tsujigitsune · 2 days
i've had some very positive writing days lately but i guess today is going to be a really miserable one
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tsujigitsune · 5 days
a few significant but ultimately harmless life events put my current writing projects on hold for the last couple weeks or so.
happy to say that with most matters resolved, I've already had success picking up where I left off. look forward to more Supreme Guardian, a continuation of Fate Slayers Share, and maybe more.
maybe I'll post some oc stuff too. or maybe I should keep working on that game that they're supposed to be involved in.
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tsujigitsune · 20 days
Formalities at the IPC
You knew that somebody important would be interviewing you. First impressions are vital in business, and you know every aspect of your being is going to be deeply scrutinized, the higher up in the IPC you try to go. You didn't really mean for it to end up like this - to be honest, part of you is thinking maybe you should back out, before they start asking too much from you - but for what they're calling an "internship" the pay is so good, and if you could only trust the benefits package it'd be even better…
So you prepared as much as you thought you possibly could. Steeled yourself, taking deep breaths as you ascended improbably higher and higher on the outward-facing elevator, watching the skyline at Pier Point unfolding beneath you. Finally, you stepped out, were led down a dramatically-lit hallway and into a dusty, shadowed office - with a cheerful white-haired girl sitting behind the desk, fingers tented, a bright smile ready to welcome you.
You know who this is, of course! How couldn't you!? But this doesn't make any sense! You knew it would be somebody important, but THIS important?!
"So," says Topaz, one of the Ten Stonehearts, director of - fuck - you have to scan the room trying to look for details to remember her exact title, but there's nothing here, and you know she's watching you; her eyes narrow a little as you focus on her face again, her smile starting to peel back into a cheeky, slightly-smug grin. "What, looking for a way out already?" she laughs.
She has such a playful, almost carefree voice. You're struck again by how this doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. Is this really Topaz? It looks like just like her. Do you dare ask? Is that the test? But your anxiety is caught in your throat. You manage to force words out, but only because she asks you questions.
She asks a lot about where you're from. You have complicated feelings about it, but there's something about the way her eyelids droop, something about the way she quietly nods you along, that makes you feel safe talking about it. You wonder if she feels the same way about her own homeworld. You wonder how far she is from home.
You know you're in an interview. Your heart won't stop pounding. But there's something about the way she's looking at you that takes you far away from the skyline, the suits, the money.
"What do you know about the Strategic Investment Department?"
Right! Shit! That's what the Ten Stonehearts do! You try to haltingly explain. It's getting harder to think without closing your eyes, but the ghost of her smile still lingers there. Midway through your sentence she stands up. "Keep going," she offers, and you close your eyes again and try to focus. But your mind is racing, and it doesn't help at all when you hear the desk creak in front of you - you open your eyes with a start only to realize that Topaz is now sitting on her desk just to the side of you, her legs crossed very close to your face.
She smirks down at you as blood rushes to your face. "We're just having a nice chat, right?" she offers coyly. "It's alright if you don't know much. Even I took years to wrap my head around all of the different pots the IPC's got its hands in - if you could do that even before your very first day, you'd be a prodigy!"
She laughs. You try to laugh with her, and more to the point, try not to stare at her very exposed thighs. They look smooth and heavenly soft and just a little plump, squishing noticeably against the desk beneath her weight.
"You know," Topaz adds, "this is just a formality." You flinch as you realize that you had been quiet for too long; hastily looking up to her face, you watch her scoot directly in front of you, smirking down into your face as she spreads her legs coyly. She's fully clothed, but her stylish suit-like singlet still leaves perilously little to the imagination, and you know that she can see your eyes flash down her front, powerless to stop yourself. You've already forgotten what she said - you have to remind yourself: This is just a formality.
What does that mean? you finally manage to ask, looking back into her face.
She is leaning forward now, and doesn't bother to answer you - reaching down to cup your chin with an appraising smile. "You're certainly easy on the eyes," she observes softly. "A little anxious, but that's to be expected. I barely ever come back to this office in-person, so I was surprised by how spooky it was, too." She laughs again, speaking very casually for someone who is gently tilting your face side to side with a straightforward intimacy that makes your spine tremble. What exactly is this conversation? Who are you to her…?
