#event || halloween 2121
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Yay Halloween!
— || Tristan as The Riddler || — || Eden as OG Robin || —
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loupettes · 3 years
A year of loup.fics 🎉
A year ago today, I posted my first ever piece of fanfic! 👏🏻 237801 words later, I've done a cheeky roundup of all 67 pieces of work I've written in my first year.
Purple: Upon reflection, these are my favourite pieces ☺️
Blue: Teen rating
I’ve had a blast writing the stories I have, and I cannot believe the amount of reception they’ve received. I never thought I’d get into the world of fan fiction writing, but it’s turned out to be something I really enjoy doing. Escapism/denial of responsibilities at its finest!
Things I want to tackle within the next year
a GITF fix-it (it’s in the works!)
FINALLY post one of the E ratings in my drafts 👀
Finish doomsday 
Post more Nine!
Here’s the complete list!
soho down to peckham, then back up again | hiraeth 
redamancy | prate | schiamatchy | morosis | fanaa | yoko meshi | liberosis | ephemeral | laconic | ab initio | eccedentesiast | aegis | lacuna | dès vu | kilig | mamihlapinatapei | natsukashii | dépaysement | exulansis | procellous | woolgathering | matutine | greng-jai | samba | washing | sphallolalia | the stone rose | spaghettification and the singularity | a thousand times but only once | mistletoe| gingerbread | midnight | apricity | twenty one | eight, nine, ten   
clinomania | suspiration | limerence | latibule | caim | anacampserote | goetic | gotong-royong | quab | kit kat caramac | safeway in thornton heath | marylebone to king's cross | a thousand times but only once 
new earth | tooth and claw | school reunion | the girl in the fireplace | 2.04.1 | rise of the cybermen | the age of steel | the idiot's lantern | the impossible planet | the satan pit | 2.09.1 | love and monsters | fear her | army of ghosts | doomsday 
Click under the cut for more details, or click a random link above and see where it takes you!
redamancy: 321 words, TEN x ROSE. Fear Her missing scene ficlet.
prate: 3962 words, TEN x ROSE. New Years Eve party domestics.
clinomania: 2302 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Their beginning on the parallel world.
schiamatchy: 2773 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose feels the devil's prophecy following Krop Tor.
morosis: 1489 words, TEN x ROSE. Small ficlet whereby Rose and the Doctor escape prison.
fanaa: 2121 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Satan Pit missing scene ficlet.
concilliabule: 1048 words, NO PAIRING. The Tyler fam & Mickey getting up to no good on the parallel world.
suspiration: 1095 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose get locked out of the TARDIS.
limerence: 2002 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Things get a little heated after Tony's birthday party between the Doctor and Rose.
latibule: 682 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor plays a game of Marco/Polo with his family.
yoko meshi: 2293 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose finds a new way to tell the Doctor how long she plans on staying with him.
caim: 2190 words, TEN x ROSE. The Impossible Planet missing scene.
liberosis: 2868 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place during School Reunion. The Doctor talks to one of his students about love.
ephemeral: 4271 words, TEN x ROSE. Devastated after losing Rose, the Doctor runs into a past version of her on the TARDIS.
laconic: 3041 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Age of Steel anger UST.
ab initio: 2354 words, TEN x ROSE. After the Christmas Invasion, Rose and the new Doctor have a chat.
eccedentesiast: 2954 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-the Idiot's Lantern. The Doctor takes Rose somewhere and they talk about the events of the day.
anacampserote: 3380 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor does his best to help Rose adjust to this new him.
aegis: 3596 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-New Earth, the Doctor looks after a post-psychograft Rose
lacuna: 4412 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose learns of what happened to Nine.
goetic: 2104 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Halloween nonsense where the Doctor, Rose, and Tony play a game to spook Jackie.
dès vu: 2619 words, TEN x ROSE. A quiet moment of stargazing between the Doctor and Rose.
kilig: 2669 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose flirts with somebody at a bar, and the Doctor get jealous.
gotong-royong: 1839 words, TENTOO x ROSE. A disaster in London strikes, and Rose panics she might have lost the Doctor.
mamihlapinatapei: 4538 words, TEN x ROSE. A morning in bed spent discussing their relationship.
natsukashii: 2820 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor draws Rose a bath after finding a rare moment of quiet between themselves.
quab: 2365 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose play a daft game they used to play back on the other universe.
dépaysement: 4744 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose run into Jimmy Stone at the pub.
exulansis: 5797 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose comforts the Doctor after a nightmare.
ataraxia: 4121 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-The Satan Pit, Rose can't sleep.
procellous: 5728 words, TENTOO x ROSE. A stormy night in Pete's world, Rose finally gets to ask the questions she's been wanting to since they were separated.
