thelegacyproject · 2 years
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(via Carina Schmid | The Legacy Project | CEO Global Experience)
Carina Schmid Is Driven By | The possibility to create a positive impact with the work I do. Every little story that happens as a result of the work I do makes me incredibly happy.
My Highlights | Together with a group of friends I have founded a small NGO about 10 years ago. We wanted to create intercultural and multi media learning experiences for youth across the world and managed to grow to a big international network over the years. We create learning opportunities such as school exchange programs, scholarship programs and international youth camps.
One of the biggest projects we currently do is the Digital Participation Camp, a summer camp for young digital activists who use digital media to bring change to their societies. It’s an amazing event with so many great individuals coming together, encouraging each other and working together for social change.
Another project that derived from this work is the international video project Easy Languages that focuses on language and culture learning through online videos. It’s a growing network that engages over 140.000 young people from all over the world today to use online video to share their local languages and cultures.
A Key Talent | I believe the most crucial advice I can give to others is to be patient and persistent. It might sound easy or even trivial at first, but eventually this is the crucial difference between people who end up creating a great project and people who give up or do not even try.
The way to build up your own venture, whether it’s an NGO or business can be very long. You will have many ups and downs in its way and you need to find a strategy to stay focused and ambitious within all these periods.
If you have something that you really believe in, keep on working on it with the same passion and energy, even at times that you have doubts.
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thelegacyproject · 2 years
(via Colonel Gregory Gadson | Decorated Army Commander)
Colonel Gregory Gadson , a Chesapeake, Va., native; served our nation in the United States Army for more than 26 years. Col. Gadson’s service culminated as the Garrison Commander of Fort Belvoir, where he oversaw the daily operations of the post, a strategic sustaining base where more than 50,000 military personnel and employees provide logistical, intelligence, medical and administrative support, and command and control for a mix of more than 140 commands and agencies for the Department of Defense.
A 25-year career Army officer, Col. Gadson’s life is a portrait of courage in the face of great adversity. In May 2007, as commander of the 2nd Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery, Col. Gadson’s greatest challenge came in Iraq, where an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attack cost him both legs above the knees and normal use of his right arm and hand.
Despite this, Gadson remained on active duty in the Army and continued to inspire many with his message of courage, perseverance, determination and teamwork. Refusing to be defined by the proverbial “hail of bullets,” he has since drawn upon the lessons of Pride, Poise and Team, learned as a West Point linebacker, and applied them to his life, career and family.
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thelegacyproject · 2 years
(via Petra Škarja | The Legacy Project | Author and Lecturer)
Petra Škarja Definition Of Success | Level of success for me is mostly “measured” by inner peace and true happiness (in deeper meaning) – of course to achieve that you firstly need money, time, people … And I’m trying to be true to myself in every moment of my life (it sounds easy, but it’s not so much).
And yes, what success means to me is changing all the time … First, when I was starting my business, success for me was only how much money I earn. Then it was how many people know me as an author and lecturer, how much media world knows me. Then it was how much freedom I have (financial, time, not being influenced by media, government ….). Later it was how I am changing lives of others and society … Now I’m focusing in “being the change that I wish to see in the world” (Gandhi).
I Am Driven By | I question myself the same question many times … And I haven’t found the real answer yet I think that when you find your talents and you do, what you really LOVE to do, you don’t ask yourself where to get motivation for work anymore …
My Highlights | Me and my team were a national champion in volleyball – I’m really proud on this  And I ran half-marathon without stopping (after a car accident doctors said that this won’t be possible – but it was! ). In career – selling book rights for the book The American Millionaires Have Spoken in China and lecturing there in a really big and special event.
The Difference Between Good And Great | They both need certain qualities … But people who are GREAT at what they do, they LOVE their work … People who are GOOD at what they do they either don’t like their work so much or they just like it. But not LOVE it.
A Key Talent | If I should highlight ONE talent or strength, that would be … I stopped listening to others what is the RIGHT way how to live my life … I could say that the strength would be – Following my inner ideas, dreams, wishes, ideas … People in general we follow to much OTHER’s (parents, friends, media, movies, government …) advices and ideas and don’t trust ourselves.
Yes, we should listen to others and learn from every single person that we meet in ourlives. But nobody knows you the way you know yourself. And there is nobody else in this world than you, who deep in yourself knows what is the best for you – what are your true talents, ideas, dreams, wishes. Don’t just follow society what they are telling you what is good and what is bad for you; what to do and what not to do … Every person is UNIQUE – so please, stay UNIQUE … Trust yourself and your inner voice … It is there, we all have it. I believe that is the only way how to achieve your personal success, your personal happiness and how to change the world.
Advice to others? It Is hard to give such advices, because every person is unique and what helps me, maybe won’t help others. So instead of saying “I give advice” I would like to say I can tell what helped me over these years so far.
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thelegacyproject · 2 years
(via Peter van Kets | The Legacy Project | Motivational Speaker)
Peter van Kets, Definition Of Success: To be able to achieve the vision that you have set out for yourself, from a personal and a professional perspective. Most importantly I believe that being significant is way more important than being successful. Therefore, success is not about winning a race but about what happens afterwards. I feel successful if I can inspire people and change that way they think about themselves.
I Am Driven By:  what I can achieve during and from my expeditions that have positive conservation results. There is a difference between what motivates me and what drives me. Supporting my two charities, The Karel du Toit Centre for the Deaf and Children in the Wilderness drive me. If the wilderness in Sub Saharan Africa is to thrive, I believe that it is the children living in these areas that need to be supported and educated.
My Highlights: A major highlight was meeting my wife Kim, that event changed the course of my life. The birth of my daughter Hannah was a huge highlight and a life changing experience. Other highlights include winning the Trans-Atlantic rowing race in 2008 and holding the South African flag over the South Pole commemorating the Centenary of the Scott Amundsen race in 2011.
