tvheartbreak Ā· 7 days
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9-1-1 ā€¢ S7E10 ā†³ ā€œAll Fall Downā€
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tvheartbreak Ā· 8 days
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I'm letting you go. But you can always come back. You change your mind five minutes, five months from now, you just say the word...and I'll come for you. Okay? Okay, dad. Okay. Okay.
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tvheartbreak Ā· 8 days
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9-1-1 ā€¢ S5E13 || S7E10
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tvheartbreak Ā· 8 days
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9-1-1 ā€¢ S7E10 ā†³ ā€œAll Fall Downā€
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tvheartbreak Ā· 8 days
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tvheartbreak Ā· 8 days
Eddie Diaz, my love, you are wonderful and I will always defend you by all means.
I really think I have reached my limit. Leaving aside the fact that before Buck kissed the rat the 911 fandom was a paradise while now thanks to them it is practically a hell, Iā€™d have no problem if they stayed in their hole to support Buck's relationship with a homophobic, racist, xenophobic rat and the thousand other virtues that distinguish him but no, from the height of their bad taste they allow themselves not only to insult the ship but even think they have the right to be able to question Eddie not only as a character but even as a father! So, welcome to my defense/declaration of love to Edmundo ā€œEddieā€ Diaz (I know that the episode is only an hour away, that some people have already seen it because it was uploaded to some platform, and that it is a very long post, but if you love Eddie Diaz like I do, please read it and let me know what you think. I have to share my immense love for him with someone)
If I were to launch myself into the experience of describing and analyzing everything we know about Eddie I would end up rewriting the entire Divine Comedy so let's focus on today's ā€œproblem,ā€ which is the one that, for some, Eddie is a selfish character and a bad father. This honestly makes me laugh a lot, because the people who support this theory came out after the sneak peek that instead is absolute proof of the wonderful father that Eddie is and his growth as a character.
ā€œEddie called Buck, but what does he have to do with his mess?ā€ ā€œHe cannot be so selfish as to hope that Buck will solve his problems.ā€ ā€œHis problems are not Buck's problemsā€.
So, first of all, do you even know the other member of the ship you support? OF COURSE BUCK WOULD DROP EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE TO RUN TO EDDIE AND CHRIS. Second, what kind of miserable, affectless life do you have to even think such a thing? Taking the ship out of the picture, taking the romantic side out and keeping only the friendship, if one of your friends, someone toward whom you feel sincere affection has a problem, itā€™s normal that that becomes partly your problem as well. Itā€™s love, because friendship is also love. And here we're not talking about a problem with the car engine, we're talking about a problem that Buck himself was already concerned about and that involves not only Eddie, but also his son. The son whom Buck loves so much that he fights for him as no one else would, and of whom he does in fact have legal custody should the reading of the will take place. That's why Eddie named Buck, and that already shows a great evolution in him, the fact that he recognizes that he has a problem, that he doesn't know how to handle it, that he needs help, and he doesn't shut himself off and somatize all these anxieties and fears but seek help.
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Those who have suffered with their mental health know perfectly well how big this step is toward the right direction. In the healing process one has to come face to face with the problem and he has done that, unfortunately, however, not entirely because of him, Christopher has been involved. AND HERE WE GET TO THE POINT OF WHAT A WONDERFUL FATHER EDDIE DIAZ IS.
Contrary to what the same psychopaths claim, Eddie is fully aware that he screwed up, but, being a good father, he called Buck. Why? Because he knows his son so well that he knows, no matter how much it kills him, that there is nothing he can do to fix it at the moment and that the only one who can approach Chris in such a delicate situation if he cannot, is only Buck. The sneak peek scene clearly shows how Chris is at the center of his world, is literally his heart, so much so that he is willing to step aside for his sake.
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Eddie is not asking Buck to solve the problem (Buck's response about how he doesn't think he is able to explain what is going on proving that he still doesn't totally realize how significant and essential his presence is in their lives) he knows that that is his job, but he knows his son so well that he knows he needs to talk and be heard, because nightmares become less frightening when you talk about them, but he knows he wouldn't do that with him because he needs time to be able to process it, but he also knows how risky it is to keep it all inside, and so he has called the one person he is sure Chris can confide in without pressure in a natural way. Eddie is not asking Buck to fix the mess he made, Eddie is simply asking Buck to be Buck, because he is all that Eddie and Christopher need. As he has been from the first moment they met and as he always will be.
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Taking away the parallel to 5x12 (this would deserve a separate post), this sentence destroyed me. Eddie doesn't care about himself right now; he cares about Chris. His instinct as a father would lead him to break down that door, to apologize, to get him to talk to him, to hug him, but he loves him so immensely that he knows he can't do that right now, and with all the selflessness that only the strength of the purest love can give you, he steps aside to make sure heā€™s not alone. Eddie is a wonderful father because he is still learning, and I am afraid he will learn a hard lesson in this episode but I will talk about that once the episode airs.