woolgathering: 1227 words, TEN x ROSE. Small scene where Doomsday never happens!
kit kat caramac: 2094 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor has something to hopefully cheer up a very pregnant Rose.
amity: 2690 words, NO PAIRING. A Journey's End missing scene when Rose, Donna and Martha get to talk.
matutine: 3015 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Fear Her, the Doctor tells Rose he loves her.
greng-jai: 5570 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor seemed to have gotten the wrong idea about their relationship.
samba: 2186 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-New Earth, Rose learns of what she did when possessed by Cassandra and, suffice to say, is mortified. The Doctor tries his best to fix it.
washing: 1322 words, TEN x ROSE. Domestic fluff and a broken washing machine.
safeway in thornton heath: 2745 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Rose and Tentoo stop at the supermarket on their way back from Norway, and Rose can't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the monotonous life the Doctor now faces.
sphallolalia: 17484 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose is the maid of honour for Shareen’s wedding, but the Doctor, unsurprisingly, doesn’t seem all that enticed by a day of romance and weddings, and Rose is starting to draw the attention of others, one of whom is Jimmy Stone.
marylebone to king's cross: 2513 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Tentoo and Rose on their ten-year anniversary.
the stone rose: 3339 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-The Stone Rose, the Doctor regrets the events of the day — or rather, what that kiss might have done to his and Rose's relationship.
spaghettification and the singularity: 6773 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose is sick on Krop Tor, and she worries it might have something to do with the black hole above them. The Doctor does his best to comfort her and get her to sleep.
soho down to peckham, then back up again: 4508 words, NINE x ROSE. Rose tries to go 24 hours back at home without talking to the Doctor, but he can't do the same to her.
a thousand times but only once: 6656 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Rose wakes one ordinary Saturday morning to find the Doctor she's been building a life with making her pancakes in the kitchen.
Until he's not the Doctor she's been building a life with.
new earth: 8584 words, TEN x ROSE. Set after the Doctor and Rose drop Chip off to say goodbye to Cassandra, where the two spend a night in New New York getting to know the new him. Fluff, humour and a sprinkling of romance.
tooth and claw: 2720 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place on the cart ride back to the TARDIS. Fluff, humour and a slightly hormonal Rose Tyler faced with a devilishly handsome Tenth Doctor.
school reunion: 5416 words, TEN x ROSE. Split into two chapters: chapter one takes place the morning of, chapter two takes place in the evening following their trip to Deffry Vale High.
the girl in the fireplace: 7076 words, TEN x ROSE. Two chapters, takes place after the Doctor severs all links on the ship and tries to mend his relationship with Rose.
2.04.1: 2727 words, TEN x ROSE. Set between the Girl in the Fireplace and Rise of the Cybermen. There's still a lot left to discuss following the events on that spaceship and the nature of the Doctor and Reinette's relationship, and Rose wants the answers to questions she’s been too afraid to ask.
rise of the cybermen: 4539 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place at Pete's mansion, where Rose is saddened, conflicted, and most certainly bored. She and the Doctor play a game of 'Who am I?' away from Jackie's party to pass the time.
the age of steel: 9295 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place after the Doctor drops Rose off at her mum's. Rose mourns the loss of Mickey, and deals with the aftermath of having two of the most important people in her life turn her away. And, worryingly, the Doctor is nowhere to be found. Has he left her, too?
the idiot's lantern: 7642 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place at the street party following the events of the day. The Doctor and Rose enjoy the end of an evening of laughter and giddiness together with a dance. But Rose can feel herself getting nervous as the night comes, afraid that she might be reliving the day in her nightmares.
the impossible planet: 10395 words, TEN x ROSE. Two chapters: chapter one takes place in the canteen pre-mortgage chat, where the Doctor struggles with the strange sensation that he's on the verge of something quite terrifying — and oddly tempting; chapter two takes place that night when Rose can't sleep and the Doctor offers her comfort.
the satan pit: 12522 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose and the Doctor wind down after their escape from Krop Tor, and Rose can feel a shift in the Doctor's demeanour and their relationship. But as the end of the evening approaches, her anxieties following their time on that planet still haven't been addressed, and she's a bit too afraid to do so.
