tiredandunfortunate · 19 hours
Watching a movie from 2021 and I’m always shocked (and can tell it’s right out of lockdown) because I’m like “everyone looks so good and pretty and handsome” until I realize it’s because they didn’t have access to fillers for several months (and they look way better like that to me) lol
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You know what? I believe in reincarnation and I want to come back as a fish or a cephalopod living in a well-kept aquarium. Give me some space between being online. Some time to touch grass, as it were.
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glad max friendly road
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I’d say that the way the medicine subreddit went from semi-secret boys’ club to bottom of their barrel dregs defending their petri dish scrapes as soon as people noticed its existence and denounced them should be studied in a lab but it literally already has—several times
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tiredandunfortunate · 10 days
I have noticed that when people point out that this website is overwhelmingly white people think that excludes them so to increase accuracy: not a single non-Black person on this website likes Black people or respects Black culture.
I have seen groups of people boasting about what great allies they are to Black people in the same line of text as trying to chase Black people off this website
Sometimes it’s specific Black people, sometimes it’s all Black people. It always goes unchallenged.
I never see anyone call it out unless it’s to remind people not to take this website seriously. Anti-Blackness is relegated publicly to a joke and pervasively the culture of non-Black Tumblr, same as all the other social media sites.
Tumblr is anti-Blackness, same as everywhere else online. If there’s any politics people on here share it’s hating Black people and moaning about how much better Black people have it than you (and how much they don’t deserve it)
If someone were to professionally poll Tumblr users on whether or not they supported reinstituting slavery, I’m pretty sure only Tumblr users themselves would be surprised (and I’m sure a Tumblr user “poll” would have much different results—but guess which one users would believe?)
To be even more clear: Tumblr users are not allies, Tumblr users are who Black people need allies against
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tiredandunfortunate · 11 days
The way people keep regurgitating feminism as “uwu white women” & “girlboss gaslight gatekeep” or “not like other girls” & “women’s wrong are always right!” Every three to five years is inching me ever closer to just realigning with womanism and blocking every single person who reblogs those posts ever because all this so poorly researched (but presented as factual and above criticism) and like… genuinely annoying to be exposed to death to nuance takes so often
You’re shrinkwrapping my brain and I demand to be free range
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tiredandunfortunate · 11 days
I don't trust anyone who hasn't acknowledged their capacity for evil.
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tiredandunfortunate · 12 days
Tumblr media
[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'There's a petition to ban conversion therapy in the EU' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
If you are a citizen in the EU please sign this petition:
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tiredandunfortunate · 12 days
Hey y'all why are writers always cold?
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tiredandunfortunate · 13 days
I find it incredibly funny from a meta/author perspective, that Ancient Greece decided to name their protagonist that angers many people “Anger Bringer” but, even funnier, is the in universe understating that anyone who meets Odysseus must have had the thought “oh dear, how unfortunate to be named hateful/hated” and then they have exactly One conversation with him and go “Ah I see now”
For reference, Odysseus’ name sounds very much like the Greek word odussomai, which can roughly mean “I am angry at” or “I am the cause of anger” (or simply “to hate” or “to dismiss”), a fact that is used for ironic effect frequently in the Odyssey.
It’s also specifically stated in Book 19 that Odysseus’ grandfather, a master thief and one who has also pissed off a lot of people, specifically named him this because “I am disliked by many, all across the world, and I dislike them back. So name the child Odysseus.” 19.428
Bro looked at his grandson and thought “Ahaha, this one’s going to be a troublemaker like me. Better get him started early.”
It’s like a terrible allegory for cause and effect or something.
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tiredandunfortunate · 15 days
touch-starvation needs to be written with emphasis on the starving part. you are hungry to be touched. so hungry that even the very taste of it makes you nauseous. it has been long since anything has ever touched you, ever fed you - that your body has grown more used to that gnawing emptiness more than anything else. it's better for you to be held, to eat but it makes you sick to try. you know
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tiredandunfortunate · 15 days
Random person: Hey, I'm just getting into webcomics, and I was wondering if you had any accessible recommendations for someone who's new to the medium?
This website:
Comic which can only be read by torrenting an archive of its former website, whose domain has expired
Comic that's like ten thousand pages long, but stick with it, it starts to get good around the 3000-page mark
Comic which, in spite of maintaining a clockwork update schedule for 22 years, has yet to resolve a single significant plot point
Comic whose premise is incomprehensible if you're not familiar with one specific meme which trended for six weeks in 2014
Comic which contains only 50% of its own plot because it's written under the assumption that everyone reading it is on the Discord
Comic whose pedestrian plotting and lacklustre dialogue is elevated entirely by the fact that the protagonist has a huge cock
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tiredandunfortunate · 15 days
I personally wouldn’t listen to how “unhealthy” the body positivity movement is from someone who has fillers and if you would pretty sure you’re just looking for an acceptable excuse to police people’s bodies
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tiredandunfortunate · 15 days
Sherlock Holmes modern adaptation but the main characters (Sherlock, Watson, Mrs. Hudson, Irene Adler, and maybe even Lestrade) are all vampires and they’ve just been doing their thing since the time period of the original books
Irene gets to be from New Jersey like she is in canon and she’ll occasionally show up and help Sherlock with a case but they don’t ever date or hook up or anything
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tiredandunfortunate · 17 days
I stopped reading DNIs because 90% of the time they were just fucking inscrutable to me. I’d go to somebody’s page and it would be like “DNI if you’re a COSLA apologist,” so then I would Google COSLA and it was just like “Welp, either things are really heating up in the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities fandom or I still have no idea what the fuck this person is talking about.” Or “DNI if you identify as ANFO.” Okay, well, I definitely don’t identify as Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil, but that’s probably not what you meant (although hey, maybe you did; I obviously don’t know enough about your views on chemical compounds to outright dispute that option).” Like, you have my blessing to hate whatever obscure fandom pairing or super niche kink group you want, but just know I am embracing ignorance on this one and will not be looking that shit up. Peace.
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tiredandunfortunate · 19 days
this is so mean but sometimes i see published writing and suddenly no longer feel insecure about my own writing ability. like well okay that got published so im guessing i dont have much to worry about
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tiredandunfortunate · 19 days
the thing about CC is that she did plagiarize. she was found guilty of plagiarism and banned from fanfiction dot net! she plagiarized pamela dean, among others, and lied about it repeatedly! it happened! and regardless of whatever else she writes, regardless of whether the publishing industry and her fans trust her not to do it again, regardless of how many times her wikipedia page gets scrubbed clean, that will always have happened! so it is not in fact cruel gossip, but a factually true statement, to say that she plagiarized and i'm not interested in supporting her or giving her the benefit of the doubt because she plagiarized and lied about it repeatedly! fuck!
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