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This quote is from Sowell’s classic book “the Quest for Cosmic Justice” that exposes the Left’s utopian idea of Social Justice. “What is called Social Justice might more accurately be called anti-social justice, since what consistently gets ignored or dismissed are precisely the costs to society.” 
Indeed, resentment and false entitlement are the costs to society when the Left pretends that unequal outcomes are ispo facto caused by discrimination. 
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Social Acceptance trumps Social Justice.
The Political Apprentice
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This quote sums up everything that went wrong with LBJ’s Great Society.
“It is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates. We seek not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact and equality as a result.” - Lyndon Baines Johnson 
Lyndon Johnson betrayed the public by pushing not just for equal opportunity, but for equal RESULTS. That is essentially Marxism and social Justice, and we are still living with that legacy today. 
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I found this quote in a book called “Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society” by John A Andrew III. I found it kind of insulting to people who were unable to cope with so much tragedy that came sweeping thru during his mixed legacy of a presidency. There were hundreds of riots and protests during his time in office. “If you wish a sheltered and uneventful life, you are living in the wrong generation. No one can promise you calm, or ease, or undisturbed comfort. But we can promise you this - we can promise enormous challenge and ardous struggle, hard labor, and great danger. And with them we can promise you triumph over all the enemies of man.” - Lyndon Baines Johnson
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George Soros is one of the greatest threats to FREE society! He should not obsess over “Open Society.” Yes, we need certain aspects of his social vision, but he should instead focus on principles of a free society instead of constantly funding establishment socialist causes like Hillary Clinton and Black Lives Matter.
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This is an excerpt from an LA Times interview with Vice President Joe Biden on Dec 22nd 2016: 
Playing a little Monday-morning QB, Biden recollects fearing that “his people” of the Midwest might turn on Democrats in 2016 due the “elitism” that had crept into the party’s thinking. “Son of a gun. We may lose this election,” Biden recalled thinking. “They’re all the people I grew up with. They’re their kids. And they’re not racist. They’re not sexist. But we didn’t talk to them.”
I love how Biden is essentially saying that Trump supporters were not racist. Democrats and Liberals have to STOP playing the race card, its very divisive and insulting. To be fair tho, the Republicans have to stop playing the Jesus card on gay rights and abortion. 
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Look how twilight zone crazy this logo is! The OSF was created by George Soros. Many of you have heard of him already on political websites like Infowars. He is a veryyy wealthy donor for the Democrats and supporter of socialist and multiculturalist movements around the world. This “Open Society” Soros wants is a social justice utopia that ultimately fails us. His vision is reflected in liberal news bias, social justice school curriculums, and liberal protests movements like BLM. Go to the website and read around it its pretty interesting. Follow Infowars and George Soros’s twitter to learn more. However, the Open Society does do go work on promoting drug and prostitution legalization.
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I love this from Open Society Foundations promoting drug decriminalization. On this issue they are the good guys opposed to the evangelical Right!
“Current drug policies are failing. Worse, they’re causing enormous harm to individuals, communities, and entire nations. Around the world, poorly designed drug laws that seek to punish production, possession, use, and even dependence have fueled violence, instability, human rights violations, and health crises. The vast majority of research indicates that in countries which have ended the senseless criminalization of people who use drugs, crime and addiction did not increase. In fact, alternative drug policies that support health services and human rights and that divert low-level offenders from the criminal justice system have proven to be incredibly successful at helping individuals and communities.” https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/programs/global-drug-policy-program
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