I thought it was going to a condom or car commercial...even a birth control, is something wrong with me?
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Watching this to the end fucking obliterated me. You will not guess what company this commercial is for in a billion years. I promise.
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Take this L
I couldnt find my lineart pen-
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Mama mia-
53 notes · View notes
Oh jesus... i was almost in tears..
        Before we start, I would like to give a special thanks to @waffledoesablog for finding this hilarious comic that was drawn by Tord.
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Now, onto the matter of life and death findings. When I went to Tord’s Wiki page to see if I could locate anymore information on him, I noticed in the external links, there was a Wayback Machine link to his account on SheezyArt, a website that no longer exists on the web anymore. I will link the page here: https://web.archive.org/web/20060111175516/http://kalashnicola.sheezyart.com:80/ I was unable to access everything on the archive due to the Wayback Machine not recording everything for some reason but I was able to obtain a lot of critical information. Believe me when I say that I went through everything with a thin-toothed comb.
        As you can see here: I have collected as much of his art that I could access, including the custom avatars he made for his page and as you can see, he is a very, talented artist. I have also listed the groups he was in and as you can see, he was definitely a very, nice person.
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        I have also collected all of his profile info which not only shares his interests but also shows more evidence of his sever bullying. We will address that a little later, though. Several of the profiles list his name as: Tord Maximillion Cyrano Welhaven. I do believe that this is his actual name for a couple of reasons, one being that Tom has stated in his Q&A video that Tord has gone under a fake name before, the second reason being that Edd Gould himself confirmed his middle name to be Maximillion on this very website and the third reason being the fact that Larsson is often spelled wrong when referring to Tord. Not only is the last name, Larson Swedish, not Norwegian but Tord often spells it wrong. Larson only has one S. while Tord always spells his supposed, last name with two.
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While Tord claims to not have Communistic views, his pages are often Communist-themed. I don’t know if he was lying about not having Communistic views to repel any, further negative attention, he changed his mind a bit later into the future or he was just joking around. Though he claims to have never owned or even touched a real gun, his love as well as his knowledge of guns seems to stem from his love of shooting video-games as seen in this journal entry, here.
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        Here is more of Tord’s art as well as more evidence of Tord being a kind and generous person. Not only did he love The Lord with all his heart but Tord was also very uplifting toward the followers of his that had low self-esteem. Judging by some of the titles of certain pictures (that I unfortunately could not get to appear) as well as quite a few comments in certain comment sections, Tord clearly drew a lot of erotic art that he often got flack for. This is most-likely the true origin of his bullying: Annoying S.J.W.s who believe that erotic art is just as ‘cringy’ as the comments they go out of their way to leave on the pieces but if this is not enough proof that Tord could never possibly be afraid of his fangirls, then I am not sure what is.
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        In this next collection of posts, consisting of question-based games that Tord often played: We are given a bunch of interesting information about Tord such as: His interests, his allergies and even what he smells like. We also get more proof that he was not only bullied online but in person as well. Proof of clinical depression as well as his suicidal wishes and attempts are also shown. He also mentions two of his exes, one of which is dead (and no, it is not Edd) while the other one cheated on him but we’ll talk about her a little later.
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Tord tends to be a very secretive person so I’ve cut out the questions where he gave a vague answer for the sake of saving space.
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        As mentioned prior, Tord is a very, secretive person, who seems drops obvious hints that something may be wrong in his life as a silent cry for help.
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        Below is proof of Tord’s dead girlfriend as well as more interesting facts about him, more of him being a sweetheart and his backstory of meeting Edd from his perspective. As you can see: He and Edd were close enough to be brothers.
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As you can see: Tord was so generous, that he refused to accept money for requests and would draw them for free.
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       In this post, Tord shows clear signs of clinical depression such as: Sleeping a lot just to pass time and openly admitting that he thinks no one cares about him enough to read his posts, example being the post, referring to his new tattoo. The picture of Tord’s tattoo will not show up on the site and the only picture where it can be seen, it is a bit hard to tell what it is but thanks to Kofi.Na, who found an old, yet hilarious drawing of Edd’s, which I will link here: https://aminoapps.com/c/eddsworld-community/page/blog/guys-guys/7eMk_nkjCPu4xYBgjqwBlBrjj23mq8NmXzq we can finally see Tord’s tattoo, clearly. As you can see: Tord’s tattoo is of an oddly-shaped, Oriental dragon of which he hilariously, yet cleverly named ‘Wang’.
