tummieaching · 3 days
From two nights ago ... ♡ I got really, really full ... I eat when I'm bored and I didn't realize how full and tight my tummy was until I was holding it over my underwear on the bathroom floor ... I had a lot of sourdough bread and macaroni and cheese, and lemonade ... that already wasn't sitting super good in my tummy all mixed together, it felr heavy at the bottom and I was already nauseous burping, but i thought I could digest it ... And later I was eating ice cream on my couch while watching a movie and my belly started feeling tight as I was eating spoonfuls of it and I started getting gassy ... I burped up some of the ice cream that I swallowed and realized I needed to move myself to the toilet ... I almost burped it up back into the container ♡ it took a while to get it up after I got to the toilet ... I got distracted and starting rubbing myself and the nausea got overwhelming again before I finally started burping some of it up ...
Puking it up felt so good with my belly feeling so so full ... even burping helped with the pressure ... ♡ It's been 2 days and the bloating has finally gone away ...
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tummieaching · 10 days
Stormy night
This is my favorite audio so far and it was a particularly nice feeling when it happened. The force when it was coming up and how my stomach contracted harshly against my hands, how my whole body trembled and almost convulsed, and the noises it made when it fell, the texture inside my mouth… just great. I hope you’ll give it some love.
I wonder how it would have turned out if it wasn’t storming so hard outside.
I don’t know what more to say…
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tummieaching · 10 days
I heard a woman sitting behind me on the train today burping and gagging with her mouth closed, it was so hot ... I had to resist rubbing myself to the sound of it, she was probably so motion sick ♡ I would have loved to take her into the train bathroom and helped her throw up to relieve herself from her poor nauseous belly ...
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tummieaching · 10 days
This audio was from a few weeks ago ... I was really gassy after some fast food I had ... I never eat fast food because it's so tough on my belly, but I was hungry and had to stop somewhere for a quick bite ... I ate so much, too, fries, nuggets, a burger, a soda I was burping so much, the whole way home after eating ... they weren't even fun sods burps, just nauseous fast food sick burps ... I think the burping made me feel worse and more nauseous ♡ I was in the bathroom burping for almost an hour and I finally burped something up after I started squeezing my stuffed up belly, and it felt so good, but I was still nauseous and burpy afterwards all night ... I had to rub my belly for a while, it felt so sick ♡
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tummieaching · 11 days
This was a few months ago ... I was at a party with some co-workers and had too much to eat ... my tummy was full, so tight, I remember needing to unbutton my pants to let my bloated belly poke out over my pants. .. the jacket hid it well
I hid in the bathroom for a little while because I was feeling so bloated and gassy ... I didn't need to throw up, but I was a little horny from the alcohol ... I wanted to touch myself and burp in the bathroom but I had to keep quiet ♡
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tummieaching · 12 days
I so so adore your tumblr. This is so sooooo good!! Thank you so very much for posting 😍😊😋
Thank you, I'm happy that you think so ♡ I'm enjoying it too ☺️
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tummieaching · 12 days
So how’d the tummy do on the flight?
Ohh, not good ... ♡ I was put in a window seat and my tummy was still nauseous from puking in the bathroom after the car ride ... I had to burp with my mouth closed for a while before I felt some come up ... I went to the airplane bathroom to get up some burps but I knew my tummy wanted some out ... you can't hear it well in the audio, it was so loud in the plane, but I wanted to post anyway ♡ I was sitting on the toilet to burp and then I puked up a little in the tiny sink ... I stood up and burped up the rest into the toilet ... I didn't bring up much and it wasn't very chunky ... but I felt better after I landed ♡
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tummieaching · 13 days
Made it to the airport after a long, nauseating car ride...I found a private restroom to get some of the nauseous burps out of my tummy ... had to burp up some of the water I had before I left ... my tummy still doesn't feel good ♡ Hopefully I don't puke on the plane ...
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tummieaching · 13 days
The pizza stayed down so far, but I'm a little worried...I have to get on a plane today...ooh, what if I have to throw up while I'm flying ♡
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tummieaching · 13 days
Being sick 🤢🤢🤢
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tummieaching · 13 days
Violently losing lunch
If a few spoonfuls of rice can be called lunch. I don’t know where all this is coming from anymore.
