emersonmanandnature · 21 hours
April 30, 2024
Each Second Precious
stationary thoughts in time circulate around the
center of ones desperate changing without a center
of knowing one relies on the intuitive vision that
sees reality not in time passing but in stagnant
will power unable to express ones need of change
becoming more that a solitary person, a reflection
external to others vision but unable to pierce the
serious facial despair on one living a life not theirs
but for others congregating over the profiters taking
their share and passing the buck to the exhausted
worker which will it be as one gets older not
necessary smarter but there is always a means to
change your physical nature allowing the external
facades to be absorbed into your inner perceptions
realizing a need to pick apart an idea you thought
might change the dynamics of your future allowing
the littlest idea seeking an expression for the coming
change of individuality and not the controlled mining
of ones inner self dissected one with questions of
allegiance to the fraud of a life never lived but given
away to the highest bidder captured in working your
mind losing its vision and placed in an early grave
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Cold Morning With Plenty Of Webs
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April 29, 2024
The Beginning Of The End
Violence Is For Those Who Destroy Young Lives
Distracting noise, the voices repeating spittle
from a broken brain, darkening light the
presentation is everything without no departure
from the shallow waters, its easy to kill the spirit
of someone with lies than face the truth of your
own deceptions, for once you begin your misguidance
the path of truth is always abandoned
Mr. big lives in a mansion, his yard is bigger than mother
earth, his once new neighborhood is where violence and
death is inward, the cruel sinners never to be redeemed
The wealthy have a security force that protects their
rich homes and valuables, where their neighborhood have
racists cops doing the dirty work for new persons rising
like a roaring flame from the depths of despair, someones
soul of greed stands in silence, no one can enter without
ID and the correct facial color and money envelopes, those
that try to communicate to the owners of peoples lives are
arrested for upsetting the families dinner plans with picket
signs in front of dad's majestic gated communities of
robber barons,
How do people accept this wealth of others without a
thank you for their lives worn to a sitting corpse drinking
his beer staring at the tv without any thoughts, just silence
there is no mercy in the psychopath and his need for
power and profits off the backs of the poor and the lower
middle class, these men a so called power without any
feelings, treating humans as things without significance
It is all mixed up these feelings of gravity pulling one to
lie without preserving the root cause of the times moody
transformation, one seeking his mother's breast once
more before dying,
I seek the contours of a life worth living, worth exploring
your feelings blossom into a powerful forceful expression
more than just random thoughts but a new focus of
insightful revelations moving past the elites crooked hearts
I close my mind to the external, I close my heart to the
soulless experiment of physical space suspended in
infinite time, we die by ignoring the evil present in this
collapsing world, hands hiding eyes that would rather
ignore the deaths arrogance of moneyed interest, do
you seed the pill of a god, just another imposter, you
have seen, heard internal dialogue with themselves to
charge the circumstance of your poverty as a dying wish
only, a son could sacrifice for his father who sits on the
throne and takes large dumps to impress the ones living
in satan's forereaching homes hell, his passing was for the
many, in church the cheers rise and the hands clap as
this man dies for our sins and we could careless of his
lonely sacrifice but have done the math on how much
income we will make of his holy stupidity
His promised land now a rugged place for criminals,
a violent prosperous few who live not for the after life,
that is just plain nuts, but live in the physical space of
servants and the pleasure of traveling in monstrous
yachts, where private parties are destructive to those
unaware of there coming raping for life of the rich
could care less of living for others, only themselves
Boohah! for the young boys and girls stripped naked
for the oligarchs use and then discarded once the
novelty of their flesh is known and spoiled by greed
there is no feelings that can absorb the taking of ones
body and mind and just use it and then throw it out
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We Live Amongst Those Without Depth Of Caring
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April 28, 2024
A Lesser Of Two Evils
Listen to the words spoken in sentences breaking
apart, our language an illusion of self worth, words
that once had purpose, now illusions of hope now
soon to be forgotten, where is calm moments in
times behavior ever fitting between your past and
your future, what do we seek, a tooth ache that needs
to be removed, each moment ages our skin, our nerves,
our figuration of our lives dulled now to accept the
perilous haunting of ones inexcusable sensitivity to
become less than who you are, what I seek is feeling,
