as years go by. 
You both mean the world to me. Happy three decades and a year church wedding anniversary! I love you.
Since January 14, 1990
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/3aDLQfcTV8c3zVFEYE1mHb?si=6_2CAp7wQDWtUb0UzugUbg)
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twelvehumss · 3 years
Oceans Apart
The smell of fresh air, the sound of beautiful waves, and a well majestic view. Oh how beautiful you are. The deepest darkest depths of yours make me want you more. Uncertainties beneath you and the creatures I might have not seen yet excites me. The color of your water suits how perfect you are, and thus reflects all of me which makes it more beautiful. You wash away all the impurities and imperfections of each and everyone who swims at you.  You travel amongst the continents of the world, yet you still find your way back to your origin. You are one of the most magnificent creations of God.
Though others may be afraid of your presence, I enjoy you, I enjoy how calming your cold waters are, how you give certain peace even though I stay for hours, I enjoy how you welcome visitors to see the beautiful skies and the flying creatures. 
You have made me feel safe, you have made me feel content, you have made me feel me, the real me. Oceans may be far, and oceans may come apart but I will always find you and make time for you Ocean, even oceans apart.
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/3ogRinwAHGC7Kf4acHAB2d?si=by0ptolUSOSbi7tJDmZObw)
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twelvehumss · 3 years
Patrick’s Life
John Patrick Santos or Patrick for short, is a 19-year-old living in Caloocan City, Philippines. Pat is five feet eleven inches tall and has brown skin, making him a bit more attractive to the opposite gender. He has an intimidating aura at first, but eventually, when you get to know him, he has this goofy and fun to be with personality. Pat also has white crystal teeth, which I can say is his best asset, and is often using eyeglasses to see things clearly. Patrick has one older brother. His brother is currently staying in Japan with his mom and Pat is staying with her Grandmother here in the Philippines. He was in 5th grade when he started to join the Track and Field Team, making him more competitive and healthy. Pat also considers this team as his second family.
Pat studied at Philippine Cultural College Caloocan for his Elementary, High School, and Senior High School and currently studying at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) taking up AB Behavioral Science in his second year. As far as I know Pat, he’s not really religious and superstitious, but he believes that we have to be good and do good. Pat’s one of his ambitions is to become filthy rich and a writer. He once told me that he would publish a book entitled “Patrickism” that consists of the life lessons he was sharing to the people close to him if given a chance. He’s not married and as of now, he wants to focus more on his studies and for his future plans and career. He’s not really affectionate or clingy but his words of encouragement can be your only source of affection coming from him.
Patrick believes that when you are tired or out of motivation to do something, always take a break and recharge yourself. Distance yourself from the things that are stressing you out. Always have a balanced diet at the same time you have to exercise at least 3 times a week. Patrick would always remind me to stay in reality. It’s not bad to think about the future or to worry about what happened in the past, what always matters is the present. He would also always remind me not to always listen to what other people are telling me. He’ll remind me that I should stick where I am confident and that I have to learn to build my self-esteem by discovering something that I enjoy and I’m really good at. He once told me that his insecurity is his body so that keeps him motivated to work out and stay fit, which makes him more confident. 
Patrick only considered a small group of people as his true friends thus I believe that I am part of it because he is considering me as his younger sister that he never had. Patrick is known to be friendly and to be always by the side of his friends. Usually, he wouldn’t mind you if you are not important to him. If he needs to beat the shit out of you in order for you to stay on the track he would, just for your betterment, only for the betterment. 
Patrick is the kind of friend you would want to have with you for the rest of your lives because he can be funny and goofy and serious and mysterious at the same time. You would also want him to be your older brother because he would always look out for you, will always be reminding you of the things that may harm you, and last but not the least, he would always be there for you through thick and thin. He’s the kind of son or grandson you would want because he doesn’t only look out for himself but also with the people he loves, especially his grandma. When I asked him to join me as I celebrated my birthday last year during quarantine, he told me he can't join us because he can’t leave his grandma alone. He would also surprise his mom whenever she returned from Japan and spend time with her. 