That's very kind of you to say, you say, or something vaguely like it; the reflex to be courteous to someone so important, with so much power over you, is impossible to resist. To your horror, Topaz scoffs.
"It's just true," she replies, with a merciless grin. You feel the room swimming a little around you. "I was kind of dreading meeting you, to be honest, but you've surprised me." She begins to shift her legs together, but you can't look down to see what they're doing, because you're tranfixed by the pink glow starting to radiate from her cheeks in the scant light. "What do you think," she purrs, "about working with me directly?"
She has you totally under her spell, and you realize all at once - as if it were a surprise, as if it were not clear the whole time - that she knows it. But why is she hesitating, why is she biting her lip? Is she still afraid you'll say no?
…This wasn't really ever an interview, from the first moment you walked in, was it?
You find a surge of bravery as you dare yourself to prove that Topaz need not look so worried over you - that she can trust you… whatever that means.
What would that entail? you ask.
She beams at you, though there's a slanted, lecherous quality in her smile that makes you shiver again - not that it prepares you any more for her to gently push her soft foot, with its boot removed, between your legs.
"I'd say there's some room for us to negotiate," she offers, winking.
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tsujigitsune · 21 days
Formalities at the IPC
You knew that somebody important would be interviewing you. First impressions are vital in business, and you know every aspect of your being is going to be deeply scrutinized, the higher up in the IPC you try to go. You didn't really mean for it to end up like this - to be honest, part of you is thinking maybe you should back out, before they start asking too much from you - but for what they're calling an "internship" the pay is so good, and if you could only trust the benefits package it'd be even better…
So you prepared as much as you thought you possibly could. Steeled yourself, taking deep breaths as you ascended improbably higher and higher on the outward-facing elevator, watching the skyline at Pier Point unfolding beneath you. Finally, you stepped out, were led down a dramatically-lit hallway and into a dusty, shadowed office - with a cheerful white-haired girl sitting behind the desk, fingers tented, a bright smile ready to welcome you.
You know who this is, of course! How couldn't you!? But this doesn't make any sense! You knew it would be somebody important, but THIS important?!
"So," says Topaz, one of the Ten Stonehearts, director of - fuck - you have to scan the room trying to look for details to remember her exact title, but there's nothing here, and you know she's watching you; her eyes narrow a little as you focus on her face again, her smile starting to peel back into a cheeky, slightly-smug grin. "What, looking for a way out already?" she laughs.
She has such a playful, almost carefree voice. You're struck again by how this doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. Is this really Topaz? It looks like just like her. Do you dare ask? Is that the test? But your anxiety is caught in your throat. You manage to force words out, but only because she asks you questions.
She asks a lot about where you're from. You have complicated feelings about it, but there's something about the way her eyelids droop, something about the way she quietly nods you along, that makes you feel safe talking about it. You wonder if she feels the same way about her own homeworld. You wonder how far she is from home.
You know you're in an interview. Your heart won't stop pounding. But there's something about the way she's looking at you that takes you far away from the skyline, the suits, the money.
"What do you know about the Strategic Investment Department?"
Right! Shit! That's what the Ten Stonehearts do! You try to haltingly explain. It's getting harder to think without closing your eyes, but the ghost of her smile still lingers there. Midway through your sentence she stands up. "Keep going," she offers, and you close your eyes again and try to focus. But your mind is racing, and it doesn't help at all when you hear the desk creak in front of you - you open your eyes with a start only to realize that Topaz is now sitting on her desk just to the side of you, her legs crossed very close to your face.
She smirks down at you as blood rushes to your face. "We're just having a nice chat, right?" she offers coyly. "It's alright if you don't know much. Even I took years to wrap my head around all of the different pots the IPC's got its hands in - if you could do that even before your very first day, you'd be a prodigy!"
She laughs. You try to laugh with her, and more to the point, try not to stare at her very exposed thighs. They look smooth and heavenly soft and just a little plump, squishing noticeably against the desk beneath her weight.
"You know," Topaz adds, "this is just a formality." You flinch as you realize that you had been quiet for too long; hastily looking up to her face, you watch her scoot directly in front of you, smirking down into your face as she spreads her legs coyly. She's fully clothed, but her stylish suit-like singlet still leaves perilously little to the imagination, and you know that she can see your eyes flash down her front, powerless to stop yourself. You've already forgotten what she said - you have to remind yourself: This is just a formality.
