thetriangle-guy · 7 years
This was Ziggy’s second semester at the school, which meant he wasn’t aware of which wizards and witches people tended to avoid. Most of them seemed to be in the Slytherin house, though. He looked at the boy curiously, trying to figure out why he was intently staring at someone from across the courtyard. He was giving off Michael Myers’ vibes by doing so, but Ziggy was hardly afraid of anyone at the school. Oddly enough, the Gryffindor himself had also been added to that list and people weren’t even fully aware of how horrible he really was.
“Yes.” Ziggy replied with the same tone Bill had given him. “I left my quill here by accident and I think you’re sitting on it.”
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Bill raised an eyebrow at this before slowly regarding the young man in front of him. “I would have noticed if I was sitting on a quill for this long on this uncomfortable of a bench. Sure it’s not with whatever lemon you sucked to get that expression on your face?” Bill wasn’t sure what the kid actually wanted, but body language was key to nearly every conversation, and nothing about the student read as docile.
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thetriangle-guy · 7 years
Flik had been doing ok for most of the day. He’d been able to focus on most of the conversations he’d been involved in, he had kept his attention on the work he needed to get done, and he had managed to avoid thinking of his failed inventions basically the whole time. So that made the descending grey fog all the more difficult to handle. He knew he’d gone outside for a reason, but eventually he paused, not able to remember what it was, or why he wanted to be outside in the first place. Was there a person he’d been looking for? Or maybe he’d just been bored and wanted company. But before he could sort it out, he realized someone was speaking to him. And they were annoyed. “Oh. Um. Sorry. I didn’t mean to hover. It’s my fault.”
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Bill’s gaze narrowed further at the reply. “If you didn’t mean to do it, why did you do it all? Did you lose control of your limbs there?”
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thetriangle-guy · 7 years
Felicity spotted Bill from across the way and thought he’d be decent to sit beside while she tried to focus on her studies. Bill wouldn’t mind either would he? With her hands stuffed she smiled making her way over. At his voice she jumped and huffed at the book that went falling. “I wasn’t hovering … I was trying to come see if you’d like some company.”
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Originally posted by graceshellbys
Felicity. Bill tried to relax his expression so she would feel as ease. “Oh, sure, yeah. Sorry, I was lost in thought so I just wasn’t sure who entered my bubble there.” He shifted over slightly and offered a far more open space for her to sit in. 
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thetriangle-guy · 7 years
“Hm?” Jack stared down at the vastly shorter boy, completely oblivious to his annoyance. “Oh, no, I was just trying to figure out what is so interesting about that boy you’ve been staring at so attentively.”
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Bill smirked at the reply. “Nothing inherently interesting. I was trying to make out what must be going through this kids heads right now, but all I’m sure they are thinking about is how to impress some girl.”
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thetriangle-guy · 7 years
JJ knew hovering was impolite, but he was interested and had a few moments to spare. In truth, he was interested primarily in what Bill was doing. Having been the subject of a few mind probes from the older boy, and learned to defend against some of them, he was well aware as to what that look was all about. 
When Bill spoke up finally, Jack-Jack felt his grin spread, “No, I don’t think so, unless you found out anything useful in that short moment. Learn anything about what they’re studying, or perhaps whether or not they’re worried about the upcoming test?” He chuckled, taking it upon himself to sit next to his blonde friend. 
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Bill chuckled at JJ’s comment, and even shifted slightly to give JJ more room to sit comfortably. “Actually, no. Most of them think about the most ridiculous inane teenager things. ‘Oh, Melissa didn’t even look at me today’ and that shit. Or they are turning over the day in their heads and getting way too involved in it.” He let out an agitated groan and relaxed in his seat. “They’re all so typical.”
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thetriangle-guy · 7 years
Myrddin was always and frequently interested in the intellectual studies of his students, as well as their well being. He frequently attempted to correct bullying behaviors, aid where he could, and be as patient as possible in most given scenarios. Children were frequently easier to deal with than adults, he found, and found their problems less aggravating than many others. He was just on such a lookout when he spotted a rather peculiar scene.
When he was addressed, the old man simply smiled knowingly at the boy before him. He hasn’t realized he was speaking to a professor, clearly. “Oh? I wasn’t quite ready to speak yet, actually. I was more interested in what you were looking at. Something of interest in Mr Bijorti’s direction?” He asked, eyeing the boy across the way once more to try to determine what it was that was so captivating.
