tim-molisje · 6 years
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“Go from here to stand with your other half.”
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tim-molisje · 6 years
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242K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 6 years
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I am Princess Leia, no matter what.
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tim-molisje · 6 years
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BtVS + Iconic lines
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tim-molisje · 6 years
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7.23 | Survival of the Fittest
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tim-molisje · 6 years
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tim-molisje · 6 years
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tim-molisje · 6 years
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60K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 6 years
I think next thursday is gonna be the best day of my entire life tbh
953K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 7 years
Dialogue Prompts
So, I really want to start writing on this blog, too. So I made a prompt list. Not all prompts are mine, some are stolen from another blog. 
I will be writing for the following fandoms:
Harry Potter
Criminal Minds
Shadowhunters/ The moral instruments
The hunger games
The maze runner
Grey’s anatomy
Okay, that isn’t too much. I’m still catching up on other shows. Once I’m finished, I’ll add them. You can ask for any character x reader, or character x character. If you want a platonic one-shot, you should note that. You can ask for as many prompts as you want. 
Dialogue prompts:
“I have always loved cacti.” 
“You didn’t just say that.” 
“Whoa-dude. Look at that!”
“Just because I died doesn’t mean I’m really dead.” 
“Just because I drove into that river doesn’t mean I’m a bad driver.”
“You walked into a knife?”
“How did you manage this level of stupidity?” 
“You locked me outside!” 
“I’ve always been there for you. And I will continue to be.”
“Do you trust me?” “Not even a little bit.” 
“Uhh, is something wrong?” “What? Hehe! Of course not, why would you think that?”  “Because I can smell something burning and you’re hiding behind a door. Now, let me in.”
“Here’s a newspaper filled with all the love I can’t feel.”
“You know, people may like you more if you didn’t smell like a dead body.”
“Aww, sweetie. Where are your parents?” “I’m older than you.” 
“Don’t yell at me like I’m a child.” “Don’t throw the scissors!”
“Here, take my jacket/blanket.” “I told you, I’m not cold.” *shivers*
“Why are you still awake?”
“Come over here and make me.” 
“The salad here is really nice.”  “Do I look like a fucking rabbit?”
“Please don’t leave me.” “I don’t want to.”
“You can’t ride a bike?”  “Why are you whispering?”
“We’re going downtown.” “There’s a strip club downtown.” 
“You broke what?!”  “Don’t worry, I’m okay.”
“Come Inside. I’m sorry.” “Not until an apology.” “I just said i’m freaking sorry.” 
“Are you jealous?” “You are changing your outfit right now.”
“Why did I marry you?”  “It took a whole lot of convincing.”
“Luck? Nope. Skills.” “If it’s skills then do it again.”
“You said forever!”
“Seven fucking years and that’s all you have to say?” 
“I love you, but I have to go.” 
“I hate you so much.” 
“You were and still are my everything.”
“I can’t love you the way you want.” 
“Hey jerk.” “…” “I mean… Babe?”
“Admit it. That was the best kiss of your life.” “You always have to be the best at everything, don’t you?”
“S/he just tripped and won’t stop laughing.”
“Nice dancing you did there, how about you dance your way to my bedroom?” 
“No, no. It’s okay. I’ll be your bridge. You can walk all over me.”
“I’ve looked after coma patients more interesting than you.” 
“Would you mind not setting my stuff on fire every time you get mad?”
“This really didn’t go as planned.” “Is it the fact that everything is on fire that made you come to this conclusion?”
“I can’t believe that worked.” “It was part of your plan.” “I know! My plans never work!”
“You need to go! I’ll distract them!” “Do you think you can outrun them?” “If by outrun them you mean not getting caught… Probably not.” 
“If you asked me to stay, I would’ve.”
“You’re too good for this world.”
“I can hardly stand myself.” 
“Don’t come near me or I swear I’ll kill you.” 
“Don’t you dare look him in the eye.” 
“You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.”
“I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.” 
“Who did this to you?”
“If you kill them, you better kill me too. Because if you don’t, I will kill you.”
“Don’t underestimate what a person can do to protect those they care about.”
“Do you ever follow directions?”