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Tammy Frazer
When it comes to building a luxury beauty brand and a world-class range of products, I think Tammy Frazer got a genetic head-start on the rest of us. Her late Grandfather was the great Graham Wulff who founded and built up, with his partner, Oil of Olay, before selling it globally to Richardson Vicks (now Proctor & Gamble), whilst her Father worked at Givaudan – the leading global Fragrance House. After studying her Communication Masters in Australia, Tammy returned to South Africa and began life as a Master perfumer, building her own brand of exclusively African, hand-made, natural organic perfumes – Frazer Parfum, as well as applying her craft as a bespoke creator of natural fragrances for high net-worth individuals and corporate clients all around the world. As a typical entrepreneur she has used her vocation to shape her own future, provide jobs, support farmers and showcase what Africa has to give to the rest of the world. I caught up with Tammy in her lab earlier this week and got the chance to go a bit deeper, grabbing insight into just what her life-story and life-philosophy actually are:
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My Definition Of Success:
“I feel like I am not there yet! This is the way I think all entrepreneurs view the present because they are always seeing the vision, always looking to the future to achieve more. Lately though, I’ve enjoyed having the discipline to spend more time perfecting the ideas I have.”
I Am Driven By:
“I love the creative idea. Coming up with something and then researching how it can be executed is so exciting. The cleverness of design, the purity of concept. And having big dreams.”
I think my ‘MAGIC’ comes from:
“I’ve always felt that everyone’s X factor is like a finger print and can’t be repeated so there is no need for competition, just awe in what humans can do. I’m fascinated by little details: the way someone might have a mannerism when they laugh or the taste of a micro clover leaf on my tongue. That obsession with the human condition is what makes me curious and drives me forward….. which can turn into magic sometimes.”
The Difference Between good And Great:
“Certain things to certain people are effortless. Almost as graceful as seeing Federer serve – which I’ll never forget at the Melbourne Cup tennis final. If you find your ‘calling’ it becomes you and the opportunities with that natural ease are attractive to others, which builds on success.”
A Key Talent:
“Will. I keep at it. And when times are hard, I am able to find something in my work that becomes a renewed passion which makes me fall in love with it all over again. It can even be a simple re-framing of something I’m struggling with, so the struggle is still there but I look at it differently.“
The Characteristics Of Success:
“It can also be my hurdle, but I’m a doer. So rather than just thinking about something and hoping it may happen, or waiting on someone else to act, no task is too small for me to get done. I’ve found over and over again, that something great happens when you meet with someone face to face. If I make the effort to be the one to drive out to my box maker in person the conversation is richer and the product development is better for it.”
Principles I Live By:
“As I grow up I’m learning that respect for people is key but compassion is everything. You never know what the other person is going through.”
Critical Skills I Develop:
“I’m trying to remain focused on what I’ve already developed rather than wanting to create, change and update. Newness can be about taking a product or offering and showcasing it to a new audience.”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Brenda Andress | Commissioner of Canadian Women’s Hockey League & Founder of Passion Productions
Brenda Andress, also known as the “Thought Leader ” is currently the Commissioner of the Canadian Women’s National Hockey League. Brenda leads the CWHL as they create the first women’s professional hockey league. Brenda has always dedicated herself to her dreams with the strength of passion that enabled her to achieve them and now brings this expertise to the CWHL.
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My Definition Of Success:
“ Yes my definition has changed immensely over the years.  When I was younger I measured success by my accomplishments and the amount of money I had.  Life lessons teach you directly if you are willing to learn.
I Am Driven By:
“ MY Passion for life, laughter and family.”
My Highlights:
“ The highlights of my life are my children and Grandchildren and the ability to share in their love and watch them grow into their own lives.  My career highlights are watching my staff grow and become what they were meant to be in life.  The YWCA and WXN award given by women for women was also a highlight.”
The Difference Between Good And Great:
“ All people are great at what they do, when they choose to be what they were born to be.  When you are trying to be someone else, you are only impersonating them and therefore only good at being them and not great at being you.”
A Key Talent:
“My talent and strength is to listen to me and allowing myself to be guided by the voice inside.  “YES I CAN” So many times we return to the scene of the crime at a point in our life only to hear our inside voice say; “I knew I should not have done that, or taken that job, or dated that person”   I am responsible for me and my journey and no one else.  The art of letting go of that which keep us from obtaining our goals. I follow what makes me feel alive and happy and let go of the things in life that we carry that bogs me down. And the most important strength I have is to realize that everyone around me is bringing a message and my job is to hear it and then act on it with truth and integrity.”
How I Use My Mind:
“LOL…My mind uses me and I challenge it to tell me the truth and not what it believes.  A small question, of, is that true, when a thought enters your mind can be the difference in you being calm or upset.”
Lessons I Have Learnt:
“That life is short and you’re in charge. YOU CHOOSE, you might be given all types of lessons and detours of hardship, but you still get to choose what happens to you and how you act and react to that curve ball.”
Performing At My Peak:
“I close my eyes breath in and out and with each breath I say; “breath in love, breath out love”  then next I say; “ do not believe their words or your thoughts, only my heart talks of truth”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Daren Denholm
Daren Denholm is known as “The Memory Guy” and is the global face of geniusseries.com – a hugely successful and enterprising online learning platform used by thousands globally to fast-track enhanced use of memory for learning, studying and achieving more in life. 12 years ago, Daren started competing at the World Memory Championships and went on to become the highest ranked competitor in the Southern Hemisphere in all 6 consecutive World Memory Championships from 2006-2011. 
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My Definition Of Success:
 “ I believe it is essential to have a clear idea of what success means as this ultimately directs all of your daily activity and decisions you make. My definition of success has changed over the years, as I’ve reflected more deeply on this:
20 years ago : Knowing your purpose, growing to reach your full potential, sowing seeds that benefit others
10 years ago : Extraordinary success in any area of your life can be determined by the degree and quantity of significant accomplishments you are able to achieve in a limited amount of time that reflect your most important dreams, goals and value.
5 years ago : The progression towards a worthy goal.
Now : The extent and duration of your positive influence AFTER you die.
I Am Driven By :
“A passion to see people’s lives changed and transformed for the better. This has kept me awake at night and given me the inspiration to get out of bed early most mornings since the age of 15, 20 or so years ago.”
The Difference Between Good And Great:
“ The constant, even obsessive amount of time, thought, energy, resources etc invested into the progression of one’s dream. This is not something one switches on and off. It is something that is thought about 24 / 7 / 365. Disciplined time needs to be made to try and NOT think about ones dream. Time to rest enough so one has enough energy and inspiration to continue progressing towards creating hopefully life-changing work that makes a difference.  This amount of “obsessive” / all-consuming thought and dedication cannot be achieved without the underlying thread of fun, enjoyment and curiosity. Have a look at this great 4 min video showing insight into the mind of the youngest world chess champion in history, Magnus Carlson.”
