It wasn’t very often Jesse played with others. His feelings towards music being his own little safe space - he didn’t usually let others join in on. Now playing something to impress someone he had taken back to his place. That was something else entirely. There wasn’t much of Jesse’s life he could say he achieved without the benefit of his bank account. Living the way he lived his whole life. Everything was handed to him on a silver platter. His talent in playing the piano and his voice on the other hand were something he couldn’t buy. He only had himself to thank for it. And for that he was extremely fortunate. Which was maybe why music seemed to be something so precious to him.
With Eden - he had to play along. She was too precious to say no to. And he wouldn’t want to. The few times they have played together being at the top of the list of a stacked list of fond memories he had with the duchess. Sometimes it felt as he had known Eden forever. It was hard to think that they had only met just a few months ago. Especially in moments like this. When they were making sweet music together so easily meshing the melodies and working off one another. It was so natural. Unlike anything else. He couldn’t help but feel nothing but delighted around Eden. Missing that light feeling when they were apart.
"You’re too kind, as always.” Not that Jesse was complaining. Eden liked to compliment him, and he liked receiving compliments. It was a win win. “It’s just something that seemed to bounce around in my head after we met. You were my muse - I suppose.” Not that it was hard for the Duchess. Her natural spirit was inspirational enough for the whole island to fawn over. Jesse was just lucky enough to get a glimpse. “First of many.”
Closing the lid over the keys, Jesse examined the wood of the piano, making a mental note to come back and see that this piano made its way back to his room someway. The instrument passing Jesse’s very strict test in quality. “It was lovely, wasn’t it? You, Eden, are far more talented than you know. Jesse obliged, getting up from the bench and letting Eden wisp him away. No matter what the surprise was, Jesse knew he would love it. It was Eden after all. His best friend. He had yet to find something not to love about her. "Should I cover my eyes? How big of a surprise we talking? You Know I love a gift.” He admitted with a slight laugh, placing his hands over his eyes and letting Eden guide him the rest of the way. “Is it shoes? No - don’t tell me. But you know I’m a men’s forty four. Just in case it’s shoes…”
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Her eyes had fallen instantly upon Jesse's face the moment she'd blinked them open after getting lost in their music, his answer to her fleeting question lingering in the air between the two. Eden had been thankful for the focus of his gaze upon the keys in that moment, for she couldn't help the way her expression had softened—how it would have revealed to him how deeply touched and wonderfully giddy she'd felt, all at once, at the words he had said. You were my muse. It was only four words, and yet they stole her breath like a poem...even as the ever-passing seconds pulled her further away from the moment they were spoken. She knew those words would visit her in her dreams.
With his arm in her grasp, Eden led Jesse out into the fresh morning air, chuckling through another bright grin at his commentary and making very sure not to let him trip over anything after he covered his eyes. It seemed as if the ever-present warmth of the island wanted to wrap itself around her, but Jesse's presence at her side had that well taken care of.
"Well geez, why don't I just spoil the whole surprise right now? I know you're used to instant gratification and all, but sometimes the best things are worth waiting for." Eden laughed, before pausing them both in their tracks just long enough to reach up and take hold of his wrists, gently pulling them away from his eyes. "And hey, let's not cover these until we really have to. They're too nice to be hidden away." she said with a soft smile, before resuming her grasp on his arm and guiding him along the garden pathways she'd come to know so well. "It's not shoes, okay? But I will be making a mental note of that, thank you very much...I'm a thirty-nine, by the way."
Eden wished the greenhouse was further away, that their journey there would have taken hours instead of minutes. But she couldn't keep Jesse to herself forever, as much as she wished she could, and soon enough she drew them both to a halt in front of the gleaming glass-and-metal structure. She released Jesse's arm and stood in front of him. "Now you can close your eyes. And stay put!" she instructed with a grin, before disappearing through the doorway and calling out a warning not to peek. A moment later she was standing before the prince once more, beaming ear-to-ear and holding up her gift to him. "Okay. Open your eyes."
In her hands, Eden held a crown of freshly-cut flowers—blossoms in every shade of red from burgundy to scarlet, all meticulously woven together with stems and twine alike. "Remember when I said I'd figure out your colour?" Eden queried, reaching up to place the crown on his head, and smiling up at him when it was done, "It's red."
For the second time that morning, Eden simply stood and looked at him—the flowers resting upon the dark golden waves of his hair making him look like he'd just stepped out of a painting. Her smile softened.