“What happened?” “I got hit by a taxi. And it hurt.” 
“She’s cute. But I’m pretty sure she can’t count to ten.”
“I can fit a whole row of crackers in my mouth. Want to see?”
“You said that if I went to bed early I’d feel better. You’re a fucking liar.” 
“You’re late.”  “I’m glad you noticed.”
“You made me cookies?”
“You stole what?”
“You aren’t pathetic.”
“you looked at me different.”
“I am not pregnant!”
“You ever seen something as cool as this?”
“I thought you were dead!”
“I know you love me and all, but could you stop threatening the doctor?”
“How. The fuck. Are you- so motherfucking tall?”
“You? You know how to shoot a gun?”
“You threw a tampon at him?”
“You just kissed me.”
“Hold up-just-just stop. just-what are you exactly doing? It’s two AM!”
“I’m tired of being your secret.”
“I didn’t realize I needed your permission.” 
“You don’t need to protect me.”
“Sorry I ruined your life. Maybe you shouldn’t have married me.”
“If I would’ve known he was going to die, do you think I would’ve done it?”
“I know you love me, but I’m tired of lying when I say it back.”
“When I look at you, I see my world. And that scares the living crap out of me.”
“Tell me what they did to you, please.”
“I’ll go home. But it isn’t home when you’re not there.”
“I’m pathetic because I go to you for everything but you’d pick someone over me any day.”
“I wish I could hate you.”
“I’ll let you down. I’ll always let you down. I’m not enough to keep you satisfied.”
“I’m trying! Can’t you see? Isn’t that enough for you?”
“I’m useless to you now.” “You’re a person. Not a toaster. You don’t have to have a use.”
“i’m useless to you now.” “Oh please. You were always bloody useless. I love you anyways.”
“I saw you roll skating, and I thought ‘that person is really cool’ and then you fell crashed and Jesus, are you okay?”
“You had this big ass ice cream and you were so exited you dropped it and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sadder person. Just please let me buy you a new one.”
“We keep awkwardly running into each other and people have to ship us and I kind of like you. Hahaha, oh god, I need to stop blushing.”
“This was a terrible idea.” “What are you talking about? There’s free nacho’s!”
“Don’t do the thing!” “…” “You already did the thing, didn’t you?”
“Paint me like one of your French girls.” “… I paint fruit.”
“Let’s pretend that didn’t happen.” “Agreed.”
“Did you seriously run face first into a light pole because you saw a pretty girl?” “I’m gay.”
“How dare you talk to me, peasant. I am your queen.” “You are wearing a blanket over your shoulders.” “Silence! Now, fetch me some substances.” “Pizza bites or mini quiche?” “Pizza bites, obviously.”
“Quit your whining! I bet it’s barely even a scratch.”
“That-that’s your blood?! Why the hell didn’t you say anything?”
“This is going to hurt but you have to stay quiet, okay?””
“Don’t pass out, we’re almost there.”
“That’s it. If you throw up one more time, we’re going to the hospital.”
“You didn’t feel that? This is bad, you should’ve felt that.”
“I’m scared to move you. Just wait here and I swear I’ll come back with help.”
“That’s a lot nastier than it seemed at first glance.”
“Please don’t die. Don’t die in my lap, I’m begging you.”
“Stop being overdramatic-OH!”
“Just how I want to spend the night. Removing glass from my best friends head and strapping it up.”
“She has internal damage. Sh’s couching up blood.”
“Would it be cliché if we matched clothes a little?”
“Could you hold my hand?”
“Shh, shh. I’m here now. Now give me your hands, we need to clean the blood off. Don’t cry. -I don’t blame you. Don’t worry, Ill always be there for you.”
“If you want to leave then-” “I don’t want to leave! I want you, you idiot.”
“Are you a thief? Because you stole my heart.” “I swear to god, if I didn’t love you.”
“Oh my god! Go to sleep! It’s three AM!” “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
“There’s a surprise waiting for you back home.”
“The first time I met her, she was hiding behind the sofa.”
“But this is our thing. Eating cereal and bitching about people.”
“Just don’t let go.”
“Come on, just one date.” “No.” “Why not?” “Because I really like (character) and she asked me first.” 