All in all, Patrick is a good son, brother, and friend. He is tough on the outside but he is fragile on the inside.  With that being said, I shall rest my piece.
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twelvehumss · 3 years
VICTORY 🎉🇨🇳🥮♥️
No winter cannot pass, and no spring will not come. Even on the darkest nights, there will be a bright galaxy. Spring has arrived as promised, the cherry blossoms in Wuhan have bloomed, and we finally achieved the victory from this smoke-free battlefield. This year's National Day coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival as the roundest moon meets the five yellow stars. While a bunch of mooncakes is available, the red flags are also raised all over the street. This time, the people of Wuhan finally made up their Chinese New Year's Eve dinner! Being far away from China, I can't help but miss my hometown. I know very well how difficult it is to experience a family reunion in this extraordinary 2020. I sincerely thank every hero who protected us on that long winter night, and thanks to every bravest and cutest Chinese people; Salute to all of you!
Amidst the biggest war between humans and a virus, there are no so-called heroes, but only mortals who sacrifice and seek the safety of everyone. From medical staffs, People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops, volunteers, to the construction workers of the newly built hospitals, duty personals, security personals, logistics drivers, riders, cleaners, etc.; there is no distinction between big and small roles; the Chinese people are protecting each other in various positions by doing their duties. They were in the frontline, fighting against the pandemic that we are facing. Their persistence, selfless dedication, and heroism in sacrificing their lives have set an example for the entire world. May the fifteenth full moon brings my most sincere comforts to you. I hope we can see the cherry blossoms of Wuhan University together soon.
As written in the eight letters to youth from the People’s Daily newspaper: “The place that you are currently standing is your China; Whatever you are, China is; As long as you have your brightness, China won’t be in the dark.” The pandemic made me witnessed how powerful and strong China is. I am beyond proud of my brothers and sisters in China who won against the COVID-19 pandemic and survived into their second lives.
Different generations have different ways of expressing love, but the common background of patriotism has never changed, and it is your sentiments toward your motherland. As I look up and watch the full moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I miss China more than at any time. I believe that the moon doesn't only live the goddess Chang E and her rabbit, but also the brightest five yellow stars from China's flag. I can’t wait to travel back to China when we can already get rid of face masks and s
They say that the youth holds the future of development. The frontliners in the pandemic proved that statement. We, as the youth, shall prove ourselves again in the future in building a better nation and world for ourselves. Next time, I hope I can have an opportunity to fight on the battlefield itself for my country.
- Spicy Chicken 🐔🌶️
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twelvehumss · 3 years
I am thankful that I have a sister like her. She can be annoying sometimes because we always fight for simple things like choosing an item or food. But she still does care about me. When she goes home from going out with her friends, she will mostly buy some food for me, either I will do it too. Well, we two had a different advantage. She had excellent mathematics. Hence, she graduated from the UST(University Santo Tomas) with a program related to tax and mathematics. Others studying math will get sleepy and bored. In contrast, she will get more exciting and more energetic. That's pretty weird for me because I don’t like doing mathematics. Before the pandemic due of covid-19 we mostly went out together playing or shopping, well now we only stay at home and watch our own phones. We watch kdrama, movies, and etc., with some snacks together often like we’re pretending we’re in the cinema vibing. One time my parents didn’t care regardless of my emotion and scolded me because I didn’t hear them shouting at me outside. I ran to my room and cried for a while, and my sister came and told me that she already scolded our parents for being too strict. At that moment, I realized I already have a wonderful family. I just didn’t know it before.
Five to six  years ago, we fought each other more often compared to nowadays because we’re still kids and easy to get angry at, but when one of us did something wrong and our mom starting to get the belt to scold at us, we will help each other by standing in front and open wide our hands to stop our mom. Not only that, we probably always help each other.