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Maisie’s way of acting out was much tamer compared to other royals. She wasn’t going behind her parent’s back, throwing parties, or dating civilians. Her rebelling was more of a way to escape the over-bearing and over-protective nature of her parents. She was sick of being treated like she was so weak she was incapable of holding her own. The dethroned princess had to beg her parents to send her to Thailand. And was only allowed once a team of nurses and guards were agreed to be sent with her. No time to herself. No time to just be a normal royal. Whatever that meant.
She was able to duck away from the guards and finally be alone for a little. She had to run a good amount which meant her weakened heart was painfully pounding in her chest. But it was well worth it. Keeling over a little, she put her hands on her hips and attempted to catch her breath. “If a guard asks where I am. You didn’t see me, alright.” She said to the other. Standing up straight and pointing two fingers to her own eyes and then out towards them.
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Myles was unendingly—nay, eternally grateful for the lack of stress his still relatively new job had placed on him thus far. Sure, the King of Luxembourg was a proper son of a bitch, but the son of a bitch's son? Well, the apple had apparently fallen very far from the tree (and then grown into a tree). So far from the tree, it seemed, that Myles knew without a shred of doubt that he could leave Kendall to his own devices for an afternoon and not have to worry about the prince in question getting himself into any trouble. Not of his own free will, anyways.
After wandering off the beaten path a ways that afternoon, Myles had found the nature and solitude he sought on the peaceful banks of a creek, beside which he now sat with his back against a tree. But as he let the smell of earth and vegetation fill his lungs, thankful that the humidity wasn't terribly off-the-charts today, he heard swift footsteps emerging through the trees. Just as fast, the person they carried came into view, halting a few paces away from where he sat. Myles merely watched the stranger in silence, his mouth twitching into an amused smirk at the irony of the girl's words, once she caught wind of his presence.
"Lips are sealed. Scout's honour." he replied, raising his hands in compliance. There was, however, a curious—and perhaps concerned—glint in his eye. "You, uh...don't happen to be on the run from one, do you?
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|| ♔ || Eden + Bee || ♔ ||
Eden's spirits were high. It was Halloween night, the moon was high and clear, and the little soirée she'd helped decorate appeared to be going off without a hitch. Drifting between the many clusters of partygoers scattered throughout the palace gardens, Eden saw smiles, heard laughter, and felt an atmosphere of celebration and serotonin surrounding her from all sides. The island and it's temporary inhabitants had needed this, and Eden was glad to have helped make it a reality.
The duchess was happy to mingle with anyone and everyone who would accept her enthusiastic company, but she had a short and carefully-curated mental list of friends and loved ones she absolutely had to spend time with tonight. With everyone having trickled out into the gardens at their own pace that evening, some of her 'targets' had been easier to seek out than others, but she'd eventually started to check off the names, one by one. But as she passed under an archway covered in fragrant hydrangeas, Eden recalled the nectar-seeking friends who'd kept her company earlier that afternoon as she'd strung up the fairy lights which now dangled from between the blossoms, casting a warm glow onto her from above. A smile spread onto Eden's face as her thoughts turned to one of the dear friends on her list, who she had yet to run into. Bee.
The yellow-and-black of Bettina's adorably on-the-nose costume would surely stand out in the crowd, and with Sahir supposedly decked out in floral patterns to accompany her, well...Eden figured it wouldn't take long to track them down. When she did spot the pair, Eden held back for a minute or two, a soft smile on her face to see her friend in the company of someone she cared so much for, and who cared for her in kind. When a moment arrived that Bee was alone—however briefly that moment might last—Eden made her approach. The smile on her face blossomed into a sunny grin as she called across the garden square, waving a green-gloved hand over her head as she closed the distance between them.
"Okay, seriously—" Eden began, practically vibrating with how giddy she felt, "When you told me you were going as a bee I knew it would be adorable, but Bee!" Eden took a step back, gesturing with both hands at her friend, "You are the cutest thing ever!" she gushed, before leaning in with a glint in her eye, "And Sahir should really bust out the florals more often, he is rocking them."
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The smartest thing for Tetyana to do for her heart would have been to wipe Tristan Galatas from her memory. Delete every text message as well as his number, throw out every photo and every video she had of them together. But, she didn’t. And she didn’t do that because she didn’t feel as though she could. Two years of being together, two years of loving each other, that didn’t just go away because one of them had (foolishly, if she were being open and honest about it) decided to end the relationship.
How did one move on from someone that meant everything to them? Especially when, right before the relationship ended, there had been true worry that she had lost him forever? Perhaps she would have started the process of moving on more easily had they not been thrown together in Thailand.
