timeloooop · 9 days
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timeloooop · 9 days
Dmitri Shostakovich | Waltz No. 2
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timeloooop · 9 days
you think i've gone crazy. maybe i have, a little. / from booker @diewtt
«If you are a little wounded,» Rosalind digs her thumb into the bony cavity of Booker's elbow, pinching the ulnar nerve—providing a temporary simulacrum for 'wound'. «You are wounded.» «Sanity is whole.» «Or not at all.» «The same,» «Thankfully,» «Cannot be said of your intellect.»
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timeloooop · 18 days
sleep meme / headcanons.
01. type of bed. a full sized bed, originally. rosalind's bedroom has enough space for a queen sized but she forwent it for more study space. a desk and mini laboratory table for quick access. after robert arrived, they bought a queen sized and share it. while they're perfectly comfortable sharing a bed (and, indeed, elect to (it was exactly the room, the size, the duvet of robert's bed, too, he's not about to give that up simply because he switched universes)) their sleeping is often erratic, at random times, and it's usually only one of them taking a short several hours to sleep while the other is up working.
02. number of blankets. sheets and a duvet. rosalind is an unruly, destructive sleeper, pulling and undoing the covers in her sleep. robert sewed weights into his end of the covers to prevent rosalind from yanking them over and off him during those instances they are both sleeping at the same time.
03. number of pillows. four. two for each of them. any more, like decorative ones, would cause unwanted clutter.
04. type of clothing. after robert's arrival, rosalind has taken to wearing his night clothes rather than a slip or gown. she likes how his pants and undershirts fit her, oversized and dexterous in movement. pants also allow her to flop around and re-situate while sleeping, which she does frequently, much to robert's dismay.
05. does it matter where they sleep. not particularly. they do have chairs and small couches in the main laboratory room as well as throughout the home and they'll nap on any of them, especially the lab ones, when they want to quickly get back to work but have exhausted their body and mind.
06. what do they do if they cannot fall asleep? they put off sleep as much as possible. they'd much rather be working and experimenting. what do they do if they cannot work: they sleep--briefly--so they can work again. but they'll often be stricken with ideas in dreams or think of a solution or test while trying to fall asleep and rush out of bed to test the thought or at the very least record it. sometimes, when one of them truly is having a rough time of it falling asleep, they open a tear via their lutece field to some live theater to listen to music. discreet in placement and size so no one notices. robert has fallen asleep like this before, tucked in a chair near the still open tear, and that accidentally let a stray cat (amongst other things) into their universe that they fondly, faux-annoyingly take care of.
07. frequent dreams, nightmares. robert doesn't have nightmares but, just as when he is awake during such bouts, the way reality and memories assaults his mind often feels nightmarish--even when the content of the memories are pleasant. robert has strange dreams. like dreams super imposed on one another. a double exposure. very disorienting. rosalind has strange dreams, too. more cerebral and existential/physics-like. dreams where physics and logic don't quite adhere to reality and are just beyond understanding--but not her understanding because she is, after all, the one dreaming of this deranged physics.
08. when do they sleep. anytime their body has reached peak exhaustion and their mind is lagging. it's not something they elect to do. post live/dead scattering, their urgency and steadfastness becomes less... necessary. there are no longer deadlines (they have hopped the red rope of death and, indeed, linearity; no longer beholden to deadlines because they're no longer constrained by death or time). in that state of their lives, they do lean into more indulgent excursions--with contextual purpose (even if that "purpose" is as broad as "scientific curiosity").
09. what could wake them. as previously mentioned, their own mental breakthroughs. one or the other waking the other because it's lunch or dinner or breakfast time and they've made meals for them both. post live/dead scattering, robert experiences occasional reality dissonance (the nose bleeds moments) that, if asleep, will wake him. schrödinger sometimes jumps up on their bed and disturbs them.
tagged by: @sanctamater tagging: @vitalphenomena
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timeloooop · 4 months
i miss writing these two. someone write starters for them.
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timeloooop · 6 months
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favorite bioshock things [3/?]: lutece laboratories
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timeloooop · 6 months
Clash in the Clouds DLC Voxophones– “Playing Prophet.”