2.09.1: 4278 words, TEN x ROSE. Set between The Satan Pit and Love and Monsters. The Doctor finds himself completely and utterly in love with Rose Tyler as they stand beneath the stars on a frozen lake.
love and monsters: 5676 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place after their encounter with the Abzorbaloff. The Doctor and Rose spend the night at Jackie's following what happened with Elton, and Rose has caught quite the cold. But Jackie's started to notice things have changed a little between Rose and the Doctor, and she has some questions for the man who is, quite obviously, very in love with her daughter.
fear her: 5163 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor takes Rose for a peaceful breakfast picnic on an uninhabited planet before their trip to the 2012 summer Olympics in London.
army of ghosts: 4941 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose enjoy a domestic morning in bed, talking about horoscopes and taking relationship quizzes that ultimately lead to more serious conversations.
doomsday: 24827 words, TEN x ROSE. Tells the story of how the Doctor went from losing Rose at Canary Wharf to finding her on Bad Wolf Bay, with past missing scenes of their time together that detail just how he was able to do so. [UNFINISHED] ... good luck loup.
mistletoe: 4931 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor suffers a Christmas party back in present day London with Rose.
gingerbread: 3336 words, TEN x ROSE. The TARDIS is transformed into a gingerbread house!
midnight: 7187 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor pines over Rose at a New Year's Eve party.
apricity: 2990 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose, on the TARDIS, Christmas Eve, getting ready for Christmas back on the Powell Estate.
hiraeth: 4941 words, NINE x ROSE. After leaving the Doctor alone in his grief, Rose is still upset over what happened that day he left her and Mickey on that spaceship for Reinette. She goes to find him and confront her feelings, but runs into somebody she could never have imagined to instead.
twenty one: 12439 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor attends Rose's 21st birthday party.
eight, nine, ten: 20585 words, TEN x ROSE, EIGHT x ROSE. The Doctor takes Rose to 2030's New York to investigate paranormal activity at a nightclub. Rose, exhausted from their flirting that seems to be going nowhere, meets a man who charms her in a way she can't quite explain.
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
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2020 Halloween Event Masterlist~
✧ Day 1 - Samatoki Aohitsugi
Quote/AU: I’m a vampire, but you’re my human s/o and you really want to go on a picnic date but I don’t know if I can be in the sun that long
✧ Day 2 - Nemu Aohitsugi
Quote/AU: I’m a demon and you’re a witch and we go to a magical boarding school together and I’m madly in love with you
✧ Day 3 - Riou Busujima
Quote/AU: Ghosts
✧ Day 4 - Rosho Tsutsujimori
Quote/AU: “Halloween really isn’t that bad. I promise”
✧ Day 5 - Hifumi Izanami
Quote/AU: Haunted House
✧ Day 6 - Jyushi Aimono
Quote/AU: We’re going to a costume party but you only like cute costumes and I only like scary costumes
✧ Day 7 - Otome Tohoten
Quote/AU: Apple Picking
✧ Day 8 - Doppo Kannonzaka
Quote/AU: “I think I may be cursed”
✧ Day 9 - Hitoya Amaguni
Quote/AU: "How do you drink cold blood? It tastes disgusting when it’s even lukewarm, it needs to be hot.”
✧ Day 10 - Saburo Yamada
Quote/AU: Pumpkin carving
✧ Day 11 - Jakurai Jinguji
Quote/AU: “Imagine what they would say if you showed them your true form”
✧ Day 12 - Dice Arisugawa
Quote/AU: “Please don’t gamble your candy with children”
✧ Day 13 - Rei Amayado
Quote/AU: "I hate being a succubus, I swear, if I have to have meaningless sex one more time I’m going to throw myself into a witch’s cauldron.”
✧ Day 14 - Gentaro Yumeno
Quote/AU: Scavenger Hunt
✧ Day 15 - Jiro Yamada
Quote/AU: We were supposed to go to a party tonight, but you’re a werewolf and it’s a full moon so I guess we’re staying in and cuddling
✧ Day 16 - Ichijiku Kadenokoji
Quote/AU: "It’s nice not to have to dress up. We can just be ourselves!”
✧ Day 17 - Kuko Harai
Quote/AU: Zombies
✧ Day 18 - Juto Iruma
Quote/AU: You’re a cop that came to break up the Halloween party we’re at but I thought it was just your costume
✧ Day 19 - Ichiro Yamada
Quote/AU: You found an old ouija board and we playfully decided to try it but little did we know that our house is haunted
✧ Day 20 - Sasara Nurude
Quote/AU: “No way! You are not kissing me with clown make up on!”
✧ Day 21 - Ramuda Amemura
Quote/AU: I love exploring old homes and you’re terrified of ghosts but I drag you along anyways
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affatmntfan · 4 years
Last events of 2020 and news from the AFFA staff
Here the big new: AFFA will come back! 
The nomination ballot could be filled from January 1st 2121! Be ready and already bookmark your faves! But before that we need more fanworks!
Before the end of the year 2020 (Can’t wait for it to be over) there two events-to our knowledge at least. 
The Spooky Gift exchange from October 1 to November 1
Everybody wants Leo’s  annual event that would be hosted the week of November 29.-More info to come
The participation to these events is important, because it encourage fanworks. It’s easiest to fill a nomination ballot if many works had been posted!