I would like to say so much more, about how much this also shows Buddie in their essence, in always being there for each other, to always be the priority in each other's lives because essentially, even if they don't realize it yet, they are already one. Let's just hope the show decides to take the path of making them realize what they always have before their eye
One last point is necessary, however. What is written above is only 1% of the story, but that alone is more than enough to make you understand how BuckRats fans will NEVER be able to bother Buddie fans. Because there is no contest, we are talking about two characters, Eddie and Buck, sharing life, soul and heart, and two characters, Buck and the rat, sharing 4 minutes of screen time.
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tvheartbreak Ā· 15 days
It's gotten to the point where I'm going as crazy as Eddie too; I don't understand anymore who Shannon is, who Kim is, what's real and what's not. CHRISTIPHER LOVE OMG HEā€™LL BE TRAUMATIZEDšŸ’” Eddie I love you, but you need to pull yourself together!
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tvheartbreak Ā· 1 month
When you order it online Vs When it gets to your house (I used Tommy's real face, someone had to do it)
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Thanks for queerbaiting! (I loved Madneyā€™s wedding at leastā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹)
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tvheartbreak Ā· 2 months
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Wait, Tommy's gay?
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tvheartbreak Ā· 2 months
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Buck + Eddie - 7.06 promo
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tvheartbreak Ā· 2 months
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We got a hug šŸ¤—
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tvheartbreak Ā· 2 months
At least until Megan had to actually act, Buck and TayKay had chemistry, but all of you shippping Buck with the racist that doesnā€™t even think he did something wrong are something else.
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tvheartbreak Ā· 2 months
Okay all this love for Tommy in this hashtag has to stop. Do you love him? Do you worship him? Perfect. All right. We get it. Trust me, we get it! Get a damn hashtag and stay in it! I want to see Buck and Eddie when I click on the Buddie hashtag, not that ratšŸ€
Buddie = Buck + Eddie. Where do you see Tommy? Spoiler: nowhere! Jesus..
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tvheartbreak Ā· 2 months
I will preface this by saying that I have not seen any of these leaks that everyone is talking about (although I would like to, because I prefer to know first and avoid getting my hopes up), but I have had a theory for days, ever since the official stills came out, that I don't like at all, that keeps buzzing in my head, and that has become practically a certainty since Oliver confirmed that the stills in the loft are in 7x05 (and I don't understand how you can not see that. In addition to the two Buddie stills in the loft, I would also remind you of the existence of the official still, which you all keep ignoring, of Buck "alone," happy. Come on, how can this not scream "THIS WON'T BE ANYTHING GOOD" to you?
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Sure, Oliver and Ryan are going to be amazing as always, but what they're going to play, help, I'm already trembling from the backlash there will be! Not to mention that it will happen before the break. I'm seriously scared). If it turns out to be true, I don't think Iā€™ll continue to subject myself to this tease (yes because to me it is and because the main reason I watch the show is Buddie. Everyone is free to watch it for the reason they want, so let's avoid unnecessary drama).
But I really want to thank from the bottom of my heart all the people who maintain positivity toward this ship in spite of everything. Buddie should become a reality mainly for you, you deserve itā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹
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tvheartbreak Ā· 1 year
Hi guys, this is my first post and it will be a bit long, but I ask you IF YOU ARE A PATRIVAN FAN PLEASE READ IT! (Iā€™m writing in English because I think itā€™s the most known language in other countries too, I know for example that many of the fandom are in Brazil and Spain! I hope I am as good as possible because itā€™s not my native language, Iā€™m Italian)
Iā€™ve been feeling broken ever since I finished watching the season (one of the most important people in my life had a similar personal experience to both Patrick and Ivan, and seeing her being sick and reliving that moment destroyed me) and while we were talking about it, an idea came to us. My friend is very realistic, so she thinks it's crazy, I agree with that but I'm also a dreamer who believes a lot in positive energy, so I'll try to tell you our idea!
Why don't we try to make our voices heard? I think that we absolutely cannot accept such an ending! We Patrivan fans are so many, if we unite we could really make a difference! Besides, the precedents are there: we got a last season of Manifest, we got a worthy ending for Lucifer, we got Gallavich! GALLAVICH WEDDING!
The only social media we can focus on is Twitter, because itā€™s the most media relevant. Going trend is not difficult, the problem is that to do it we need to be many and coordinated... I was thinking we could organize a group (on telegram? Discord?...) and try to go viral!
I said I'm a dreamer, but I know perfectly well that we are unlikely to get the endgame WE DESERVE, more so because of Carlos, whose only purpose in his career seems to be to ruin every good thing he creates (the most relevant examples? Omander, Samu and Carla, Guzman and Nadia, Rebe made to disappear into a black hole...). But we have nothing to lose! Also, Manu and Andre said that they follow the couple on social media, going on trend would be a gift for them too, a thank you for all the good things they have given us with their prowess!
As said, it is an idea! If there is anyone who would like to participate, or maybe better at social than me who knows how to get more people to participate please write to me! Even in private!
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tvheartbreak Ā· 1 year
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tvheartbreak Ā· 1 year
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I like it.
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