“Gosh! Why are you so cold! get off me, you icicle!”
“Are you…. crying? You? Miss/mister ‘I don’t cry, I’m tough as hell”?” “Oh shut up, we all have our weaknesses.”
“You did all this for me?”  “No, I did this for Jeffery from across the street. Yes I did all of this for you!”
“Okay, so don’t freak out, but I got flour everywhere.” 
“Well, this is a nice change of scenery.” “Y/n, we’re in a prison cell.” “I was being sarcastic.”
“I thought you said you knew where we were going.” “Yeah, I lied.”
“Shit, you’re freezing. Let’s get you warmed up, alright?”
“Shut up.” “I didn’t say anything.” “I don’t care. Shut up.”
“Where are we going?” “I have no idea. You coming?”
“Did you just try to banish me?”
“I swear to you, this is how I found him.”
“No thanks. I don’t want to get arrested for the second time today.”
“You handled that real professional.” “I know right? I’m so proud of myself.”
“That was the worst night ever.” “Same time next week?” “Of course.”
“I got to admit, you’re really sexy with that gun. Terrifying, but sexy.”
“Just-just go away.” “I would! If we weren’t handcuffed together.! Oh, and whose fault was that again? Yours!”
“And I thought we were going to have a last kiss.”
“I don’t want you to leave.” “I don’t want to stay.”
“When did you stop?” “Stop with what, darling?” “Loving me.”
“Please don’t say you love me because I might not say it back.”
“I wasn’t there for you when you needed me, and I’m sorry.” “No you’re not. You don’t care about anyone apart from yourself.”
“Don’t hurt me, please.”
“I love you so much. If anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do.”
“You only like me for my body!”
“You wanted to talk? Well, here I am!”
“I tried. I tried so hard, why couldn’t you?”
“I bled for you. From every pore of my body, I bled. What more do you want?”
“Nobody can tell me what to do.” “Well, actually they can.” “Doesn’t mean I’ll listen to them.”
“Knock knock, I’m here. What’s for dinner fucker?”
“You’ve bitten off more than you can chew.” “I can chew a lot.”
“You have blood on your hands!” “Oh really? Wow! Thank you so much for pointing that out! Really helpful to our current situation. Seriously, thank you so much for brining this to my attention!  I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I love your perfume. What scent is that? The scent of death?”
“I always carry a knife in my purse in case we’re eating cake.”
“You guys got a plan, though. Right?” “Yeah. Run.”
“Maybe he’s afraid of me because I know how to use a knife.” “Well, I mean that’s why I’m afraid of you, so…”
“Is violence always your answer?”
“Remember how I said I already took care of that? Well, I lied and need your help right now.”
“Please, help me. Just this one time.”
“Did you break that glass on purpose?” “It offended me.”
“I can explain!” “Alright then. Tell me.” “… I lied, there’s literally no explanation for this.”
“Fight like hell.”
“Do you realize how let it is?”
“Can you please come and get me?”
“Is there a reason why you’re naked in my bed?”
“This is the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in!”
“If we die, I am going to kill you.”
“I love her.” “Her? As in a woman?” “No, as in a robot. Of course as in a woman you ding-bat!”
“Are you drunk?” “No, you’re just blurry.”
“I think we should run away now.” “Funny, I was just about to say that.”
“I will not let you make me feel small. Back off.”
“You’re great at dancing.” “I’m great at everything.”
“You didn’t do the dishes, so I’m not doing you.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“The way you flirt is just shameful.”
“I love you, you asshole.”
“What the hell kind of noise was that?” “I sneezed.” “That was not a sneeze.”
“How is she?” “She’s fine. She has some ice cream. I wish I had ice cream.”
“This is an apology pizza.Please take it or I’ll start crying right now.”
“You’re stronger than you look.”
“If you push me on the swings, I’ll buy you dinner. Don’t push to high, though. I don’t like heights.”
“Wait, you’re gay?” “What gave it away? Constant flirting?”
“You came back.”
“Mom? I need help… I’ve made a mistake.”
“So, this is haw it’s going to end. You’re staying with them?” “I have to.” “You don’t have to betray me. You don’t have to do anything.”
