"Sincere love is so innocent, I mean.. you will do just about anything for your sexy, lovely someone, so selfless. It's a great feeling too, so pristine and natural.. like, you want to make your person happy in every possible way. And you just can't get that anywhere, if you or your person is like that.. they should hang onto you and you should hang onto them like you are falling out of bed from the world's best cuddles."
Seriously.. hang on and don't let go - eUë
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The Stunning Helleborus Black Beauty !
Find out more and Seeds here : ETSY
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Being by yourself is always a better option than being devalued.
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Tishaluvslife turned 9 today!
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tishaluvslife86love · 2 years
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tishaluvslife86love · 2 years
need some sloppy head, a back rub and a new candle
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tishaluvslife86love · 2 years
Getting Ready to Social Climb? Here’s how.
This isn’t something you’ll read that someone will be able to identify as “Tumblr advice”. Once you’ve put yourself out there, you will develop a finer eye to see who’s playing dress up and who treats themselves like they belong there. There all types of styles out there, not only the waif woman in a nice dress and pumps. It’s up to you to match your style with your environment.
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1. Be near luxury all the time.
View it online, have a travel sized luxury hand cream, wear a diamond bracelet, read trendy books and have a peaceful headspace. A peace of mind is a wonderful possession to own.
2. Use words you regularly use.
No person in the upper “echelon” refers to themselves as a person in the upper echelon or higher class. You aren’t a reporter or tour guide describing how people you aspire to be live. Use words that are appropriate and typical of yourself.
3. Dress cleanly and comfortably. Don’t make your outfit to impress people. Once you start worrying about other people, you’ll lose sight of who you are.
There are distinct differences between people who dress up because they want to and dress up to impress such as:
- You look pleased with your outfit choice!
- You aren’t comparing other’s outfits to yours!
- You aren’t fixating your walking gait into something noticeable to garner attention!
- You don’t restrict yourself into entering venues due to your outfit choice!
- Definitely don’t rank other’s outfits with your standards of whether they’re classy or lazy.
“My outfit is more elegant and expensive than theirs, so they’re sloppy and cheap and that means I’m not.”
If you do that and you’re over a certain age, who do you think you are?
Re-evaluate your reasons of why you’re interested in luxury and class if you’re constantly making fun of people who aren’t dressed like you or have what you have. Don’t lose yourself to act in a way you normally wouldn’t.
4. Don’t be too impressed with displays of wealth.
If you’re seeing a G wagon or Ferrari for the first time in public, be starstruck to yourself.
5. Keep your life private.
Open up in layers once you find a trustworthy friend. Constantly talking about how amazing your life is publicly and online can cause you a lot of trouble such as being targeted in public or burglarized.
6. Try not to showboat, either.
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You can be 100% 24/7, but use your common sense because your intuition will correct you into stopping some behaviors. By showboat, I mean dropping names of labels you have on, how expensive your meals are, talking who you know and how classy and goddess-like you are.
7. Talk to people you wouldn’t consider.
Not every affluent woman looks like a supermodel and not every affluent man dresses well.
8. Beware of coattail riders.
A coattail rider can be a nicely dressed woman who fits a location. She might wonder what type of phone, place, car and possessions you have and sound like she’s asking in pure curiosity. She will want to hang out with you to go to nice areas so she can try to upstage you to network with potential contacts.
9. Don’t label yourself as an outsider trying to gain access in.
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tishaluvslife86love · 2 years
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tishaluvslife86love · 2 years
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tishaluvslife86love · 3 years
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Forever Stronger x LL 🏁
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tishaluvslife86love · 3 years
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August 25th, 2001
The final picture of Aaliyah and her hardworking loving crew heading to the airport.
In loving memory of:
Aaliyah, 22
Eric Forman, 29
Christopher Maldonado, 32
Anthony Dodd, 34
Keith Wallace, 49
Douglas Kratz, 28
Gina Smith, 29
Scott Gallin, 41
Rest in Paradise! We miss you!
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tishaluvslife86love · 3 years
all I do is listen to music and think about my silly little fictional people
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tishaluvslife86love · 3 years
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Tamala Niecole Wells has been missing since August 6th, 2012. On that night, the 33 year-old mother was last seen leaving her home in Detroit, Michigan around 9:30pm. It is unclear where Tamala was headed, but she did speak with her mother, Donna Wells-Davis, on the phone later that night, and nothing of concern came up in their conversation. Unfortunately, Tamala never returned home after that and has not been seen or heard from since that phone conversation with Donna.
Donna was alerted about Tamala’s disappearance the following day, when she received a phone-call from her granddaughter/Tamala’s daughter, who was only 6 years-old at the time. The little girl told Donna that her mother never came home the previous night. Donna said that she asked her granddaughter to give the phone to Tamala’s live-in boyfriend, Rickey Tennant, but he allegedly refused to speak with her. Donna and her husband then immediately left their home in Florida to travel to Detroit and search for Tamala. After an unsuccessful initial search, Tamala was reported missing to the Detroit police.
Three days after her disappearance, Tamala’s car was found abandoned on just blocks away from her home. Some of her clothing items were inside the vehicle, but there was otherwise no other trace of Tamala. Investigators have apparently gotten very few leads since then, but they have looked at those closest to Tamala, including her live-in boyfriend Rickey. The pair had lived together for 15 years, and Rickey reportedly had a very contentious relationship with Tamala’s family members—even prior to her disappearance. Said relationship between Tamala’s family members and Rickey did not improve once Tamala went missing, especially after Rickey began talking to the media. In an August 2015 interview, Rickey told reporters that the family gives him a headache, as did Tamala. He explained, “Tamala used to give me a headache, but I dealt with it, and I’m looking at it right now as ‘one headache is better than two headaches.’” Many felt that this was a rather insensitive comment to make about a missing loved one, as he made it seem as if he is happy that Tamala is gone. Despite this, investigators stated that Rickey has cooperated with the investigation and they have not named him as a suspect at this time.
Tamala’s family members disagree with investigators. Tamala’s mother Donna told reporters that she is “almost positive” that Rickey had something to do with her daughter’s disappearance. Tamala allegedly told Donna that Rickey had abusive tendencies and that she wanted to leave him for good. Still, Donna does not believe that Tamala would have run away without her children or without contacting the rest of her family. Tamala remains missing today. If you have any information that could lead to her whereabouts, please contact the Detroit Police Department at 313-596-5640. 
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