themiddoe · 7 years
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♪ All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman ♪
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themiddoe · 7 years
Rick and Morty Headcanon #503
Doofus Rick used to be like any other Rick but early in his adventures he survived a heavy injury that almost killed him and the trauma changed his personality permanently. He decided that his experiments and way of life are too dangerous and focused only on safer ones. Other Ricks look at that as weakness and they berate him to this day for that.
(submitted by anonymous)
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themiddoe · 8 years
When writing couples, I like to use the Kiss Rule:
If they have to kiss for you to know they’re in love, you’re not writing a romance right.
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themiddoe · 8 years
Why embracing your background (even if you’re white) is anti-racist.
We’ve all seen the memes: “Black pride= ok,Asian pride= ok, Hispanic pride = ok, White pride= racist.” This ignorant view oversimplifies things. Yes, white pride groups are racist. They’re usually separatist at the very least. But every one of us who has started this journey of battling the implicit racism within ourselves, and conquering the system of racism at large, has surely reached this phase: white guilt. Feeling like the legacy of all Europeans boils down to oppression. We become disgusted with ourselves. Sometimes we even wish we were some other race. Maybe to escape the guilt. Maybe because we think, as the privileged demographic, we just don’t have our own culture. Cultural appropriation runs rampant as white people try to fill the void at the expense of others. But that’s racist, because all of this stems from internally viewing white as neutral, and all else as “other.” When we view white as neutral, that’s reinforcing the idea that white people are normal and POC are different, which is the root of all racism. Embrace your own culture. Maybe you have a Celtic Background, or British, or German, or Scandinavian, or all of the above. Own your heritage, learn about it, and cherish it. To truly shift your paradigm to one of equality, you have to stop viewing yourself as the default race.
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themiddoe · 8 years
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themiddoe · 8 years
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Tru tho
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themiddoe · 8 years
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Photography: Sherman Chu
Same - Sex Marriage of Katherine & Swati
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themiddoe · 8 years
Here’s what fanfiction understands that the Puppies don’t: inversion and subversion don’t ruin the story – they just give you new ways to tell it, and new tools to tell it with. Take a platonic relationship and make it romantic; there’s a story in that. Take a romantic relationship and make it platonic; there’s a story in that, too. Take a human and make her a werewolf; take a werewolf and make him human. Don’t try and sidle up on hurt/comfort like it’s something you’re ashamed to be indulging in; embrace the tropes until you have their mastery. Take a gang of broken souls surviving the apocalypse and make them happy in high school; take a bunch of funny, loving high school kids and shove them in the apocalypse. Like Archimedes, fanfic writers find the soul, the essence of what makes the characters real, and use it as a fulcrum on which to pivot entire worlds, with inversion/subversion as their lever of infinite length.
foz meadows (via ailelie)
(via kpredbook)
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themiddoe · 8 years
when i find myself in times of trouble
jeff “joker” moreau comes to me
speaking words of wisdom,
“shit. shit shit shit. what the shit.”
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themiddoe · 8 years
What if birds had lips instead of beaks and instead of getting pecked you got smooched?
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did you think this one through
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themiddoe · 8 years
u know if they ever did make a mass effect movie it probs would be a huge disappointment (not only bc all video games turned movies are shitty af) because they probably would make the blandest cishet white guy play shepard and make him be the stereotypical Good Hero character and theyd take all of shepard’s interesting qualities out and he’d probs be So Boring and basically what im saying is theyd have the opportunity to make shepard a cool lesbian bad ass but theyd probs jst make him a super bland action movie protagonist thats like every single other action movie protagonist 
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themiddoe · 8 years
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themiddoe · 8 years
Elfen Lied TV Series OP Song - Lilium Kumiko Noma
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themiddoe · 8 years
How Ponify ruined my life
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Possibly the most horrifying thing that has ever happened to me occurred today. So I’m in a creative writing class at university right now and we had to print out twenty-five copies of our first, one page assignment to distribute to the class. I had to print mine at the computer lab as I don’t have a printer, but here are the three crucial facts that made this the worst mistake of my life.
1. Sometimes, when you log into Google on Chrome, it activates all of your extensions, even ones you’ve deactivated.
2. In high school, my friends and I got really into Ponify (a words replacing chrome extension) and switched the preferences so we could read political articles and have congress get into a “rousing snow ball fight” and the like.
3. Ponify reverted to its original My Little Pony lingo when opened on a new computer’s chrome.
So when I distributed my twenty-five copies of this I noticed the word “everypony”, my heart seized up and dropped into my stomach, and with my imminent death approaching, I began furiously correcting all twenty-five of them. My teacher, confusedly, agreed to let me correct them as I was too infuriated and ashamed to say my mistake aloud. 
I just realized, however, that the line “as she watched the binding fall away in her hand” was changed to “as she watched the binding fall away in her hoof”. 
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And I just had to send this email:
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And basically I’m ready for death how was your day
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themiddoe · 8 years
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themiddoe · 8 years
A lot of people ask me what my biggest fear is, or what scares me most. And I know they expect an answer like heights, or closed spaces, or people dressed like animals, but how do I tell them that when I was 17 I took a class called Relationships For Life and I learned that most people fall out of love for the same reasons they fell in it. That their lover’s once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise and their one track mind is now immaturity and their bad habits that you once adored is now money down the drain. Their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet up on your dash is no longer sexy, just another distraction in your busy life. Nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes.
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themiddoe · 8 years
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