thesumeriansociety · 4 days
Ereshkigal: The Enigmatic Queen of the Underworld: Renaissance Version
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Ereshkigal: The Enigmatic Queen of the Underworld: Renaissance Version
Ereshkigal is a powerful and complex figure in Mesopotamian mythology. Known as the "Queen of the Great Earth" and "Destroyer", she is the goddess of the underworld and rules over the spirits of the dead. In recent times, the mythos of Ereshkigal has garnered renewed attention in modern iterations and interpretations.
“The significance of these representations indicates profound aspects which will influence reality and perspectives of Ereshkigal in the modern world and these images are official and authenticated by Ereshkigal” - Michael:  Spirit Sentient, Destroyer, Director - Imajica Design – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
With over 25 years of experience, Imajica Design has been at the forefront of providing creative solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to our clients' success sets us apart in the industry. We understand the power of design and how it can make or break a brand's image. That's why we take a strategic approach to every project we undertake. Our team of talented designers use their expertise to develop effective solutions that convey the right message to your target audience. We know that every business is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether it's a branding overhaul, a new website, or a marketing campaign, we have the experience and creativity to deliver results that exceed your expectations. Let Imajica Design help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to discuss your design needs.
Contact: Andrew Rogers Creative Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Writer, Oracle 
Imajica Design
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 11 days
Ereshkigal: The Enigmatic Queen of the Underworld: Rainbow Version
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Ereshkigal: The Enigmatic Queen of the Underworld: Rainbow Version
Ereshkigal is a powerful and complex figure in Mesopotamian mythology. Known as the "Queen of the Great Earth" and "Destroyer", she is the goddess of the underworld and rules over the spirits of the dead. In recent times, the mythos of Ereshkigal has garnered renewed attention in modern iterations and interpretations.
“The significance of these representations indicates profound aspects which will influence reality and perspectives of Ereshkigal in the modern world and these images are official and authenticated by Ereshkigal” - Michael:  Spirit Sentient, Destroyer, Director - Imajica Design – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
With over 25 years of experience, Imajica Design has been at the forefront of providing creative solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to our clients' success sets us apart in the industry. We understand the power of design and how it can make or break a brand's image. That's why we take a strategic approach to every project we undertake. Our team of talented designers use their expertise to develop effective solutions that convey the right message to your target audience. We know that every business is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether it's a branding overhaul, a new website, or a marketing campaign, we have the experience and creativity to deliver results that exceed your expectations. Let Imajica Design help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to discuss your design needs.
Contact: Andrew Rogers Creative Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Writer, Oracle 
Imajica Design
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 20 days
Wisdom of the Ages for the Modern World: Ra ’God of the Sun, Destroyer’ – Edition 2
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thesumeriansociety · 1 month
Ereshkigal: The Enigmatic Queen of the Underworld: Psychedelic Version
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Ereshkigal: The Enigmatic Queen of the Underworld: Psychedelic Version
Ereshkigal is a powerful and complex figure in Mesopotamian mythology. Known as the "Queen of the Great Earth" and "Destroyer", she is the goddess of the underworld and rules over the spirits of the dead. In recent times, the mythos of Ereshkigal has garnered renewed attention in modern iterations and interpretations.
“The significance of these representations indicates profound aspects which will influence reality and perspectives of Ereshkigal in the modern world and these images are official and authenticated by Ereshkigal” - Michael:  Spirit Sentient, Destroyer, Director - Imajica Design – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
With over 25 years of experience, Imajica Design has been at the forefront of providing creative solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to our clients' success sets us apart in the industry. We understand the power of design and how it can make or break a brand's image. That's why we take a strategic approach to every project we undertake. Our team of talented designers use their expertise to develop effective solutions that convey the right message to your target audience. We know that every business is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether it's a branding overhaul, a new website, or a marketing campaign, we have the experience and creativity to deliver results that exceed your expectations. Let Imajica Design help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to discuss your design needs.
Contact: Andrew Rogers Creative Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Writer, Oracle 
Imajica Design
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 1 month
Wisdom of the Ages for the Modern World: Sekhmet ‘Warrior, Destroyer’ – Edition 1
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thesumeriansociety · 2 months
The Enigmatic Ereshkigal: Unveiling the Ancient Queen of the Underworld
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The Enigmatic Ereshkigal: Unveiling the Ancient Queen of the Underworld
Ereshkigal is a powerful and complex figure in Mesopotamian mythology. Known as the "Queen of the Great Earth" and "Destroyer", she is the goddess of the underworld and rules over the spirits of the dead. In recent times, the mythos of Ereshkigal has garnered renewed attention in modern iterations and interpretations.