What does that mean? you finally manage to ask, looking back into her face.
She is leaning forward now, and doesn't bother to answer you - reaching down to cup your chin with an appraising smile. "You're certainly easy on the eyes," she observes softly. "A little anxious, but that's to be expected. I barely ever come back to this office in-person, so I was surprised by how spooky it was, too." She laughs again, speaking very casually for someone who is gently tilting your face side to side with a straightforward intimacy that makes your spine tremble. What exactly is this conversation? Who are you to her…?
That's very kind of you to say, you say, or something vaguely like it; the reflex to be courteous to someone so important, with so much power over you, is impossible to resist. To your horror, Topaz scoffs.
"It's just true," she replies, with a merciless grin. You feel the room swimming a little around you. "I was kind of dreading meeting you, to be honest, but you've surprised me." She begins to shift her legs together, but you can't look down to see what they're doing, because you're tranfixed by the pink glow starting to radiate from her cheeks in the scant light. "What do you think," she purrs, "about working with me directly?"
She has you totally under her spell, and you realize all at once - as if it were a surprise, as if it were not clear the whole time - that she knows it. But why is she hesitating, why is she biting her lip? Is she still afraid you'll say no?
…This wasn't really ever an interview, from the first moment you walked in, was it?
You find a surge of bravery as you dare yourself to prove that Topaz need not look so worried over you - that she can trust you… whatever that means.
What would that entail? you ask.
She beams at you, though there's a slanted, lecherous quality in her smile that makes you shiver again - not that it prepares you any more for her to gently push her soft foot, with its boot removed, between your legs.
"I'd say there's some room for us to negotiate," she offers, winking.
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tsujigitsune · 22 days
Yotsuyu shivered; her lips pressed together and she shifted closer, trying to hide in the shadows cast by Cheri's arms, not wanting anyone to see her growing increasingly raw and hurt. "Am I really pretty like this?" she whispered. "Of course you are," Cheri whispered back, leaning down to touch their foreheads. "You're the prettiest girl in Unova." "Even in this stupid dress," Yotsuyu sniffled, glancing away with a huff. "I look like an idiot." "You look gorgeous," Cheri promised. She remembered buying this dress for Tsuyu. The conflict in Tsuyu's eyes as she held it in front of herself at the boutique, unable to imagine herself in it, until Cheri urged her to try. The way her bitterness and discomfort dissolved, slowly but surely, shying away from how beautiful and happy wearing it made her feel, until she was sure Cheri wouldn't mock her for it. The dress itself was nothing. Yotsuyu's tearful smile as she had twirled in it and watched the skirt flare in the mirror and laughed, that was everything. She heard Yotsuyu sniffle loudly again, and kissed her forehead. "We look like a couple of dumb schoolgirls in love," Cheri promised her. "Nobody gives a shit about us right now." "I am a stupid schoolgirl in love," Yotsuyu mumbled savagely. "Yeah." Cheri smiled. "Me too. Come watch the sunset with me?"
Posted a couple of chapters in BB academy today. One is kinda cute. The other is really, really, really not.
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tsujigitsune · 23 days
Listening to emotional boss fight music but thinking about violent smut concepts is like. I don't know how I ended up here, exactly, but I kind of really fucking like it, actually
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tsujigitsune · 24 days
Oh, that wonderful feeling where the excitement of creativity just starts to give way into genuine horror with yourself. Oh it's sublime. I live for it.
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tsujigitsune · 26 days
by the way, anyone who has ever said anything nice about my writing means the world to me. just a thought.
