think-i-lost-my-halo · 7 months
Baron nodded wordlessly, glancing around before his gaze returned to Nazir.
Noonka on his right and Nazir on his left he focused on the landmarks around them while occasionally glancing at the faces of people passing. Baron crossed the street and ducked into a bar called The Bootlegger. A tattooed woman with her fiery red hair pulled into a bun behind the bar took notice of their arrival. Baron clocked that her name tag said Astrid. Stepping up to the bar he leaned forward and whispered something in her ear. She paused for a moment looking over both Baron and Nazir before motioning for them to follow her.
A few strides later she lead them to her office and left them alone. Baron handed Noonka's leash to Nazir before he began searching for a way to open the false wall. "Hang on almost there." Baron assured. After the right push on the right place the whole wall slid back into a recess and revealed a metal wall with a door in it. Pressing in the code the door slid open leading down a set of stairs that lights were slowly blinking to life under. Baron looked to Nazir. "You ready?"
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 7 months
Nazir's angry gaze hurt more than any knife. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I-I wouldn't have done it. Look, I'm doing my best. Really I am. I wasn't taught to protect people and I wasn't taught to work with anyone. So the half of my brain still immersed in my old life is clashing with my feelings for you. I'll do better. I will. I don't mean to scare you, I know it's far too late for that but better the devil you know." He offered his hand again to Nazir. "I know. I know I'm unnerving and scary sometimes but-" Baron couldn't think of an upside. He'd never hurt Nazir but he knew Nazir knew that. "I'm doing my best to remember what it is to be human. Once all this is over if you don't want to you never have to see me again. I'll move away and this will all just be a bad memory." And so would I. "For now though, this devil is on your side."
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 7 months
Baron stood, grabbing onto Nazir's coat as he made his way out of the train car. "Who was that? What did he say? Why?" Baron demanded answers as they stepped into the throng of people swarming in and out of the subway. This situation wasn't safe, with a stranger who seemed to know or recognize Nazir in the crowd this was the perfect time for an ambush. Baron had assassinated people in crowds before. It was surprisingly easy which is why this situation unnerved Baron so much. Hurrying along with Nazir in tow Baron made his way onto the street as quick as he could. He couldn't come to terms with being caught. No one had followed them. No one knew where they were going. They had gone a full stop so anyone who had followed them would have been left behind. Should have been left behind. How? Baron kept going, speeding up slightly. "How did he find us? Who is that?" Baron asked again. It just didn't seem possible. Also, what was said? "Why was he looking at me like that. He's lucky there was a crowd or I would have knifed him." Baron stopped the second the words came out of his mouth. He looked to Nazir. "I'm sorry." It was all he could say. It seems he played the role a little too well. It was all too familiar.
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 7 months
Baron pressed the quickest of kisses to Nazir's forehead. "Forget about him. He's a New Yorker, he'll get over it in twenty minutes. There's a lot going on and how you respond is going to vary. Thank you for trying to stand up for me though." Baron checked the station. "We got one more stop." He leaned down and pet Noonka. "When we get there I want you to try to and nap okay? You're going to be tired eventually after all the adrenaline leaves your system. We're going to be safe so I want you to rest for a little while. Once you start feeling shaky let me know, it's not low blood sugar but you could collapse if the crash is bad." Baron explained.
He scratched at his chin, surveying those who came and went, his eyes settling on a a burly man who looked to be of Middle Eastern descent. From just a once over the former assassin could tell the man worked out and could probably squat two and a half Baron's weight wise. The former assassin raised his gaze from the train floor, attention flitting past the burly man - who was staring dead at him. Baron kept his gaze soft, gave a closed mouth smile and nodded at him before looking away. There was no way to hide it, he had his arm around Nazir, it was obvious the pair knew each other. Baron lowered his head and began to pick at a thread on his coat. He was trying to slow his heart and think of their next move. Had they been made or was this guy just homophobic?
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 7 months
"Don't be sorry." Baron whispered, voice so soft yet so sure. He spoke with such authority and while he didn't like the current circumstances it was nice to show Nazir that he wasn't just a traumatized cry baby who didn't know how to deal with his feelings. He had a goal, a mission. Survive this shit show and protect Nazir. Prove that even though he wasn't happy with learning to do what he was now capable of he could still do it, especially in the defense of another.
