townic · 2 years
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Julian hadn’t meant to frighten her. His gaze flicked to the blonde, then her injured foot and he held a hand up apologetically. “Sorry, just
 mostly talkin’ to myself,” he said, still leaning against the wall. “But yeah, I guess that’s my point, there’s nothin’ to congratulate. I mean, I dunno why I even said it. I guess there’s a part of me that wants to feel special about it, but what’s the point when there’s
” he gestured vaguely around him, then sort of gave up and sighed. “There’s a lot of awful shit goin’ on lately, you know?” He wondered what had happened to her to be so jumpy, but he supposed he’d be scared of a night cryptid wasteoid hanging out outside by himself, too.
“You okay?” he tilted his head towards her foot.
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     she smiled. “you’re good. i’m just... a little paranoid sometimes.” she admitted with a chuckle. truth was, as hard as ali was pretending to be coping just fine with what happened to her, she had simply been bottling it all up and sometimes it came out in little bursts of anxiousness such as this one, where despite only having been spooked by the other for a second, her hands had already gotten clammy and she’d gotten pale in the face.
     “why not though? making it another year in these times and in this fuckin’ town is a pretty huge deal.” she pointed out, leaning her back against the wall. “yeah, i know.” ali hummed, mind wandering off slightly to the horrible night of the attack, but his question pulled her away from those thoughts. “yeah, it’s just a sprain. it's all good.”
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townic · 2 years
Open: @shrikestart· Time: After 8pm Location: Just outside the entrance closest to Julio’s Bar
Julian rolled his shoulder lightly. It just didn’t feel like a particularly festive time for him right now. Even at that moment, he stood outside with his back and left foot pressed up against the wall he was leaning into. One hand rested heavily in his pocket, fingers curled around a lighter he was fidgeting with slightly. His free hand held a half-gone cigarette up to his lips, and he exhaled away from anyone who might’ve been nearby or even approaching. As usual, he looked like he’d gotten maybe two winks of sleep in the past week with the dark circles under his eyes, and that weary look on his face, but it wasn’t out of the norm for him.
He heard footsteps approaching, but he didn’t look up. There were already a few drinks in him, and at this point, if a serial killer wanted to make a target out of him, maybe it would be better than having to get up early tomorrow for an opening shift at Key of Reason. Not that he didn’t love his job, of course. He just hated mornings.
“You know
 Who said birthdays have to be special anyway? I don’t feel any different. More haggard maybe,” he said wearily.
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     she had just finished her shift at snapshot, after having stubbornly convinced the manager that she was good and ready to keep working nights. ali really wasn’t, especially not with her foot still bandaged for another week and a half, but all the blonde wanted to do for the moment was shove down all those feelings and trauma and pretend that it didn’t happen. 
     the blonde was anxiously limping her way back to her car, when she heard someone speaking at her. at first she gasped, feeling scared of the stranger that had just popped up near her. “i-it’s your birthday ?” she asked, looking at the other. he clearly had a few drinks on him already, but who was ali to judge ? “congrats. but yeah, i agree. birthdays stop feeling as cool after eighteen. maybe twenty one.” 
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townic · 2 years
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               conrad hadn’t been present for the attack , but it felt like his life had changed so drastically because of it . he had never been hit so close to home after one of the horrendous events that plagued their town , but having ali be injured by killers , having the possibility of losing her forever become so nearly realised 
 it messed with conrad’s mind and heart greatly . he had worked himself up into tears more times than he would care to admit only thinking of alicia , so being hit by the surprise of her presence was more than enough to instantly render his eyes watery , his heartbeat rapid and his stomach flipping with nerves and upset . “ ali , of course . ” he was slightly speechless , and he would be lying if he said he liked seeing her here when she surely should be resting and recovering outside of the very place she endured such trauma . “ i didn’t know you were here , what’re you doing ? ” he couldn’t help but voice his concerns and his worries , trying his hardest to keep himself calm and composed . the last thing ali needed was to be burdened with a highly emotional conrad - though perhaps she was expecting it , conrad having such a history with sensitivity issues and more emotions than what he knew how to handle .
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     she was happy to see conrad. the young woman had admittedly been thinking about him more than before after they had that day up at the lodge, and after the attack, she realized that she really wanted to hang out with him more often. still, his speechlessness was kind of making her shrink into herself a little bit. did she really look that bad? she self consciously tucked her hair behind her ears and sighed, trying not to think too much about why he was acting like that. the young woman shrugged at his question. “i came to pick up my paycheck and i was honestly just really bored and tired of sitting alone at home and it was getting really sad to eat in a mostly quiet apartment every single meal. so i just
 decided not to, you know?” she said, speaking really fast, hoping it didn’t sound as sad and slightly pathetic as she felt it did.