a rush of acceptance, your nerves electric tinkling
through you brain and chest and your arms lightened
as if you were rising to meet your maker, we are alone
separate without claim to anyone but us, what we
demand is word's spent by the repetitive ease of wealth's
influence, their expensive clothes, a driver to take them
to a private show we think we know words that have
meaning for all a fantasy of hopeful fools gold, for we
are alike yet individual, we are alone yet in a ground of
like minded pedestrians oblivious to the new way
of encapsulating all your fears into one of fierce loyalty
of your once truths but in these dire moments life ends
and you are put in a position that brings forth a fearful
realization that humanity is nothing more than greed
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Dinner Is Always Given An Invitation
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April 27, 2024
Begin The Sound Of Life
Today the leaves are a symphony of sound
letting me know they are free to fly in the
autumn winds for now their music settles
their need for changing the coming winter
I want to change into my new skin, a different
color than white, maybe green as the birch
leaves in early summer or maybe the grey of
a soul weeping in anger and despair, thoughts
demanding, urging one to repent, which way
to turn when all is defeated, who reaches their
potential without a struggle to perceive the means
of your failure, doubt in believing idols of storm
towers sunlight breaking apart, shadows in deep
anxiety, these thugs begin to add up, for a truth
realized, persecuted self interest, it will take time
before one realizes the depth of our coming persecution
these are the rings moving from the center outward
in patterns dispersing life's currents of despair
soon to be unseen, yet infinite in there movement
outward in a universal legacy of self distractions
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Dreams Of Once Beauty In Nature
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April 27, 2024
What Are Our Destinations
Simplicity of sin, regret leading to asking a priest
to forgive your sinful nature taking our lord's name
in vain, a sin of many our fathers and hail mary's
the void between repenting and being raised in the
glory of white cleanliness, a washing away all sins
as one floats into a paradise visible now as one body
no longer of greed just your spirit stagnate in a cycle
of death, then life for god is pretty petty and demanding
of the sinners rising to their salvation but more important
is that god, jesus and the holy ghost like their part
as our salvation, even though jesus doesn't hang around
for the constant souls wide eyes and overwhelmed at the
beauty of heaven with eden present with its true reddish
apples with god's sign telling the new spirits to remember
never, ever pick the fruit off a tree in god's eden garden,
surrounded by angels not allowing any new comer or even
adam and eve back into his first human miracle the making
of a wonderful orchid, a wonderful home for barley clad
humans now reaching sexual interest, praise the lord
thank you jesus, if god is almighty and not just a word in
books and dictionaries, a word becoming dull and
redundant, a boring word that man created for
themselves, for there is no future, no after life if
god is just a figure of speech, a bait and switch game
that exists through our vocabulary, conditioned and
memorized in our youth and now rejected for this god
forsaken once in paradise now is in a cesspool of poisons,
outrageous pollution causing illness with no means
to pay for treatment, beware of the war mongers selling
weapons to corrupt governments helping them to murder
innocence, while voices demanding change, we are
aware as we grow older that we are alone, separate from
family, friends and society that our lives have been driven
by outside forces of corporations, the elites of criiminal
power using their bought propaganda to make us salivate
like palov's dog as we lose our faith in this criminal planet
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He Needs His Tennis Ball
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emersonmanandnature · 10 days
April 21, 2024
Ones Loss Of Self
Stagnation of ones mental capacity to
see and feel beyond the stage performance
at theaters and movies that move us
further away from oneself and immerses
us into a facade of violence, love, wars,
comedies, drama of abandonment, racists
attempts at self gratification through someone
else's pain, the significance of ones implosion,
self destructive age, the giving away your life
without meaning, just a simplistic focus on
other's action not opening the rejection of self
worth, self purpose, self awareness, self love,
would be the first step forward to reject the
barbaric hatred of someone's color begins
the conditioning of the intellect to find
excuses, plausible if read in a surface depth
that all men and women are not born equal and
the only thing that labels one to the elites is
rather than the peons is looks, greed, money and
an obsession for mental and physical control over
the majorities population to herd them together
fighting amongst themselves and wealth flows
upward into the obsessive, compulsive demands
for more, more wars, parties, robberies, sexual
assaults all that and the true brute force of the