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tsujigitsune · 26 days
[ You ask Kafka why it's so hard for her. ]
…I've tried everything. You have to understand. Sam and Silver Wolf are both a no-go. That should be obvious, right? I know they'd hate me saying so, but I can't help but see them as kids. To be honest, at first, I thought working with them was… distasteful. Not like I know better than Elio's script, I guess. Bladie at least has the… fortitude, but… it'd be kind to call it an 'exercise in frustration'. I don't say that to fault him; he'll put in the effort and all, it's just… I mean, at some point, it's just masturbating but with extra steps, you know? Maybe it's just me… Thing is, it's a big galaxy out there, or… it's supposed to be, anyway. Lots and lots of people. There's a part of me that says things like… "It'd only take one." But one what…? What is it I even want? Men, or women, strong or weak, hard or soft… To be honest, I don't know what it's supposed to feel like. To me, the most fun part is seeing what happens. Once I know what to expect, it's… I don't know. A little droll. …but it's a big galaxy out there, right? If I kept myself busy with it, I'm sure I could find something new, someone new, every single day. Tried that for a while, too. But there are so, so many… boring people. It's all up to me, I have to be the one to make it interesting. I've had to get pretty creative in order to entertain myself, hehe… But it's like I always say. You'd think the possibilities are limitless… but in reality, there's only so many variations… and eventually they run out. You start being able to see them coming. Like… see that guy? It'd be effortless. You'd talk him up, give him a whisper or two, get him alone somewhere, and then… he'd fold like paper. And that's just it. Once you know that's how it's going to go, what's the fun in continuing? …I think it's me. Maybe it sounds rich coming from a Stellaron Hunter, but I don't want to be the kind of person that actually hurts people just to get off, you know? I know it's… supposed to feel good. I don't know, I shouldn't say that as if it doesn't. But… is that really all? It's… honestly, it's pretty frustrating to think… that this is just another one of those things that my lack of 'fear' has ruined for me. …Is it? Scary, I mean.
[ A little. It's scary to make yourself vulnerable to someone. You're giving them the power to really hurt you. ]
To hurt you, huh. But some people like that kind of thing… some people like it a lot. I guess that's a matter of trust, right…? …Trust… that's another thing I don't quite get. Does Bladie… 'trust' me? Does anyone trust me? Should anyone trust me? Should it bother me if they don't?
[ You sound worried. ]
Worried…? …Do you mean I sound afraid? Haha. No, I'm not afraid. I'm… it's a little more than bored… I'm frustrated. I've told you before. It feels like there's a hole in me, there's something missing. I can't see it, but… But I'm hungry for it. I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop hunting for it. If I found it… hehe, I might rip it apart, all desperate to make it a part of me… does that excite you to imagine? …No, don't. I don't know what you'd do. If I found out… then I couldn't imagine it. All the things in the universe I don't know, they're precious to me. Every time I learn something new, the range of possibilities gets a little more narrow, the world gets a little bit smaller… …haaah. I should go. Before… I hurt your feelings, heheheh. …me? I'll be fine… Don't know what else I'd be.
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tsujigitsune · 26 days
[ You ask Kafka why it's so hard for her. ]
…I've tried everything. You have to understand. Sam and Silver Wolf are both a no-go. That should be obvious, right? I know they'd hate me saying so, but I can't help but see them as kids. To be honest, at first, I thought working with them was… distasteful. Not like I know better than Elio's script, I guess. Bladie at least has the… fortitude, but… it'd be kind to call it an 'exercise in frustration'. I don't say that to fault him; he'll put in the effort and all, it's just… I mean, at some point, it's just masturbating but with extra steps, you know? Maybe it's just me… Thing is, it's a big galaxy out there, or… it's supposed to be, anyway. Lots and lots of people. There's a part of me that says things like… "It'd only take one." But one what…? What is it I even want? Men, or women, strong or weak, hard or soft… To be honest, I don't know what it's supposed to feel like. To me, the most fun part is seeing what happens. Once I know what to expect, it's… I don't know. A little droll. …but it's a big galaxy out there, right? If I kept myself busy with it, I'm sure I could find something new, someone new, every single day. Tried that for a while, too. But there are so, so many… boring people. It's all up to me, I have to be the one to make it interesting. I've had to get pretty creative in order to entertain myself, hehe… But it's like I always say. You'd think the possibilities are limitless… but in reality, there's only so many variations… and eventually they run out. You start being able to see them coming. Like… see that guy? It'd be effortless. You'd talk him up, give him a whisper or two, get him alone somewhere, and then… he'd fold like paper. And that's just it. Once you know that's how it's going to go, what's the fun in continuing? …I think it's me. Maybe it sounds rich coming from a Stellaron Hunter, but I don't want to be the kind of person that actually hurts people just to get off, you know? I know it's… supposed to feel good. I don't know, I shouldn't say that as if it doesn't. But… is that really all? It's… honestly, it's pretty frustrating to think… that this is just another one of those things that my lack of 'fear' has ruined for me. …Is it? Scary, I mean.
