timelessduo · 7 years
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eh, we’ll stay in touch
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timelessduo · 7 years
Update on We Might Fall (Part 2)
Hey all!
Unfortunately, Chloe is still very sick. So the writing will not continue at this point in time. Once she is feeling much better, we will continue with the fanfiction.
Thank you all for your patience!
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timelessduo · 7 years
Update on We Might Fall Progress
Hey everyone! Just a quick update on the progress for chapter 7 of We Might Fall.
Chloe, one of our co-authors, is feeling sick so a lot of the writing hasn’t begun yet. But the good news is that she is feeling better, so writing should start up again soon! 
Until then, see you all!
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timelessduo · 7 years
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OTP MEME: [1/7] things → Wyatt’s reaction to Lucy being in dangerous situations
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timelessduo · 7 years
Chapter Six: Try
((Hey all! Here is a new chapter of We Might Fall! We are lucky to have our new co-writer Chloe. We also have a new editor, @aworldwithcolor! 
The fanfiction will be on all of the original platforms EXCEPT AO3, because we are missing some account information. Also, chapter 7 will be announced soon! So, without further ado: CHAPTER 6!))
The next morning everything was a blur.
Wyatt groaned slightly and tried to sit up, but felt something heavy on his chest. He looked down to see a blob of curly brown hair under his chin. He squinted, noticing it was Lucy.  Dazed with sleep, a content smile painted itself on his lips.
They had somehow migrated to a laying position on the couch, Lucy curled up along his body. Her face was tucked in his neck. He couldn’t help but stare at her, she was beautiful.  Wyatt was content to just lay there and watch Lucy in complete amazement, before he felt her start twitching about restlessly, realizing it was Lucy who  had awoken him.
Her whole body contorted as she started making concerning noises. Whimpers slipped past shaking lips, her eyebrows scrunched as she violently twisted. Wyatt knew what was happening. The same thing happened to him after the war in Afghanistan. She was having a nightmare.
Wyatt quickly sat up and shook her slightly as her eyes popped open, tears flowing freely. Her eyes remained dazed and glanced around, like she was still in the dream. He remembered what Jessica had done for him when he woke from his own nightmares.
He sat up to meet her, pulling her head to his chest. “It's okay.” He rocked her like a child, back and forth. “I've got you. You're safe. It's okay.” He whispered into her ear as he bent his head over hers.
Wyatt felt her shiver and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around them. “You’re okay. Everything is going to be okay. You’re here.” He held her as close and as tight to him as he possibly could. He felt her heartbeat, her breath, her tears. Wyatt lazily ran a hand up and down her frightened back until her body finally relaxed. “You’re not drowning Luce..”
This time he watched her brown eyes turn to meet his own blue ones. Behind the tears, he saw the small woman who flew over a bridge, terrified of death. She was clinging to him, her arms around his waist and her small hands clutching the back of his shirt like it was the only thing keeping her grounded. Her face was buried deep into his neck, tears now running down and hitting his gray shirt. She felt like she couldn’t get closer to him as she pulled her body to his, feeling like it was the only thing keeping her from completely falling apart. Lucy tucked herself further into his warm body. She sat there crying, listening to the steady beat of his heart, counting each beat like it was his last, and listening to his kind words as they pulled her from her panic attack.
Lucy didn’t realize how long she was staring, and it probably would have been considered weird if Wyatt wasn’t staring back, calming her down with one look. She also didn’t realize that one of his hands had moved from her back to her face, cradling her jaw, his callused thumb stroking it every now and again.
Once she finally had her senses together, she sniffled and wiped her eyes. “Thank you.” she murmured, “you are always saving me Wyatt Logan.”
Wyatt gave her a kind grin. “It’s my job, ma’am.”
Lucy chuckled, taking in his scent. It was musky, masculine, but not overwhelming. It was just… Wyatt. She took a moment to really enjoy this moment, before breaking away and finally moving off the couch, only to step on cold pizza from the night before. She squealed as pizza sauce got between her toes, making Wyatt laugh loudly. “We fell asleep with pizza last night.”
“That is absolutely disgusting Wyatt Logan! Why didn’t you pick it up when you woke up?”
Wyatt chuckled, “I was preoccupied and I didn’t notice it.”
Lucy’s face suddenly dropped, “I’m so sorry about that. It was just so bad and I couldn’t--”
Wyatt stood up and quickly grabbed her hand. “Stop. It’s okay, I used to have nightmares all the time, and they are horrifying. You don’t have to pretend with me Luce.”
She looked at him, seeing that he was completely serious, and sat back down next to him. “I wanna learn how to fight.”
Wyatt’s eyebrows rose, “Really? You want to learn how to fight?”
Lucy nodded before taking a deep breath, “My nightmare started off with not being able to fend off Emma’s men. There were so many and I was so weak, and I felt like I was drowning all over again-” She breathed. In. Out.
Wyatt patiently waited for her to continue.
“-Anyway, I couldn’t defend myself. You’re awesome at your job Wyatt, but you can’t protect me all the time. There are going to be times where I have to fight, so I need to learn.”
Wyatt was quiet for a minute, just looking at her. “Okay, let’s do it.”
Lucy looked up, “Really?”
Wyatt nodded, “You’re right. As much as I want too, I can’t protect you all the time, so you do need to learn.” he muttered softly, picking up the pizza from the ground. “I know a place near here. I could take you and we could spend the whole day there, if you want, and maybe if you’re lucky enough, I’ll buy you another pizza.” He grinned playfully as Lucy chuckled.
