tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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Botanical illustrations taken from ‘Hortus Medicus’ by John Davie Morries, George Graves.
Published 1834 by Longman.
Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh.
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
scientists be making cell signaling diagrams and calling it “___ signaling at a glance!” but apparently don’t understand the definition of “glance” because it’ll still be like the most complicated schematic you’ve ever seen in your life
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
vaguely academic things to do to keep yourself entertained
go down a wikipedia research hole by clicking the first term you don’t understand
binge a crashcourse series end to end (personal recs: world history, history of science, big history, philosophy)
find free books on project gutenberg
download some western classics for free
borrow books and audiobooks from the libby app or borrowbox
start a commonplace book
take a khan academy course
browse MIT’s free online course materials
teach yourself to code
go on a google scholar essay dive
try the open access button to avoid some paywalls for academic media, or install unpaywall that does a similar thing
research the history of the place you where you live
tempt the wrath of the duolingo owl and learn a language
search for online streams of the local tv in your target language’s country and use as background noise for immersion points
print and scrapbook favourite poetry and literature quotes
improve your handwriting by doing handwriting exercises
learn philosophy with the philosophize this! podcast. actually just check out all the educational spotify podcasts there are many good ones
start a weekly club with friends to share new and interesting things you’ve learnt that week
clean and reorganise your study space, physical or digital
check out online museums
fave educational youtube channels that I adore: vsauce, crashcourse, smarter every day, kurzgesagt, school of life, tom scott, r. c. waldun, vsauce3, primer, mark rober, veritasium, asapSCIENCE, scishow, TED-ed
hopefully you’ll find something to enjoy! happy learning x
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
would a lab that does both wet and dry lab research be considered a “moist lab”? discuss.
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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by John Adams
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
Tag Yourself, I’m Pro!
Which phytoplankton are you? 👀
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And for a closer look at each phytoplankton group and the real traits that correspond to the characteristics listed:
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(I spend ages trying to get these all perfect 😤)
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide
by Ewen Callaway (Nature)
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Graphics: Nik Spencer/Nature
SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: a variety of approaches
All vaccines aim to expose the body to an antigen that won’t cause disease, but will provoke an immune response that can block or kill the virus if a person becomes infected. There are at least eight types being tried against the coronavirus, and they rely on different viruses or viral parts.
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Sources: Nature analysis based on: WHO COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape/Milken Institute COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker/T. Thanh Le et al. Nature Rev. Drug. Disc. http://doi.org/ggrnbr (2020)/F. Amanat & F. Krammer Immunity 52, 583–589 (2020)/W. Shang et al. npj Vaccines 5, 18 (2020).
Virus vaccines
At least seven teams are developing vaccines using the virus itself, in a weakened or inactivated form. Many existing vaccines are made in this way, such as those against measles and polio, but they require extensive safety testing. Sinovac Biotech in Beijing has started to test an inactivated version of SARS-CoV-2 in humans.
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Viral-vector vaccines
Around 25 groups say they are working on viral-vector vaccines. A virus such as measles or adenovirus is genetically engineered so that it can produce coronavirus proteins in the body. These viruses are weakened so they cannot cause disease. There are two types: those that can still replicate within cells and those that cannot because key genes have been disabled.
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Nucleic-acid vaccines
At least 20 teams are aiming to use genetic instructions (in the form of DNA or RNA) for a coronavirus protein that prompts an immune response. The nucleic acid is inserted into human cells, which then churn out copies of the virus protein; most of these vaccines encode the virus’s spike protein.
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Protein-based vaccines
Many researchers want to inject coronavirus proteins directly into the body. Fragments of proteins or protein shells that mimic the coronavirus’s outer coat can also be used.
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Industry trials
More than 70% of the groups leading vaccine research efforts are from industrial or private firms. Clinical trials start with small safety studies in animals and people, followed by much larger trials to determine whether a vaccine generates an immune response. Researchers are accelerating these steps and hope to have a vaccine ready in 18 months.
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Source: Fig. 2 in T. Thanh Le et al. Nature Rev. Drug. Disc. http://doi.org/ggrnbr (2020).
Source: Nature. 580, 576-577 (2020)doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-01221-y.
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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Definitely not writing these down 🤐👀
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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printing out the notes I write on my ipad using goodnotes was the best decision for my diseases of the nervous system exam last week!! the skeletal system pouch is handmade by The Dainty Squid! I have always been a huge proponent of small business, and supporting small business is even more important now! 
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
Nobody ever talk to me about the catholics going off with stained glass again because not one window of jesus has ANYTHING on the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque
Click through this link i’m losing my mind its gorgeous
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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10.03.20 | Series of stills from an upcoming (and admittedly long overdue) study-with-me video 😅
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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My first two days as a grad student started out with meetings. One with my supervisor yesterday and a general lab meeting and journal club earlier this morning. I also baked a cake yesterday simply because it’s been two weeks since I baked/made anything. I’ll still be working from home at the moment, and my main task right now is to prepare a lit review on galanin receptors.
