triangular-family · 6 months
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Gun Godzs
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triangular-family · 6 months
Huge booty
@krutch-0v0 here you go
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18 notes · View notes
triangular-family · 6 months
Happy bday Cuz
(And Nuclear Throne)
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21 notes · View notes
triangular-family · 7 months
dimneo1010: >:)
I need it!
YV plushie/squishy
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80 notes · View notes
triangular-family · 7 months
Interdimensional paradox
Dont think too hard on it dont think too hard on it dont think too hard on it dont think
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215 notes · View notes
triangular-family · 7 months
"Y.V and his Chicks"
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( Old versions )
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triangular-family · 7 months
There are Y.V and Cuz, so why not
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Mutations and ULTRA Mutations on characters
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triangular-family · 7 months
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26 notes · View notes
triangular-family · 7 months
"God of money"
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Y.V's biggest portrait
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( Old version )
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triangular-family · 7 months
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Triangle Family
Yung Cuz / Cuz - Nuclear Throne. Video Game God. Even though he's not a Triangle, he's also part of the family, Y.V. couldn't leave his cousin behind. Doesn't know how to fight at all. Friendly to everyone. Was afraid of the Illuminati because of his huge size, but over time they became friends and played consoles.
Yung Venuz / Y.V - Gun Godz / Nuclear Throne. The god of rappers and the god of money and guns. Owns all the guns in the world. Has infinite wealth. Considers himself the founder of the family, as everyone lives in his mansion. The calmest of all, owns all the money in the world. Dislikes the nagging of Bill and Barracuda.
GodHead (GD) - The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. God of Essence. Really misses the dead Isaac, but despite the loss he remains positive and believes in the best. Can summon any object from Isaac's imagination.
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls. An inter-universe demon who infamously lost to a couple of children and old people. He is resurrected, but is not very happy about it, as he still has his memory from his past life, and his death often comes back to him in nightmares. But GD tries his best to help him. Invited his Illuminati father into the Triangle Family. Can enter the mind and command space and time. Also able to inhabit other people's bodies, but only with the victim's consent.
The Illuminati - from the one dollar bill and memes of the early 2010s. God of memes. Bill's father. Cuz's best friend. Y.V.'s business partner. Triforce's boss. The biggest of the whole family, as he is the strongest of them all. MEMES RULE THE WORLD!
Barracuda - Just shapes and beats. God of snakes and beats. JSAB's third boss. He may look huge, but in fact only the top of the pyramid is his body, the rest is a controlled device. He constantly organizes musical battles with Y.V and Illuminati, for the title of the best musician.
Boshy - I Wanna Be the Boshy. A traveler through the multiverse. He jumps very high and has a double jump. Instead of a left hand, he has a gun. Instead of a face, he has the symbols ! ? . and so on. He can transform into a dark Boshi.
Triangulo Triforce, aka the dancing triangle. Who the hell is he, you ask? He's just there and that's all he knows how to do - dance.
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triangular-family · 8 months
Finally Venuz can replace that stupid helicopter and show off all his divine power
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Destined to fall, like all those before him.
I really love Veen with divine motifs <3 Half-inspired by @dimneo1010's really awesome YV design; I think I had something like this sketched up quite a while ago but they definitely put it back in my brain. The look suits him!
Bad art output lately, mix of stress and program issues. This was done in CSP and while it's a fantastic program I like Photoshop more. Can't use it for long periods of time though bc it lags my laptop so much! Blargh, I miss art, specifically painting; ideally this would be painted ;_; Oh well, hope you like it anyway!
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triangular-family · 8 months
Amazing job, comrade!!!
squishable things idk
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they will accompany me to school
83 notes · View notes
triangular-family · 8 months
WAIT! Where is Godhead????
squishable things idk
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they will accompany me to school
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triangular-family · 8 months
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He's watching you △
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triangular-family · 8 months
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Old triangular family portrait
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triangular-family · 8 months
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Triangular Family
Yung Cuz / Cuz - Nuclear Throne. Video Game God. Even though he's not a Triangle, he's also part of the family, Y.V. couldn't leave his cousin behind. Doesn't know how to fight at all. Friendly to everyone. Was afraid of the Illuminati because of his huge size, but over time they became friends and played consoles.
Yung Venuz / Y.V - Gun Godz / Nuclear Throne. The god of rappers and the god of money and guns. Owns all the guns in the world. Has infinite wealth. Considers himself the founder of the family, as everyone lives in his mansion. The calmest of all, owns all the money in the world. Dislikes the nagging of Bill and Barracuda.
GodHead (GD) - The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. God of Essence. Really misses the dead Isaac, but despite the loss he remains positive and believes in the best. Can summon any object from Isaac's imagination.
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls. An inter-universe demon who infamously lost to a couple of children and old people. He is resurrected, but is not very happy about it, as he still has his memory from his past life, and his death often comes back to him in nightmares. But GD tries his best to help him. Invited his Illuminati father into the Triangle Family. Can enter the mind and command space and time. Also able to inhabit other people's bodies, but only with the victim's consent.
The Illuminati - from the one dollar bill and memes of the early 2010s. God of memes. Bill's father. Cuz's best friend. Y.V.'s business partner. Triforce's boss. The biggest of the whole family, as he is the strongest of them all. MEMES RULE THE WORLD!
Barracuda - Just shapes and beats. God of snakes and beats. JSAB's third boss. He may look huge, but in fact only the top of the pyramid is his body, the rest is a controlled device. He constantly organizes musical battles with Y.V and Illuminati, for the title of the best musician.
Boshy - I Wanna Be the Boshy. A traveler through the multiverse. He jumps very high and has a double jump. Instead of a left hand, he has a gun. Instead of a face, he has the symbols ! ? . and so on. He can transform into a dark Boshi.
Triangulo Triforce, aka the dancing triangle. The Legend of Zelda: The Light of Courage. "One of the best shitposts to ever exist for the sole purpose of dunking on a singular guy". Who the hell is he, you ask? He's just there and all he knows how to do - dance.
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