Last year my sister and I fought seriously because, for some reason, and we mostly didn’t talk to each other and didn’t want each other’s attention, like around for 1-2 months. And we make up again because our parents make some jokes and let us laugh pretty long.
These are all experiences with my sister. I realized that I want to be her little brother always, even if there will be the next life if it exists. I would still stay with my lovely family whatever happens. Even if she doesn’t become my sister anymore someday, I will act like her, and care for my little siblings with all of my love. I know many people hate their brother or sister, but whatever happens you guys are siblings, we all fight and love each other, fight is just one way or process to make you guys more reliable in the future. It just needs the time to build stronger relationships.
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twelvehumss · 3 years
Single life where you can enjoy your freedom and avoid too much responsibility is really different from married life with children to take care of. With children of 2, my mother was driven out from a comfortable life to a somewhat chaotic life.
Since my brother and I were born in the family, my mother would always be tired because she needed to go to her job, study and at the same time take care not only of us but our grandparents as well since they are not getting any younger. She would always fit in all the tasks and responsibilities that she needed to do for the day, and it would repeat day by day. Those were the times when we were young and cannot do things on our own. As we grew up, the burden was lighter, but my mother was still worried. Expenses are getting costly, she needs to work more and help my father provide for the family, but she still enjoys what she does. My mother did all of that to make our life comfortable.
Visualizing her life before was somewhat perfect, a promising career and good relationships. She would go to work, study, and go home to rest. She will have time to hang out with her friends more, date with my father more often, and spend more time with my grandparents. She will do whatever she likes to do and will eat what she likes to eat. She can enjoy her life more if she has the time.
Imagining all these things makes me feel that we stole a part of her life when she can enjoy it, but still, I am thankful for her sacrifices. My mother’s life is undoubtedly different from before, but her decision to make and our responsibility to be good children.
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- Hinata Boke
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twelvehumss · 3 years
“Hello, puwedeng pa favor?”
It’s lunch break, and I’m sitting with my friends. They were talking about someone who had asked for advice from them. I quietly listened as I didn’t know much about this person. But from their perspective and story, I think he’s in for one hell of a ride.
I guess he’s a shy kid like me. I was on a summer camp tour in China with him once, if he were friendly, he would’ve talked to me. Not that I’m friendly myself. I think he’s quite fluent in Chinese. I remembered seeing him in class 7, which means he’s mastery is not bad. At that time, he was still small.
Flashback to one time in my youth, I just came back from the bathrooms. I saw a commotion in the hallways and heard an angry, ripping noise. I saw him rip his Chinese book apart and throw it in the trash. Later, our teacher came and dragged him to the office. After that, I kept thinking about the incident, how he was brave enough to rip his book, and what they quarrel about. It must be big because he was really angry. He was usually friendly and had a kind face. He didn’t buy another Chinese book even after the supervisor herself told him to do so.
Okay, he is kind of weird. Not weird but embarrassing, I don’t even know him, yet I feel second-hand embarrassment. Is he always like this? I want to ask my friends. I want to know what he thinks when he bumped hands with her. You gotta be crazy to react to little things. It’s between amusing and embarrassing. Well, love is love.
He’s strong despite his thin physique. He carries two bags at once and glances at the floor most of the time. From numerous community service shifts with him, I already know he’s a good person. He keeps insisting on passing most of the bags to him so the girls won’t break a sweat. Too much of a gentleman if I were to voice my opinion. The feminist side of me is baffled; no male in this world is as helpful and kind as him.
If I were to imagine his life before I knew him, I think he would be shy but friendly. I always envy him for having lots of friends and acquaintances. He seems fun to be with too. Before I knew him, I felt like I’m the only one who didn't know him. I always hear him from my friends’ stories, so I imagined what he is like countless times. The topic is always about him and his crush. By that time, I think the majority of our batch knew who he liked. I also kept wondering if he’s fine with a lot of people knowing. I know it’s very mortifying to know that a lot of people know your crush. It’s embarrassing to most. It’s like observing a species different from myself. Is it truly okay for a lot of people to know? If I have to guess what his family is like, I think he’s an only child, but his parents support him. That’s why he’s amiable at school. He’s the type of person to try everything and still be ready for more. He also has the speed to take on any sport. I wish I had his speed. But I think the things he’s willing to try cross the line at singing and dancing.