“Sounds good.”
Wyatt nodded, “Well then, let’s change and get going.”
Wyatt changed into a black muscle tank and gray sweatpants. He looked very comfortable and very attractive. He urged Lucy to dress comfortably for their sparring session. So, of course, she chose a classic tee shirt that was a little too big for her and a pair of sweats that Amy used to call “her professional sweatpants, which were classy yet comfortable.”
Lucy smiled at the thought of Amy. She often thought about what she would think of all this, especially the new people in her life. In her head she could just hear Amy saying . “Jump on that! A loyal solider who also looks like a freaking model is hard to find! Get with him before I do.”
Suddenly Wyatt poked his head through the door, “Ready?” Lucy nodded and followed him out and down the stairs.
They got in Wyatt’s truck and he started the car.
“So, when are you going to let me drive this?” Lucy asked grinning. Wyatt turned his head, smiling.
“Do you know how to drive a stick?”
Lucy blushed, “No, but I’m a fast learner.”
Wyatt chuckled, “If you learn how to drive a stick well, then you can drive Shelby.”
Lucy broke out laughing, “You call your truck Shelby?”
Wyatt nodded as they turned down the street. “Hell yeah, and she’s tough too.”
Lucy laughed more, making Wyatt keep a permanent grin on his face, relaxing against the wheel as he pulled into an empty parking lot with quiet building. “Alright, it might look abandoned, but it’s actually a training ground for the military, well, it was. I actually used to be a trainer here.”  
Lucy listened intently, she wished she knew Wyatt before all the craziness happened; who he was before his wife died.
“Well, let’s do this then.”
Wyatt grinned and parked the car, Lucy following closely after him into the building.
They walked through the door and Wyatt was attacked with a hug from another man.
“Wyatt Logan! I haven’t seen you in forever. How are you?” The man asked when he pulled away. He looked a little younger than them, with bright blonde buzz cut  and chocolate brown eyes.
“Hey Drake, I didn’t even know you were still here.” Wyatt said grinning, “But I’m good. Really good.”
Drake grinned, “I see.” He looked at Lucy up and down, “So...how do you guys know each other?” He winked.
“We work together. She’s a colleague of mine.”
“Colleague huh?”
“We’re not together.” Wyatt said plainly, cutting off Drake’s assumption.
There was an awkward pause before Wyatt coughed. “Anyway Lucy, this is Tyler Drake. We were in military training together, and I helped trained him here for a bit. Drake, this is Lucy Preston, probably the smartest person you’ll ever meet.”
Lucy blushed. He was pretty good at making her face turn red.
Drake shook her hand, “Nice to meet you. You must be pretty great if Wyatt Logan is complimenting you.”
Wyatt rolled his eyes. “Drake is dramatic, I compliment plenty of people. Anyway, I’m going to be training her.”
Drake scrunched his blonde eyebrows. “Is she part of your team for the secret mission that you're on?”
Wyatt nodded, “Yeah.” He gave Lucy another flashing smile. “You ready?’
She nodded without hesitation. Drake grinned, “Well, it was great to see you Wyatt, and nice to meet you Lucy. Wyatt’s a great trainer , so you’ll be in great hands.”
With that the younger man walked away, and Wyatt gave his full attention to Lucy. “Let’s do this.”
They walked down to a private room and Wyatt opened the door. There was boxing gloves and bags set up.
“Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and relax your body.”
Lucy did as he said and then looked up at him.
“Throw a punch at me.” He said, moving to stand in front of her.
Lucy’s eyes widened. ‘What? No.”
Wyatt rolled his eyes, “Lucy, I’ve handled harder punches. I can take yours.”
Lucy stared at him for a minute, before pulling her fist back and punching him in the chest. Of course Wyatt didn’t move, or even showed that it hurt him.
“Okay, well first things first. The way you’re making your fist is wrong.” Wyatt took her hand, which of course sent chills up her body, and unfolded it, repositioning her thumb to make a proper fist. Now her thumb was on the outside. “Always make sure that your thumb isn’t trapped in your fist, you could break it like that.”
“Just make sure your thumb stays on your ring finger when you hit.”  Lucy looked down at her hand. The new position was weird, but she could understand why it worked.
Wyatt worked with Lucy by the punching bag, making sure she always had the correct form and managed to put some power behind her punches. When he saw her starting to flag, Wyatt decide to move on to some self defence maneuvers.
“Let’s move on to something else” said Wyatt after what felt like Lucy’s hundredth punch.
“Thank god, my arms were starting to feel numb.” She panted, and flashed him a tiny smile.
Wyatt smirked, “That means it’s working. You’re gaining some muscle in those tiny arms.”
Lucy mock glared at him, “I prefer the term fragile.”
“Whatever you want to call it.” Wyatt laughed as he moved to stand behind her. “Next is self defense, very important.”
“Isn’t everything we’re doing important?” Lucy questioned. She could feel Wyatt’s breath on her neck.
“Well, yes, but punching isn’t going to do you any good if they have you in a choke hold.” He murmured.
Very carefully, Wyatt wrapped an arm around Lucy’s neck, feeling her tense up. He tightened his hold just enough to where she couldn’t get out of it. His other hand made a fist at her lower back, his knuckles softly digging into her back and he pulled into his chest.