“I’m trying to be less bitter, but your happiness isn’t rubbing off on me.”
“Take of your shirt.”
“You’re sweet.”
“I’ve never felt this sensation before.” “Hugging?” “Being loved.”
“Do you not realize how much I care about you?”
“I know I’m allergic to peanuts, but I could’t day no when you walked into the office with freshly baked cookies and that damned smile on your face.”
“I like it when you smile.”
“This isn’t what I had in mind, but it’s better.”
“Nothing is wrong. I just really like the smell of your lotion.”
“You’re never this quiet. What’s wrong?”
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
“You make a good pillow.”
“I had a nightmare about you and I wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
“I hate you. I hate you so much for making me love you. Why did you make me love you if you never intended on loving me back?”
“When you think of me, if you think of me, remember how much I loved you.”
“I almost lost you.”
“Please, just please make the pain stop.”
“Stop telling me you’re okay.”
“I don’t even know who I am without you.”
“You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
“You know, it hurt when I realized you weren’t in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with her.”
“You left without saying goodbye. I hate you for that.”
“Don’t you dare die on me!”
“What I wanted? I wanted you to fight for me. I wanted you to say that there’s no one else you could ever be with, and that you’d rather be alone than without me.”
“You’re beautiful/handsome, and I’m not the only one who can see that.”
“Twins?… We’re having twins?”
“You are so tiny compared to me.”
“Bring your pretty little butt over here.”
“I want you body. I want your mouth. I want your laugh and your funny faces. I want your friendship and your inspirational thoughts. And I want you to come with me when I go.”
“There’s a leaf in your hair.”
“May I have this dance.”
“This bath is too damn hot.” “This is why we can’t do cute stuff. You complain to much.”
“One day you’ll learn.” “Learn what?” “That someone like me doesn’t get a happy ending. Those are reserved for people like you.”
“That’s disgusting. You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“If you don’t rest, you wont heal.”
“ Why don’t they just kiss already?”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Here, let me see.”
“How could anyone love me?”  “Don’t look at me. I married you for your cooking.”
“So… Err, I noticed you’re kind of naked. Is that intentional, or…”
“You forgot me.” “It was an accident.”
“Drag your chair here, I can’t translate dead languages.”
“Open this.” “Can you say please?”
“Don’t say you love me unless you mean, it because I might so something crazy like believe it.”
“Don’t you ever do that again.”
“I was wrong. I thought I wanted him to look twice at me… Bit I don’t need him to look twice at me when you never stopped looking.”
“I’m fine.” “You don’t look fine.” “Then stop looking.”
“Things didn’t have to end like this.” “But we always knew they would, didn’t we?”
“She’s dead! And it is your fault!”
“Are you going to lecture me about how wonderful life is?”
“They’d be better off without me.” “Do you really believe that?”
“It’s okay to cry.”
“I shouldn’t be in love with you.”
“The axe is a bit unsetting, but honestly, you look great.” 
“You asked me if I had any ideas. Not if I had any good ideas.”
“Remove your hand or I’ll rip your arm off and beat you to death with it.”
“So, I just realized… I’ve been shot.”
“Delete it. Now.”
“Could you guys do me a favor?” “Anything.” “Could at least one of you look like you are ever going to see me again?”
“Don’t make me smack you in front of these people.”
“I’m not a bitch. Okay, I’m lying, obviously.”
“Can you get the gun out of my face, please?”
“I don’t scare easily, you evil bitch.”
“She’s been in there for hours and I haven’t heard a sound since.” “That’s because she left through the window.”
“Don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else?”  “Not until four.”
“Your existence gives me a headache. Go stand over there.”
“We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?” “Actually, it’s more like eight.” “Oh, sorry I wasn’t specific enough!”
“You passed out for like an hour.”
“This is my ‘I don’t care’ face.”
A: “When I’m not here, do you braid each others hair and debate who the coolest Jonas brother is?” *B and C glance at each other* B: “No… But it’s totally Nick.” C: “Definitively Nick. But Kevin is the talented one.” B: “Yes, but Nick is the cute one.” C: “What about Joe?”
“Do you know how to braid hair?”
“Babe, I’m sorry.” “Suck my ass.”