So I vomited twice last night. Once this morning having eaten nothing at all and in a fucking park! Thank goodness it was early and I didn’t see anyone near. It came without a warning, I was walking, sat down a few minutes to grab a smoke and got up to get in the car and that was it, it was practically projectile vomit.
I came back home, had some rest and I was fine again so I ate a little bit of rice and 10 minutes later what you can listen above happened. It was so violent. The last spews were green and so so bitter. I choked a lot because of how much and how hard the puke was coming up. It was hard to breathe. My voice is messed up too.
If you wanna the results, keep reading.
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tummieaching · 13 days
I had pizza for dinner today and it was so much greasier than I was expecting...♡ The grease was literally dripping down my hand, and I was already thinking about how greasy pizza would definitely make me puke...I felt nauseous while eating, I feel okay now...but it always hits me in the middle of the night...
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tummieaching · 13 days
Did you hurl your chicken and everything? I would love to hear any barfing audio. Do you have any pictures of your sick just like the yummy puke?
The chicken came up, I think that's what made it so thick ♡ It was all swirling around in my tummy for so long that I it was just thick, chunky puke by the time it was in the trash ...
I'll post more audios ♡
I don't like to take pictures of my vomit, it makes me too nauseous to look back at my own puke pictures ♡ Maybe one day when my stomach is more resistant to it ♡
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tummieaching · 13 days
Your last audios were great. Your tummy must have enjoyed it tons. Do you enjoy watching others barf better or your belly doing them? What is your favorite thing about barf itself and the hurl process? Chunky or liquidy preference? Do you mind sharing what the barf looked, smelled and tasted like last night? ❤️🤢🤮🍑
Hello, thank you ♡ My tummy did feel so much better after, it always feels good ♡ I really, really enjoy watching others puke, or listening to them puke too...not so much myself, but sometimes it's fun ♡
I love when puke is thick, when someone is nauseous for hours before they can burp it up ♡ the chunkier the better...slimey is good too, when there's strings of spit ... the burping is one of my favorite parts...burping, moaning, whining... ♡
I don't want to go too much into detail about last night, it makes my tummy nauseous to think about hah ... I don't like taking pictures of my puke for the same reason ♡ Sometimes I get nauseous and pukey listening back to my own audios ♡
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tummieaching · 14 days
My belly is still nauseous from puking last night ... it keeps gurgling and making me burp ... I decided to get back in bed with my vibrator and just burp and pant and touch myself for a little bit ♡ It felt so so good oohh ♡
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tummieaching · 14 days
Oohh...I've been nursing this tummyache all night I couldn't sleep ♡ It finally came up and it felt so good...it was so thick, but my tummy still feels a little full...
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tummieaching · 14 days
The last time I had food poisoning... ♡
There was a fruit cereal I used to love to eat...the pieces were all different colored little balls, they were the kind that made the milk sweet very quickly...I had several bowls of it that night, it was one of my favorites and I just wanted to eat more and more...I was so full from it all that I didn't recognize my nausea right away, I thought I just stuffed myself too full...I was so bloated, laying on the couch and thinking my belly hurts worse than usual...I thought it needed to come out the other end, so I sat on the toilet for a while to try to push it out that way, but nothing came, and I started to realize it was going to come back up right where it came from...
I went to bed with my trashcan close by...I kept spitting up into it from all of the saliva pooling up in my mouth from how nauseous I was...I was hoping it would simply end there, but I woke up in the middle of the night and my belly was churning and twisting and telling me it wanted the cereal out, I was tasting splashes of it with every burp I brought up...I stumbled into the kitchen to bring a mixing bowl back into the bedroom, and I sat on my bed with my legs crossed, my full belly pressing against the mixing bowl for only a few seconds before the cereal came gushing out of me. Ohh, it felt so good...I could still see the colored pieces in the milky slush...I was burping it up in waves...it was so hot and sour coming up my poor throat...I gave it a while before I thought I was done, and I dumped it into the toilet...seeing my cereal vomit swirl around in the toilet water made me so nauseous that I had to lean over and get up another gush of it...
That morning, I tried to be easy on my tummy and just eat a cup of apple sauce, but that didn't do the trick...I made sure to keep the mixing bowl nearby, and my tummy let me burp up even more of the cereal mix with the applesauce, oooh, I had really eaten so much of it...I never ate that cereal again...seeing it in the cupboard makes me so nauseous...
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