“The first thing to remember is not to panic” he whispered into her ear. “The next thing to remember is to use both your hands to pull his hand away from your neck, relieving the pressure and allowing you to breath, giving you survival space.”
“The next thing you need to do is to drop your weight and grab my free arm. Then pull it underneath your arm, which traps it.”  Showing Lucy exactly what he meant, and pulled her in even closer.
Every inch of them was touching each other, no space. Lucy felt herself getting lost in the feel of him, her breaths wavering. Did he always smell this nice?
“Next, aim your fist to the groin, if you get a free hand. The first thing you do is slam your arm to the weak area.” He muttered, his voice snapping her out of her spell.
He took her free arm and aimed it at his inner thigh, “It will hit around here. By then you only have a split second to turn yourself around, use your elbows, let them dig into anything they can, and then run for your life.”
Letting Lucy go, Wyatt turned to face her. He looked at her intensely with his ice blue eyes. “Hopefully you won’t have to ever use what I’m teaching you, as I will always protect you. But if you do, and get away, don’t stop running until you find me.”
Lucy found herself once again lost in Wyatt’s hypnotic gaze. She forgot what they were doing and where they were. She felt, in that moment, so safe and protected.
It was the loud bang of the door that broke their intense gaze. Realising that they were just staring at each caused both of their faces to turn a light shade of pink. Wyatt coughed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking up to see Drake smirking. “Am I interrupting?”
“No...we’re just practising some self defence techniques” replied Wyatt. “Ok Luce, let’s go through it again.”
All Lucy could do was nod her head, coughing slightly. “Can I get a drink first?”
Wyatt nodded, handing her his water bottle. While Lucy drank some water, Wyatt turned to Drake to ask about the guys from their unit as Drake was Wyatt replacement after he left for Mason Industries.
After awhile they somehow got onto the topic of the past, where Drake took great delight in bringing up the next topic to Lucy. “Did Wyatt ever tell you what his nickname was?”
Lucy looked at Wyatt, smiling. “Nope.”
“Drake, please-” Wyatt started.
“It’s Firestone.”
Lucy looked at him confused, “uh, why?”
With his face turning red, Wyatt looked away in embarrassment.
“Well, he got his name from a good old homemade Texas whiskey that good ol’ soldier boy Wyatt here won at the local county fair. You see, he entered this drinking competition with some buddies from the Air Force. He thought he could out drink them, but in the end he was the only one that came out holding a toilet. He was sick for days. Both Jess and our CO were livid. But he won a year's supply of Firestone whiskey that a lovely little old lady made in her barn.”
“After that, he was always known as Firestone.” laughed Drake, taking absolute pleasure in seeing Wyatt red in the face and Lucy giggling.
Lucy couldn’t stop giggling from hearing how Wyatt got his nickname Firestone. At one point, she had to hold on to Wyatt because she was doubled over from laughing so hard.
“Well, what can I say? Those Air Force boys know how to drink. I’m just glad I could do us proud and out drink them, even though I spent a day in the brig with a hangover after our CO found out why I couldn’t go on that exercise.” Wyatt mumbled whilst Drake slapped him on the back in agreement.
“Well, it’s nice to see you again Wyatt. Don’t be a stranger. Whenever you’re free, let’s go for a beer soon with the rest of the guys.” Drake waved on his way to the door.
Once the door shut behind him, Wyatt turned to Lucy to see that she had the biggest smile on her face. He was glad that Drake’s story had cheered her up. It had been so long since he had heard her laugh or even smile. She was beautiful when she smiled. He definitely had to get her to do it more often.
“Now that Drake has left, do you want to go and get some lunch after we’ve changed?” asked Wyatt, hoping he could avoid any questions about that embarrassing night at the fair.
Throwing Wyatt a knowing look, Lucy smirked. “Yeah, sure.” She replied as she made her way to the changing rooms. “I’ll meet you by the car as soon as I’m done.”
Wyatt nodded slightly, chuckling to himself as he exited the room and headed to the changing room, and then out to the car. Their training session went better than he expected, and he got to see something light up in Lucy that he hadn’t seen in a while: her grit, her strength and her determination. He saw that same fierce look in her eyes as she practised the self defence steps over and over again that he saw when she was telling them that they had to protect history.
“Maybe I should just let Drake tell more embarrassing stories about me.” He muttered to himself as he reached the car, unlocking it before climbing in the driver’s seat and turning on the ignition. He was glad when he felt the wind from the air conditioner hit him.
Before he knew it, Lucy was in the car, and they were on their way to the restaurant for lunch.
After being seated at their table, Wyatt happened to glance up from his menu to see a Lucy frowning down at her menu.
“What’s wrong?”
Startled, Lucy looked up. “Nothing.” She replied and went back to looking down at her menu.
Putting his menu to the side, Wyatt leaned forward and whispered “No, it’s not nothing. I know that look. Something’s bothering you. What is it? Maybe I can help”.
Sighing Lucy finally looked “I’m just thinking about my living situation, or should I say our living situation”.
“What about it?” replied Wyatt.
“Well, I can’t live with you forever Wyatt. I need my own place and I can’t go back to my mother’s house now that we know she’s Rittenhouse.” Lucy frowned.
“You know you can stay with me as long as you like. In fact, I would definitely prefer it. That way, I’ll know you’re safe. Look, things are hectic right now with Emma and your mother turning out to be Rittenhouse. They still have the mothership and we are now chasing Emma through history, trying to stop her from completely rewriting history in Rittenhouse’s favour. We’ve been on the go non-stop. If this was an ideal situation we would have time to digest these new relations, find out what Rittenhouse’s plans are, and find you a new place to live.”