Considering everything about him, his morals, his actions, I deem it safe to message him. I only have a favor to ask him anyway. I don’t usually like doing this, but it’s for my friend. I want to ask him to write a message for her. I think he would do it anyway.
“Hello, puwedeng pa favor?”
(Hello, can I ask for a favor?)
>>>>>>>> natsukashii <<<<<<<<
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twelvehumss · 3 years
Blackpink's Secret Fifth Member
“Ha, how you like that?” playing the new song of Blackpink from their previous comeback, my sister, the “Lisa Manoban” of Valenzuela City, acts as an idol dancing in front of the curtain in our dining room. Wearing my denim pants and my younger brother’s Air Jordan, she perfectly pulled that idol-like look. As I counted off and clicked the record button, I can see how confident and happy she is doing her passion, dancing. I love and admire her the most every time that I see her dancing. Aside from her long legs, tall height, and powerful dance moves that I don’t have, I admire her for doing what she loves and enjoying it.
Chelsea was born on October 13, 2009. My 11th-year-old sister has middle-length black hair with straight bangs to cover her wide forehead. She looks like an apple if she doesn’t have bangs whose absolutely uglier than me. She has thin eyebrows that I don’t like and a pair of not so big eyes. She used to have big eyes that I am jealous of, but I don’t know why her eyes became smaller and smaller as she grew up, and she doesn’t even have eyes when she laughs. Almost everyone who knows us would say that she is the mini version of me, and I would agree with that. Looking at her sometimes feels like I’m holding a mirror, although I would claim that I am prettier than she is.
I observed that whenever I feel anxious about my face and body, every time that I would take a selfie and say “Panget ko naman.” (“I’m so ugly.”) or use any derogatory term to express my unconfidence, she would always be the first person to tell me that I am pretty, I am good, and I am just pretty enough. It goes the same way whenever I am not feeling myself, and whenever I would overthink, she would always be the first person to hear my rants and cheer me up. Her simple words strengthened me to look forward and to have a positive mindset in life. On the days that we know one of us is sad, we would hug each other 12 times consecutively. According to research, people need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth. I never run out of people to hug because she was always there, and I am beyond grateful for that. I could be a clingy person every night in our “sister time," and she could also be matured enough to discuss deep thoughts with me. I am proud to say that we became each other's strongest backbone.
Chelsea’s ultimate dream is to become an idol, just like Blackpink. She wants to go to Korea and meet her favorite girl group. She loves to drink milk tea and play video games. She is not a fan of taking pictures and is not that photogenic. On some days, she would lock herself in our room to practice a new dance from her idols. While most of the time, she would secretly play mobile games and hide them from my dad. She would always eat on time and sleep with playing youtube videos. She has a “son” called “XiaoBai,” a stuffed toy that she needs for her to sleep. I love to play with her eyelashes when she is sleeping. I love to hear her calling me “achie.” I just love this simple and cute girl for being who she is.
My sister may be a hardworking and obedient grade school student in school, a supportive friend, a sweet daughter, a shy girl in front of strangers, and a “pabebe” girl overall. I know that she experienced different things at a young age that shaped her into someone who is matured. There are so many things awaiting her in the future, and I want to accompany her on her future journey.
If there is such a thing as “soulmate”, then Chelsea is my soulmate. Sometimes, my parents would say that she acts more like a sister to me. Whenever I’m sick, she would take good care of me; Whenever I’m on the wrong path, she would correct me. No one knows me better than her. She is soft, sweet, and strong. I want to protect her just as much as I care for my soul.