So they had texted and she had demanded answers. Didn’t she at least deserve closure? And when he texted her about meeting for a conversation, something they should have done months ago, she went.
As she walked in the glow of the setting sun, Tanya took slow breaths, trying to keep herself calm and her thoughts steady. She was always thinking and considering but she was doing her best to keep her head blank, at least of thoughts of Tristan. The conversation would not be easy and she didn’t need to make it worse for herself by thinking through options of what he’d say.
Her breath caught in her throat when she finally saw him, seeing him for the first time in months. Swallowing, she searched for her nerve to finally ask. “Why?”
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He didn't know what he'd wanted her to say, or what he'd expected her to say. Truth be told, he'd tried not to have expectations towards how this conversation would play out, or begin for that matter. Facing Tanya was terrifying enough, and letting his mind run off ahead of him would only have made for one more obstacle to climb over in getting to this moment. Still, that one single word pierced Tristan as if it were an entire speech—there was so much contained within it. It was like he heard a bell toll in the back of his mind, proclaiming that his time had run out. He drew a breath into his lungs.
"I knew how lucky I was, Tanya...that it was a miracle that I'd survived. There wasn't a second after I woke up in that hospital bed that I didn't understand that." he began, "But in those first few days...when I would close my eyes and try to look down the road, imagine the future, there were so many questions and so much uncertainty that I couldn't see a clear picture. Then, as those first few days turned into the first few weeks...I started to see one." his eyes fell to his hands, folded together on the handle of his cane, "But it was grim. It was dark. It made me feel...cold, almost, to look at it...to even think about it. But it's all I could see or think about. When I was awake, when I was asleep...always." Tristan shook his head softly, jaw clenching as it bit back against the memory of that feeling. 
"I didn't know if I'd ever be the same, Tanya. If it turned out I couldn't play or fly again, I didn't believe I ever could be the same. The fear of that...it just took over. And one day I realized...if that darkness got ahold of me and dragged me down...it would drag you down, too." his knuckles of his hands turned white as he raised his eyes to her, "That's what I believed, Tanya. That's what I convinced myself to believe. The way I saw it, my family—my sister...they were just as much at risk of being sucked into all of that as you were, and that was hard enough to imagine. But they're blood. Tied to me for life.” 
As his eyes searched her face, he fought the urge to take a step towards her, instead anchoring himself in place. “But you, Tanya? You didn't have to be tied to me. You could be free from that darkness I percieved in my future. Free from me—from whatever might have become of me. I could set you free. I didn't realize you'd resist like you did, that I'd have to push you away...but in my mind, I had to do it. And I knew it would hurt you. I knew. But I believed I was sparing you an even greater pain."
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|| ♔ || Eden + Aleyna || ♔ ||
While it was true that she'd almost doused a French princess in fruity alcohol—and subsequently struck up a conversation with said princess—on her way over to Aleyna, Eden had made sure to keep tabs on her Turkish friend's whereabouts throughout her first official interaction with Brielle d'Orléans herself. Having set Bri free to continue her own mingling, however much or little of it she felt like engaging in, Eden crossed the rest of the way over to where Aleyna was situated. She was already grinning ear-to-ear as she gave the princess a tap on the leather-clad shoulder and came to stand next to her.
"Aleyna!~" Eden practically squeaked, hands clasping together excitedly at her chest as she got her first proper look at the princess' costume. "You. Look. Incredible! Just like I knew you would!—Oh, and look! I kept my promise, see?" she added, shifting one leg forward and gesturing up her own thigh from knee to hip. "Nixed the skirt. Leg City. We are both reluctant, but dammit, we are both smokeshows." the duchess declared, suddenly catching sight of a waiter passing by with a tray of mystery beverages, and rather smoothly swiping two of them as they passed by. Where was this coordination like ten minutes ago?
Eden held one out to her friend, once again grinning brightly. "I think we deserve a toast—to ourselves."
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|| ♘ || Wes + Connor || ♘ ||
Connor had been having...a rough time of late. That much was clear to Wes. The young man had a big heart, a good soul, and plenty of care and kindness to give to the world, and Wes was grateful to have formed a friendship with him during the time they'd thus far spent in Thailand. Being the younger brother was all Wes had ever known, but part of him had always wondered what it would've been like to take a walk in his older brother Gav's shoes. Since befriending Connor, Wes had come to feel like he was, in fact, getting a taste of what that was like. Of course, he couldn't be sure whether or not Connor would agree that their bond was rather sibling-esque, but he supposed it wasn't something he necessarily had to query him about. 