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townic · 2 years
location: willow bridge
open @shrikestart
While Jasmin was certain it would be frowned upon for her to be rolling a joint in the middle of the park like this, the trailer she had been renting from the burly man down at the trailer park was hardly a comfortable place to smoke. Moreover, he had an unsettling habit of checking her shit when she wasn’t at home, so she did all her shenanigans outside of the trailer park and hid her stash under the passenger seat of her car. So, Jasmin was rolling a joint on the bridge with deft and practiced fingers, a hat over her natural hair, which wasn’t covered by her bright pink wig for once as she shivered in the cold. 
“Colder’n a fuckin’ witch’s tit out here,” she grumbled to herself as she lifted her trembling fingers to her lips to light up. She took a deep drag and let it out slowly, waiting for the effects to take hold. She was desperate for anything to take her out of her own head these days, whether it was a joint or a bump of cocaine or whatever else she could get her hands on in this rinky-dink town. She missed Chicago. She missed her dad. She wanted to go home. She swallowed back the tears that threatened to burn in her eyes. She had cried too much over the life that could have been already. 
Maybe this would all make an excellent book one day. One thing she had been sure to bring along with her was her typewriter, so she could at least attempt writing, though her writer’s block had been making that difficult for the past couple of weeks. Just give it time, she told herself. She’d get back to it when she was ready. 
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     ali’s ankle was still tightly bandaged up and healing from the nasty sprain she had suffered back at the end of january, but she had grown restless of the same routine. the blonde had decided to make an effort and change her scenery, getting in a cab and heading to the park with the objective of writing in her journal -- something she hadn’t been able to do since the attack. the young photographer limped all the way to the bridge, her favorite spot, and found a spot on one of the only benches in the bridge. 
     “well, it is colorado in the winter.” ali replied to the only other person in the bridge, looking up from the book she’d started to read ( and which she had brought with her basically to help her procrastinate ) a couple minutes ago. “you could come sit though, sometimes getting all bundled up for a bit can make you resent the cold less.”
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townic · 2 years
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Ian was doing his best just to exist right now. He was leaning on people in ways he never had before. Being in control was always important to an independent person like him and he hadn’t felt in control of anything since he’d woken up in the hospital. Every day he spent in there felt like he was going through the motions on autopilot. Even when moments of importance fell into Ian’s lap he felt
 nothing. He was too tired, too overstimulated, too upset to put any care into anything right now. When Ali arrived to his hospital room he hardly had a reaction to her. How could he react to seeing her right now? With everything that they’d both experienced
 his mind hadn’t even begun to go there; it couldn’t yet. “Alive, I guess,” he deadpanned. He didn’t feel good, he didn’t feel bad he just felt
there, sort of. From there he finally gave her his attention looking over the state she was in. Ali always looked pretty but Ian felt she looked especially pretty right now in comparison to him. He could tell she’d put effort into her appearance for the day and the same could not be said for Ian. Everyone who walked in his room looked better than him right now though. “How are you?” He asked not speaking on his observations. 
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     “i’m good.” ali replied on instinct. she hadn’t really ever noticed just how ingrained it was in her to quickly say she was okay, smile, and move on the conversation. thinking about it maybe she thought that people never really meant that question, it was just a pleasantry. “well. kind of, anyway, i guess.” she said in a voice that sounded more sincere, sitting down on the bed, by his feet. “tired, but functioning, i think would be a more accurate answer.” ali concluded, turning to smile softly at him. she knew that he had had it far more rough than her, which is why she had already been discharged and he was still here. “i do miss how much easier life felt a week ago, though. it’s awful.”
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townic · 2 years
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elora cursed low under her breath as the package in her hand ripped open, the small silver discs spilling out all over the floor with a clatter. these batteries were supposed to last her a couple of months, and she really couldn’t afford to lose any of them. so of course, she wasn’t really paying attention as she crawled around on the floor of the mall, frantically searching and collecting the lost batteries in her palm. without the batteries that were now scattered across the mall’s hallway, she also couldn’t hear much of anything going on around her. so, of course, she ran headfirst into someone’s leg. 
she let out an audible gasp, jumping backwards and landing painfully on her ass with a wince. “god, i am so sorry. i wasn’t payin’ any attention.” she was blushing furiously for a moment, until her eye caught a little glint of silver just behind her victim’s foot. “ah, there you are, you blimy bastard.” she held the battery up proudly before dropping it in her palm. it made a soft clink against the others. “okay. two left. ain’t suppose you’ve seen a little battery roll by, ay?” 