I had a moment of epiphany, where I linked and hypothesised on my project, figuring out what ifs and building up from them. It started with a gap in my readings and I poured through the reviews and articles but couldn’t find an answer. It felt good and kept me wide awake (normally, that’s good, but it was 12am, so). When I asked my supervisor about it, she just smiled and said, “Well, that’s what you’ll be looking into.” It felt nice hearing it from her.
I’m also watching something at the moment and I have to recommend it. An anime called Your Lie in April. I cried watching one of the episodes the other day.
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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Happy spooky season! I'm going to try to take part in "The studyblr community challenge" that @myhoneststudyblr designed for October.
Day 1 - Introduce yourself and tell us what you study!
Hey! My name is Alicia, originally from Spain but I'm moving to Germany at the end of October. The reason? I'm going to study my a master's degree in molecular biology there. On the side I'm also studying a second bachelor's degree in English literature and linguistics with a distance university - I'll be busy this year!
(I covered this more in depth in my intro post, check it out if you're interested!)
This is my October spread, taken from @midnightdreamreads on instagram.
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
OFOTD #328
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Doridoidea is a superfamily of medium to large shelless sea slugs. The word "Doridoidea" comes from the generic name Doris, which was in turn copied from the name of the sea nymph in Greek mythology.
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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Here are some graphics I made earlier this summer for an Undergraduate Research program I am helping run through my university’s office for undergraduate research! I put together some informational pages about my personal experience doing research (which was generalized a little because I’ll be presenting to students in a wide range of majors). Next week I’ll be leading a Q&A panel and group discussion!
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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hello hello!
so! this is an introductory post for this blog, as I hope to be active in posting/blogging under the studyblr community. I’ve been wanting to do this for years and technically did manage a blog (read: tryingtostudyreally), however I decided to start fresh with a new one! and with a main blog! I will still probably be active on that one with random reblogs so feel free to follow!
so about me
I’m Arie. disclaimer: not my real name nor is it a nickname. well. it might as well be a nickname now.
born and raised in Malaysia! the hot hot tropical country where our food is a delight but oily and heavy and is our pride!
I’m 21 in the cursed year of 2020.
fluent in Malay and English
currently pursuing a phd! I’ve just started. seriously. today is my enrolment date.
I’m a Muslim and Malay
my focus is neuroscience (hence the blog name)
the other reason for the blog name is because I focused on immunofluorescence during my fyp and will most likely do more in the future. idk I really didn’t have much going on when deciding the name but I think it’s cute.
I did a bsc in biomedical sciences, and was part of the class of 2020 (again, cursed year). I did my degree in both Malaysia and the UK. I got back from the UK in March (right before the lockdown phew)
I’m doing my phd here in Malaysia
and hopefully! I get to continue research in the future! that is my goal, to be a researcher!
I have no aesthetic, whatever looks pretty in my eyes, it will get posted. this comes from a non-professional, no-experience-nor-talent-in-art person. so please have low expectations. (like the photo header thing of this post is weird but eh)
I’m an anime, manga, Kpop fan! and these are the things that really occupy my life so a lot of recommendations will be from these. Ah, occasionally, Assassin’s Creed and the Percy Jackson series occupy my brain as well. 
but I’m interested in loads of things (that it kinda gets overwhelming) like history, astrophysics, microbiology, marine biology (!!!), and so much more tbh I just like reading random things (but they never stick in my head)
I tend to have coffee/chocolate drinks/tea with me while studying. occasionally, buns and cakes (I bake sometimes).
my one fear right now is to drive. I can drive. I have a license. but man, driving is scary.
my only goal with this blog is to be more productive. I hope, because of managing this blog, I’d be more aware, be more disciplined in terms of my work. (I was particularly bad at this as a degree student)
but really, seeing so many good posts by the community has made me more motivated (which may not equal productivity)
I will probably be pretty candid with what I post and say. things may not be pretty. I struggle a lot because of my procrastination and difficulty to focus, so yeah, let’s see where this goes!
I’d like to make friends too!
and so forth to my inspirations
I truly appreciate and adore these blogs below and because of them I get more motivated in pursuing my goals to become a researcher. Plus, I learn random things from them too!
@cancerbiophd ; @sun-flowerstudies ; @messy-acads ; @futureevilscientist ; @butchscientist ; @gloomstudy ; @byulstudies ; @studydiaryofamedstudent ; @astudyinphd
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tryingtostudyreally · 4 years
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the dubious philosophy of salmon
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