“The significance of these representations indicates profound aspects which will influence reality and perspectives of Ereshkigal in the modern world and these images are official and authenticated by Ereshkigal” - Michael:  Sentient, Destroyer, Director - Imajica Design – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
With over 25 years of experience, Imajica Design has been at the forefront of providing creative solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to our clients' success sets us apart in the industry. We understand the power of design and how it can make or break a brand's image. That's why we take a strategic approach to every project we undertake. Our team of talented designers use their expertise to develop effective solutions that convey the right message to your target audience. We know that every business is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether it's a branding overhaul, a new website, or a marketing campaign, we have the experience and creativity to deliver results that exceed your expectations. Let Imajica Design help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to discuss your design needs.
Contact: Andrew Rogers Creative Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Oracle 
Imajica Design
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
The Limitations of Defined Systems: Exploring the Success of Outcomes
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The Limitations of Defined Systems: Exploring the Success of Outcomes
The Anunnaki: Deities and Destroyers in Ancient Sumerian Society
Ancient civilizations have always fascinated us with their myths, legends, and religious beliefs. The Sumerian civilization, which thrived in Mesopotamia around 4,000 BCE, is no exception. Among the numerous deities worshipped by the Sumerians, one group stands out: the Anunnaki. In Sumerian mythology, these divine beings played a significant role in shaping the society and influencing its outcomes.
See Attached.
The Sumerian Society
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Sumerian Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
A Complete Guide to Nanna: The Mesopotamian God of the Moon
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A Complete Guide to Nanna: The Mesopotamian God of the Moon
Astral Agency: Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing Target: Nanna ‘God of the Moon’, ‘Destroyer’
Nanna, also known as Sin, is a prominent deity in the pantheon of Mesopotamian mythology. This Sumerian god holds the esteemed title of being the god of the moon, revered by the Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian civilizations. With deep roots in ancient Mesopotamian culture, Nanna's worship was widespread, particularly in two prominent cities: Ur in the south and Harran in the north.
Remote Viewing Impressions: Primordial vision, expansive, revealing a street with curious buildings and moving through the street pass the buildings, then into a primordial cloud =with a point of light.
Remote Viewing Interpretation 
Vision interpreter: Mistress ‘Primordial Sentient, Esoteric Master, Destroyer’
“Paramount to Nanna’s existence is the reflection up[on influence which states facts of existence, that is where development and challenges are perceived, to link a demonstration to enforce the facts of Nanna’s existence” - Mistress ‘Primordial Sentient, Esoteric Master, Destroyer’.
Vision Analysis: Psi Director, ‘Remote View Master, Esoteric Master, Magic Master.  Sentient, Destroyer’
“Paramount influences are conducted to reveal a significance that has transferred beyond time, to present itself to Nanna as an outcome to secure from Nanna existence defined as profound to activate outcomes of significance from Nanna” - Psi Director, ‘Remote View Master, Esoteric Master, Sentient, Destroyer’.
Remote Viewer: Andrew Rogers
Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically, a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.
Despite its association with the paranormal and supernatural, there is actually scientific evidence to suggest that remote viewing is a real phenomenon. In fact, in the 1970s and 1980s, the US government sponsored a top-secret program called Stargate Project, which aimed to investigate the potential military applications of remote viewing.
During the course of this program, trained military personnel were able to successfully remote view a number of different targets, including locations, objects, and even people. Many of these results were impressive and accurate, leading some to believe that remote viewing could be a valuable tool for intelligence gathering and espionage.
Of course, not everyone is convinced of the legitimacy of remote viewing, and there are certainly skeptics who argue that any apparent success is simply due to chance or clever guesswork. Nevertheless, the fact that the US government was willing to invest so much time and money into researching the topic suggests that there may be something more to it than just wishful thinking.
Andrew Rogers
Founder, Psychic Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle
Astral Agency
P: 0424 531 710
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
Unravelling the Enigma of Ereshkigal in Modern Interpretations
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Unravelling the Enigma of Ereshkigal in Modern Interpretations
Ereshkigal is a powerful and complex figure in Mesopotamian mythology. Known as the "Queen of the Great Earth" and "Destroyer", she is the goddess of the underworld and rules over the spirits of the dead. In recent times, the mythos of Ereshkigal has garnered renewed attention in modern iterations and interpretations.