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     ali was limping her way back to snapshot after getting a water bottle. the young woman was trying really hard to get better at the whole getting back to normal and being self sufficient thing, but it was hard not only from a psychological standpoint, but from a very physical, literal one. the blonde wasn’t looking too attentively at where she was stepping when suddenly she felt something bump against her good leg, which made her take a reflective step back and then yelp in pain at the feeling of her weight fully resting on her injured foot.
     “fuck.” she hissed, immediately shifting her weight. “don’t worry, at least you didn’t get the bad one.” alicia replied, lifting her leg so the other could see the boot and the bandage that had been placed there after the attack and still had a couple weeks left. “i haven’t, no, but i hope you find it. i’d offer to help you out but i’m kinda useless for that right now.” ali chuckled. “i do work at the photography shop and we have some batteries there, if you’re interested.”
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townic · 2 years
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the pink and white bouquet was delivered directly to alicia’s home along with a greeting card that had a teddy bear on the front. inside, in messy crayon, was a note. 
hapy valntin day ali, we mis u. pls coem play prncesss with us agin. 
a smaller, less childish note was written underneath it
happy valentines day, angel. we can’t wait to have you back in our lives. - luc
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     she thought this was the cutest thing ever. the card is hanging on her fridge and the flowers on her bedside table. 
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townic · 2 years
starter for @urdamage​
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     alicia was tired. she was in better shape, the bruise that adorned her forehead was still very much visible, but not nearly as bad as it had been the day after the attack. she was sitting in the food court reading, her injured leg up in a chair. the young woman was chewing on a fry when suddenly she spotted someone familiar. “hey.” the young woman called out, waving to her friend and hoping she didn’t look as awful as she felt. “you wanna come sit ?”
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townic · 2 years
📞 + đŸ€Ș // bowen + alicia
đŸ€Ș : a goofy voicemail
january, 1988
drunken giggles leave her end of the phone. "no, i was just thinking, if we had met as young kids i think you and i would have absolutely tried to stand on each other's shoulders and hide in a trench coat to look like a whole adult. y'know, like in the cartoons." ali laughed. "i'm sorry. i'm sorry, i had two wine glasses earlier and i can't hold my liquor. see you soon !!"
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townic · 2 years
📞😔 ryanne & alicia
😔 : a sad voicemail
february, 1988
"hey, ry." ali's voice was soft, not as perky as it used to be. "so, um. . . i've been having a really really bad day. a-and. . . i was just calling to ask you if you didn't mind taking my shift for tonight?" her voice broke at the end of the sentence, and then she sighed. "forget it, forget it. i'll just -- i'll be there, i'm sorry i bothered you. see you soon."
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townic · 2 years
📞😃 - alicia + conrad !
😃 : a happy voicemail 
december, 1987
"hey ! so, um. . . i just got my tree here at home and it reminded me a lot of that day we had up in the lodge when we went to check out the tree farm, remember ? and, um. . . yeah." she giggles. "i don't know why i called you, that was literally everything that i had to say, so now that i've said it. . . call me back sometime. merry christmas, hope to talk before the new year."
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townic · 2 years
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     ali was looking rough. despite her bruises already looking less... well, terrible, she had barely gotten sleep since the attack and there were dark circles under her eyes and she looked paler than usual. she had of course been doing some effort with the makeup and the attitude, but to anyone that knew her it was clear that she was having a hard time. “hey.” she said to ian. the young blonde had made plans with him over the phone after her stint in the hospital after a kick she’d gotten to get back in closer contact with her old friends since she felt like death was literally around the corner all the time. ali took a sip of her drink while she waited for ian to sit down, a soft smile on her face. “how are you ?”
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townic · 2 years
{ @townic }
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he thought the phone call was the worst moment of his life until he saw her unconscious in the hospital bed. nothing bad had ever really happened to aramis before now. before losing her. almost. almost losing her. he had to remind himself of that as he clung to her hand, waiting for her to wake up. she would wake up, she had to. he hadn’t left her side since the doctors would let him in, and while she’d stirred a little, she still hadn’t woken up. as the adrenaline wore off, he found himself slumping forward onto the bed.
he had still been holding her hand when he had dozed off so that any little movements would wake him, and it did. as soon as he felt her hand stir, he was fully awake again. “ali?” his voice was groggy and quiet, but his hand tightened it’s grip on hers, afraid of ever letting her go again. 
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     ali was asleep in her bed, thankful that aramis was able to come over and be with her at night — alicia had never been much of a fan of the nighttime, but after getting attacked, she was downright afraid of it. her father had offered her pretty much every day her childhood bedroom, but ali didn’t want to leave her apartment. she loved it, and she’d spent a lot of time and money getting it to be exactly the type of home she wanted it to be, so why should she let the attackers cost her that, too? still, ali wasn’t sleeping well. the nightmares came often, and they felt way too real for her to be able to stay asleep. that night, alicia woke up in tears. again. “ari.” she hummed, squeezing his hand back and feeling relieved to see the familiar face close to her. looking at him made her feel calm, but also a bit guilty for waking him up often and overall feeling like a nuisance. “i’m- i’m sorry. go back to sleep. i think i need to get some water.”