"I'm with you. I'll be with you through it all." Baron promised. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this but at the same time I want you to know I'm capable. I'm capable of protecting you and I'm more than just a handsome cry baby." There was a smile in his voice as the sides of his mouth curled up. "I hope scary, guard dog Baron isn't too much for you. I hope you can still see me in a positive light after all this." Baron would slice his way through anyone who dared threaten Nazir. "You're safe with me."
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 7 months
My blogs will now be low activity unfortunately. I signed up for a shit ton of overtime and so probably by the new year I'll be able to devote more time to these. For now though consider this blog low activity.
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 7 months
Baron stopped when Dean opened the car door for him. He'd had people do it before but they had been cabbies, footmen, drivers, valets, people who were meant to make the disembark easier. People who were getting paid. There was something - intimate, when Dean did it. Baron smiled and quickly ducked into the car so Dean wouldn't see him blush.
Baron listened to dean talk with that ever so slight country lilt he had. Baron found is wonderful to listen to. It was so intrinsically Dean. Dean. His boyfriend. They were dating after all. Sure things were new but still.... Boyfriend was a word Baron hadn't yet used aloud. The implications scared him to death. Why were relationships scarier than being behind the scope of a rifle with one shot to get it right?
"I think it really depends on which sense was indulged the most, ya know? Like-uh, I don't know what the memory is but I know I was happy, it was one of the happiest times of my life and Sweet Child Of Mine was playing. All I remember is the smile on my face. When I try to think back I can't remember anything but that so anytime I hear that song it's just-it's perfect." Baron tried to explain, hoping it made sense.
@think-i-lost-my-halo // cont’d from [ x ]
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
Baron's expression suddenly lost all of its softness. He wasn't going to tell Nazir what he had done. "Don't worry about it. A man came asking for you. He had a picture of you and a sedative ready to go. I stopped him." It was all Baron would say. He had stopped the man indeed. In a very permanent way. "We're going to one of the safe houses Bianca gave me the address to. I know you don't know what to think of her but she's the only person in the world I trust. She might be the reason we are in the need of a safehouse but it's also thanks to her we have one. She was with me in Russia." He spoke directly into Nazir's ear so as not to he overheard. "Please, try to relax. I'm sorry, I know it's all a lot right now but you'll be somewhere safe real soon." Baron took a handkerchief out of his coat pocket and wiped Nazir's face with it. So many things had gone right and wrong simultaneously. If Nazir had left his apartment when asked before he could explain his past the man would be unconscious in the back of a van on the way to God knows where. No matter what though Baron was glad Nazir was here with him now.
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
Baron got the implications. He had thought of why he was so calm. He knew why. This was his world. He was back in the driver's seat and the assassin within had been called to again. He'd already killed today. He knew what to do in this world, it was where he had lived for so long. The other world, normalcy, was Nazir's domain. One where Baron was scared and Nazir was in charge. Now it was the other way around. Being vulnerable when there was no danger afoot, no threat, no even footing had spooked Baron. However, now, he was in control. Maybe, in a way, he liked Nazir seeing him like this. The confidence and strength and self-assurance. In other ways he hated it. This was confusing. There was no way he could explain all that to Nazir though. Not really.
"Being in danger is my normal." He spoke. "I can function like a normal person here, in this world. I'm used to it. For you its the opposite. I'm sorry you have to see me like this, I don't like this side of me but I also hate being that cry baby I was a few hours ago. I'm trying to find that happy medium in life. I'm just not there yet."
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
"I didn't call you a wreck, we're both wrecks right now I just know how to hide it. It was a lot of sweet nothings though, sweet nothings that meant something, meant a lot actually. You were never supposed to see me like this. I wanted you to experience me as I was healing. You were never supposed to enter my world but you have the best guide possible okay? I'm going to look after you. I'm going to keep you safe." Baron spoke low so only the two of them could hear all while holding Nazir's chin. "And don't cuss. Not for me. Ok?"
Gently Baron's gaze drifted down to Nazir's lips. With his thumb the former assassin ran the pad of it over the copper bottom lip.
"Ya hachu potselovat tebya." Baron breathed. "But not here, not now. But I will. Believe me." He pressed a kiss to Nazir's forehead and settled back in his seat arms still around the other man.