A Key Talent:
“Probably my passion and commitment to continual, consistent learning. It is something I have to often try and stop myself doing. If I’m not careful, I can easily spend the whole day reading, reflecting, digging and trying to go deeper with work I am currently engaged in or future products / projects I am working on in conjunction. I allow myself from 8am – 10am each day dedicated purely to learning, thinking, reflecting and planning the day ahead of me. This is my “God time.” I use this time to think about close friends, family and customers as well. I often send people an email during this time when the thought of them is fresh in my mind or if I find something I believe someone specifically would enjoy or benefit from. This is my sacred time which I completely love. I try and only set meetings after this time. The study of circadian neuroscience says that you are at your creative / mental best at 10am each morning. So, this is the time I officially start my working day. I ideally fill it with as much effective “sowing” or execution towards my core goals or objectives. I do very little, if any, planning during this time and work purely on execution. We don’t have a TV at home and my phone is switched off for most of the day which helps me try and stay completely focused on what I want to achieve each day. I try and only check and respond to emails once or twice a day. Because I spend very little time watching TV, on social media etc, I use this time instead to learn and think. Most nights I sneak into my office to do my final learning / reflection for the day and I quickly scribble a summary of my perfect day (tomorrow) on my big whiteboard. This gives my brain something to reflect on while I sleep so when I wake up I am excited and ready to start working on what I have spent the night reflecting on. I always have 1 big learning project on the go.”
My Success Code:
“I use a memory system known as the method of “loci” to store every core goal I am working on at any given time. I never have more than 2 or 3 core goals for each year (as well as 12 week and 4 week stretches) that I want to achieve. I reflect on and think about these goals usually once or twice every day and then think of what specific activities I can execute on that day and week to get closer to realizing these goals. I also break these goals into those specific tasks I believe will have the greatest impact on the realization of these goals and think about these also each morning in my 8am – 10am time. They “grow” and become more vivid and exciting each day which inspires me. It also helps keep me focused when the journey gets lonely or difficult or I experience various set-backs or disappointments. I have a personal “journey of locations” where I reflect on the person I desire to be and what I want my life to look like in the end, the father I desire to be to my 2 sons and daughter, the husband I desire to be to my wife, the friend I desire to be, the attitude I desire to have each day and key life lessons I don’t want to forget. I reflect on this each day but more importantly I try and think of actual tasks I can execute on to become more of what I desire each day. This is an active thing. It is DEFINITELY not just ‘dreaming’ of what I want and expecting it to materialize. The constant thought of what I desire keeps me focused and excited about what I want to work towards but I try and make sure that as many minutes of every day (outside of 8am – 10am) is dedicated purely to executing on all those tasks that can help me realize these dreams that I continually think about.”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Antonio León de la Barra
For the last 25 years or so, right across Mexico and Central America, Antonio has helped shape and guide the fortunes of many of the region’s most powerful brands – with his passionate energy, creativity, insight and his critical out-of-the box strategic thinking. Today he shares some of what drives him, what keeps him on-the-edge and how he has managed to remain ‘true to himself’ within the competitive, fast-paced world of global business.
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About my Life Mission:
“Make a Difference.”
My Definition Of Success:
“Success for me means finding meaning and purpose in what I do. Achieving coherence between my values, my principles, my passion and my actions. At the end of the day, that what I do matters, that it has a positive impact on people´s lives and makes the world (even if it is in a little tiny bit) a better place.”
I Am Driven By:
“Passion, curiosity and always wanting to do try new things. Things which have never been done before.”
My Highlights:
“In my personal life I had to overcome many challenges. I had dyslexia and attention deficit disorder, but at the same time I had a very high IQ which made me skip grades many times. So coping with change, making friends and living a contradictory reality where in one hand I was very smart, but in the other I could not concentrate and get good grades, was really hard. So I am very proud for having made it all work, through lots of hard work, determination and the love and support of my family and friends. In my career I feel very proud of having been one of the most senior Mexican marketers globally in Unilever, having started as a trainee that knew absolutely nothing about marketing. And in that journey having done what was thought impossible many times.”
The Magic in me Originates From:
“My stubbornness, and just never taking no for an answer. Since I was a kid I believed, and I still do, that anything is possible.”
The Difference Between Good And Great: 
“Passion, purpose and meaning.”
A Key Talent:
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Niel du Preez
Mellowcabs is Neil’s second start-up, his first being a kid’s stroller, the Riksha. He credits his wife, new-born twins, and six-year old son, as the inspiration for what he does. He enjoys mountain biking, stand-up paddle boarding and fishing with his son. Growing up in South Africa with limited access to public transport, Neil has always had an interest in public transport systems. After living abroad for a few years he started seeing transit systems in a new light. Mellowcabs manufactures and operates electric mini-cabs that provide convenient, low-cost and eco-friendly taxi and transport services in cities. The services are provided through a mobile app which connects commuters and cabs.
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I Am Driven By:
“Fear…fear of not being the person I feel I can be, and not being able to provide for my family.”
My Highlights: 
“Well, my life has turned out to be very cool, I have a lovely wife and three sons, I live in a picturesque village in the Cape Winelands and I’ve overcome a serious back injury and completed the gruelling 7 day Cape Pioneer mountain bike race.”
The Difference Between Good And Great:
“I think for true greatness you’ll need an abundance and balance of ability, creativity and discipline.”
A Key Talent: 
“Good question…I think I’m quite good at predicting trends, and seeing opportunities where others only see challenges. Plus I believe that systems can always be improved / hacked.”
The Characteristics Of Success:
“I have quite a lot to say about practical things in life and business, especially around productivity. Everyone on earth has 24 hours in a day, from Einstein to Branson to Nobel. Spend your time wisely, preferably with family. Stop wasting time on TV and video games. You will be super busy as an entrepreneur.”
Principles I Live By: 
“Be positive to people around you, to your competition, and towards yourself. Negativity leads to bad stuff happening to you. Do things ethically, and honour your family.”
Lessons I Have Learnt:
“One of the more recent ones was to stay away from partnerships. It does not work, decisions become complicated, and opinions will clash. Partners lead to unknown misery, and alcohol abuse.”