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townic · 2 years
–closed starter @townic··· {for alicia incanti}
Jesse, admittedly, did not do well when it came to dealing with the news anytime someone died at the mall. The only way to say it was he felt like his safe place was violated. The rug ripped right out from underneath him. It felt even worse when his friends, or more likely people he tolerated, got involved. He couldn’t really wrap his head around everything that he heard happened the night before. Even with the blasting music it felt too quiet in the store without his favorite coworker around to harass. Then he heard about Alicia on top of it too.
He hated hospitals but he wasn’t about to let anyone else know that as he stomped through the hallway after a long day of work. Someone had tried to talk to him but that was the benefit of wearing headphones. He could always just pretend he couldn’t hear someone even if he didn’t have music playing. It didn’t take him long to find the room she was in. The tip of his boot nudged the door open as he peeked around the corner into the room. 
His hand reached up to push the headphones back from his ears. “Knock knock. Special delivery,” he whispered. A small smirk slipped onto his face as he help a McDonald’s bag up and waved it in the air. Jesse finally stepped into the room and shut the door quietly behind him. “Shit if I knew it was this bad, I would’ve sprung for a sundae too.”
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     ali knew that she looked bad. she’d spent a while looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, the analyzing the dark bruise on her forehead and the dark circles under her eyes. for the first time in her life, her face really wasn’t a pretty sight. the photographer still put her hair up in a ponytail and showered, trying to look somewhat decent — she didn’t want the trauma to completely take over her life.
     she was reading a book when she heard footsteps on the linoleum floor of her hallway. she smiled when she spotted jesse, happy that he was there — and holding mcdonald’s, too. “oh my god, you are a lifesaver.” she exclaimed. “hospital food is way too bland.” ali shook her head, and rolled her eyes at his comment. “you can’t be mean to me right now. i just got attacked by psychos. you’re obligated to be nice to me right now.” she said, raising an eyebrow at him. “and you could start by giving me that mcdonald’s bag.”
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townic · 2 years
{ @townic· }
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sparrow wasn’t sure why she was here, except for the small relief of knowing that the blonde girl understood. the soft beep that came from her wristwatch signaled another hour had passed in the uncomfortable hospital chair. it was difficult to explain her relation to alicia to the myriad of people that came in and out. ‘i was there when it happened’ made her sound like one of the killers, but anything more than that brought flashbacks of flora and dakota’s faces that she wasn’t ready to see again. as long as she was quiet and let the patient sleep, nobody really cared that she was there. 
sparrow was deeply lost in their own thoughts when they heard alicia start to stir. they didn’t bother lifting their head off their knees to greet her, giving her a second to gather her senses. “the human puppy just left, said something about blankets. i don’t know. he’s been talking the whole time and i tuned him out about two hours ago.” they shrugged, flashing her an empty, lopsided smile. alicia looked about how sparrow felt, and they were sure she was probably still just as in shock as they were.
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     ali was so profoundly asleep she wasn’t even dreaming. the shock hadn’t even fully finished setting on the young photographer, and she was only asleep pretty much because of the amount of meds the hospital had her on — that, combined with the amount of people that were coming in and out, made her feel somewhat safe.
     the blonde started to wake up and she caught herself hoping that she would wake up in her apartment, safe and sound, and that all of this would have been nothing but a bad dream. but it wasn’t, she was in the hospital hooked up to the beepy machine and there was a tube thing connected to her hand. alicia started to move a little, grimacing at the pain such a small movement was causing her in basically every part of her body. “oh. yeah, he’s sweet like that.” ali hummed, slowly opening her eyes. she loved ari more than she knew how to explain and seeing him again after such a night made her feel extremely happy — but she was happy sparrow was there too. they were one of the only people that really got what she was feeling. ali turned to face them, offering a weak smile. “impressed by your ability to tune him out, though.” she joked with a chuckle.
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townic · 2 years
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townic · 2 years
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alicia incanti : characters my muse is similar to according to charactour
 jughead jones ( riverdale ) - 83.3%  catherine linton ( wuthering heights ) - 83.2%  princess leia ( star wars ) - 83.0%  celine ( before sunrise ) - 82.8%  dana scully ( the x files ) - 82.7%  kat stratford ( 10 things i hate about you ) - 82.3%  lois lane ( man of steel ) - 81.7%  cj cregg ( west wing ) - 80.7%  violet crawley ( downton abbey ) - 81.4%
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