What Wes did have to query Connor about, however, was his beer of choice. Wes had promised pints. Plural. And what Wes Reeves promises, Wes Reeves delivers...providing that the person he planned to deliver to could locate him across the crowded garden square. Not that it should be a terribly difficult task, given Wes' height...and the fact that he was covered head-to-toe in fake Wookie fur.
Wes straightened up from where he'd been leaning against one of the temporary bars set up around the gardens, once again feeling the urge to rub the eyeliner off of his eyelids (he had to wear it or the eyes of the mask would look ridiculous, he had been told). The mask in question—Chewbacca's furry head—sat somewhat disturbingly on the counter beside him as he searched the clusters of partygoers for the MI6 Agent in question. Finally, he spotted his target. Wes grinned, holding up a freshly-poured mug with one furry hand and waving the other in the air. 
"Oi, 007! Get your arse over here before this goes flat!"
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|| ♔ || Eden + Brielle || ♔ ||
Cal had promised her two hours, and Eden had agreed. It felt like a miracle in itself that she'd even been able to convince her eldest cousin to grace this Halloween shindig with his presence, and even more of one that he'd agreed to humour her by being the Batman to her Robin. Allowing him to vanish into the night when he reached his threshold of socialization was only fair, and that had therefore been the bargain struck. Really, she couldn't complain. Still, with Cal gone (or at least out of sight), Tristan off mingling (another miracle, honestly), and her mission of avoiding Jesse in full swing (nothing against him, of course...it just did not feel awesome watching him walk around with Aur at his side—though, nothing against her, either), Eden suddenly found herself rather by herself. And on Halloween night, at a Halloween event that she helped decorate, no less, that simply would not do. 
With a fresh and very full drink in-hand, Eden's eyes scanned the crowd from behind the black domino mask she wore, seeking a target. They quickly landed on the tell-tale shape of cat ears a little more towards the gazebo, and a bright grin spread across Eden's features. Aleyna. Eden weaved between party-goers, royal and not-so-royal alike, yellow cape swishing behind her. Reaching a bit of a clearing in the crowd, she nearly started jogging towards Aleyna in her excitement. A mistake, naturally. 
The heel of one of her boots caught the edge of an uneven flagstone, and in the split-second before she tripped, Eden caught sight of someone standing dangerously close to the impending splash zone. Her attempt to swap her drink to the opposite hand so it wouldn't spill all over them resulted in it instead splashing half its contents on Eden herself...before slipping out of her gloved hand and smashing onto the pathway at their feet. Eden blinked down at the shattered remains for a moment before looking up, wide-eyed, at—
"Oh! Bri!—uh, Bri-Brielle! It's Brielle, right?" Eden stuttered, realizing she probably shouldn't use a person's nickname—especially one their fiancé uses—when she hasn't properly met them before. The duchess' eyes quickly scanned the French princess' costume for any remnants of her beverage, but to her relief, she couldn't see any. Still... "That was close...I am so sorry." she said, just as a waiter swooped in to clear the crime scene. Eden immediately crouched down, helping them move the larger bits of glass into a dust pan, even as they protested against her help and her apologies. Eden glanced up at Bri, still looking a bit guilty. "In my defense...sometimes we smash dishes on purpose back home...maybe it's a reflex."
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The history she shared with Felix was…complicated, to say the very least. It never had to go that way, it had been her decision to leave as opposed to communicating. Had she spoken to him about how…how nervous she was with how serious they were, how worried the idea of screwing things up had made her, perhaps they’d have been married by now. But, instead, Ayça had just run off, ending the relationship altogether.
Truthfully, she had never moved on from Felix and wasn’t sure she ever truly would. Logically she knew there were ways of moving on and handling her own personal issues, but perhaps she didn’t want to. And now, here they were, together in Thailand when she expected to never see him again. Besides that, she truly thought he must hate her, despite how kind and warm he was to her, even after all these years. If he hated her, she deserved it. He should hate her for what she did, as far as she was concerned.
Shaking her head, her gaze dropped to her hands. “Well, i’m glad that i’m doing something to help you.” He was too kind for his own good, perhaps, willing to talk to her after she broke his heart. Felix had always been far nicer than others deserved. 
Ayça didn’t even have to think long about it. “I’d love to get a drink with you.”
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You're helping more than you know. Felix thought, as he watched Ayça's gaze fall. He watched every nuance of her expression, her body language, unable to look away even if he wanted to. Part of him wished he could see what was running through her mind, and part of him abhorred even the idea of intruding into her precious thoughts. The two halves of him intersected at how well he'd come to know her throughout their time together—how well he could read her subtleties. He detected conflict, guilt, perhaps a twinge of disbelief. And he was hardly oblivious to their source. 