Dealing With Doubt:
“Doubt is a part of everyday life in a start-up, there’s just no way to get away from it until massive amounts of money flows into your account. I guess a balance of faith, blind determination and encouragement by my wife.”
Performing At My Peak:
“I mountain bike, or try to…”
Resources I Use To Stay Inspired:
“If you don’t know something, ask someone to help or for advice. Most people will gladly help. Use local knowledge especially Universities. The internet has the info, and believe it or not, good old libraries.”
My Future Dreams And Ambitions:
“I want to create positive change around me, and drive a classic Corvette.”
The Best Advice I’ve Received:
“Focus on your strengths and do what you do very well. Get someone to help you with what you don’t do well. (After you give it a shot yourself)”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Lucy Bloom
Lucy Bloom is an award-winning leader and speaker. She’s a change maker, exceptional communicator and business fixer with the best mohawk in the business. Lucy led an advertising agency for 20 years before she became the CEO of a brand new women’s health organisation, funding a network of hospitals in Ethiopia. 
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She then went on to transform a Cambodian children’s charity as its first CEO. She is the creator of the world’s first childbirth education program for men run in local pubs all over Australia and she’s the first and only Aussie named in the world top 30 #socialceos.
Lucy’s top-selling memoir, Get the Girls Out, was published by HarperCollins in 2019 to rave reviews. You will find her challenging and entertaining in equal measure, with humour tied into a powerful business message. Lucy Bloom is a rule breaker, idea maker and momentum creator.
Lucy Bloom is the first and only Australian to be listed in the world’s top 30 #socialceos She was a founding director and CEO of Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia (Australia), going from volunteer to CEO in 8 years.
Her knack for social media brought a niche charity in Australia a monthly post reach of more than 20M. Her social media clients report instant results.
What does success mean to you? 
“Has your definition of it changed over the years and if so, why? | True success is having the freedom to spend my time as I wish. This means when the sun shines and conditions are perfect, I can push my kayak out on the water and I am not chained to a desk. I have a flexible life I spent 25 years building towards. I tend to knuckle down and work more hours in winter when the days are short and I can hire a team of interns and we go go go! That flexibility is success to me.” What do you think is often the difference between people who are good at what they do and people who are great at what they do?
“Practice. My very first speech was probably rubbish compared to the keynotes I give today and the big difference is years of practice, taking feedback from professionals and more practice. Having said that, I have a dear friend who says that the difference between ordinary people and extraordinary people is PUBLICITY. Ha ha! How good is that? Most people have something extraordinary about them, we just don’t necessarily see it on TV.” What is one talent or strength of yours, which has been critical to your success? 
“I’m a good story teller and that skill has opened a lot of doors for me, especially as a keynote speaker.”
When you get / got STUCK, what caused it and how did you get going again? 
“I have only ever been stuck when I have let my health suffer. The only way to unstick that is to put health first above everything including my kids and my income. When your health is your number one priority, everything else flows well.” What is your biggest weakness? 
“I am terrible at kissing butt. I am all for giving credit where credit is due but I just can’t bring myself to kiss butt for the sake of it. Ewww, it makes me feel sick.” On a psychological or mind-set level, how do you use your mind and how do you think in a specific way to help you achieve your goals and realize your ambitions? 
“In my first year out of high school I had a serious motorcycle accident and had 14 reconstructive operations to put me back together. Many weeks in hospital gave me a lot of time to kill and potentially a lot of anxiety for my brain to churn over as it looked likely I would lose my leg. Instead, I learned the art of pulling my thoughts away from anxious assumptions of worst case scenarios and I consciously lead my mind into the playground of fantasy. Instead of worrying about what might go wrong, I fantasised about what could go right. I dreamed about riding a motorcycle across the USA. I even bought maps and guidebooks. The distraction from a reality I couldn’t control was so good. I also fantasised about running my own advertising agency. I went on to do that and I lead the agency for 20 years. Fantasy produces hormones which make you feel good and help you sleep. Anxiety does the opposite.” How do you ensure you are always feeling energised and performing at your peak? 
“I worship at the alter of good sleep. You can do anything after a juicy night’s sleep. I give my best speeches first thing in the morning. I am also a major fan of the arvo nap. Sleep is the most underrated aspect of good health. I boast about how many solid hours sleep I got, not how few!”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
David Donde
Some entrepreneurs are so ridiculously prolific, talented and ‘out-there’ that they get to take on the status of ‘celebrity’ entrepreneur. In my opinion, David Donde is one of those. I know this for a fact because I get to experience both the brand and the products that David brings to the market almost every day at Truth Coffee’s Steampunk HQ, only a short walk from our studios at successness.com in Cape Town. Anyone who has lost themselves to a ‘skinny mac’ and shared wild fantasies in the eclectic, funky, and always busy Truth Cafe, knows what I am talking about.  I was not surprised to hear that it’s been voted the world’s best coffee shop by the The Daily Telegraph two years in a row!!! A man not afraid of the brutal truth, David kindly offers up some pearls of wisdom behind his success story in his brief interview. So, sit back, grab a short black of your own and enjoy. Hit it David!!
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I Am Driven By: 
“Trying to achieve the extraordinary, and thereby bring joy. Tinkering and building.”
My ‘Magic’ comes from: 
“Stealing like an artist. Finding great ideas and getting inspired to move them up and on.”
The Difference Between good And Great: 
“Fear of mediocrity and the understanding, that it is about the journey, not the destination.”
A Key Talent: 
“AD(H)D 🙂”
Principles I Live By: 
“Having principles and values that guide one is the principle that matters. Which ones don’t matter.”
Critical Skills I Develop: 
“Thinking bigger.”
How I Use My Mind: 
“I allow good ideas to filter up on their own.”
Dealing With Doubt and fear: 
“Bravery isn’t the absence of fear, but facing fear and forging ahead anyhow.”
Performing At My Peak: Trying not to be busy being busy.
My Future Dreams And Ambitions: 
“Can I let you know on my deathbed? Don’t want the limitation now thanks.”
  How I balance high performance with happiness and contentment: 
“I am never content. I am happy striving.”
  Advice On Building Wealth: 
“Stop it! Chase success. Wealth is a mirage.”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Cosmin Mihaiu
Cosmin is the Co-Founder and CEO of MIRA Rehab, a software company using video-games to make physical therapy much more effective.