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Bill cast a glance back over at the kid that had just crossed in his mind’s path a few moments before. Quick as he could, Bill gave an unenthusiastic shrug and looked back at Myrddin with a bored expression. “His freedom?” Bill replied, eyeing his professor. “He doesn’t have the looming threat of graduation hanging over his head?” At this, Bill did turn to look back at the boy, for it was true. “They have no idea what’s waiting out there.”
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thetriangle-guy · 7 years
Bill had managed to behave himself for far longer than usual as of late. In actuality, it was starting to get to him. It had been some time since he pestered the underclassmen for so long that they would avoid his gaze. In his opinion, people were getting far too comfortable around him again. With a grin and cruel intentions, Bill found himself sitting in the courtyard, enjoying the unseasonably warm temperatures and taunting any passer-bys. In between each small comment, he would enter a mind--test the waters and pop back out. He was focusing on entering the mind of a student who had been studying in the courtyard for some time when a shadow moved in next to him. He gave them a moment to decide to wander off before he sighed and looked up. “Honestly, people in the school need to find better ways of talking to each other besides hovering. Can I help you?” he glowered.
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
Wilbur says nothing to the Slytherin, just looks away and tries to ignore the tension. It was obvious that the other man wasn’t happy and he didn’t completely blame him. The Hufflepuff common room was a little…fluffy. But still, he was better off with them. And by the looks of him it looks like he knows how to carry himself just fine. “What a character…..” he mumbles under his breath, not realizing he did in fact say that out loud.
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At the comment Bill raised a brow and turned slowly to the kid. “In a whimsical way? Or a ‘don’t touch it with a ten foot pole’ way? Because I prefer the latter, in general.”
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
“I am fucking eloquent. FUck off.” Dash said frowning at the boy. What on earth did he mean he wasn’t eloquent.
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“Of course you are,” Bill grinned sharply before taking a step away and beginning to walk. “Good luck, kid.”
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
Francois nodded, “It’s odd though how much they want to do stuff for us. I walked in and was bombarded by a tray of cookies and people offering to take my shit up to my new room. It’s nice I guess, but it’s just weird how happy they are to have invade their dorm.”
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“Right?” Bill exclaimed, looking back at Francois. If one more person offers me a cup of tea, I might pour the hot beverage on them.”
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
“Well, I mean, stomach aches are no joke. And sometimes if you eat too much you get so sick you puke and that is not fun.”
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She was so serious, so worried, that Bill let out a little chuckle. “I’ll be okay. But yeah, puking is no fun. I agree with you there.”
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
For a minute, Fiona was sure she might have been a little overbearing with the cheerful welcoming. But he shook her offered hand, and that was good enough for her. She frowned deeply at him. “I’m so sorry about that. Is there anything I could do to help? I mean, I can’t go in there and get any of your stuff back but I mean, I’d be more than happy to help replace some things until you can get back into the dorms.”
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Bill gave another unenthusiastic shrug at her proposal. “I have more than enough money to replace most of it. It just sucks to lose my notes and things. I wish there was a way to get back into the dorms.” At this last comment, he slumped slightly, feigning a true sadness at the idea of losing such information.
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
“Uhm, well… the same things everyone else does?” PJ didn’t actually know what everyone else did, but he assumed that it was similar across all the houses. “Some people, uhm… read or… study. We have some games and stuff…”
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“What games?” Bill asked, making his way to a low bookshelf, trying to examine the titles. It was so heartwarmingly cozy he thought he would choke.
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
“You disgust me.” Cherie said narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest. 
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“Oh, why thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment if it gets that reaction,” he chuckled.
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
“Very true,” Jack nodded. He’d personally been hoping to be temporarily housed in Ravenclaw, he was an avid reader and loved learning new things, but Hufflepuff wasn’t exactly a bad alternative. Sure, it wasn’t at all Jack’s taste, though it was much better than Gryffindor. “Well, you could always find a Slytherin in Ravenclaw to switch with you,” Jack shrugged.
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“You raise an interesting point,” Bill acknowledged, raising a finger up slightly at the thought. “Though that requires talking to people. And I’m pretty sure it will be easier to get a Hufflepuff to sleep on a cot than it would a Ravenclaw.”
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
“Same,” She responded, sitting up the chair so she could regard him better. “I hope we won’t be stuck here for too long. I’d hate for all the cheeriness to rub off on me.”
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“I think we’d have to be forced to stay in here for years before anything rubbed off on us, honestly.”
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thetriangle-guy · 8 years
“It does not do well to touch their filthy items either. You will be infected.”
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“Well, then that would be one more point for the anti-muggle agenda if it did poison me.”
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