He'd never verbalised the pain of her departure from his life, and he wasn't sure he ever would. He couldn't see it serving any purpose, other than to reinforce for Ayça what she clearly already knew and felt. He could sense how it stung her, and for her to hurt in any way was a travesty to him. That she was here, facing him, connecting with him—or trying to, as it appeared...to him that was an apology in and of itself. An apology he wasn't even sure he wanted or needed her to make, but if it meant she was back in his life, he'd accept it with an open heart. Perhaps on some sleepless night, his mind might begin to wander and wonder...maybe even worry if he let it. Of course he didn't want history to repeat itself, and he'd been so full of hope since reuniting with Ayça that he'd scarcely even let his thoughts touch on the notion. But he knew there was some form of anxiety within him, however buried, that would eagerly emerge at the first opportunity. Right now was decidedly not the time to provide one, and so he simply smiled at the woman who was still the only one he could imagine himself loving, and bowed his head as he announced his brief departure to acquire the requisite beverages.
Soon enough, Felix had led Ayça a bit further away from the din of celebration at the water's edge, finding a rather quaint cluster of benches near the path which led back to the palace. A string of hanging lights draped between the branches overhead cast a soft glow over the pair as they sat next to each other, and once again Felix's eyes were anchored by enchantment to the woman beside him.
"Even now, I find myself in disbelief that we both find ourselves here, of all places." Felix said with a shake of his head, as he rested one ankle on the opposite knee and leaned back where he sat. "Tell me, my dear. How did you end up in fair Thailand, where we lay our scene?" he asked, the hint of a playful smile tugging at his lips as he swirled the drink in his hand.
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The slowness that any day could bring to the bar had never worried Luna in the slightest. Sure, there could be revenue to be made, good times to be had, but that usually came when the sun decided to sink down over the horizon and the moon rose to bring out the mischief of the night. Truly, there was something to be said about the moon and her enticement towards the unordinary which was the very reason the woman had always been so fond of her own name. She, like the goddess of the night, was anything but ordinary. 
Besides, she had a side business that brought in plenty of work with the royals roaming around the village these days. If anything could be said about those brats it was the fact that they loved their indulgences. A smile graced supple lips as Luna made her way out of the back room, parting black curtains that stood between the main bar area and a hallway that lead to where the true party lay in wait along with a back door her other clientele could make their escape through. She’d been busy with a particular fiend that came in the form of high society as one of her bar tenders managed the front but the blonde hadn’t expected another person to actually be there as she broke through into the light the beautiful day outside provided. It was a pleasant surprise, though.
“Hey, I hope Niran hasn’t kept you waiting. He can be a bit of a knuckle head sometimes.” 
Familiarity hit her like a brick to the stomach as the voice reached her ears. Years of hearing that tone, the mix of tons of accents that created something so unique to the young woman, sparked memories that delved deep into the back of her mind. But it wasn’t until she turned to face Luna that the Croatian was able to fully place her and the name slipped softly into the silence that had fallen upon the room. “Freydis…”
It had been so long since she’d spoken that word. Luna, after hearing what had become of their faction, had searched for years for the woman she’d practically watched grow up but to avail. The shock that came with finally seeing her again was evident, mouth open while her eyes were starting to shine with unshed tears. How she had missed her. The urge to take Freydis into her arms was overwhelming. She moved forward, not thinking of her bartender’s watchful eyes or the people milling about outside, and wrapped the other woman into a tight hug. “I looked for you for so long, I tried so hard to think of all of your little tricks.” It seemed the younger woman had some things to still teach Luna after all.
She stayed in that position for as long as Freydis would allow, eyes full of questioning after the two had parted. “I heard what happened…why didn’t you come find me? Or Armin? Does he know you’re here?”
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Her name, her true name, echoed in her head as it left Luna's lips. She tried to recall the last time she'd heard it spoken—who had said it, where and when—but the memory wasn't there. Not buried, not erased, just...nonexistent. She hadn't etched the moment into her mind. She hadn't thought it important at the time. Perhaps that was for the best. After all, it couldn't have been spoken by someone Tyrzah considered a friend. She didn't have many of those, and any she did have, well...they were from the far more recent past than that name. Except, it seemed, the friend in front of her...if she could still call Luna that. Tyrzah hated that her instincts forced her to question it—the history she and Luna shared. Sure, Luna had been a part of Tyrzah's life during it's darkest hours, but she herself had not contributed to that darkness. If anything, she had done the opposite, despite how inadequately Tyrzah was able to express such a thing in those days...and perhaps even still. But she had trusted and been betrayed by people she had known much longer than Luna—people she had considered her family since the earliest days of her childhood, even if she knew better in hindsight.