Leaning back, Wyatt continued to speak softly. “But we don’t. We can only deal with the fallout and control what we can. Where you live is definitely something we can control. You need to have a safe place to sleep and decompress, otherwise you’ll burn out and I need you safe. The best place right now is with me.”
Lucy looked into Wyatt’s eyes, he was serious, he didn’t want her to leave. She sighed softly. “Okay, but only for a little while longer. I can’t keep expecting you to always catch me when I fall. As soon as it’s safe, I’m going to find an apartment.”
Wyatt started protesting, but Lucy cut him off. “If you want, I’ll make sure it’s close to you. That way you can come and rescue me.” She sent him a small smirk, making Wyatt grin. There was a slight blush over his face, then a chuckle.
With that the waitress stopped by their table, eyeing Wyatt up and down briefly, giving him a once over. She obviously found him attractive. She was a young woman, around her early twenties, who looked like she would rather be anywhere else than at work.
“Welcome to Joan’s. I’ll be your waitress. My name is Sarah.” She said as she winked at Wyatt. “What can I get you? Any drinks?”
Lucy coughed slightly, reminding the waitress that there were two people there. “Yes, I’ll have a water please.”
Sarah glanced at Lucy, writing down her order on the notepad, then turned back to Wyatt. “And you sir?” She gave him a flirty smile, not that Wyatt seemed to care much. “I’ll have the same thing please.”
After they got their food and dealt with the never ending flirting from Sarah, Wyatt paid their bill and started to get up to leave. But, of course, not before the waitress slipped her number on Wyatt’s check.
“Call me sometime handsome. ;)”
Once they exited the restaurant, Lucy rolled her eyes. ‘Well, aren’t you just the ladies man?” she said sarcastically.
Lucy couldn’t help that deep inside of her, she was a little irked. Of course that went away when Wyatt suddenly threw the check away in the trash.
‘Why’d you do that?” Lucy asked, confused. The girl seemed like Wyatt’s type: bubbly, blonde, funny.
Wyatt glanced over at her and simply stated “I don’t have time for dating.” And with that, he unlocked the car and got in. Before Lucy knew it, they were on their way home.
It was past midnight when the call came in for them to get to Mason Industries. Emma had taken the mothership out again.
Of course Christopher called Wyatt, knowing that they would be together. Wyatt stormed into Lucy’s room, waking her up quickly and telling her to hurry up and get dressed. They had to go save the past again.
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timelessduo · 7 years
We should all join in when season 2 comes around!
me, standing outside Wyatt Logan’s house with a megaphone at 3am every night:
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timelessduo · 7 years
Timeless is going to start their filming in November! Only four months away!!!
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timelessduo · 7 years
It’s the little things that make all the difference... <3
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Wyatt holding Lucy’s hand as he helps her getting in and out of the Lifeboat
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timelessduo · 7 years
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lyatt + progression     → requested in this post by @officerparker​ and @child-of-the-candy​
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timelessduo · 7 years
Here you go guys! I will update when chapter 6 will be up soon! 
Guess what’s coming back?!
Guys, I have finally found a co-writer to help with “We Might Fall.” Thanks to @timeless-librarian for letting me know about my new co-writer, without whom, I would have never checked my pm’s. Guys, this means that I will be back to regularly updating. Thank you to everyone who reached out to help. We are discussing ideas, and I will come out with a date for when the next chapter will be out soon!
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timelessduo · 7 years
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“They can’t take what’s ours”
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timelessduo · 7 years
Lovely. ❤
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513 notes · View notes
timelessduo · 7 years
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185 notes · View notes
timelessduo · 7 years
We Might Fall
Okay guys, I guess I need someone else to help me co-write the book. Samantha, I really hope your okay. Message me when you can. @huffleheyguys Anyway, I really want to continue the book, but I didn't want to write it alone to start with. So I need a new co-writer. I will go into all the details if interested. Rules: You have to be a decent writer Creative Good grammar Willing to write a lot Lyatt shipper (because it is a Lyatt book) Friendly Willing to take turns writing Want to write together Brainstorm I want you guys to really be able to feel the characters, to be them. If you are up for the challenge, shoot me a message.
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timelessduo · 7 years
We Might Fall
Okay guys, I have tried effortless to get a hold of @huffleheyguys the girl I'm cowriting "We Might Fall" with, and cannot get ahold of her. I'm worried, and I cannot continue the book without her, unless someone else wants to help me of course. I do NOT want to quit on my book, but I never wanted to write it alone either. If you wanna help, message me I guess. Or if you can get a hold of @huffleheyguys let me know. I'm just worried about her. -Cassie
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timelessduo · 7 years
Run in War
Hey guys! enjoy this chapter! chapter six might be a little later than next Friday, but that’s only because I can’t get a hold of the girl i’m co-writing with, Samantha. I hope everything is okay, but I cannot do this book alone. 
“On our way,” Lucy was shocked as she hung up the phone. Wyatt awkwardly got off of her and stood up, rubbing the back of his neck.
“What’s going on?” He asked as he helped Lucy to her feet.
 “The mothership has been stolen.”
 “What?” Wyatt looked at her wildly. “How? Or the better question, who?”
