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Today is my 28th birthday. It was a little different this year, but that’s okay. I have learned that blue light lenses seem to reflect back light more easily than regular ones, which I suppose makes sense. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on Facebook, which I did not see, but my mom did tell me about, so shouts to her for lookin out. 🤙🏼 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSf2KiUMUFy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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United for the first time finally #internetfriendship (at Boston, Massachusetts)
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I'm feeling particularly clear tonight. Check my Snapchat story for more of my thoughts on this subject (same as my insta name)
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You're cold and I burn...
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Bar advice pt. 2 (at Off the Record)
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The Valentine’s Day playlist on my music blog is going up later today! Be sure to follow me over there (playlistoftheweek.tumblr.com) so you can see it as soon as it’s posted!
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I talked about my opinions on YouTube’s current content and filmed myself from an extremely unflattering angle. So, there’s something for everyone there.
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Song of the Day
Formation - Beyoncé
Earned all this money but they never take the country out me
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So, on Friday, I’m going to debut a music blog I’ve created, called Playlist of the Week, where I’ll (obviously) come up with weekly playlists with added song-by-song commentary (because I have lots of feelings, okay) and songs of the day. I’m thinking about doing album reviews later down the line, too.
I just really felt like starting something where I could talk about what I’m most passionate about whilst also feeling productive in some sort of way. So, if you like music, please consider giving me a follow over there :)
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So, on Friday, I’m going to debut a music blog I’ve created, called Playlist of the Week, where I’ll (obviously) come up with weekly playlists with added song-by-song commentary (because I have lots of feelings, okay) and songs of the day. I’m thinking about doing album reviews later down the line, too.
I just really felt like starting something where I could talk about what I’m most passionate about whilst also feeling productive in some sort of way. So, if you like music, please consider giving me a follow over there :)
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Nobody but you, body but me, body but us, bodies together
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louist91: Meet my little lad, Freddie 👶
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One Direction - History
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Alright y’all
I’m gonna take a break from this blog for a while. Due to the current state of the 1D fandom (or maybe just my dash), it’s become a stressful thing for me to come on here and bc of my tendency to fixate on things, it’s actually (embarrassingly) become a hindrance in my every day life. I’m not gonna delete bc I’m a sentimental bastard and I’ve got too many memories on here. Plus I may want to come back at some point. I have a personal blog that’s attached to a whole different email address and I’m following entirely different people on it, so I’ll be there if you wish to continue following me. I’ve also got twitter and instagram. I may or may not pop in on here from time to time, I haven’t decided yet.
tl;dr: I’m leaving and idk when I’m coming back, you can follow my personal tumblr here
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Alright y’all
I’m gonna take a break from this blog for a while. Due to the current state of the 1D fandom (or maybe just my dash), it’s become a stressful thing for me to come on here and bc of my tendency to fixate on things, it’s actually (embarrassingly) become a hindrance in my every day life. I’m not gonna delete bc I’m a sentimental bastard and I’ve got too many memories on here. Plus I may want to come back at some point. I have a personal blog that’s attached to a whole different email address and I’m following entirely different people on it, so I’ll be there if you wish to continue following me. I’ve also got twitter and instagram. I may or may not pop in on here from time to time, I haven’t decided yet.
tl;dr: I’m leaving and idk when I’m coming back, you can follow my personal tumblr here
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Alright y’all
I’m gonna take a break from this blog for a while. Due to the current state of the 1D fandom (or maybe just my dash), it’s become a stressful thing for me to come on here and bc of my tendency to fixate on things, it’s actually (embarrassingly) become a hindrance in my every day life. I’m not gonna delete bc I’m a sentimental bastard and I’ve got too many memories on here. Plus I may want to come back at some point. I have a personal blog that’s attached to a whole different email address and I’m following entirely different people on it, so I’ll be there if you wish to continue following me. I’ve also got twitter and instagram. I may or may not pop in on here from time to time, I haven’t decided yet.
tl;dr: I’m leaving and idk when I’m coming back, you can follow my personal tumblr here
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