The look on Luna's face was one Tyrzah was uncertain how to feel towards. There was so much emotion behind it—so much sentiment, and neither were things that the Icelander was used to having directed at her. Growing up under her father's cold and watchful eye, to feel too deeply was outlawed—condemned as weakness, as a danger to oneself and to the crew. And to show affection? Well...Tyrzah could count on one hand the number of times she'd experienced that, or something akin to it, from her father. And even then, she had to question its authenticity. His conditioning had done its job, and done it well, as evidenced by the way Tyrzah stiffened as Luna drew her into her arms. Shoving down her defensive impulses, she slowly put her arms around the other woman in kind, however mechanical they must have felt. 
Though Tyrzah kept her memories of those days locked tightly behind the bars of her subconscious, she allowed a few to slip through in that moment; simple things that Luna had given her during her time with the crew. A knowing glance, an encouraging word, tossing her a fresh (and freshly scavenged) apple. Small moments that had etched themselves into Tyrzah's mind. Glimmers of light within the bitter shadow of her life.
Tyrzah released herself from the embrace—likely still a bit too early, she thought—and turned to lean against an adjacent pool table. The ghost of a smile appeared on her face. "You came close, once or twice. Right on my heels." Tyrzah said, recalling each moment she'd realized someone was on the hunt. Her green eyes then flickered to the floor. "But I didn't want to be found." She let a silent moment drift past. "I ran into Armin a few years ago, actually. I don't know if he meant to be, but he's part of the reason I...got back in." Tyrzah said, unsure how else to phrase her reluctant, yet seemingly necessary return to the rebel life. "But he doesn't know I'm here. Not yet."
Tyrzah saw the look on Luna's face, the questions swimming behind her eyes. She breathed in deeply, mouth settling back into a hard line."I don't know what you heard, Luna...about my father or the crew, or me." she began, eyes drifting to the window and growing more distant with each word she spoke. "If you heard that he was captured and killed, well...that much is true. If you heard that I was 'removed' from command a year after inheriting it from him...not so true. I stepped down, and I left. Made myself a ghost. And I knew I couldn't take anything with me.I had to leave all of it behind. Everyone, everything. Even my name." she turned her gaze back to Luna. "It's Tyrzah now."
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So I say thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty What would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me
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Ollie was far too lax in his dealings with customers. He simply did his flower arrangements and sent them on their way to their homes and kept quiet through most of his work days. However, he was in the middle of a back and forth with a clearly hungover lady demanding pain meds that he obviously wouldn’t have to sell, and of course, he wasn’t going to go handing out personal meds to someone he didn’t know. However, he was relieved when they stormed out, just so he could be left be again. He gave a glance toward Eden, a regular little flower lover he had grown used to being around often in his shop. “Arguably, I am fucking stupid most days, but did they really just get mad and storm out because I don’t have Tylenol at a flower shop? I’m going to be the one that needs the fucking Tylenol if this is going to be my day…” @thewritingsofsammy·
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Angry customer lady could have chosen literally any other time of the day—or the week, for that matter—to be in Ollie's shop...but no, she chose to be there at the exact same time as Eden. Naturally. The duchess busied herself browsing a shelf of seed packets...over and over...and over again, the activity becoming ever more awkward each time, until the disturber of her much-needed peace (and Ollie's as well) finally stormed out of the premises. She drew in a deep breath once the vibes had calmed back down to where they rightfully should be in a flower shop, feeling the tranquility she'd come here to feel finally begin to set in. Hazel eyes flickered up to where Ollie stood as he spoke, but quickly narrowed at the words.
"First...don't talk about my friend that way." Eden began, the hint of a smirk betraying her 'serious face'. "Secondly, flowers don't like it when you swear, you know. They have delicate sensibilities." She gathered up two handfuls of seed packets—one of every kind,  of course, so as to not leave anyone out—and brought them to the counter, cracking a grin. "Thirdly...I think this might be sign from the universe for you to start stocking Tylenol."
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Yay Halloween!
— || Tristan as The Riddler || — || Eden as OG Robin || —
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The seasons are changing and autumn is in the air! (As much as it can be on a tropical island, at least...) So, to celebrate the spooky season, all are invited to the palace gardens on Halloween Night for an evening of fun and fright!