“Brother, I have told you many times that I encountered this particular Caesar before he crossed the Rubicon. When I met Comstock, he was little more than a preacher, able to move both members of the flock or members of Congress with equal dexterity. He believed in my work, and his influence bought the funds I so needed. And if he wanted to use tears to play prophet, that was his prerogative. But at some point, the man became incapable of distinguishing his performance from his person. I sit in judgment – but then again, it was I who built the stage.” - October 15th, 1893, Clash in the Clouds DLC
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timeloooop · 6 months
btw you should make sure to spend the infinite cycle of life, death, and rebirth with a bestie. it’s called ouroboros not myoboros
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timeloooop · 6 months
one's company.
dialogue prompts from one's company by ashley hutson.
want to take me out to dinner?
other people can ruin a dream just by knowing it.
every blessing requires sacrifice.
i like being useful.
i heard about what happened to you.
i'm done being admired.
i'm manifesting my best me.
never expect people to understand.
the more you have to live for, the more that can be taken away.
you can't make sense of the senseless.
the kindness of others is the worst.
i haven't belonged for a while.
i never know what to do with angry people.
i didn't ignore you on purpose, i swear.
we are friends. and family.
what do you have to be happy about, anyway?
you think i've gone crazy. maybe i have, a little.
i don't think this is good for you.
i've never asked you for anything, ever.
i know all about it. everybody knows all about it.
eat shit and die.
if you come near me again, i'll kill you.
i don't feel fully seated inside myself.
big dreams are shameful when survival is on the line.
it's always easier talking to someone who isn't there.
i'm always learning things and then forgetting how to apply the lesson.
are you okay? can you talk?
how did you get inside this house?
stay. i want some company.
i eat whatever i can find. i'd eat the easter bunny if i could catch him.
i don't like being scared.
you want to be these people.
at first, i thought you were a little crazy, but you seem pretty normal.
you don't act rich.
i could almost remember you fondly.
there is good in everyone. even you.
get the hell off my property.
i had to move on, and i did.
it's over now. you can come out.
i didn't know if you were alive or dead.
why do you hate me so much?
i loved you. we were family.
don't worry. i won't tell anyone.
fear is a byproduct of love.
you're trespassing. trespassers will be shot.
you've been quite the mystery. a local legend for years now.
it's hard to keep a secret these days. everybody has to know about everything.
there's no mystery left in the world.
there is no escape from other humans. from being human.
eat your sandwich, you big turkey.
success, like all things, is mortal.
i haven't forgiven you for saving me.
therapy is a pretender's paradise.
isn't love a form of impersonation?
my ray of sunshine.
i'm glad to hear you have a friend.
go get some sun on your face.
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timeloooop · 6 months
He is sharp. Their gazes attract and link together like a covalent bond; like methane—silently, lethally. The bright friction of a fully restrained smile sparks in their eyes. Posture formal and tight, they watch him whizz about what sounds to be a poorly insulated sonographic device littering out an ugly, piercing noise like water from a ripped hose. Only upon inquiry, they provide a prefatory explanation: «Legally, that is a homing missile.» «Practically, it is a very bad homing missile.» «But a very good aircraft.» «Any—» «And all—» «launches register as an attack.» «And require two identical genetic signatures to release.»
Travel to and from Columbia after its ascension was never considered. Bombs were. Some missiles, out of necessity, have been repurposed into autopilot (i.e. homing) capsules. Program a missile to follow a trajectory several meters beyond its gas mileage and it will stall out catastrophe.
Is this what it's like to be his companion, listening to him prattle on about this or the other?
It should come with more words, more explainers, more clarifiers. But he's busy feeling stranded, and that's what's important. Philosophical debate ought to come later, when the sun is out of the sky, the bathysphere rocket silo is operational, and he has a better understanding of just why it is that the energy that seems to flit between the two of them like an uncaged hummingbird makes his palms itch.
He's busy with the sonic, scanning the rocket to find out how it's managed to lock him out.
"You've deadlocked it —" the metaphorical finger pointing is a hunch, but speaking to they who gave Columbia her wings is pretty damning. "Now, why would you go and do a thing like that? You don't need that kind of safeguard."
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timeloooop · 7 months
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That Goddamn Particle
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timeloooop · 8 months
@rekant for ten.
Robert and Rosalind stand on either side of the stranger. Their words volley between themselves like children playing monkey in the middle: «If a person is stranded in a city,» «But the city itself is mobile...» «Are they truly stranded?»
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timeloooop · 8 months
like or reply for something super short. possibly just dialogue.
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timeloooop · 8 months
this account is still alive! it's just harder to garner interest/threads/etc compared to my other muses/accounts.
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timeloooop · 9 months
i am NOT gaslighting you. i am lying to you. gaslighting implies a level of effort that i am simply not putting in. deceiving you does not require much
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timeloooop · 9 months
“unfortunately, it’s true: time does heal. It will do so whether you like it or not, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. If you’re not careful, time will take away everything that ever hurt you, everything you have ever lost, and replace it with knowledge. Time is a machine: it will convert your pain into experience.”
— Charles Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
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timeloooop · 9 months
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