[ A little. It's scary to make yourself vulnerable to someone. You're giving them the power to really hurt you. ]
To hurt you, huh. But some people like that kind of thing… some people like it a lot. I guess that's a matter of trust, right…? …Trust… that's another thing I don't quite get. Does Bladie… 'trust' me? Does anyone trust me? Should anyone trust me? Should it bother me if they don't?
[ You sound worried. ]
Worried…? …Do you mean I sound afraid? Haha. No, I'm not afraid. I'm… it's a little more than bored… I'm frustrated. I've told you before. It feels like there's a hole in me, there's something missing. I can't see it, but… But I'm hungry for it. I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop hunting for it. If I found it… hehe, I might rip it apart, all desperate to make it a part of me… does that excite you to imagine? …No, don't. I don't know what you'd do. If I found out… then I couldn't imagine it. All the things in the universe I don't know, they're precious to me. Every time I learn something new, the range of possibilities gets a little more narrow, the world gets a little bit smaller… …haaah. I should go. Before… I hurt your feelings, heheheh. …me? I'll be fine… Don't know what else I'd be.
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tsujigitsune · 26 days
I'd kinda already been thinking I would enjoy doing much shorter-form fic here and there, and the Kafka piece was a great proof concept. Really happy with how it feels, and it's nice to have something worth reading directly on tumblr, too.
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tsujigitsune · 27 days
[ You ask Kafka why it's so hard for her. ]
…I've tried everything. You have to understand. Sam and Silver Wolf are both a no-go. That should be obvious, right? I know they'd hate me saying so, but I can't help but see them as kids. To be honest, at first, I thought working with them was… distasteful. Not like I know better than Elio's script, I guess. Bladie at least has the… fortitude, but… it'd be kind to call it an 'exercise in frustration'. I don't say that to fault him; he'll put in the effort and all, it's just… I mean, at some point, it's just masturbating but with extra steps, you know? Maybe it's just me… Thing is, it's a big galaxy out there, or… it's supposed to be, anyway. Lots and lots of people. There's a part of me that says things like… "It'd only take one." But one what…? What is it I even want? Men, or women, strong or weak, hard or soft… To be honest, I don't know what it's supposed to feel like. To me, the most fun part is seeing what happens. Once I know what to expect, it's… I don't know. A little droll. …but it's a big galaxy out there, right? If I kept myself busy with it, I'm sure I could find something new, someone new, every single day. Tried that for a while, too. But there are so, so many… boring people. It's all up to me, I have to be the one to make it interesting. I've had to get pretty creative in order to entertain myself, hehe… But it's like I always say. You'd think the possibilities are limitless… but in reality, there's only so many variations… and eventually they run out. You start being able to see them coming. Like… see that guy? It'd be effortless. You'd talk him up, give him a whisper or two, get him alone somewhere, and then… he'd fold like paper. And that's just it. Once you know that's how it's going to go, what's the fun in continuing? …I think it's me. Maybe it sounds rich coming from a Stellaron Hunter, but I don't want to be the kind of person that actually hurts people just to get off, you know? I know it's… supposed to feel good. I don't know, I shouldn't say that as if it doesn't. But… is that really all? It's… honestly, it's pretty frustrating to think… that this is just another one of those things that my lack of 'fear' has ruined for me. …Is it? Scary, I mean.
[ A little. It's scary to make yourself vulnerable to someone. You're giving them the power to really hurt you. ]
To hurt you, huh. But some people like that kind of thing… some people like it a lot. I guess that's a matter of trust, right…? …Trust… that's another thing I don't quite get. Does Bladie… 'trust' me? Does anyone trust me? Should anyone trust me? Should it bother me if they don't?