“The significance of these representations indicates profound aspects which will influence reality and perspectives of Ereshkigal in the modern world and these images are official and authenticated by Ereshkigal” - Michael:  Sentient, Destroyer, Director - Imajica Design – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
With over 25 years of experience, Imajica Design has been at the forefront of providing creative solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to our clients' success sets us apart in the industry. We understand the power of design and how it can make or break a brand's image. That's why we take a strategic approach to every project we undertake. Our team of talented designers use their expertise to develop effective solutions that convey the right message to your target audience. We know that every business is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether it's a branding overhaul, a new website, or a marketing campaign, we have the experience and creativity to deliver results that exceed your expectations. Let Imajica Design help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to discuss your design needs.
Contact: Andrew Rogers Creative Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Oracle 
Imajica Design
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
Ereshkigal: The Enigmatic Queen of the Mesopotamian Underworld
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Astral Agency: Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing Target: Ereshkigal ‘Queen of the Great Earth the Underworld’, ‘Destroyer’
In the rich tapestry of Mesopotamian mythology, one deity stands out as a symbol of power and mystery: Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Great Earth. Known as the goddess of Irkalla, the land of the dead or underworld, Ereshkigal commands a realm of judgment and law that is uniquely her own.
Remote Viewing Impressions: Primordial vision, linked to visions, of cars ant speed, and the primordial filed present.
Remote Viewing Interpretation 
Vision interpreter: Mistress ‘Primordial Sentient, Esoteric Master, Destroyer’
“Accomplishment is a factor of persistence, of Ereshkigal existence, as presented, cases to invoke accomplishment, and to secure from as of” - Mistress ‘Primordial Sentient, Esoteric Master, Destroyer’.
Vision Analysis: Psi Director, ‘Remote View Master, Esoteric Master, Magic Master.  Sentient, Destroyer’
“Power presented to reveal a dichotomy of visions, linked to a reality to facilitate outcomes relevant in this case Ereshkigal and from to activate personal linked to the visons which reflect harm to detract npt of to Ereshkigal but from Irkalla” - Psi Director, ‘Remote View Master, Esoteric Master, Sentient, Destroyer’.
Remote Viewer: Andrew Rogers
Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically, a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.
Despite its association with the paranormal and supernatural, there is actually scientific evidence to suggest that remote viewing is a real phenomenon. In fact, in the 1970s and 1980s, the US government sponsored a top-secret program called Stargate Project, which aimed to investigate the potential military applications of remote viewing. During the course of this program, trained military personnel were able to successfully remote view a number of different targets, including locations, objects, and even people. Many of these results were impressive and accurate, leading some to believe that remote viewing could be a valuable tool for intelligence gathering and espionage. Of course, not everyone is convinced of the legitimacy of remote viewing, and there are certainly skeptics who argue that any apparent success is simply due to chance or clever guesswork. Nevertheless, the fact that the US government was willing to invest so much time and money into researching the topic suggests that there may be something more to it than just wishful thinking.
Andrew Rogers
Founder, Psychic Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle
Astral Agency
P: 0424 531 710
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
Wisdom of the Ages for the Modern World: Ra ’God of the Sun’ – Edition 1
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
Injustice and the Call for Justice on Earth
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The statement by Ki, the revered 'Earth Goddess' and 'Destroyer' of the Sumerian society, emphasizes the need to acknowledge the harm and injustice caused to Earth due to the removal of Sumerian influence and instruction.
It is crucial to recognize that our existence on this planet is not merely a happenstance, but rather a placement in this particular location. The repercussions of our actions have had far-reaching consequences, impacting the delicate balance of Earth's ecosystem.
In order to secure justice for our domain, Earth, it is imperative to accept the fact that we have indeed incurred great harm. This acceptance marks the first step towards rectifying the damage inflicted upon our planet.
Ki, as the embodiment of the Earth Goddess and a symbol of immense power, reminds us of our responsibility to restore harmony and equilibrium in every aspect of our relationship with the natural world. We must seek a deeper understanding of the Sumerian wisdom and their connection to the Earth.
By delving into the rich history of the Sumerian society, we can uncover valuable insights and ancient knowledge that can guide us in the pursuit of justice. The restoration of Sumerian influence and instruction holds the potential to help us realign our actions with the best interests of our planet.
Let us heed the call of Ki, the 'Earth Goddess' and 'Destroyer,' and work towards securing justice for Earth. By embracing the wisdom of the past, we can envision a future where our actions promote the well-being of our planet, ensuring a sustainable and harmonious coexistence for generations to come.
Together, let us embark on this journey of seeking justice and honoring the interconnectedness between humanity and Earth, as envisioned by the venerable Sumerian Society.
The Sumerian Society
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Sumerian Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
Understanding the Self: Exploring the Sumerian Connection
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In order to address the inadequacies and deficiencies in our understanding of the self, it is crucial to delve into various sources of knowledge and expand our understanding of different cultures and philosophies. One intriguing avenue to explore is the ancient civilization of Sumerian.