“What’s your favorite lipstick?” *Rambles about lipstick*”What’s yours?” “The one you’ll be adding to my lips.”
“You could at least pretend to be interested in what I have to say.”
“I always blame others for my mistakes. Just kidding, I don’t make mistakes.”
“I may not be perfect, but at least I’m not you.”
“Go to your room!” “First off, we share a room. Secondly, I am the older one. Bitch.”
“I promised I’d safe you.” “I promised I’d kill you if you did.”
“You did what?!”
“I thought you were going to steal a boat?” “What do you mean, This is a boat.”  “No, no. This isn’t a boat, this is a motherfucking yacht!”
“I wont die for you. I’d kill for you.”
^^^add your own! ;)
These are a lot! I hope you find one or maybe a few you’d like to request! 
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tim-molisje · 8 years
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861K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 8 years
what do you think of Taylor and Tom?
Okay, so I basically got this message this morning and didn’t want to answer it. I’m going to say this first, I usually don’t pay attention to tabloids, gossip etc. But this was allllll over my freaking dash. ALSO THIS IS JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION and I’ll probably lose followers because of this, but hey who cares?
First off, I have some serious problems with this relationship and it’s not because ‘oh wow taylor is with another guy’ no. never that. fuck, she can date how many guys she wants. it’s just the fact that she was in a relationship with someone whom she was probably in love with -considering they were together for over a year, and then she suddenly starts making out with tom. i feel that it’s very disrespectful towards calvin harris and he shouldn’t deserve that. i mean he gave her the respect that she deserved (probs). dating a guy is fine after you break up with someone -heck we’ve all done it- but to do it so publicly and so soon? y’all are probably going to say ‘if they really like each other then let them be!!!!!’ hey, i’m all for that. they’re cute. but that leads to my next point. 
to me, tom hiddleston has always been a gentleman and i have held the highest respect for him because of how he treats everyone around him and himself. but after that dance? no, to me that was innocent or friendly. he knew that she was dating someone. he knew that she was in a committed relationship. but. he. still. danced. with. her. i always thought that tom hiddleston was the type of guy to give someone the courtesy of not rubbing his new relationship with that man’s ex. i thought that he would be discreet about it and not ‘HEY LOOK AT ME MAKING OUT WITH YOUR EX THAT YOU LOVED!!!’ i’m not saying he’s a bad guy, but to me? i lost all of my respect for him. i still think he’s a great actor but i just never thought that he would be someone like that. i thought he was a gentleman through and through. y’all are probably rolling your eyes and crackling your knuckles waiting to harass me and defend him and that’s all good, have your opinion, i have mine. but just think of this. imagine that you’re dating this fantastic person that you’re in love with and you show her/him to your family and you get along super well. then suddenly you see them dancing (flirtatiously) with someone else. imagine how that feels. imagine how hurt you would feel. now fast forward, you break up, amicably. you give them the respect that they need because hey don’t be a douche bag and start saying shit about them because you’re better than that. then you know, next day, you wake up. you see photos of the person you love making out and holding hands with that very person who was dancing with them. imagine how that would feel. yeah, you broke up, but let me tell you something real. when you break up with someone that you’ve loved and been together with for quite a while, the feelings that you shared, will never, ever leave you truly. if you loved that someone you wouldn’t just wake up one day and say hey i don’t love you anymore. because that’s not true love.
next reason: publicity stunt. okay, let’s backtrack to their past relationships, have there ever been outright PDA from any of them??? no. they kept their relationships on the down low. both tom and taylor. but now? wow, making out on the rocks where everyone can see you, that doesn’t scream them. it screams staged. that’s what i saw when i first saw them. and yeah they may be truly be caught up in the moment but to me, man, it feels shady. 
i’m not hating on tom and taylor, fuck i loved them, but this thing just blew out of proportion. i also don’t like how calvin got fucked over in all of this. if, and if they are dating then i wish them the best of luck, and if they’re doing it for a pub stunt then they really fucked themselves over now. 
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tim-molisje · 8 years
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426K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 8 years
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32K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 8 years
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142K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 8 years
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5K notes · View notes
tim-molisje · 8 years
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91K notes · View notes