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
Helios. Helios. As in the sun god? Baron tried, really tried to slow his breathing but he couldn't, every time he did it felt like he was dying. Baron felt something wet and warm pooling beneath him. He was worried he'd just wet his pants in front of a strangers. Just great. He couldn't even die with dignity. Reaching down just to be sure his fingers found the warmth and upon returning to his line of sign he was meat with a shock of crimson.
"F-fuck." He breathed. He had to have been stabbed somewhere. "M-my-my side. Ch-check my-my side." He instructed. "Wh-wh-where my-my kidney is." Gentle hands manipulating is limbs and body, Baron felt himself being rolled onto his right side, head cradled against Helios' chest. If it had ben anywhere it would have been on his right side. The man must have stabbed him with an obsidian blade. Very rare but they get through metal detectors just fine. The blades so sharp you often don't realize you've been stabbed until you've lost too much blood. Baron couldn't believe he'd gotten not only caught but stabbed too. "S-stop the bleeding. Please." The stab wound would kill him quicker than the poiston.
Fix Me | Closed
Cont. from this x @elysiumxii
"B-B-B-Ba-Baron." He hardly managed to get his own name out, his mouth try, heart quickening its already thunderous rhythm. "Poison."
It was silly. A rookie mistake. He'd been made and one of his target's men had gotten him first, found him in the crowd, pricked him with something. He had made his way as far from the scene as possible and had collapsed in this alley. He didn't want to die though he might have deserved it. Being weak in front of a stranger was not as scary to him as it was to most but then again he was dying and that changes everything about a situation. "F--fix me, please." Baron didn't even know what he was saying, what he was asking. How was this random man going to fix him. He didn't know or have any way of finding out what he had been poisoned with. Whatever it was was fast acting. It had only been 20 minutes and he was already in bad shape. Shaky and disoriented, his vision swam as the nausea hit. If he died in the field no one was claiming him. His face may make it back to US, he'd be compared with missing people and they'd eventually learn who he was. But as for Dmitri, he would just shrug and Baron would be another failed Prizrak, it happened. Oh well. If he was to die in this alley as a no one at least he had this beautiful stranger by his side.
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
"Safari guide huh?" A smile wormed its way onto Baron's face as he took the elbow of Dean's leather jacket, pinching it between his forefinger and thumb. He held on as they walked. Baron wasn't sure when he picked up this habit but realized he'd been doing it for a while looking back. He held onto it the way a child held the hand of someone they trusted while crossing the street. Baron had been all over the world killing people so what was he doing holding the corner of Dean's jacket? Perhaps it was because of the implicit trust between them. Maybe Dean felt safe. Safe. That word sat heavy in Baron's throat as he tried to swallow it. For so long it had been drilled into his head that no place and no one was safe. Yet in the real world, outside the compound and away from his old life no one was after Baron. This was a new country, a different year, a new city, a new life. At Dean's offer Baron thought. "It's been so long since I've heard anything I wanted to. Plus I was back in college and I don't think you listen to any of the top forty. That's all I heard back then at parties. I don't know anything about the music scene nowadays." He confessed. "Why don't you play me some of your favorites?" He offered at a loss.
@think-i-lost-my-halo // cont’d from [ x ]
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
Without missing a beat Baron took Nazir's face in his hands forcing the man's attention on him. "Habibi," Baron repeated the words Nazir spoke to him a mere hour ago in the bathroom. "Easy. Easy." The soft and gentle tone slipped out of Baron as he ran his thumbs over Nazir's cheekbones. "It's okay. Deep breaths for me."
The stranger across from them muttered something but Baron paid him no mind. The former assassin smiled softly. "I'm okay. You're okay. We're okay. Say it for me, yeah? We're okay." Once Nazir complied Baron guided the man's head to his shoulder. He began to speak soft and low in Russian. He spoke of how fond he was of Nazir, he spoke of how when this was all over they'd go somewhere together, a destination of their choosing for once. He talked about the snow and how he liked to watch it fall but didn't want to be out in it. He kept his voice even, two hands on Nazir for maximum reassurance. He tilted Nazir's face up to meet his gaze and in Russian promised to kiss him properly when this was all over, his eyes ans tone solemn and fond. Then finally, he smiled and in an ever so slight teasing tone asked in English. "You understand me?"
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
I'll get to replies when i have off next week. Sorry everyone. Overtime needs doing.