 She shook her head at him. “They don't know. Get dressed, we're going back to Mason Industries.”
 They both dressed in record time, blowing past the red lights and swerving across back roads to Mason Industries, both avoiding the topic of the ‘almost kiss.’ The moment they stepped through the doors, Christopher was at their side.
 “What happened?” Lucy followed the agent as she walked through the familiar halls.
 “Well, Mason and Rufus seem to believe that it was Emma Whittmore who stole the Mothership, seeing as she would be the only one able to pilot it with Jiya out of commission.”
 Wyatt picked up his steps, turning to face his superior as they reached their destination. “Emma? She told us she was hiding to avoid them. Now you're saying she was a part of it all along?”
 Christopher opened the door to the briefing room, finding the file on the table and sliding it across the table at them as Rufus entered the room.
 “I ran here as soon as I heard,” he huffed. “What the hell happened?”
 “Agent Carlin, please take a seat.” She continued as the trio sat. Lucy flipped through the file on Emma Whittmore. “We decided to do some further digging since we found out about double agents in our midst.”
 “Emma has been lying from the start. She has no known living relatives. Her entrance card was used to access the machine storage, and was never used to open it again. We don't know how far back this goes, or who her contact were, but she has stolen the mothership. We're tracking where she's landing now.”
 “So, Flynn’s plan to use her to help him, actually backfired? Seeing as she was secretly a rittenhouse agent all along?” Wyatt chuckled. “Justice, if you ask me.”
 Rufus nodded his head in agreement. “Talk about betrayal.”
 At about that moment another Mason Industries worker poked his head in. “Agent Christopher? We have Emma Whittmore’s location.”
 Everyone looked at the young man. “Well, where?” Christopher asked impatiently.
 “Sarajevo, Bosnia. 1914.”
 “The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand,” Lucy gasped. “The murders that caused World War One.”
 “Who?” Wyatt and Rufus asked Lucy in unison.  
 “He was the heir to the Austrian throne, a major powerhouse back then. Him and his wife were killed by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian. Russia defended them, Germany sided with Austria, and so on. It triggered it all.” Lucy motioned with her hands as she walked them through history, Wyatt staring in amazement.
 “You are brilliant..” He muttered under his breath quietly, figuring nobody else heard.
 “Well let’s get going then.” Agent Christopher said. “Get changed and head to the Lifeboat.”
 Wyatt, Lucy and Rufus headed back to the early 1900s era clothing and searched for outfits.
 Wyatt wore a nice suit and jacket with striped pants and shiny leather boots. He also put flat cap and groaned, “I look ridiculous.”
 Lucy smiled as walked over to him and grabbed the collar of his button up suit. “They popped the collar.” She murmured before doing so to his suit. She watched as Wyatt’s face adorned a shy grin. “Thank you ma’am.”
 Lucy nodded to him and picked out her own outfit. She chose a lacy shirtwaist and a narrow blue covering that fell to the top of her foot, flattering her petite body top. Her hair was delicately placed in a padded hairstyle similar to the famous ‘bob.’ She was in the middle of adjusting her bra when Wyatt and Rufus walked by, both looking at her strangely.
 “You okay?” Rufus chuckled, looking at his friend.
 “This was the era bras were invented, and this is an extremely uncomfortable one.”
 “Guys, come on!” Agent Christopher yelled from down the hall. “We’re already way behind. Everyone should be boarded in five.”
Lucy rolled her eyes and tugged at the bra again before hustling after Christopher, the boys quickly following.
 They quickly made their way to the Lifeboat and sat down. Rufus made quick of starting up the machine as Wyatt watched Lucy in amusement try to buckle herself in.
 He leaned over and took control of the situation, taking the belts from her and securing them around her body, not knowing she was watching with a smile on her face.
 Rufus hit a row of buttons and switches on the lifeboat that Lucy couldn't begin to comprehend the science behind. “Okay… 1914 in 3, 2-”
 The wave of nausea. The familiar spins and jolts of their travel. The crash of their landing.
 Wyatt groaned out, pressing his palms into his eyes. “God, I hate that part.” He reached forward to unbuckle Lucy's belt after his own.  He lingered on Lucy for a little bit, trying to piece himself back together after that hit of nausea.
 The three of them stumbled their way out of the Lifeboat and into the surrounding forest of southern Bosnia. This had always been Lucy's favorite part. Seeing the world as it was before her, parts untouched. She took in the sheer amount of green against the deep blue sky, denser than she'd ever seen at home. It was so different from the modern world, everything was filled with life.
 “Okay,” she told her friends, turning away from the scenery. “Ferdinand and his wife were driving to the hospital to visit bombing victims of an attack another member of Princip’s group. An assassination attempt on their way there failed, but on their way back both of them were shot near Latin Bridge and died later in their car.”
 “Wait, hold on,” Rufus shook his head. “What does World War One do for rittenhouse?”
 Lucy lead them through the thinning woods, to a road. She explained as she spoke, quieting her voice when cars passed, walking toward an inn she spotted down the road.
 “Well, it's really responsible for a lot of our technology. The Wars advanced our need for medicine, vaccines, planes, modern warfare, and our modern alliances. It was the Great Depression after the war that caused the communist rise and gave us our current economic structure. Without the war, who knows what level our technology would be at. We could easily be in the sixties or seventies, we'd have no feminism movements largely spurred by women's contributions to the war-”
 “So basically chaos.” Wyatt interrupted, summing up everything Lucy just said.
