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Drew quick sketches of some Koopa fan OCs, just cuz.
1) My Rush
2) kumarikat’s Annie
3) grassyghost’s Kemi
4) ignatius-iggy’s Mark
5) arkenova’s Manic
6) sullensmasher’s Art T./Kohl Koopa
7) koopawing’s Lukas
8) peppaparfait’s Jojo.
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The group followed after the boys as they led the way. In the meanwhile, Claude hurried up to be next to Byrd as he did find him somewhat similar to him.
Both shy and mostly quiet Koopas in general.
“Claude looks to have a liking to you as a friend Byrd,” chuckled Otto as he looked to Byrd.
Eventually, Manic caught up to Rush with Flora following and Otto said,”Hey guys! Chill out with catch up. I’m part of the group too!’
Manic teased,”Then speed it up Otto! After all, you’re the 2nd fastest in the family, aren’t you?”
Oh no Manic didn’t go there! Hearing those words made Otto hurry up to catch up with the others in a heartbeat as he ran.
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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“That’s nice,” chuckled Manic as he looked down to Byrd with a smile, even though he had to admit his Uncle Roy and his Dad with what’s going on as Otto continued,”It looks cool on you,”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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Isaac and Leorux, what are you views about your mother?
Leorux: “She’s very loyal and committed to Father. She does anything to protect him from the struggles he has been suffering through and watches out for us,”
Isaac: “Even though in turn, she gets overwhelmed when things become hectic in general. She’s very susceptible to stress and I had seen her breakdown several times when she is often alone,”
Leorux: “Give or take, it did take quite awhile for Father to warm up to her because of a issue that has occurred in the past in concerns of our grandmother. In fact as of today, his room is closed off to everyone except for the servants to enter; he needs his space,”
Isaac: “I’m sure that it’s not just only our Father who is taking a silent day off. There’s a strong possibly that the rest of our aunts and uncles are in the same situation, with the exception of those outside the family,”
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Claude shyly waved at Byrd as Otto replied,”Claude’s saying hello; he’s mostly shy around new people as well but he’s a nice guy,”
Flora went over to Byrd curiously as Manic smiled as he replied,”Nice to finally meet you Byrd. Oh those are nice headphones you have there, do you have a favorite genre of music you enjoy listening to?”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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Manic and the others got off of the bus and even so, Claude was looking around as Otto replied,”Well, when it comes to Ryder, he isn’t exactly child friendly, both him and his bro likes to mess around with the others. The arguments get heated if one or both of the Von Koopa twins get involved,”
Manic sighed,”Trust me, I’ve especially became a victim to their bullying, just because they follow the obvious sign that ‘Hey, I’m a nerd like my dad, crush my dignity!’ type of ordeal. It’s annoying, however since Amber’s around, she adds something of a protection value to scenarios, even if she’s the tomboy of the family,”
He smiled a bit. “You just gotta love Amber’s mom. She’s very supportive of Uncle Larry and helps him out in tough times as well as look out for her family. In fact, she even took on Uncle Roy when they were younger and bested him in fighting,”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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Manic chuckled as he replied,”It will all work out over time Rush. After all, I’m sure you’ll like it knowing you and Flora,”
Flora continued,”Yeah, it’ll be great. Oh and another thing, you should see Amber, she’s nice with kids as well and knowing that she hangs around Ryder, they go around places,”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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On the bus,Manic sat by Rush as the twins sat with each other, Flora was a seat next to Manic and Rush. It was at this state that she was wondering a bit about herself as Manic replied,”Sure. After all, I’m interested on how this place is. Maybe I can bring along several of the other cousins so everyone has a turn and maybe..you can come along with us to see how everything is. How does that sound Rush?”
He smiled at the younger Koopa that it would be safe to say that he’s practically like a little brother.
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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Manic sighed a bit as he replied,”Well, truth is, Peach passed away a long time ago. Their kids are what is left to run the Kingdoms in their place and it’ll continue on like that for generations to come,”
Otto interrupted,”..but Flora isn’t Human, she’s a Toad,”
Manic nodded as he whispered,”Yes, that’s true, but she has been born in Draconic Koopa blood. After all, Isaac has already predicted that she will be able to use her innate magical ability someday by the way her aura is getting stronger by the year. It’s just not fully realized yet,”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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The group each got a drink and Manic replied,”Thanks Rush,” Claude nodded with a shy smile as Otto and Flora replied with a thank you.