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
Baron grinned. "James Bond wishes he was me." As the train screeched on its rails and eventually came to a halt Baron took a quick look at its destination. It was indeed their train. He stepped aboard keeping both Nazir and Noonka close. Once seated Baron pulled out Noonka's service dog vest and put it on her before giving her some pets. She was calm, calmer than the both of them or maybe she just seemed it on the outside. The train began to move as a voice caught their attention.
"Where'd you serve, man?"
Baron looked up across the aisle to see a young Latin man with buzzed hair and a confidence about him.
"Just because the vest says she's a PTSD service dog doesn't mean I served." Baron replied simply.
"Oh, please. I know that look, the way you speak and hold yourself. I can smell military on you. I was a Marine myself."
"Good for you. I didn't serve." Baron's tone was curt, he was getting annoyed but trying to remain civil.
"Look, I get it. We all did things we aren't proud of over there I'm just trying to get to know a fellow soldier."
Baron let his shoulders sag before adopting a thick Russian accent. "I didn't serve in the US military. I trained in Russian Special Forces." He snapped. It wasn't a complete lie. Dmitri had been a former Spetsnaz officer and Baron had undergone Special Forces training. Still, it wasn't a topic he wanted to discuss with a stranger.
"Oh, well, I still knew it. Glad to meet an international soldier."
After that Baron fell silent, watching and waiting for their stop. His eyes flicked to the man who had spoken to him a few times but nothing else was said.
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
"We'll be safe before you know it." Baron spoke. He took the dead man's phone out of his pocket and slipped it in a trashcan. "This is New York. No one is going to look twice at you unless they are looking for you." Baron assured.
That first step down into the subway made Baron's heart sing. "Do you think your mother will heed your warning?" Baroj had go know. "If not and she's still in the city I can go to her. I can explain. She's clever and I know I could get a lot of information to her quickly if need be." Baron briefly thought about calling his contact at the FBI but figured it was better if the government didn't get involved for as long as possible. If they found out about Nazir's gift things would be bad. He lead them swiftly to the right platform before tucking them both away in a corner. He commanded Noonka to sit and sticking the leash in his pocket before taking Nazir's face in his hands. "Look at me," Baron commanded before giving a quick sweep od the area, " we're okay. You're okay. We're almost in the clear. We got this. We do. Really. Just keep your head down okay? We're gonna be fine." Baron pulled Nazir into a hug. "You're doing amazing and I'm gonna keep you safe okay?"
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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think-i-lost-my-halo · 8 months
Baron began to hum some Nat King Cole, as he glanced at his watch. He still had the dead man's phone and wondered if it would ring. It had been over 15 minutes since they left the apartment. Whoever had sent him in would be expecting him to be coming out any minute. Baron had memorized the addresses and instructions for the safe houses. All of them well hidden. It was possible they might meet her at one of them in an attempt to lay low. This plan seemed very involved and he wasn't sure who to trust. Still, they would make it. Baron was here. They had the advantage and as of now they had a head start.
Turning the corner Baron felt something like hope burn in his chest as the subway entrance came into view. He looked to Nazir. They were safe. Whoever was watching the door of their building wasn't looking for two men and a dog. They were looking for one man. Either Nazir or the person sent in to take him. People often missed what was right in front of them. Baron felt confident so when they hit that first step down into the subway his heart began to thunder. If they go to the first safehouse then they'd be home free.
Dark Days, Darker Nights | Cont.
"Yes, it is Sunday, it's supposed to be a day of rest but I personally saw to it that no one got that last night so yeah, it does matter." Baron argued. When he was invited in Baron's instincts seemed to switch modes. Enclosed space. Stranger has home field advantage. Skills unclear. Possibly wounded. Unknown terrain. Baron's jaw ticked again as his brain analyzed the situation. His little voice of reason was so small so very, very small but it was there. 'It's. Just. Coffee!' Baron's therapist had told him he needed to make a friend, needed to have connections, learn to trust people again. That was easier said than done but he'd give it a shot.
"Sure. That'd be great." Baron did his best to make his face look as pleasant as possible, no smile but not the deadpan expression he usually wore. "I appreciate that." He wasn't sure why anyone would want Mr. No Smiles in their apartment but he needed connections. This was all part of his rehabilitation back into civilian life.
He groaned inwardly as he sidled in. He didn't even drink coffee....
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