demanding minds stating plainly and in repetitive
high volume voice, mean spirited, that it is better
to be rich than enter the dismal poverty of the poor
that were created just for one purpose to show the
lower middle class they are better than the bottom
feeders for their right to a life, a decent wage, a family
home, all the perks by being a go getter climbing the
ladder of servitude always to those that control
the strings that could break you or promote you,
lets not over think this great place for all to work
in for our homes that always need a perfect cleaning
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Listen To The Voices Of Despair
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emersonmanandnature · 11 days
The March of Evil
April 20, 2024
Run children, the future drags us into a shell
of what if's moments ignored voices yelling in
vicious anger, the burning rubber of an all to
well soap opera of hate, despair, not at ones
partner but at oneself for missing decisions that
could have changed your life, now one is isolated
as friendships dissolve over time losing grade
school friends turning on a dime, their backs a
means of hatred, losing high school friends moving
upward thinking they will become important and
then your working understanding, the burden of
jealous hate for not attempting to build a vision of
your reality, a new perspective of ones intensions,
your ability to see a new intuitive vision of acceptance
while each moment undermining any loud mouth
trying to break free of ones ambitious changes in our
external reality becoming also your interior reality as
you seek truth not in words but in attempting a new
vision of a future without monopolies of outragous
wealth but all we demand is caring for human beings,
helping those in need without having to worry for
we are present with food, clothes and a hopeful inner
reality that focusses their intuition on those needing love
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Mother Nature And People Enjoying The Day
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emersonmanandnature · 19 days
April 12, 2024
Lost Generations
reluctant to give someone your love
retreating into your mental despair, who
are these people of greedy minds
these base line human animals demanding
respect for their money stolen, never earned,
a facade built around a curtain created by
their fathers greed, your grand father's racism,
your great grand father's bought slaves, all a
separation from the white godly criminal race
as superior and any other people's origin damaged
by angry words, thoughts building of hateful
hearts, your family building an egotistical power
over the economy they demanded leaving the poor,
their colored skin to rot without hope of an opening
of minds with hearts opening and accepting different
skin colors as we recognize all of us are god's children's
even though our god's voice never heard, his presence
never known only in books written by those that
needed, demanded a god, his son and holy ghost to
bring us all to his paradise in a vast universe expanding
without a foundation of truth, hope, love and sacrifice
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emersonmanandnature · 21 days
April 10, 2024
Addiction to Power
seekers of wealth, their
addiction to money
what we feel and believe is
no longer necessary
god is a figment of your
imagination, a silent
voices speaking to us through
a bible created centuries ago
by the presence of greedy eyes
demanding ghostly profits
this material world is our true worshiping
for religion once pirating and violent now is
a place for the elderly seeking their god,
our jesus in the name of the holy ghost
with our imagination in seeking our own
existence is left for us to become ourselves
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emersonmanandnature · 22 days
The Disguise
April 9, 2024
remembering the disguise
as a child of your innocence
listening to the words of
your parents, a false belief
each moment accepts your
choices to undermine truth
for your own manipulations of
those that recede, afraid of
misunderstandings, their investment
as a safe haven for profit
each of us stall our actions only
to find others moving ahead
without grasping their true natures,
fickle minds spewing the sanctity
of life they ignore selling weapons to
murder innocence without ever
giving it a second thought as long
as the profits of murder are paid
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emersonmanandnature · 22 days
April 16, 2024
Symbols of A Lost Mind
symbols of illusions, letters
forced into false words
heads taking without meaning
heads getting bigger ego's
school a force of those demading
their words be the foundation
for those willing to mask themselves
inside a forlorn body growing without
compromise each spark of infiltration
into the growing concern that life
is just voices spewing selfish ideas
harnessing the force of fear for their
own gains for the people are put down as
worker ants without a means of escape
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emersonmanandnature · 23 days
April 8, 2024
Truth Without Guilt
a life beginning in a direction
still in limbo, each moment your
hopes slowly evaporate without
consequence, your life a series of
mistakes that allow other voices
to peek at your personal ideas
undermining your future, your
vision, ideas that once meant a