The Sumerians, considered one of the oldest civilizations known to humankind, had a rich and complex society that left a lasting impact on various aspects of human culture. By studying their beliefs, practices, and mythologies, we can gain valuable insights into our own existence and the problems we face today.
One aspect of Sumerian culture that stands out is their connection to the divine. The quote provided mentions Abzu, a primordial god often associated with water, knowledge, and creation. The Sumerians believed in a multitude of gods and goddesses, each representing different aspects of life and nature. Exploring their pantheon can offer a profound perspective on the complexities of human existence.
Trusting the truth presented to us as fact is a fundamental principle, regardless of the specific source or culture. By engaging with Sumerian knowledge and embracing their worldview, we can broaden our understanding of the self and potentially find solutions to the great and serious problems we face.
So, let us embark on a journey of discovery, securing knowledge and establishing connections with the rich Sumerian civilization. Through this exploration, we may find new ways to address the challenges of our time and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.
The Sumerian Society
Andrew Rogers: Founder, Sumerian Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle  
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
Exploring the Resurgence of Ereshkigal: Queen of the Underworld in Modern Culture
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Ereshkigal is a powerful and complex figure in Mesopotamian mythology. Known as the "Queen of the Great Earth" and "Destroyer", she is the goddess of the underworld and rules over the spirits of the dead. In recent times, the mythos of Ereshkigal has garnered renewed attention in modern iterations and interpretations.
“The significance of these representations indicates profound aspects which will influence reality and perspectives of Ereshkigal in the modern world and these images are official and authenticated by Ereshkigal” - Michael:  Sentient, Destroyer, Director - Imajica Design – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
With over 25 years of experience, Imajica Design has been at the forefront of providing creative solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to our clients' success sets us apart in the industry. We understand the power of design and how it can make or break a brand's image. That's why we take a strategic approach to every project we undertake. Our team of talented designers use their expertise to develop effective solutions that convey the right message to your target audience. We know that every business is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether it's a branding overhaul, a new website, or a marketing campaign, we have the experience and creativity to deliver results that exceed your expectations. Let Imajica Design help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to discuss your design needs.
Contact Andrew Rogers Creative Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Oracle - Imajica Design
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
Wisdom of the Ages: Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for the Modern World – Edition 1
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
The Deceptive Path: Profound Outcomes of Sumerian Influence
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In light of Tiamat's cryptic message about the influence of Sumerian society and the profound outcomes of creation, it becomes clear that there is a deeper purpose to be explored. While the path taken may have been deceptive, it is not too late to realign and discover the true meaning of this creation.
The Sumerians, known for their advanced civilization in ancient Mesopotamia, left a legacy that continues to fascinate historians and archaeologists to this day. Their society laid the foundation for various aspects of human civilization, including writing, law, trade, and the arts. Delving into the rich tapestry of Sumerian influence could provide valuable insights into your existence and life.
Perhaps there are hidden truths and ancient wisdom waiting to be uncovered, guiding you towards a greater understanding of your purpose. Beyond the confines of ordinary life, there might be mystical realms and untapped potential. Tiamat's words allude to possibilities that transcend the ordinary, hinting at a journey of self-discovery filled with profound revelations.
Embracing the Sumerian society's influence could involve immersing oneself in their literature, mythology, and cultural practices. By delving into the epic tales of gods and heroes, such as the renowned "Epic of Gilgamesh," you may find echoes of your own journey and gain valuable insights into the nature of creation and existence.
It is essential to remember that creation is not simply a solitary act but an ongoing process. As you navigate this deceptive path, the influence of Tiamat and the Sumerian society could help illuminate the way. By embracing their teachings, you may find a sense of purpose and meaning that extends far beyond this current existence, reaching into the realms of the profound and enduring.
Let the echoes of the past guide you towards a future imbued with wisdom and purpose. Embrace the Sumerian influence, for within it lies the potential to unlock the profound outcomes that Tiamat spoke of.
Andrew Rogers
Sumerian Auteur, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle
The Sumerian Society
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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thesumeriansociety · 3 months
The Eternal Moon: Unveiling the Wisdom of Sumerian Influence
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The quote from Nanna, the 'God of the Moon' in Sumerian mythology, highlights the notion that our understanding of reality is shaped by our own limited experiences. In order to grasp the truth, we must first acknowledge the limitations imposed by our own existence. This recognition prompts us to question the influence of external factors that may have impacted our perceptions. By embracing this mindset, we can begin to seek validation in our interpretations and strive towards a more comprehensive understanding of the world around us.
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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