 “Well, if you really want to water it down, yeah.” Lucy crossed her arms. History deserved respect.
 Wyatt smirked at her comment, “Well c’mon then, we can’t have Emma breaking the damn world.”
 The team headed to a small and quiet hotel to set up a base area where they could pull all their ideas together.
 “So, how exactly do we stop Emma?” Rufus asked his teammates as they got settled in a room, ignoring the look they got from the booker at the three of them sharing a single room.
 “Well I'm all in favor of finding her and dragging her ass back to Mason.” Wyatt shrugged off his jacket. “But I assume we need a backup plan.”
 “Yeah.” Rufus chuckled at his friend, “We all know anything to do with rittenhouse isn’t that easy to take down.”
 “The only reason this assassination happened was because of a wide array of miscommunications between the Archduke’s security and his driver. He wasn't even supposed to take the bridge route after the earlier attempts. We need to make sure those stay in place. And it has to be linked to Serbia, so Russia can join and the alliances we know can form.”
 “So what, we talk to the driver and make sure he stays on the right path? I don’t think that will stop Emma, she’s sneaky. I think it will take more than that.” Rufus said.
 Lucy nodded, and Wyatt watched the gears turn behind her eyes. “Until we figure out how she's planning to stop this, there's nothing we can do except plan around the basics. We know when and how he dies, and all we need to do is preserve that.”
 Rufus glanced at his watch hidden beneath his long overcoat sleeves. “Well, it's seven in the morning here. What time is the bombing?”
 “Around ten,” Lucy did the quick math in her head. “That gives us about three hours. Long enough for a shower, because I'm still covered in popcorn grease.” She raised her eyebrows at Wyatt before walking across the room to the bathroom. The showers weren't great, but they had running clean water and that was enough for her.
Rufus glanced at Wyatt. “Showers? Here? Is that even sanitary?” Wyatt just shrugged. Lucy was the one who studied this kind of thing.
 Suddenly there was a loud scream from the shower and Wyatt took out his gun before breaking through the locked door.
 “Lucy?!” He said panicked, gun out, “What’s wrong?”
 She screamed again and Wyatt slammed the curtain open, seeing a very naked Lucy. In the place of a murder, or bomb, or any imminent danger was… a spider.
 “Oh you've got to be kidding me, Lucy.” He put away his gun, looking at the ceiling. He heard Rufus take one step forward, let out an ‘Oh my God!’ and turn right back around.
 “Wyatt! Do something!” Lucy couldn't even think of the modification as she stared at the spider, unable to look away. If you look away, they strike. Little devils.
 “Oh for the love of-” Wyatt turned around, grabbing a wad of thin toilet paper. He kept his eyes low as he grabbed the spider, trying to look anywhere but her legs, and her hands trying to cover what they could.
 Lucy watched Wyatt pick up the spider and throw it out the window before standing up and closing Lucy’s curtain. “There you go ma’am.” He said before taking a deep breath and walking into the other room.
 He took a seat on the edge of the single bed, leaning to press his forehead against his palms. Rufus, in a chair next to the bed, and chuckled awkwardly.
 “You okay man?”
 “Mhmm..” He murmured, running a hand through his short brown hair, “Just peachy.”
 Rufus just showed a knowing grin. “I bet you are.”
 That comment earned a pretty good glare from Wyatt needless to say, and a mumble of “shut up Rufus..”
 They waited for her to finish, listening to the pitter of the water. She came out in a thin robe, face red, and both men turned so she could change.
 Once she was done, they had to move forward with what they were going to do next.
 “Well, Fernand is staying in a hotel and then is supposed to tour around the city with his wife. I think we should go watch his hotel, make sure that Emma doesn't  mess his original assassination.”
 “Oh, that simple?” Wyatt said sarcastically.
 “Isn't there a bombing we should be worried about?” Rufus looked from Wyatt to Lucy. “I don't know about you guys, but I really don't want to get blown up.”
 Lucy shook her head. “Ferdinand wasn't close enough to be killed by the bombing. If we stick close to his entourage, we should be fine.”
 “We just have to make sure that his death stays the same, if Emma changes one thing, it could change the course of History. Who knows what we would come back to. So that’s why I say we just stick to Ferdinand, make sure he dies the way he’s supposed too, as tragic as it is. It was actually him and his wife’s fortieth wedding anniversary.”
 “Let's go then.” Wyatt muttered, standing up and placing another gun in his holster.
 Rufus raised an eyebrow, “Dude, how many guns do you need?”
 Wyatt smirked slightly, “You’d be surprised. And I always come prepared. Now, let’s go.”
 Lucy and Rufus chuckled as they left the small hotel room. Rufus hot wired a car for them to drive to Ferdinand’s hotel, if course choosing a vintage classic he was too excited to be stealing.
 “Aww man,” he whistled. “Haven't driven one of these yet. Let's see what she's got.”
 He laughed as they drove toward the hotel, distinguishable by the guards at the door.
 They arrived at the hotel about fifteen minutes later, and kept a distance. They couldn't be spotted, to be lurking like that would mean to be arrested if any guards saw them. For nearly an hour they were squatted in the bushes in wait for the heir to load his car but nothing came.
 “Something is off.” Lucy muttered, looking around. There was no guards, the Archduke wasn’t even there. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
  “What’s wrong?” Wyatt asked.
 “The prince should be here, ready to leave for the hospital.”