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        I have enhanced and colored the tattoo so you can all see it more clearly and yes, I promise this is all relevant. There are a few, more hate-comments from both trolls as well as femi-nazis but this is where things begin to go too far. A website, that Tord really seemed to enjoy and was a loyal follower of decided to betray one of their most-loyal followers my making an entire hate-page about him. This one especially makes me sick to my stomach because I have been in Tord’s position before in this particular situation so I know exactly what he’s feeling: He feels frightened by the fact that someone would actually hate him badly enough to go this far and stalk him in such a manner. He also feels angry for the same reasons and is jealous of other content-creators, wondering why they are not subject to this type of harassment as well, which also makes him feel alone.
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        His passion has been tainted by all of these feelings, leading him to not only lose his passion but grow to hate it as well. Due to how threatened he felt by all of this hate, he becomes colder and more untrusting, he begins to exert aggression in an attempt to appear more intimidating in the hopes that his stalkers will leave him alone. I have enlarged a few of the titles that have angered me most and in all honesty, this discrimination against erotic artists has got to stop; it has gone way, too far at this point. Tord was already contemplating suicide before this by planning what he wants his own gravestone to look like, which this terrible website shamelessly made fun of and someone drawing erotic pictures is not a valid reason to nearly push them to a fellow human-being to suicide. This website is still around but this page is no longer up.
        Nevertheless, they still need donations to keep this site running and Tord is not the only victim they’ve harassed so please do not donate to this site, they do not deserve it and if you give them money, you are a bad person. This site should honestly be taken down immediately and why people have actually donated money to this hate is beyond my understanding.
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       Now to discuss the infamous, cheating-ex, mentioned prior: As you can see Tord was dating a user by the name of Crybaby. They have met in real life before but not often enough for this girl’s liking. Upon clicking on this girl’s page, we can see that her real name is Cheryl, she lives somewhere in Britain and in the most-recent capture of her page, is married to someone, who is clearly not Tord. I am unsure if she is still married to this person but judging by her ‘nature,’ it is highly unlikely that anyone would stay with her long. She mentions in several of her journal entries that her and Tord have not been getting along, her main complaint being that he is not online often enough, which was most-likely due to his harassment-induced depression.
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        She seemed to be a very, slutty person as she has not only posted on her page ‘a list of people that she has sex with for free,’ WHILE SHE WAS STILL WITH TORD but she also posted a link on Tord’s page that clearly upset him. Now, I could not get the link to work but judging by Tord and Cheryl’s lingo, it was mostly an inappropriate picture of one of her various side-dudes. She even went as far as to flirt with Edd, who is clearly uncomfortable with this, which if this is not how Tord found out about her tendencies, this was then most-likely the final straw for him. She has also openly admitted in one of her journal-quizzes that she has cheated ‘once.’ Now, I am not sure if this is a lie because she appears to have cheated a lot or if she only cheated on Tord with multiple people to spite him for reasons that are still unclear. Coincidentally, she posted this journal entry quiz in which she admits that she Tord has officially broken up with her and he will most-likely never forgive her, shortly after posting an entry explaining that she and Tord were ‘taking a break.’
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        I would also like to elaborate on the verbal-abuse that Cheryl often inflicted upon Tord. I was unable to access the picture but judging but judging by their conversation, Cheryl drew a picture of Tord with grey hair to make fun of him for having really, light-blond hair, which is most-likely why Tord dyed his hair brunette. Tord was not the only person Cheryl bullied with her art (despite him being her boyfriend) but she also bullied Edd as well. She not only posted a picture, calling them both ‘pervs’ but she also proceeded to trash-talk them in the comments. She even made fun of them directly when they expressed that they were clearly upset by this.