- Spicy Chicken 🌶️🐔
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twelvehumss · 3 years
She's All in One
My mom is not the best. She always thinks that she is right. She is racist and sexist. She likes spending a lot of money, she has a loud voice that would make anyone believe that she is always mad. She’s always so blunt, saying that I am fat and always thinking about what others think of me.
My mom is Grace Wong, 51 years old, a nursing graduate, and now a manager. Being a former nurse, she always takes care of the whole extended family; whenever someone gets sick, they would ask her what to do or just ask for advice.
She is a short but loud woman, she has a voice that screams authority, which is quite helpful specially when it comes to leading our company, she is one of the bosses therefore all the company’s problems are hers too, she would work day and night, having little to no sleep aiming for stress to leave her. One of her stress relievers is shopping, especially during this pandemic. She would ask me to sit next to her with my phone on Shopee and just shop with her. Every week, there would just be packages after packages arriving at our house for her and me.
My mom is also the one to organize the whole extended family’s gatherings for various occasions like Christmas dinner, New Year, Birthdays. She uses her connections to have an easier way of things,
She is the type of mom that wants her children’s grades up. She would hire tutors for us all through elementary, she would give us rewards for honors, she sets expectations for us to achieve, she would say things like “I want to go up the stage, so do better.” and such. She would always remind us how education is essential, and it should always be our priority, no boyfriends, no parties because they are just distractions.
My mom may not be the best. She may think that she is always right, but that’s because she is, most of the time. She does spend a lot of money, but it is for her family, and it is her hard-earned money, and she deserves to spend it. She may have her flaws, but she does her best to live a happy, healthy and comfortable life.
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twelvehumss · 3 years
A Wild Card
Gian Rick is a 10-year-old kid born in the Philippines, living in the city of Guiguinto. As his siblings like to call him, Ricky is a 4 foot, fair-skinned, chubby boy who likes to lounge around the house. He likes eating kiddie foods, such as chicken nuggets, ice cream and hotdogs. Like most kids, he avoids eating vegetables. He is “forced” to eat fruits every afternoon, the only nutritious food that he consumes daily. His hobby consists of playing games and watching YouTube. Ricky is very competitive when it comes to games and he has a bit of an anger management problem when he loses. A bit is an understatement. Despite having a Chinese background, he despises learning Chinese, he has problems pronouncing the characters properly. He communicates in English most of the time that he knows more American slang than his siblings. Ricky lives with his parents, one sister and twin brothers.
Ricky was born on the morning before 7 AM on a normal February 17. He was born in the year of the Tiger and his zodiac sign is Aquarius. Ricky likes playing with his siblings, especially with his brothers. But, they often quarrel, often as in every day. The only person that could stop them before was their mother. Curiously, the twins were born in the year of the Monkey. In the Chinese zodiac signs, the monkey and the tiger are known enemies.
To his family, he is a handful. Whenever something doesn’t go his way, such as no “good food” on the table, he refuses to eat. He can’t take a shower or stay in a room without someone or something to distract him; sleeping people doesn’t count. When a teacher assigns homework or projects during the online class, he would announce his frustration and displeasure. He would make noises and grunts until someone grudgingly asks him “What’s wrong?” To his relatives, he is nicknamed “Little Tiger,” because of his anger management problem when he was younger. He is still a very much of a tiger now, albeit a chubby one. To strangers, he can be seen as a shy, friendly, energetic kid. His interaction with other people makes him seem cute and adorable. Few people know how much of a monster he turns into at home.
Despite all three paragraphs that list his bad habits, wrong sides, and bad “personality,” this furball can be nice and considerate. He shares his favorite foods when his siblings are stressed. He respects other people’s choices when they don’t want to play with him. Ricky adores talking and sharing bits of trivia with his sister. He can be helpful on his nice days. He values his family and the time spent playing with them very much. It’s not very obvious, but Ricky is happy he is born into this family.
>>>>>>>> natsukashii <<<<<<<<
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