therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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     ❝ I’m not causing too much pain or discomfort on this I hope. ❞ Plum finally spoke up as they looked to her. Slight concern in their eyes. They knew it shouldn’t think too much on it, but it never felt right to know they just might be causing pain to someone.
     Looking over the arm a sigh left. they might need to get something else to help ease the swelling down more. ❝ Well…. I’m not fully sure how long it will take before the swelling and coloration go down but I know you’ll need to rest for some time because of that. ❞ Plum spoke as they worked to make a sling for her arm, looking back to her carefully as they worked to set it up, a muttered “ sorry ”leaving them as they did. ❝ I’ll help bring you to the Butterfly estate where you can recover better as well as get therapy for your arm once it’s fully recovered. ❞
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"Glad to still feel something...and be back in one piece." True there had been an uncomfortable twitch here and there, but she gives a reassuring shake of her head. “---For the most part.”
A casual glance is to her arm. Try as she might to focus moving it, only a few fingers respond with only a slight curl. A click of her tongue would make her frustration apparent. The sling didn't help to make things less awkward. Velvet had no choice but to let Plum to do most of the work in setting it secure. The apology earns Plum a curious tilt of her head.
“No need to apologize. It’s all part of the job.”
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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( i was thinking about my empyrean au the other day.... and decided to redesign her again... )
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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(i wanted to see how many vels i could draw in one sitting
as for the second one its much older but i dont believe i ever posted it??? i was drawing the skit expressions/poses in my style... 
anyway time to fix my sleep schedule)
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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[ AH! ] had he struck a chord?  Lips tore up into a wry smile upon her inquisition.  The way his company stared left him to wonder if looks alone could dare bore a hole through the fabric of his very soul.  What FIRE she held behind those amber tones.  The smile he held near tore into a chuckle at the very thought.  Still suppose Emet did that he needs answer the so called calamity quickly.
[ GLOVED. ]  digits traced along the knotted wood a fence beside him as his pacing brought the Ascian closer.  Idle thoughts soon culminating into word as the grin yet never left him.     “Such an impatient creature.       I intend to glean more from you before     I dare divulge overmuch.       But I can say that your title intrigues me     considering what I’ve made my life’s work of.       To say anything more would be compromising     what I have so carefully set into motion.” What strides he took halted.  Again his own gilded gaze was set upon the lass.  A wild mane of dark hair set with golden eyes & her arm that at every glance drew his curiosity more & more.  What had she HIDDEN beneath those binds?     “Besides, I wish to know more of you.       I think you’d be terribly bored if I regaled you my story.       Tell me, why does the namesake of my work     loom over your head as title?       Just what sins have you commit against your fellow man?       Certainly you have a story of your own.     Perhaps you could tell me a little of your arm.     That should be an easy enough task for you.”
A slight growl in his approach, she would stand her ground--bound arm raised in defense. One as bold (or as foolish) to waltz so casually towards her was reasonable cause for alarm.
He continues to speak in a roundabout manner serving only to further annoy her--yet between all those self-important ramblings, the matter of his "work" concerning calamities couldn't help but strike an uneasy chord. With a perked brow, a moment is taken to finally observe him proper.
A foreign--yet oddly familiar essence lingers from them. A darkness not unlike her own malevolence, but still distinct enough to give pause. It was enough of a troubling result to have the hairs of her neck stand on end. Her caution was not unfounded--but she would not falter.
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"If it's a simple matter of my arm then I'll gladly show you." 
Velvet's left arm thrusts forward to grip the fence in turn. En route of that gesture, the bindings snap to the swell of energy summoned forth. The claw-hand effortlessly snaps the beam of the fence in two the moment her grip finds purchase. Singed splinters of its remains fall from Velvet's palm as her palm relaxes.
"Surely that speaks for itself."
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
( It's a slow day at work and since im getting my groove back a bit I'm dealing with some casual thoughts concerning vels body language bc ive always been fascinated with it
Im sure spending 3 years in a goddamn pit has had her make a habit of falling back on pure instinct when dealing with new situations, be it people or otherwise. Like its reasonable for any sort of fighter to keep their guard up but velvet is particularly "vocal" about being defensive in terms of her body language and stance
I think alot about how she more often that not raises her daemon arm up first rather than her sword. I feel like its an instance of "i know this will give the best result so ill put this forward"
perhaps if not for the circumstances of becoming a therion, having horrendously brief conversations with other daemons before she ate them, and was so hellbent/focused on arthur and her revenge + thinking about her brother by proxy then she could have very well lost her humanity and gone completely feral. To be honest im sure she teetered very, very close to that border a number of times
Of course you couple that with my headcanon of having a cool wolf/beast form as her "fully therionized" form and its a matter of tapping into those intense emotions of hatred and then playing a balancing game to not lose control, something she began to master within the latter half of her imprisonment
Honestly tl;dr vel is very defensive but is probably ready to throw down at the drop of a hat but has also overtime become very good at holding back that urge and placing these instincts under a tight leash for her own benefit )
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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(you already know wtf goin on)
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
Fun KnY-AU things while I'm thinking about them at work (and so i won't forget later...)