Here some infos about the next event:
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​Spooky Gift Exchange-Last Call
How it’s work it’s pretty simple: You do something, you get something for Halloween. Many have already signed up, but the more, the merrier
Requirements for writers:
1000 words fic, at least. The rating can range from General to Explicit.
Requirements for artists:
1000 pixel wide. Color or black and white with shadowing is allowed. If you want to make a comic, at least three panels are required.
If you’re interested:  Sign-up here starting today!
People who didn’t fill the form wouldn’t be paired.
No Tcest hater.
If you are a minor, please mention it in the section “Do you have squicks, triggers and NOTPs?” This section has been created in the form to be sure that gifts don’t contain something that could make the giftee uncomfortable.
For this event, the pairings are randomly chosen by the admin.
10th August: Sign-ups close (hurry up if you want to participate)
13th August: Assignments sent out by mail.
1st October to 1st November: Gifts are due
You can post them here, on DA, IB or A03 with the tag: tmntspooky and don’t forget to include the giftee name.
art by @neattea-tmnt​
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tsukinocon · 7 years
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Tsukino-Con Event Services has once again jumped from the shadows to share some important information with all of you.
Did we scare you? Our apologies if we did.
With one of the most fun & exciting times of the year upon us, we would like to share our tips with you to enjoy a safe & spooky Halloween.
The following are some simple & effective methods that anyone can use to help enhance the safety & security of everyone enjoying Halloween related activities.
° Travel in groups. You will be better equipped to handle any emergency that may arise. Plus, it's no fun going alone.
° Not everyone celebrates or has fun on Halloween. If there are no decorations or outside lights on, or there is a sign on the door; move onto the next house. Please be respectful of those who do not wish to participate.
° Wear layered, comfortable clothing if possible. Walking around in a cumbersome or uncomfortable costume is no fun for all involved. Dressing in layers will ensure that you are able to add or remove clothing should you become too hot or too cold. I'm sure many veteran cosplayers can attest to this.
° Carry a good quality, bright flashlight with fresh batteries. Not only will this help you see in low light, it can help you signal for help in the event of an emergency.
° Remove your mask/face covering. With the exception of Religious or Cultural purposes, it is suggested that you remove any face coverings when entering any business. Many stores & businesses will prohibit the wearing of face coverings inside their establishment(s) or on their property on Halloween & will usually have signs stating such. If there is no sign or you are unsure, ask. Many business owners or employees will be thankful that you took the time & effort to do so.
° When Trick-or-Treating with smaller children, it is important to keep in mind that they may become very excited at times. It is essential to always pay close attention. Hold onto their hands near busy streets & when crossing.
° Parents/Guardians/Older siblings; helping little ones pick out or create a costume can be an an amazing experience that both of you will remember for a long time. Remember: Having fun is the key aspect.
° When possible, bring along a small wagon or cart to carry any tired/sleepy little ones, haul around their mountains of goodies, or just carry any needed supplies.
° Inspect all goodies before consumption. This will ensure that nothing harmful is hidden amongst the treasures. Also inspect the products "Best before" date to ensure that everyone gets the best tasting treats possible. If it is past the date indicated, do not consume. After all, nobody likes stale candy. Right?
° If your celebrations include consumer fireworks; some municipalities prohibit or restrict the use of fireworks within their jurisdictions. If you are unsure whether the use of fireworks is allowed where you plan to use them, contact the local municipal hall or fire department to find out. If using fireworks is okay, always follow the instructions on the packaging or devices. Have an extinguishing source nearby, wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & always have contact information for the local emergency services close at hand. -------------------------------------------------------------------
For your reference, we have included some contact information for various emergency services located within the greater Victoria area.
Any calls for medical issues should be made to 9-1-1. The BC Ambulance call taker will determine the urgency of the injury/illness & will dispatch resources accordingly.
Victoria Police: 250-995-7654 Fire: 250-384-1122
Oak Bay Police: 250-592-2424 Fire: 250-592-9121
Saanich Police: 250-475-4321 Fire: 250-475-6111
Central Saanich Police: 250-652-4441 Fire: 250-544-4238
Sidney/North Saanich R.C.M.P: 250-656-3931 Fire: 250-656-2121 if no answer: 250-475-6111 (Saanich Fire Dept)
Westshore (Colwood, Highlands, Langford, Metchosin & View Royal)
R.C.M.P: 250-474-2264 (All Westshore area)
Colwood Fire: 250-478-8321
Highlands Fire - Chief Dean Ford: 250-920-6970
Langford Fire: 250-478-9555 After hours: 250-478-7770
Metchosin Fire: 250-478-1307
View Royal Fire: 250-479-7322
Poison Control: 1-800-567-8911
BC Conservation Service: 1-877-952-7277
Thanks for your time, and we wish everyone the safest, spookiest Halloween possible!!
- Tsukino-Con Event Services
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