 She looked at Wyatt and Rufus, “But nobody is here.”
 Rufus looked at her, “So what? The bombing never happened?”
 Lucy bit her lip, she had a bad feeling that Emma had already changed history.
 “Have you heard an explosion? It should have happened already.” She looked at the sky, past noon. Lucy looked to Wyatt, a silent question of what to do in her eyes.
 He looked back at her, understanding the unspoken words before standing up. “We should check the group out. You said it was a Serbian terrorist group? You know where they are?”
 Lucy nodded. She picked up the edge of her skirts and began walking with the boys flanking her sides. “It should be…,” they rounded another corner a half hour later to meet a clay and wood cabin, “here.”
 “Each one of them was set up at a different area of the road for the archduke, that way if one of them failed, the other assassins could pick up and carry out the murder.” Lucy glanced around at the silent woods. “We've been passing the others along the way. I thought, since those seemed empty they had all grouped here. But it seems as empty as the rest.”
 Wyatt noticed the partially opened door, and the spots of red along it. Maybe it was rust, or cheap paint, but maybe-
 “Lucy,” he called, pulling his gun and stepping closer. He pulled the second out of his other holster and passed it to Rufus. “Stay here. We're going to check this out.”
 Her eyebrows immediately scrunched, paired incredulously with pursed lips. “What? Why do I have to stay out here?”
 “Because I don't have another gun, and if what I think happened here did, you shouldn't see it. You faint at the sight of blood, right?” Lucy’s eyes widened, he remembered. Wyatt looked to Rufus and nodded at him as they began their treck to the cabin.
 Lucy crossed her arms. When they were out of earshot, she began muttering under her breath. “Bullshit. Stay here, Lucy. You faint too much, Lucy. Hmph.”
 She kept on a for another moment, muttering and pacing. Everything was quiet, too quiet, she turned to follow Wyatt and Rufus, to prove them wrong, when she suddenly felt someone wrap an arm around her, a gun pressed against her head.
 “Don't. Make. A sound.” A gruff and unfamiliar voice ghosted into her ear.
 Her heart beat so fast Lucy couldn't even feel it. Her eyes were wide and wild. She felt as though she were shaking and unable to move at the same time.
 “What do you-” A click. Gun cocked and ready.
 “I said not another word.” The gun felt modern, unlike the wooden under handle of the era. She knew now that he had to be one of Emma's agents.
 “You are going to keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut and listen to my every word-”
 There was another gun cocked, and Lucy shakingly opened one eye to see Wyatt standing there, his face emotionless.
 “I suggest you release her and drop the gun.”
 The guy laughed, and Lucy felt sick to her stomach, she had a feeling that sound would haunt her tonight.
 “You’ll have to kill me, but wait, how could you do that without hurting-” A gunshot went off and Lucy was violently thrown away from the man, she vaguely heard herself scream. She looked over to see the man holding her, dead. He was older, slightly balding and was huge, and also had a huge hole in his neck from Wyatt’s shot.
 The moment reminded her of their first mission, when Wyatt hit Flynn in the shoulder, barely missing her head. It took Wyatt only seconds for him to reach her. Her shoulder burned, and her mind couldn't seem to work, but her body was able to become controlled within his embrace.
 “Lucy? Lucy are you alright?” He had one hand on her neck, putting her face in his shoulder, his other wrapped tightly around her waist, holding her tightly to him until her breath returned to her body and she nodded.
 “F-fine..” She murmured before Wyatt pulled away. She tried to give a laugh, to lessen the tension, but winced.
 “Where does it hurt?” He pulled away to scan her for imminent injuries, before noticed the red at her shoulder. His heart caught in his throat as he gently peeled away the cloth.
 He gave a sigh. “Just a scrape. You'll be okay. You weren't shot.”
 He slowly stroked back her hair from the area to catch a better look at it. “Yeah, you’ll be fine, barely a graze if anything.” He couldn’t stop himself from placing a quick kiss on her head, not thinking much about the action at the time, relief flooding through every cell in his body.
 Lucy could truly say in that moment, despite the burning pain in her shoulder, she felt safe.
 Wyatt gently pulled away from her and helped her stand up. “C’mon, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”  
 He slung her uninjured arm over his shoulder and walked with her to the cabin. Rufus was immediately at the door, concerned and pale.
 “What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Lucy found herself with only enough energy to nod.
 Wyatt helped her sit in a nearby chair, telling her to close her eyes. When she was able to open them again, she was facing a blank wall of wood. “One of Emma's people tried to kill her. He won't be a problem anymore, but her shoulder got grazed. She's still in shock I think.”
 “It was my fault, if I just would have tried to figure out a better aim..” His voice trailed off, he wounded her. The bullet he shot grazed her shoulder. This was his fault. He felt sick.
 Lucy tried to turn around, to tell him it wasn't his fault, that he saved her life. But as soon as she turned a scream burned it's way through her.
 Nine bodies laid across the room, each with a dripping bullet hole in their head. Some held guns in their viced grips but some remained unarmed laying across the furniture.
 She couldn't look away despite the churning in her stomach.  Wyatt was by her side in a minute, practically picking her up and forcing her away from the bodies. “This is why I had you facing the wall Luce..” He murmured.
 Lucy gulped what air she had left, the image of all those bodies burning in her mind. “A-are those the assassins?”
 Rufus nodded, pale as he studied the corpses around the room. “They're all dead. Must have been done right before we got here.” He looked around the room with wide eyes. “What now?”