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Cosmin has a passion for technology and how it can be creatively used to improve day-to-day activities. He enjoys playing video-games, which some may say is a trivial hobby, but it taught him to think about how to use what is fun, engaging and addictive in new ways. He is also passionate about improving health and well-being. As a developing economy, his home country Romania is a place where more has to be done with less, especially within the health sector. Combining his fascination with the video-game industry, personal experience and interest in health, as well as being part of a great team led to the creation of MIRA Rehab.
My Definition Of Success:
“Success for me would mean seeing the business I co-founded with 3 friends spreading across the world to deliver more engaging therapy. Our mission is to motivate people to get better in a faster, easy and fun way. We believe patients should find therapy more convenient and fun, which would encourage uptake to treatment and improve outcomes. We want to deliver a solution that would empower any patient to access affordable and engaging therapy. That would mean success for me.”
I Am Driven By:
“What drives me is the mission to make therapy more convenient. A few years ago, we had our first small trial at a Paediatric institution with children with neurological conditions. We spent two days there with children who tested our application for us to gather feedback on how to improve. It was the first time we saw patients accessing our application. It was a great feeling seeing children playing and having fun with the video-games we built for their rehabilitation. And it was an even greater feeling when we saw how happy their parents were for their children. This is what drives me: building entertaining therapy for people in need of rehabilitation.”
The Difference Between Good And Great:
“People doing good work would be the ones interested in their goals, having the experience to deliver good outcomes. They have the know-how and are passionate about their work. People who are great at what they do have all the characteristics of the people doing good work, with the advantage that they love what they are doing and are striving to learn to do it even better. A good friend of mine said that “People who love their work, don’t consider it as ‘work’ at all”. I think that’s the difference between good and great work.”
A Key Talent:
“I like to think one strength I have is perseverance. I think the entire MIRA Rehab founding team got to this stage through persevering, not giving up and finding ways to successful collaborations. I believe the easiest path to failure is to surrender to all the obstacles faced while trying to achieve your dream. However, I am not suggesting at all to push over the limits. Physical and even mental health are more important. But, before thinking of quitting, my suggestion would be to take a break for a few days, speak to the closest friends or mentors, and then decide what the best steps forward would be.”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Gary te Roller
“Hi Steve, I’m Gary te Roller. I’m a recovering addict and I now devote my life to help people to live holistically and to nourish their bodies, as a plant-based health coach, helping them to move toward their maximum potential, filled with purpose, health, drive, love and compassion. What’s your story?”.
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This was the ‘elevator life purpose’ greeting I was met with in April of this year when I was lucky enough to meet Gary te Roller for the first time in person, when he walked into my podcast studio. To say I was completely taken aback by Gary’s open-ness, his honesty, his vulnerability and his clarity of thought, is a gross understatement. What really shook me out of my comfort zone was I instinctively knew that Gary’s level of open-ness, vulnerability and clarity was not met with my own. I knew I just wasn’t ready with my own story, perhaps even my own honesty and vulnerability. This is the powerful and changing force of Gary te Roller. His mission is to get each of us to dig deep and to accept our own story – the real thing, the whole thing, the good, the bad and the ugly, not just the one we show on instagram – as an empowering story, that we can own and which we are proud of, and then to use that story to make ourselves stronger, living with clear vocation and purpose. As they say in the classics, Gary is never in town just for a ‘haircut’. He’s here to jolt you into making changes to your life, to unlock your full potential, to take back your decision-making power and zest for life. Please read Gary’s interview below. I promise, it will be something you never regret. Thanks for your fire and your truth Gary. Thanks for always asking and answering the hard questions:
My Definition Of Success:
“Success to me means more than the materialistic ideals of the 21st century or should I say my previous ideals within the 21st century. I am in recovery from drugs and alcohol and I now see every colour of the rainbow whereas before the world was pretty much black and white. I once equated success with fast cars, beautiful women, heaps of money, brand names and titles. I chased my next hit of drugs, next shot of booze or next moment where I could allow my ego to be flamboyant in a room of strangers by throwing money across roulette tables. This landed me up in only one place. Rehab and depression. I couldn’t understand why. The world told me that it was all normal. That my aspirations of being rich in brands, ego and money was the ultimate destination. I am grateful for the superficial chase as it allowed me to reveal my true self. My true purpose which ultimately led me to my own success. Success for me is about revealing the true self and not becoming something or someone else. I now find success in waking up with a smile on my face, carving out time for myself to meditate, practice yoga or go for a run. I am successful because I do not work all day and I go out in the middle of the day to do something fun like hike a mountain without feeling guilty.
I feel successful because I use my money wisely and instead of being a prisoner to massive bonds so that I can be flashy, I use that to travel and adventure into new places. When sobering up and leaving the corporate world, I knew two things about myself. That I wanted to help people and I wanted to experience this world. I now do exactly that through empowerment coaching via video calls and living in different cultures. I am successful because I sit here answering these questions with zero distractions. Mindfulness has become my superpowerI Am Driven By | My drive gets generated through a sense of giving and creating space for people to reveal their true self. I understand that for a long time, us humans have been marketed and sold to through corporate’s and politicians, This has essentially removed the power of decision making away from us. The inequality of this world drives me. I am grateful to be in a position as a change maker helping people ask the right empowering questions.
When I started this path, my first ‘client’ was my Dad and I helped him turn his life around, losing 45kg and reversing his 30 year long suffering with diabetes on a plant-based diet. The real pinnacle point for me was one day we were cycling to Christmas lunch together and he turned to me and looked me in the eyes and said thank you son. I said thank you for what dad. He said “At the age of 68 you have given me a new lease on life” I could see my Dad’s body language bursting with gratitude. In that moment I knew what drove me. I promised myself in that moment that no matter what I will make sure I help at least one person a year. Now a couple years down the line and it’s more than that daily. Thank you universe!!My magic comes from | Listening and understanding. It sounds simple but something that is often forgotten about in today’s world. In the western ways of doing things it is all based on competition, individuality and material wealth. I have lived on both sides of the spectrum so I get to understand both perspectives.