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       Tord was not only bullied by strangers but a few people, who were once his friends even decided to suddenly turn on him, jumping on this bandwagon. I also know what it feels like to have my friends suddenly turn on me for the sake of joining my bullies. It is almost as if the bullies planted them there in advance to cause extra pain during the attack. This is one-hundred percent how Tord developed trust-issues as well as his introverted tendencies. Can anyone really blame him, though? People he loved and trusted legitimately betrayed him, I know exactly how he feels.
        Judging by how these people have not been blocked yet: Tord is clearly a lot like me and can be convinced to forgive people like this easily. However, trust is like a mirror; you can fix it if it broke but you can still see the crack in the reflection. Tord very noticeably either ignores the offenders when they comment, replies to them with snarky comments or interrogates their true intentions.
        To add insult to injury, Tord’s girlfriend at the time, Cheryl also betrayed his trust and jumped on that bullying-bandwagon. She even went as far as to call him the L.G.B.T. F-word, which is most-likely why Tord has stopped talking to her. I can honestly say from experience that when a friend betrays you by bullying you, it can be very hurtful to the point of being nearly impossible to fully forgive the person but I do not even want to imagine the pain of a significant-other doing this to you. For Tord to stay in a relationship with her after this, despite barely talk to her afterwards, he really must have cared about her. The betrayals also seem to be what finally lead to Tord’s downfall seeing as how he began to disable comments on certain submissions of his only to disappear for a month shortly after. Upon his return, he posted a disclaimer, discouraging people from leaving hateful comments on his page.
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        Now, to talk about Edd. To say that Edd was Tord’s best-friend would be an understatement. Tord and Edd were not just friends; they loved each other (platonically as brothers). Edd even looked up to Tord like a role-model, admiring every, single aspect of his personality as well as his appearance while Tord clearly viewed Edd as almost a son, even going as far as to openly claim that Edd was his favorite person. When Tord was being bullied, Edd not only continuously attempted to comfort him but also went out of his way to defend Tord in noticeable posts. When Tord returned from his hiatus, Edd continued to be defensive of him, even going as far as to monitor comments that people have left on his posts.
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       And now for the main point of this blog: Tord’s suicide attempt. Before Tord took his month-long hiatus, he posted a journal-entry, claiming that he was not feeling well and upon his return, Tord posted a journal entry, claiming that while he would be active, he would be unable to draw for a bit, due to hurting his right hand. He would not disclose how exactly he injured his hand but the secretiveness of this entry as well as the conversations he has had with others heavily imply that this injury was intentional. He eventually forced himself to draw a picture of himself with his injured hand, which I could also not get to show. The comments on this post further indicate self-harm and that there was a lot of blood.
        If this alone is not evidence enough that Tord has attempted suicide, he openly admits in a conversation with another user that he is currently unable to join this user’s group due to his suicide attempt. Now, I don’t think Tord admitting to attempting suicide or posting a suicide note alone would provoke the SheezyArt admins to suspend him as well as place a strike on his account that prohibits him from joining groups so I believe Tord took pictures of his fresh injuries when the attempt failed to kill him and posted them online, submitting them to every, single group he was in so everyone who hurt him would see. There are three posts that I suspect contained the image due to how vague and unusual they are.
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Furthermore, Edd was incredibly defensive toward someone who was demanding to know why Tord left Eddsworld, almost as if Tord had asked him to keep his suicide attempt a secret. It is also possible that Tord may have went on hiatus to go to rehab for his attempt. Judging by this conversation that Edd and Tom had with the concerned-fan; it is likely that Tom knew about the suicide attempt as well. Now, I do not believe that Tord is dead like Tom said since not only did @le-goopy confirm that he was alive, just in hiding but the motivational private-message I sent to Tord has also been marked as read so he obviously came online recently. However, I do think that Tom said this to make the bullies feel bad for nearly pushing him to suicide.
        DISCLAIMER: This next part is just speculation and I do not know for sure if this is what happened or not. From the previous posts, we know that Tord has intentionally injured his right hand and that there was a lot of blood. However, neither Tord, Edd or Tom ever disclose how Tord hurt himself. However, it is possible that Edd and Tom have subtly slipped hints of Tord’s attempt into their artwork.