 Lucy's hands were shaking, and she tried to keep bile from rising as she spoke. “This war happened because of Ferdinand's assassination. And we need to war to push for technology and human rights.”
 Wyatt’s grip turned to ice on her arm. “You're saying we need to assassinate him?”
 She slowly nodded, “I have a pretty strong feeling that Ferdinand isn’t dead, and without his death, who know’s what will happen. We need to kill him. We need to start World War One.” Her voice was grave as she looked at Wyatt and Rufus.
 They didn’t want to, this was the worst outcome. It was assumed that Wyatt would be the one that would step up and do it, but it was actually Lucy. She pulled the gun from his holster as they arrived at the bridge.
 “Lucy, are you sure you want too?” Wyatt murmured. He put a hand over her wrist. This wasn't supposed to fall to her.
 Lucy nodded, holding the gun in her hand. The metal was so cold it burned. They watched as Ferdinand’s carriage slowly started by, him and his wife waving. Lucy took a deep breath, her hands shaking horribly. Wyatt stood behind her, before slowly placing his hands over hers.
 “Aim a little lower than where you plan to shoot.  When you shoot the bullet, the impact will force it a little higher.” He murmured into her ear. Slowly he moved away, but watched as she couldn’t stop shaking.
 “Lucy, we’re running out of time. You have to shoot.” Rufus muttered as they watched the royal couple.
 “I’m trying.” She whispered back frantically, trying to force herself to breathe. In and out.
 “I-I can’t do it.” She got tears in her eyes, she couldn’t end two people’s lives.
 The couple started to go by, the window of opportunity closing, if they didn’t do this, World War One wouldn’t happen.  Wyatt cursed, taking the gun out of Lucy’s hands. He looked at the two targets, took a deep breath, his face turning neutral, then shot.
 There was a scream, Ferdinand’s wife was shot. Rufus winced, but before any of them had time to truly react, Wyatt shot again, hitting Ferdinand. He placed the smoking gun inside of its holster. “We have to go.” His voice was emotionless, chilling Lucy to the bones. Already making his way out of the bushes they were hiding in.
 He was quiet the whole walk back to the Lifeboat, caught up in his thoughts. Rufus and Lucy exchanged concerning looks.
 Lucy gently grabbed his arm, making his eyes meet hers. “Wyatt, I’m so sorry. I should have sucked it up. I was just so-”
 “It’s fine Lucy. It had to happen.” He cut her off, offering her a weak smile that didn’t meet his eyes, “Let’s just get home, yeah?”
 She nodded at him, and they climbed in the Lifeboat. Wyatt, like the gentleman he was, helped her in her seat and buckled her seatbelt. Not another word was spoken in the lifeboat. Lucy was wondering if he was thinking of what his grandpa Sherwin would say. He was Wyatt’s role model, his father figure, a soldier, and Wyatt pretty much just started War World One because she was too scared. She wondered if he felt like he disappointed him.
 Lucy hated when Wyatt was like this. She couldn’t read him, she couldn’t help him. As soon as they got back to 2017, Rufus debriefed Christopher, and they had found out that World War One still happened, but it wasn’t seven assassins. They had never caught the murderer that started the war, but blame arose to the Russians out of anti sentiment from Serbian territories.  
 Wyatt was quiet during this whole process, and it was finally over, he was the first one to stand up and walk into the changing rooms.
 Lucy quickly followed after him, changing out of her own clothes, and then waiting for him by the men’s changing room door. When he came out, he glanced at her, and she tried hard to keep his gaze so she could try to figure out what was wrong with him. But deep down, she knew.
 “Hey, you ready to go? I’ll drive.” She murmured, holding her hands out for his keys. Wyatt quietly handed her his keys as they walked out and got in his truck. Lucy backed them out before going down the road, but she had enough of the silence. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?”
 She felt Wyatt’s ice blue eyes on her, then he sighed. “Just thinking about my grandpa.”
 Lucy glanced at him quickly, before returning her eyes to the road, but she grabbed his hand off his lap, and squeezed.
 “He wouldn’t be ashamed of you Wyatt. You did what you had to do. You helped save 2017. Who knows what might have happened if Ferdinand survived.”
 Wyatt nodded, using his free hand to rub his head. “Thanks, Luce. I know.”
 Lucy shot him a smile before slowly taking her hand back and pulling into Wyatt’s garage space.
 “Alright, how about I order some pizza and we could watch um.. Star Wars or something.”
 Wyatt chuckled. “You’ve never watched Star Wars?”
 She shook her head with a smile. “Nope. Bits and pieces with Amy. She loved the fantasy stories. I loved documentaries more. Why don't you go turn it on, I’ll get the pizza.”
 Wyatt smiled at her before heading into the living room. Lucy hurried up and ordered his favorite pizza, cheese with green olives, and walked back into the living room.
 “Alright, it’ll be here soon. Tell me about why I’m going to love Star Wars.”
 Wyatt grinned, not only did he tell her why Star Wars was amazing, he told her how it changes lives.
 Needless to say, they were up till 2:00 in the morning, eating pizza and enjoying Star Wars; all seven movies. Lucy’s head fell on Wyatt’s chest, his own on her head as they slept with pizza crust still clutched in Lucy’s hand. It was paradise.
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timelessduo · 7 years
Can I share this a thousand times?! So cute! Not to mention Matt Lanter is crazy attractive!
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