My magic also comes from digging deep into who I am for the last 10 years. Crashing and burning many times. Running away many times. People pleasing. Chasing other peoples desires. Until I couldn’t fall anymore and I had to rip out of my shell called ego. Revealing who I am, underneath the scars and psychological wounds. Setting myself free. Understanding self-compassion is key to living a fulfilled life. I use that magic with other people. I share my own hope, strength and story and allow that to get others to ask their own empowering question. WHO AM I? The Difference Between good And Great | There is the parable called Acre Of Diamonds: The story is about a man named Ali Hafed who was very happy with his life. He was a rich man because he had everything he needed: his farm, his beautiful family, and money. Then one day a priest who was visiting Ali told him about diamonds in a far-off land that were worth a lot of money. The priest explained that if he had one of these rare diamonds he could have not just one farm, but many; and be set for generations to come. Intrigued by the diamonds and how much they were worth, Ali went to bed that night a poor man. He had not lost anything, but he was poor because what he had was no longer enough. In a moment, he shifted his focus from all that he felt blessed to have, to all that he didn’t yet possess. So soon after that day, Ali sold his farm, left his family, and travelled the world searching for the rare diamonds. He travelled for years but he couldn’t find them. His health and his wealth declined, and he felt like a failure. His feelings overwhelmed him and he threw himself into the ocean—knowing he could not swim—and drowned. Meanwhile the man who had purchased Ali’s farm saw a sparkling stone in a stream cutting through his land. He picked it up and put it on his mantel, not thinking anything of it. When the priest came by a few days later and asked him where he got this diamond, the man explained that it was just a rock and there were many on the land. It turns out that rock, and all the others on Ali’s old land, were diamonds. In fact, after digging all over the land the two men found acres of diamonds. According to the story, these diamonds were to be the famous diamonds of Golconda, one of the biggest diamond mines in the world.
The difference between the great giants and mini mice is that the ‘greats’ look within for the greatness and accept their own story as an empowering story. They use their story to make themselves stronger and not weaker. They are proud of their own story and understand that we all have everything that we ever need inside of ourselves. A Key Talent | Self-compassion and self-belief. I had to learn to love myself for who I truly am. Grow a genuine admiration of myself free of ego. Understand that I have a story that needs to be told. Everyone has a story and you get to choose whether you share it or you don’t. The Characteristics Of Success | Every morning I start my day with going within. I wake up, hug and kiss my fiancé good morning then it is straight onto my meditation pillow. I sit for 10 -30 minutes and get straight into my gratitude journal. I journal 5 gratitude’s I have, 5 things on my ‘To Be’ List which is the opposite of a ‘To Do’ list as it highlights the type of person I would like to be that day. for example to listen more to strangers, smile at someone today, more easy on myself etc. I then end it off with my plan of the day highlighting the important tasks and goals critical to my success. What tasks will add the most momentum to my purpose of creating a brand to help people find their ’brand’. I then slide into a yoga session or a run, mindful plant-based breakfast and only then do I attend to the rest of the world. Pausing during the day and reviewing my intentions – for this I suggest setting you phone alarm to 3 times for the day in the beginning to build a habit. This does two things, brings you back into awareness of your day, not being lost in the busyness of it all and holds you responsible for the important tasks that create the forward momentum for you to live a life of purpose. Critical Skills I Develop | Continuously reading and practicing what works for me. There is no point reading an article or books and not practicing the techniques on yourself. You might as well watch a movie. Understand what your purpose is, what your goals are and then find someone in the same industry that is very successful in all aspects of their life. Reach out to them. Follow them. Understand their message. Then secondly I would say meditation. It is something that brings us closer to ourselves. Quietens out the noise which creates space within for us to reveal our true being and to get creative.”
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Lessons I Have Learnt:
“That everything in life just is. That there is no wrong or right. There are 7 billion different perspectives and perceptions and understanding that this is okay. We have no control of anything else besides our own attitudes and behaviour. And lastly doing everything with genuine compassion will create a limitless world for you.”
Dealing With Doubt:
“This is one of our greatest weakness and greatest strengths of all time. Self-oppression or negativity has become a norm in our society and this is one of the first steps I take clients through. I personally do this regularly as our character defects change like the seasons. Get a book and get a pen. Write down your character defects and be specific. Eg. I have self-doubt at work because I feel when I stand up in the boardroom everyone is judging me on what I am wearing and how I am verbalising my presentation. Now go further. Ask yourself why. Where does this come from. Was I teased at school during an oral exam. Did my parents tell me I am not good enough. Great. Go further. Why did that person tease me? Why did my parents say that. What personally could have happened to them. Great. Now keep writing. It will start flowing out of you. Then read it to someone you trust as a confidant and get it out of you. This process will make you understand that it is not you. Your insecurity or negativity has flowed from something or someone else. Re-frame it in your head. I am all I ever need. I have a story that I need to tell. I am pure love. I deserve love and compassion.”
Performing At My Peak:
“Enough sleep, enough quiet time, celery juice in the morning (one of the best healing tonics you could ever have), a plant-based diet, journaling, mixing with like-minded people, taking breaks often, getting outdoors, smiling and laughing and not taking life so seriously.”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Dame Stephanie Shirley
Dame Stephanie Shirley is a highly successful entrepreneur turned ardent philanthropist.
Having arrived in Britain as an unaccompanied child refugee in 1939, she started what became Xansa on her dining room table with £6 in 1962. In 25 years as its Chief Executive, she developed it into a leading business technology group, pioneering new work practices and changing the position of professional women (especially in hi-tech) along the way.
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My Definition Of Success:
“Entrepreneurs who succeed are those who can deal with failures (and I had many) pick themselves up, brush themselves down and move on.”
I Am Driven By:
“I am as driven today as I was 75 years ago by my arrival in England as a five-year-old unaccompanied child refugee from Nazi Europe in 1939. The experience left me with two things: Knowing that I could cope with change gave me confidence and eventually, I learnt to welcome change. That was useful in my hi-tech career. And, I decided very early on to make sure that my life was worthy of being saved. So try not to fritter my life away. And, I decided very early on to make sure that my life was worthy of being saved. So try not to fritter my life away.”
My Highlights:
“I’m proud still to be married to my wonderfully supportive husband. The other day when I said “my husband’s an angel” a woman complained: “You’re lucky” she said “mine’s still alive”. I’m proud to have taken four organisations (including three charities) into sustainability: financially and managerially independent of me. I’m proud to have taken four organisations (including three charities) into sustainability: financially and managerially independent of me. I’m proud to have given away the bulk of the money I made.”