Aside from all-you-can-eat-and-drink refreshments (all themed, of course), plus music and dancing at the gazebo, be sure to:
Explore the Haunted Maze (if you dare!).
Drag your squad to the Photo Booth.
Hear ghost stories from Thai folklore.
Vote on your favourite costume(s) of the evening.
The festivities will begin at sundown. Costumes are highly encouraged ;)
See you there, mortals!
I think we all know the drill for this event stuff by now! Thread away! No time constraints or anything :) From the sounds of it the next event will go up in November. Have fun! - Sammy ♡
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Anger is a messy emotion, her mother’s voice echoed through her mind. Even now thousands of miles away from the woman who’d sharpened Aurélie into the finest tool and aimed her at their allies - those lesson still lingered deep in her marrow. Somewhere in that inebriated mind, she was already sorting out how best to handle this - the rational self preservation digging a deeper hole to bury the pain and justifying the actions she’d take to find a sliver of control over her own life again. But under all this armor was just more anger - cold and cruel and icy sharp, aimed to strike out at the first person who shattered the porcelain facade. 
“Stop being so fucking nice to me.” She tried to snap but it came out pleading, which only increased her anger. Aurêlie let out a groan of frustration. “I am not crazy! I am allowed to be angry, stop being nice to me and let me be fucking angry! Fight back, you fucking asshole.” She threw the napkin at him, well more in his direction, and then when it crumpled to the floor pathetically the dauphine screamed in a rage. He was too forgiving, too rational - she knew she’d end up giving in because she’d always gone for the easiest path.
So she did what any self respecting monarch would do and stood on the table. 
“No - don’t you dare give me that shit. This wasn’t making choices I disagree with because in order to disagree with something - I have to know what the fuck it is!” She shouted the last bit. “Fuck you - lying doesn’t keep anyone safe; deliberately withholding important information doesn’t make you a good guard, it just makes you like them. Thinking I’m too stupid and fragile and reckless to do or know anything important.” 
And then she broke - something bone deep shattered and she collapsed into sobs on the table. Because that’s what it really was about - another person she loved tucking her away as a liability, someone who couldn’t be trusted with actual, useful information. Wasn’t that a major part of the reason why she’d spent her day following Zeke down his depraved rabbit hole? Sex and drugs and demanding attention, that was what they’d relegated her too - all that she was deemed ‘good at’. And there he was, Wes - her last little glimmer of hope, doing the exact same thing. 
“It’s fine,” her voice shook and she didn’t move from where her face was pressed against her knees. “I will be fine. I always am. Just leave me be and in the morning it will be like nothing happened. I didn’t even break anything this time.” 
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Aur had told him, time and again, how she felt that any control she had over her life had been slipping through her fingers since arriving in this place. It was something Wes tried to form an understanding about day after day, but unless he could really get in her head, he wasn’t sure he could ever truly know what she was feeling. But if control was what she wanted--if things going her way was what she wanted, then fine. Wes would oblige. She affirmed her right to be angry—fucking angry, to be specific—so he let her, watching and listening as the future queen raged down at him from her vantage point atop the table. The words cut at him, as they knew he would, but he refused to let them sink in any deeper than that.
Then, she collapsed in on herself, form crumpled where it had stood so defiantly a mere second ago. Wes' every instinct urged him to go to her, wrap her in his arms until calm once again enveloped her. But no. He had to hold back this time. For both their sakes. There was an opportunity here, and it wasn't the kind he could let slip away. Wes stood up from the couch and sat on the arm rest instead, so he could properly face the dauphine. He folded his arms across his chest and drew in an uncertain, yet determined breath.
"I'm not gonna fight back, Aur. Not in the way that you want me to. What I will do is be honest with you." he declared, "But just remember, my honesty is what you wanted." Wes let a moment pass as he gathered his thoughts. He didn't often have to consider his words as he did now. "I'm scared, Aur. I'm scared for you, I'm scared for your family. I'm scared for your people." Wes began, "You practically command me to trust you, but when push comes to shove you don't have a scrap of trust in me. How is that supposed to work in the long run, Aur? And how long will it be before you can't trust anyone? Before you're paranoid that everyone's out to get you? That's the way these things tend to go, and I don't want to see that happen to you. And that's only the tip of the iceberg." Wes took another moment to breathe. 