With his free hand, Claude carefully walked over to Rush and pat his head carefully as Otto replied,”I think Claude’s getting used to you,”
Claude blushed afterwards as he smiled a bit.
Manic smiled as Flora replied,”Let’s meet up with Byrd, but hey, do you know where he is, Rush?”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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Otto replied,”The Water Park sounds like fun, but then again, the Music Park and Cheep Cheep Beach sounds great,”
Manic continued,”We don’t get final call, remember? It’s up to Rush to decide on what to do. It’s only fair,”
Otto nodded as he replied,”You’re right. After all, when little kids are happy, you’re happy. That’s why you’re the designated babysitter of the family, hehe,”
Manic crossed his arms with a smile as he replied,”Just doing something to help the family out, hehe,”
Flora suggested to Rush,”Hey, we could bring Byrd along, the more, the merrier,” She giggled afterwards.
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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“Poor alternate Dad can’t get a break from Uncle Ludwig being a toddler. I would watch over him myself; after all, I do plenty of babysitting,”
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When a friend makes u art
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// Rush would have Manic and Flora as alternate siblings
Byrd would have Amber and Wylie as alternate siblings
Mozert would have Clara, Isaac and Leorux as alternate siblings
And Bowzy would have B.J. as an alternate sibling.//
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Manic replied,”Well, originally there were thirteen of us but since several years passed, the number increased with the addition of Clara, Flora and B.J., who by the way is a sweet kid, so to say that we have a massive family can’t be too far off,”
Otto mused,”Ah yeah, B.J. He’s a cool kid despite of being kinda shy at first glance, however he is a confident little guy. Poor kid’s probably lonely to the fact that his dad has a weird obsession of technology that their father-son ties are kinda..well, in trouble,”
Manic crossed his arms and added,”That could pose as a problem for the future heir especially when he has serious competition with Leorux. After all, both him and Leo are rivals from two sides of a entire Kingdom,”
Claude was looking around as Flora tugged on Manic’s shoulder and Manic looked down Flora. “What is it?”
Flora asked,”We’ve been at this spot for a bit. Can we do something fun? I’m kinda bored,”
Otto crossed his arms and said,”Yeah, we have. My legs are getting somewhat tired out from standing in one spot for long,”
Manic nodded and replied,”Sure we can. After all, something to do is better than nothing, hehe,” He looked to Rush and Flora as he replied,”Since this is with Rush, he gets first call since we’re the guests, so any suggestions he makes, we’ll follow. After all, it’s his special moment,”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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Otto nodded as he replied,”They all have different schedules so it’s often hard to predict when it’s an ideal time for them to come along, however if we can arrange something, we’ll have them come along next time,”
Manic mumbled”..as long it’s not Johnny or Ryder, especially Ryder,”
(Manic) "Hey Rush. I've been trying to get back to you as soon as I can, but in the meanwhile, I managed to bring over my little sister and cousins. I think you'll like'em,"
Rush was staying at the same spot where he and his new friend, Manic, had first met, hoping to see him again. As usual, he is busily drawing away in his sketchbook to pass the time when he had the feeling that he was no longer alone. The young Koopa looked around for a bit before his eyes spotted Manic coming towards him. Unlike last time, he had brought a group of individuals with him: Most were of their kind, and one a female toad.
With a big smile on his face and leaving his personals where they were, Rush scrambled to get up and ran over to meet the group. He called out and waved as he was approaching them.
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Rush: “Hey, Manic, you came back! I knew you would!”
When he met up with Manic and his group, the spiky-haired child took a brief moment to catch his breath, with the bespectacled Koopa introducing the newcomers as his family. Rush became excited at the thought of more new friends and wasted no time getting acquainted with them.
Rush: “Hi! My name’s Rush! It’s nice to meet all of you!”
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Whoever allows crossover fandom roleplay.
Please reblog this because not many people are in my fandom and I WANT FRIENDS. I also will promise to come into your ask box and stuff so yes. Please reblog so that I will know who is OC/Crossover friendly
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