Velvet is a foreigner who has dealt with demons--or perhaps something similar in her homeland and heard vague rumors surrounding a possible cause, hence why shes in Japan now.
Her Nichirin blade(s) would be a similar color to Inosuke's, only with a lighter shade at the points rather than the edge.
Her blade was forged in a very specific manner much to the dismay/intrigue of the swordsmiths. The ore was eventually spilt to make three smaller blades to fit in the mechanism of her greaves and gauntlet.
Her breath type is - "Breath of the Wolf" which would turn into "Howl of the Wolf" if the conditions were right. (I'm predictable i know)
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
@armatiis is back-to-back with calamity
“Focus, Shepherd.”
Even after all this time it still felt foreign to speak the title without overbearing scorn. She knew it wasn’t fair to be so harsh towards him, but with a taste so bitter from a select few who bore the mantle before him it was...difficult. 
With a deep breath, comes a heavy sigh to purge such distracting thoughts. The pungent stench of hellions hanging thick in the air. 
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“Steady your blade. We’re not done yet.”
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
@timidplum is dealing with a reckless patient...
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Velvet sits quietly as the other tends to the various wounds acquired from yet another mission. Long faded scars had been present across her form, but it seems joining the ranks of the Slayers would only add to the collection.
Her right arm lay uselessly to her side, her shoulder swollen purple. It had be an unfortunate, but necessary sacrifice to see the recent job done. At the very least she was reassured her that it wasn’t going to be entirely permanent...
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
@osaviour is getting the side eye
“What is your obsession with the word ‘Calamity’?” That particular swagger he carried about him was all too reminiscent of a certain colorful witch... 
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“Just talking to you is pissing me off...”
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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Like this for something of varying length…
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
@spearofthemother finds a lone sinner
The horrid screechings of a sin eater is reduced to a gurgle by a weighted greatsword’s strike. Its form slumps in a billow of dust and sand in two separate parts to joining their slain brethren. 
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“That….should do it.”
With a heavy sigh, Velvet plunges the light-blood coated sword into the ground. Coupled with the heavy armor, the dry heat of Ahm Araeng does little help for her exhaustion. It was dangerous to rest in the open--but moreso trying to continue forward at risk of fainting...
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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Like this for something of varying length...
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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(late night chompers)
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
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( *hands you a chibi vel*  *hands you a chibi vel*  *hands you a chibi vel*  *hands you a chibi vel*  *hands you )
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
“Why is everyone screaming? What did I do?” (Sera'Zee)
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“I don’t know--perhaps a fire spontaneously springing to life would be a decent cause for alarm...” A casual flick of her wrist would see the flame slowly dwindle until only wisps of smoke fizzle from the charred object. Poor thing. It was hardly recognizable now...
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therionizcd-archive · 5 years
RTgame quotes: cities skylines edition  {Sentence Starters}
“Oh. Good. God!”
“Oh, this poor city.”
“I’ve no self control.”
“The sewage pit is angry.”
“We need more tornadoes.”
“It’s  f i n e, that’s what it is.”
“Welcome to Groundhog Day.”
“What’s going on with the land?”
“Oh, why are they complaining?”
“No, no, no, we need to fix that!”
“If I find you, you’ll be first to die.”
“That looks safe… yup, that’s fine.”
“Oh, that makes a lot more sense.”
“I would do it, but… everyone dies.”
“Financially, this is a great decision.”
“Just don’t get sick. You’ll be alright.”
“But, it’s okay, we can make it work.”
“Oh my god, it’s coming right for us…”
“Well, I hope this just works itself out.”
“The rest of civilization has crumbled.”
“Okay, that’s a pretty good initial trench.”
“God, I’m solving so many problems today!”
“Why is everyone screaming? What did I do?”
“We might as well pop in a second graveyard.”
“Just lighten up, have you no sense of humor?”
“All of this unnecessary… they’re already dead.”
“I don’t care if these people die. I  r e a l l y  don’t.”
“Gonna create a metaphor here for the environment.”
“This is filling up fast. I thought it could hold much more…”
“It doesn’t even do anything here. Why would we want this?”
“We are using the terraforming tools… They’re called meteors.”
“I think we’ve done pretty well, considering the circumstances.”
“Landscaping and disasters… why do these things go together?”
“The citizens are unhappy? I have a workaround: just get rid of the citizens.”
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