A Key Talent:
“Nobody does anything by themselves any more; it’s all a matter of teamwork. My strength is that I do like people. And have learnt how to enthuse and persuade them to give of their best. This came from training courses but also practice – analysing what went wrong, when someone is upset, why that relationship didn’t work … (Invariably, it turned out to be my own fault). Not everyone wants to innovate so I’ve had to recruit people with complementary skills, not just younger versions of me. I’ve learnt to show my weaknesses; to say I don’t know, please help; to praise good performance and ignore the mediocre; to thank people and never take them for granted.”
The Characteristics Of Success:
“I’ve been told that after 10,000 hours at something you become an expert. So I spend the time. I’ve always been able to focus and work hard as well as long. Work is not just something I do when I’d rather be doing something else.”
Principles I Live By:
“I have no faith but was brought up by Christian foster parents and believe in those of the Ten Commandments which are concerned with human behavior. By nature, I’m a pacifist and believe that every single person can make a difference to the world. And if you don’t commit, you are just taking up space. Although loving my adopted country with a passion perhaps only someone who had lost their human rights can feel, I try to be a citizen of the world believing we are all the same under the skin. My moral code demands my ongoing support of the weak. I value the non-material things in life: love, friendship, nature, music, art …”
Lessons I Have Learnt:
“In my life, I’ve learnt not to lose my temper or show impatience. My late son Giles, who was autistic and without speech, taught me to really listen. I’ve learnt to live without him, without his need of me. In my career, I’ve learnt to use humour to defuse tension and to speak in public (see my TED Talk).”
Performing At My Peak:
“As the years pass, it is more and more important for me to keep my energy levels up. Age is not how you look but about how you behave. Now on my second Pacemaker, I try to pace myself in what I do. Work to me is not something I do when I’d rather be doing something else.” 
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Dr. David Klatzow - Forensic Scientist🙌
For justice to prevail, the application of maths, physics, pathology and chemistry needs to be applied. Methodically and meticulously, evidence must be analysed for the truth to be told. As a leading Forensic Scientist in South Africa, David Klatzow reveals his honest truth with us here:
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My Definition Of Success:
“Success means to me, the acquisition of knowledge, to be used to assist your fellow man, to make everybody’s life a little easier.  This has always been my idea of success.  It has always been my idea that one should become as proficient in your chosen field of study as possible and that your acquisition of knowledge should be eclectic and should never cease.”
I Am Driven By:
“The thing that drives me is an insatiable thirst for knowledge.  I enjoy obtaining knowledge about almost everything in my field and often it is slightly peripheral to my field but it is surprising how often that becomes quite useful in dealing with a case from a slightly different angle.”
My Highlights:
“The highlights of my life and career that make me proud are the fact that during the 1980’s I was the sole forensic scientist speaking out against the police atrocities against the citizens of this country.  There was round detraction of my work by the state, the government, the magistrates and by the prosecutors. When the TRC came along it became apparent that my evidence was correct at the time and many of the perpetrators came forward to admit to the crimes which I had identified them as having committed.”
The Difference Between Good And Great:
“The difference between people who are good at what they do and people who are great at what they do is passion. You have to be able to make your career part of your life, part of your entertainment; it must be your hobby as well as your career and if you can do that you will a) enjoy it, it will be one long entertainment session for you and b) you will get better and better at it because you do not object to spending time improving at it.  If you are doing a mere job, you begrudge the time that you spending working rather than enjoying that time and making better use of it.”
A Key Talent:
“The talent that I have which I think has been most useful to me is to see an overview of a particular problem and to be able to work out the step to solve it. Often people can see detail without seeing the overall pattern and quite often it is that ability to see the overall pattern in the long term which enables you to plot the way forward.  This is difficult to explain how to do because it is something you either see or you do not.  People who look at a painting will often see only the detail, others will see the entire picture.  I think my great fortune and good luck was to be able to see a big chunk of the painting as a whole and then to be able to focus in on the techniques that enabled you to produce that and to understand how the case can be brought forward.” 
The Characteristics Of Success:
“I am not sure what are the key characteristics but certainly determination, doggedness, curiosity, persistence, a thick skin, a willingness to admit that I am wrong when I am wrong and a commitment to the truth are all things that have made it possible for me to survive in this highly competitive and destructive field for now 32 years.”
Principles I Live By:
“The principles and values that I believe are important could not be better stated than those said by John Steinbeck through the mouth of Ed Ricketts in his book “Cannery Row” and that is a quote which goes as follows:  “I love true things, even if they hurt.” It is important to follow the truth or to try and get as close to the truth as it is possible to get, realising that you will never get all the way there but persisting in your quest to the top of that mountain of truth.”
Critical Skills I Develop:
“The critical skills that I have used and worked on are again enshrined in the previous paragraphs that are effectively an eclectic thirst for knowledge and an ability to synthesize that knowledge, putting it all together in one coherent whole which is useful in a) understanding forensic problems, and b) allowing one to cross borders between subjects such as medicine, law, science, chemistry and physics in order to understand how they interact and are able to make a fuller use of the subject by virtue of that ability.” 
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Jennifer Buffett
Jennifer Buffett is co-president of NoVo Foundation with her husband, Peter. She is responsible for creation and oversight of the Foundation’s vision, strategy, and program development. In addition, Jennifer is co-chair of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Jennifer works passionately advocating for girls and women worldwide and to end violence and exploitation against them, promoting “whole-child” education practices, and supporting balanced, sustainable communities. Jennifer and her husband Peter were named in Barron’s list of top 25 most effective philanthropists in 2009 and 2010.
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My Definition Of Success:
“Success to me means aligning my energy, gifts, resources and skills in ways that harmonize with the energies, gifts, resources and contributions that others bring towards positive effects. It takes intellectual and emotional intelligence to be successful collaboratively and doesn’t always happen. Success has often been defined as what one person can do solo. But I feel most successful when I’ve been able to work well with, and also support, others and catalyse a positive ripple effect. Sometimes that can mean supporting someone else to rise to the occasion. Success to me has changed in terms of the importance I place on achieving alone. And I greatly value the how things get done and the many contributions others make along the way.”