"You're stuck in this...constant, vicious cycle of self-destruction, that just repeats and repeats. You worry about being seen as stupid and reckless? Sometimes it's no wonder, Aur, because yes. Parts of that cycle are really bloody stupid, and really bloody reckless. And I know you have your reasons, Aur. I do. But you can't be dealing with this shit while you're ruling a country. It won't work, Aur. It'd be a bloody disaster...for you, and for everyone else. You have to break the cycle. You have to heal. You have to try. It's gonna be scary as hell...and fucking difficult. That shit always is. But you have an opportunity to do that here that I don't think you've realized. You're away from the people and the places that wound you up here in the first place, and if you'll pardon the expression, I think you need to grab that by the balls and run with it." Wes said, unfolding his arms and slipping his hands into his pockets as his voice softened. 
"Being here could be the best thing that's ever happened to you, Aur. The best thing that's ever happened for you. If you put in the work now, then whenever the hell we end up leaving this place, you could be entirely ready to take the throne the next day, if you had to, and do a damn good job of it. If you believe people think you don't know things, that you're fragile, reckless, what have you, then prove them wrong. Prove them all bloody wrong. Get your shit together, quit the bullshit, and show people you give a shit about what you're going to inherit."
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Val nodded as he worked, liking the silence as he put up one plant, then the other. He was enjoying the silence as he worked, and once he was finished, he turned around and stopped as he heard her questions, nodding at the pressure part. It was pressure to be a crown prince, to get the throne and marry someone his country would love-someone he would love-and gently laughed at her musing. 
“Well one, they teach us not to prank each other while at the table,” he replied, remembering the many times he would find someway to prank his brothers, mostly Kylian because it was easy, and then turn around and get pranked back. “But we also know how to dance, play the piano, learn some facts along the way about stuff…like…” 
He looked around before one came to his mind. “Did you know that tulips were more valuable than gold?”
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A bright grin spread across Eden's features at Valentin's response, her own mind playing back memories of growing up with her older brother Tristan back in Greece; not exactly a 'royal' upbringing, per se, but being born a duke and duchess wasn't all that far off, from the sounds of it. Except that dinner table mischief was a constant and very real threat in their household, ranging anywhere from the classic salt-sugar swap to all-out food wars. 
The duchess wrinkled her nose somewhat at the mention of dancing...a part of Valentin's upbringing Eden could, in fact relate to. Full-body coordination didn't exactly come naturally to her, and she had more than a few embarrassing memories of being taught to waltz. She'd eventually figured the whole thing out, thank goodness, but not before being a royal (pun intended) pain in her instructor's side. Unintentionally, of course.
"Okay, firstly...no dinner table pranks?" Eden repeated, with a bit of a pout, "That's no fun at all. My condolences. Might I suggest, however..." she continued, this time with a smirk, "...making up for it while you're here? Just think of the mischief you can get away with while you're so far from home." the duchess grinned. Then, she narrowed her eyes, "Secondly...tulips pricier than gold? I hadn’t a clue, actually. But I'll bet the Dutch were behind it."
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Anusha looked at the doctor and raised their eyebrow at him. Why was this man talking to them when he could easily be doing his job or taking some time off? They weren’t the type to reach out to people. They had their small group of friends and confidants which was enough. “Joy. I think I’ll just remain bed bound rather than try to stumble along and hold my weight by my armpits,” they huffed as they turned back at the flowers.
“I’m good. I have people to go complain to already. I don’t particularly care for socializing at the moment,” Anusha admitted. They were fully aware of how their disappearance had caused quite a commotion at the palace and how it put even further strain between the security teams and the royals. They didn’t need to be reminded of that more. They learned their lesson in trying to talk to people outside of their circle. No one else would ever understand Anusha or try to understand Anusha except for them. 
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Felix smirked at Anusha's rather tepid response. He hadn't exactly expected the suggestion to go over well, and he supposed a healthy dose of sarcasm from the royal was better than most of the alternatives. But he'd had the idea, and so he'd shared it—a force of habit the doctor had carried with him his whole life. Of course, Anusha not putting their leg to use as it healed would be quite a detriment to the process, but for once, Felix held his tongue. Such things could just as easily be addressed in the clinic, during the inevitable check-ups the royal would be subjected to in the coming weeks and months.
"It was merely a suggestion. Free to be taken with a grain of salt, if you will." Felix replied, raising his hands in mock surrender before once again folding them in his lap, "Although, while I suspect it's neither here nor there to you, Anusha...I am glad to hear that you've got friends by your side. I wouldn't want you to face the tribulations of recovery all by yourself." he said, and though his tone remained casual, the sentiment behind it was genuine. He'd witnessed more human loneliness throughout his career than he cared to admit—hospital window sills void of cards or flowers when they should be overflowing—and knew all too well the importance that companionship played in any sort of healing.
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