revelation of your true purpose, a
feeling of ones ability to explore your
resilience to a truth without guilt,
hold onto your quiet jealous other
interactions with intuitive force all
your life growing up to change your
destination by controlling your vision
by seeking your own individual objective
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emersonmanandnature · 24 days
April 7, 2024
Addiction To Power
the rampaging addiction to power
the need to see someone else damned
in poverty, wars, hatred, rape, abuse,
power, domination of another's life
that makes one feel superior to others for
what I demand becomes the new reality
I create as one listens to the screams of
innocence for the powers that have vision
toward what they need in this devilish
world to evolve into, is not worshiping a
a false god, a created god through human
despair to placate the masses as the rich
roam, this planet in seeking violence, slavery,
hunger, despair, working for a visual human
that could careless if one is starving for the
concentration in wealth is for the 2%, those
that have robbed the people of a good life,
a life with purpose as fear spreads over this
planet and desires spread and migrations move
to word of mouth places to start again, for the
people are hungry and sick trying to find a safe
place when deep down they know their is nun
our lives are killed by ugly creation of human animals
for they worship only themselves and their is no
safety, no paradise, only minds broken, innocence
just fictious violence and hateful power that kills
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emersonmanandnature · 26 days
April 6, 2024
Repent Now You Sinners
repent now you sinners, your life
is dying memories taken from the
children's mind, their independence
each fits nicely into a platter of
common ideas easily changed into
an angry misrepresentation of those
seeking independence of all colors, all
heritages, all countries for all of us are
looking for a powerful force of common
integrity, a giving of oneself to help others
in need, we don't live for ourselves and
open our inner intuition to find our sense
of purpose, a revelation of openness knowing
oneself as the truth you were led to believe that
didn't fit your indoctrination into a world ruled
and manipulated by the elites of physical matter
by those of greedy power counting their billions
and always taking and demanding more, more
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emersonmanandnature · 28 days
April 3, 2024
relentless greed
the animal behavior
kill or be killed
each accepts their
position in a life
consumed with
anger at their lives
for the rich love
fear in others, hate
in others for what are
wars but actions taken
to kill those in disagreement
of our deliberate need to
feel our power over the
peons that fear us not
an invisible god silent,
non-existent for fear is
not an invisible silent god
someone believes in this
non-egotistical, sacrificial boy
on a cross and an invisible holy
ghost there, as the only son of
a god that moved into the wealthy
that praise him as their corrupt god
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emersonmanandnature · 1 month
March 29, 2024
Catastrophic Hatred
remnants of a life once lived
seeking moments of inspirations
and a realization of a life working
to break free from the tyrants
of despicable greed, taking what
is not theirs to keep, for aren't we
equal as human beings trying to
survive in this catastrophic hatred
toward anyone or anything that
interferes with their gluttony of
undermining anyone that brings forth
their true colors, their animalistic
demands to be served when the bell
rings and they are marched to hell
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emersonmanandnature · 1 month
March 29, 2024
Messages Of False Salvation
the conscious mind trips on the
shallow thoughts, listens to the
voice of confusing the whispering
dreams of jealous worship of the
corporate minds delivering their
messages of false salvation, oh
the heavenly dream of a rosy death
no freedom worth dying for, we are
dying for someone else's profits so
they can relax in the luxury estates and
insolated themselves from the riff raft
of poverty, wars, guns, murders, violence,
insanity, mutual illness, prisons walls,
jealousy, hatred toward others and
ourselves separating our lives from
the interior self's awareness of the
invisible clock of justice for the few,
our politicians under direct orders
to make life of the people of
america, physically and mentally
a vision of toilet life without purpose
so the 2% of our world wide population
can have luxury and of course greed
and power beyond a god's will, for they
have done the math and if no god
orders them to stop their ugly
destruction of peoples lives
this shuttering of power only for
them, these land owners of beautiful
estates where they gather for parties,
sex, addiction and because of this they
know god doesn't exist on this earth and
should they kneel before a god that
ignores their power of evil, stealing from
lives just trying to survive without their
children getting hurt by mindful bullies,
their power, their behavior, addicts for
more wealth, these privileged gods of
mother earth and their children will
inherit this ball in space to destroy
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Life Is Dreams Of Power
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