I Am Driven By:
“What drives me is a love for the incredible organic intelligence and wisdom of planet earth and the belief that we could create a more nurturing, respectful, kind and safe world for all and for future generations. I am driven by a desire to wake humanity up out of the collective madness that is destroying so much of this world. We could be living in a world where each human safely and supportively develops and shares their unique and innate gifts in life-giving, regenerative ways. But this means a real and deep shift needs to happen. I want to be a part of the shift out of our current paradigm and systems of domination, competition and exploitation, towards co-creation, collaboration and partnership.”
My Highlights:
“I am incredibly proud of being a part of building and shaping the NoVo Foundation from the ground up and for not being afraid to work in some very difficult arenas – such as ending sexual exploitation, child and domestic abuse and challenging social norms in terms of disparities due to race, class and gender.  I am proud of the vision we hold for a world where girls and women and the natural world are held in great reverence and respect.”
The Difference Between Good And Great:
“People who are great at what they do love what they do and can’t stop trying to improve upon, see and do things in new ways. They show up with enthusiasm, with fresh energy and curiosity – never thinking they’ve seen, done or know it all. They also know how to listen deeply and leave room for other’s creativity and talents. They have learned how to bring their skills and gifts, but also know how work with their ego in check and work with and recognize others.”
A Key Talent:
“I think a strength I have, and have really developed over time, is discernment. I have learned how to use my intellectual and analytical skills combined with my intuition and “feeling” sensibilities. In one’s professional life, read and analyze proposals, correspondence, communications and review carefully and more than once. Learn how to ask as many questions as you can to take as much of the guess work out of a situation as you can. Learn how to consult with others to see how they analyse situations, problems and solutions. Check your thinking with others you trust and ask for feedback. Look for gaps and kick the tires on what’s presented to you. Don’t be afraid to say that you don’t know and ask for advice. Learn also how to listen to your gut. Trust and verify. All of these things help you develop a keen sense of discernment and sense of how to manage almost any situation, task or project.”
Principles I Live By:
“I believe in showing up in one’s daily life with humility, respect, positivity and kindness. I believe that daily random acts of kindness and putting out positivity are as important as the more perhaps “recognized” things we achieve in life. I believe in leaving things – homes, jobs, projects, people, etc. – better than how you found them. I believe in doing no harm and being as aware, self-reflective and responsible for your words, deeds and actions as possible.”
Lessons I Have Learnt:
“I’ve learned so many things on my journey, but one thing that guides me daily is the understanding that ALL people fundamentally wish to be and feel safe, seen and celebrated. And if we all contributed to making that a priority and a reality for the people in our daily lives, and people who our lives touch, we would have a much better world.”
Performing At My Peak:
“Sleep and exercise are key for me as well as a maintaining a healthy diet and regular preventative medicine (such as massage and acupuncture). I believe in taking quiet time for introspection and connecting meaningfully with colleagues and friends. I believe in taking time in nature and finding ways to slow down and be as present and in the moment as possible. If you are truly able to be present and fully embodied and not distracted, you make better choices and perform optimally.”
Resources I Use To Stay Inspired:
“I love reading – I could read books and articles all of the time and be very happy. I also love listening to long podcasts and online YouTube lectures and documentaries.”
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thelegacyproject · 3 years
Louis Minnaar
Louis Minnaar forms one half of Albino Creations, with Werner Burger. Their amazing collaboration allows them to tackle animation, illustration and design work, and from what we can see, there is no shortage of magnificence in their work. They see beauty in things that ordinarily seem odd, and this gives them their explicit uniqueness. From album designs, to label design, to animated adverts and more. Louis has also been producing work which led him to start up his own production company, Louis Minnaar Creative Visual Design. He is also a member of Bittereinder, the most eloquent electro pop trio in South Africa.
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My Definition Of Success:
“I have absolutely no idea what it means, as I have never felt like I have achieved any specific amount of success. If it means reaching little milestones, then I guess I have had some successful moments. However the idea that there is this end destination where I will feel like “I have made it” is quite depressing to me. I never want to get to a place where I feel like I have made a huge success – it would only take away all the tension in the story line of my career.”
I Am Driven By:
“The need to finish a good project. I love creating and I love the process of getting to a finished product but most of all I love the finished product and feeling like I have gotten something out of my system.”
My Highlights:
“Apart from overcoming a lot of fear by doing some public speaking at a couple of design conferences in South Africa and the Netherlands, I have to say that performing in front of a crowd of around 20 000 dancing people at Oppikoppi with my 2 best friends (Peach and Jaco in our band, Bittereinder) has to be one of those highlights.”
A Key Talent:
“One thing that I have been told I am good at is the ability to work really fast. This has lead me to be able to focus on multiple creative disciplines and roll out quite a lot of work. I know a lot of people like to spend more time on one thing and really crafting it, but I think there is a lot of value in being able to do creative things really quickly and churn out more creative content. This is not a skill that I can relay very well. I guess it has to do with a lot of practice and time management.”
Principles I Live By:
“I believe that we can all build an amazing world to live in, if we start serving others and not just ourselves. I think selfishness is a characteristic that I hate most in myself and the world. I can only imagine that the world will be an amazing place if everyone starts serving each other in love and respect.”
Lessons I Have Learnt:
“I am still quite young, but so far I have learnt that life is bigger than work. I love being creative and I love working, but in the end I love having a meaningful conversation with my wife, or spending time with my dog, or eating something messy without having a napkin- more than working in an office.”
Dealing With Doubt:
“I think almost any creative person struggles with self-doubt and fear at some or other point in his/her career. It’s only natural. I find that it is very taxing to have to be super creative all the time and that is what is expected of us. The problem is there isn’t an on and off button for creativity – and this can lead to a lot of anxiety in my opinion.”
Performing At My Peak:
“I don’t believe I have ever performed at my peak. I think there is great potential in humans and we only tap into a small part of what we are capable of. That being said, when I don’t exercise (cycle) and sleep properly, I tend to lose focus real quick.”
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The Best Advice I’ve Received:
“To take it one baby step at a time. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with all the projects, expectations, obligations and all the clutter in our day to day. I find that anxiety for the future is something that can kill creativity. I like the idea of taking little steps in one direction. It keeps me focused on one thing at a time and gives me energy for all the other million things.”
Advice On Building Wealth:
“Don’t become an artist :).”
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