        Why would they do this, you may ask? Well, Tord most-likely did not want a lot of attention drawn to his suicide attempt at the time, due to a lot of people gaslighting him so he most-likely begged both Edd and Tom to keep it a secret. Edd however, being the loving person he is, most-likely felt that some light needed to be shined on the situation, due to how out of control the bullying has gotten so he briefly incorporated Tord’s suicide attempt into one of his videos. What video am I referring to?
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        The Tord Says Whatever video. Now, it is no secret that Edd practically idolized Tord and would do anything for him. With that being said, it is pretty obvious that Tord Says Whatever was clearly meant to be a motivational video that was meant to cheer Tord up after the bullying incident. The video parodys the original Whatever video by Liam Lynch very closely and whatever did not copy the video, made sense for Tord’s personality, except for one scene. The scene I am referring to involves Tord intentionally sticking a fork in an outlet and electrocuting himself. Not only was this nowhere to be found in the original music-video but it also does not make sense for Eddsworld-Tord to intentionally jam a fork into an electrical, outlet out of nowhere.
        More evidence to support this theory is the fact that Tord clearly uses his right hand in the video to stick the fork in the outlet, the very hand he claimed to have injured to the point of bleeding. I have included a couple of pictures of electrical-burns in this next post and yes, they do indeed bleed at first. Remember that oddly-shaped, dragon tattoo Tord has on his RIGHT arm that I mentioned earlier? Notice how unusual and messy the lines are, some of them being in places they are not supposed to be in, such as inside of the dragon’s body? The lines almost seem to follow the lines of an electrical-burn. Could this tattoo be a cover-up to hide the scarring?
        Also, take notice to how Tord is wearing a wristband on his RIGHT wrist, near his RIGHT hand, the hand he had claimed to have injured. Could this wristband also be hiding a burn-scar? Before you ask: Electrical-burns do sprout up in random patches of the afflicted area as shown in the second picture I included of the burn-wounds. I would also like to point out how the skin between Tord’s wristband as well as his Tattoo appears to be red and irritated; most-likely, the cover-ups only covered the more-gruesome, noticeable parts of the large scar. I would also like to note that Edd took down the Whatever video from his main channel suspiciously-shortly after uploading it only for Tom to later repost it on a channel he created for lost Eddsworld episodes.
        Why did Edd remove this from his main page? Was Tord offended by the hint at his suicide, demanding that Edd take it down and why did Tom repost it? Well, much like Edd, Tom might have wanted people to know about Tord’s attempt as well, seeing as how he actively attempted to make the bullies feel bad for causing it so he hinted at Tord’s attempt in The End. At the end of The End Part 2, Tord is seen with a bad burn on his RIGHT arm, which is once again, not only bleeding but is also in the same area as his actual tattoo. Seeing as how Tom wanted to keep the character of Tord alive as an intimidating villain in one of his upcoming, cartoon series’, it is obvious that he wanted Tord to see himself in the light of a bigger, better person, who fights back after having had enough.
        He wanted Tord to see a remake of himself that was intimidating in order to encourage him not to be afraid of mean people on the internet. AGAIN: This is just speculation; I am unsure if Tord really did try to kill himself by sticking a fork in an outlet but there is evidence in the form of a direct confession from Tord that HE DID indeed try to commit suicide. With that being said: If any of you find any proof that Tord either did try to kill himself via electrocution or proof of a different way he could have attempted his suicide, please send it to me and I will post it as an update.
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So uh... it was a mini comic thing for that one au.. and hhh i ki,da liked matt- But i dont like tom I just- Hhh
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Aaaah i actually really loved this cutesy lil man~!!!!! So heccing adorable had to at least try to draw him
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My lifes purpose has been fulfilled
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So first art post here- not that good but hope you like it :'D
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Im so sorry- but this is really good. Got hit with the feels
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(✿╹◡╹) ♥♥♥
I do not like to draw Matt crying, but this idea came to me and I had to do it ;u;
Although in the end he ends up happy with Tord :’D 
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