[ You sound worried. ]
Worried…? …Do you mean I sound afraid? Haha. No, I'm not afraid. I'm… it's a little more than bored… I'm frustrated. I've told you before. It feels like there's a hole in me, there's something missing. I can't see it, but… But I'm hungry for it. I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop hunting for it. If I found it… hehe, I might rip it apart, all desperate to make it a part of me… does that excite you to imagine? …No, don't. I don't know what you'd do. If I found out… then I couldn't imagine it. All the things in the universe I don't know, they're precious to me. Every time I learn something new, the range of possibilities gets a little more narrow, the world gets a little bit smaller… …haaah. I should go. Before… I hurt your feelings, heheheh. …me? I'll be fine… Don't know what else I'd be.
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tsujigitsune · 27 days
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tsujigitsune · 27 days
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tsujigitsune · 28 days
The problem with reading fanfic for inspiration is that I have a terminal disease that makes me want to one-up everybody, and that gives me the most fucking insane ideas that are then extremely complex to actually execute.
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tsujigitsune · 30 days
Do you want to see two delinquents commentate a Pokemon battle? Do you want to see Cheri almost beat the shit out of somebody? Do you want to see two bitter, jaded young women finding a sense of solace and understanding in each other? Sharing cigarettes? Violence and fraud as acts of love? Really lame penis jokes?
Read this chapter. I'm not asking.
"Did you think you had me fooled?" Yotsuyu hissed. "You're all the same. Acting cute and saying whatever you think is going to get you what you want, only to get your fussy little feelings hurt when things don't go your way." "I can't say I'm surprised," Cheri hummed, taking another drag. "You must get this kind of shit all the time." "It's constant," Yotsuyu growled. "Everybody has ulterior motives, they just can't fucking contain themselves around me. The fact that I won't put up with their shit just makes them even hornier for it. All they have to do is act sweet and sincere enough to trick me into forgetting what they really are, and they can have it all." "What they really are," Cheri repeated, flicking one eye over to her and smirking again. "Animals," Yotsuyu seethed. "Filthy beasts that tell themselves they can lust after something beautiful without defiling it, that think they can hide how ugly they are under all of their civility and fake kindness." "Mmmhmm." Cheri's smile grew a little. "As long as everybody plays along with the lie, then they're beautiful and perfect." "And I don't let them." Yotsuyu glared hatefully down at the docks now. "They need to be shown how ugly and wretched they are." Cheri was still watching her, still smiling, and it made Yotsuyu's spine crawl. "I wish they'd die for thinking they could ever compare themselves to me," she snarled. "Mmm. Not that they should die." Cheri took in a short drag, as Yotsuyu looked up at her with suspicion. The redhead exhaled a thin jet of smoke, and then turned to regard Yotsuyu again; her lips were taut now, but her eyes gleamed menacingly in the shade. "They should wish they were dead."
something you should know about me is that I am fucking obsessed with Cheri/Tsuyu as a ship.
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tsujigitsune · 30 days
"Did you think you had me fooled?" Yotsuyu hissed. "You're all the same. Acting cute and saying whatever you think is going to get you what you want, only to get your fussy little feelings hurt when things don't go your way." "I can't say I'm surprised," Cheri hummed, taking another drag. "You must get this kind of shit all the time." "It's constant," Yotsuyu growled. "Everybody has ulterior motives, they just can't fucking contain themselves around me. The fact that I won't put up with their shit just makes them even hornier for it. All they have to do is act sweet and sincere enough to trick me into forgetting what they really are, and they can have it all." "What they really are," Cheri repeated, flicking one eye over to her and smirking again. "Animals," Yotsuyu seethed. "Filthy beasts that tell themselves they can lust after something beautiful without defiling it, that think they can hide how ugly they are under all of their civility and fake kindness." "Mmmhmm." Cheri's smile grew a little. "As long as everybody plays along with the lie, then they're beautiful and perfect." "And I don't let them." Yotsuyu glared hatefully down at the docks now. "They need to be shown how ugly and wretched they are." Cheri was still watching her, still smiling, and it made Yotsuyu's spine crawl. "I wish they'd die for thinking they could ever compare themselves to me," she snarled. "Mmm. Not that they should die." Cheri took in a short drag, as Yotsuyu looked up at her with suspicion. The redhead exhaled a thin jet of smoke, and then turned to regard Yotsuyu again; her lips were taut now, but her eyes gleamed menacingly in the shade. "They should wish they were dead."
something you should know about me is that I am fucking obsessed with Cheri/Tsuyu as a ship.
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