Shout out to
Lunarian nblm
Nblm who are partially women (fluid, bigender, etc.)
Nblm who use she/her pronouns
Nblm who present feminen
Nblm who are mistaken and misgendered for being women more often then not.
You are all amazing and your love for men and your attraction to men is not straight in any way, shape, or forum.
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just throw them away then! why is people hoarding stuff that no one wants better. it all has to go somewhere when you die anyway
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please reblog this if your blog is safe for asexuals
(an ace safe space)
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This is the best post on reddit.
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Öh no
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You know I still want Germany to go full on stereotype in Eurovision and just send Helene Fischer and Florian Silbereisen in a Dirndl and Lederhosen singing Schlager while some guys in beer costumes dance in the background
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Europe right now 😁
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america: met gala
europe an intellectual: eurovision
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My last three brain cells at any given point: we have WORK and they have NONE AND👏OUR👏WORK👏IS👏NEVER👏DONE my CHILDREN my CHILDREN and the war is ne👏ver👏 won👏
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Someone who has never watched AVPS explain what’s going on here:
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Robert joining, and immediately leaving the tedgens discord chat like:
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♡ rob cam ♡
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The Girl who wanted to like Musicals
Welcome to my new fan fiction. It’s a Sequel to the guy who didn’t like Musicals. 
Be warned! There will be aggressive, adult language, violence, also there might be Things triggering you so please only read if you are consent with all of this. 
Also be Aware that this Story contains spoilers to “the guy who didn’t like Musicals” as this is a Sequel.
Now enjoy reading Chapter one.
Chapter one
“It’s been two weeks since tragedy struck our sister city of Hatchetfield. Candlelight vigils line the streets as Clivesdale citizens try to make sense of this unspeakable loss. Every last man, woman and child in Hatchetfield, gone in a blink of an eye. A meteor and a ruptured gasline was all it took to wipe them off the map. But it will take much much more to wipe them from our hearts”. Lydia turned of the radio. “Ruptured gasline my ass”, she hissed and returned to making breakfast. Ever since the tragedy in Hatchetfield happened it became the number one talked about topic everywhere in Clivesdale. While most people were sharing their fake sympathy for the many losses of Hatchetfield, Lydia was one of the few who didn’t care about them. She didn’t care about much at all, which is why she wasn’t in a good mood most of the time. But one of the few things she cared about was her daughter Vanessa, who just in that moment entered the kitchen. “Morning mum”, Vanessa said. “Any new news on what happened in Hatchetfield?”, she asked and sat down at the small rickety table. “Nope, just the usual ‘blah blah we miss our beloved sister city’ talk”. Lydia put down two mugs with hot steaming coffee. Vanessa looked at the sparsely breakfast in front of her. She looked at her mother who was nervously tapping on the side of her mug. “Mum are you alright?”, Vanessa asked while putting some butter on her bread. Lydia didn’t answer, she just stared blankly at the wall. “Mum? Is something wrong?”. Vanessa was worried. Usually her mother wasn’t like this. “What? Oh, I’m fine… I’ve just been… thinking… That’s all”, she took a sip of her coffee. It tasted horrible. The same moment Vanessa spit out her coffee. “Ew mum what the fuck? This is disgusting”, Vanessa took both of their mugs and emptied them in the sink. “I’m sorry sweety”, Lydia said while rubbing her temple. Since they ran out of coffee Vanessa put down two glasses and filled them with orange juice. “What is wrong with you? Ever since Hatchetfield happened you’re acting strange. It’s the fifth time you ruined our morning coffee and look at the breakfast. That’s just sad!”. She wasn’t wrong. The scrambled eggs were burned and had too much salt, the bacon was swimming in grease and the bread just looked sadly. “That’s it, I’m going grocery shopping today”, Vanessa said annoyed. The last two weeks she had to eat burned or frozen food, too salty or too sweet or her mother added too many spices at once. She lost at least 6lb in that time. Lydia stared at her, her voice was panicky. “You’re not leaving the house! You stay here. We can… Order food… No no… not order… Let’s see what we have left”, she stood up and opened the fridge. Inside was a box of spoiled milk, some wrinkled veggies, some sad looking cheese and the left overs of a pizza Vanessa had ordered last night because she was starving. Lydia took out the box of pizza, opened the trash can and threw it away. “Mu, NO! That was the only edible thing in this house!”, Vanessa yelled. She saved the pizza knowing the breakfast would be a disappointment. It was her favourite pizza, ham, pineapple and cheese. “No more ordering food from the outside!”. Vanessa was pissed. Tolerating her mother’s “cooking skills” was one thing. But not being allowed to finish her favourite pizza which she bought with her own money, that’s just rude. “You’re crazy!”, Vanessa yelled. Without hesitation her mother grabbed one of the mugs on the sink and threw it against Vanessa’s head. It hit her full force on the forehead. “All I’m doing is trying to protect you and that’s how you’re thanking me you crazy b*tch?”, Lydia yelled. Her eyes were red, and she was furious. Never before Vanessa had seen her mother that furious. What was going on? Pain ran through her head, starting from where the mug had hit her. The mug had fallen to the ground and shattered into million pieces. Slowly, Vanessa touched her forehead, feeling blood slowly running from the wound. “I just can’t with you right now. You’re a monster”, Vanessa said and stormed upstairs.
 Ever since she could remember her mother and her had been living in the same house, a small house at the edge of Clivesdale. Apparently, her mother lived in Hatchetfield and Vanessa was born there, but for some reasons they moved away when she was like one year old. Vanessa’s room wasn’t huge. The walls were covered in some old floral tapestry which was falling apart and since nobody cared to replace it, it looked really ugly. Vanessa would have cared to replace the walls but since she had no friends coming over, she didn’t have a reason to do so. Vanessa was a social awkward person. She never managed to find any friends or when she found nice people her mother told her to stop seeing those people. Vanessa never understood why her mother would refuse to let her find friends, but in the end, she just accepted it. She was a member of the school’s book club, but she never connected to the people there. Her clothes were spread across the floor. When was the last time she did laundry? It has been almost two years since she graduated from high school. Her mother wanted her to go to college but since they couldn’t afford it, Vanessa started working in the local book store. It was simple work. All she had to do was sort in new books, dust the shelves and tell customers where to find a certain book or show them the way to the toilet. “It’s not the ideal job, but money is money”, she had told herself on the first day of work. “Only until I find something better”, that’s what she told her mother when she started working. Now two years later she had to face reality. She would probably never find a different job again, not until she would go to college. There was a cheaper college in Hatchetfield. She would have been able to afford it while working at the book store. Also, she wouldn’t have to move there, she could’ve drove there every day by car. But as soon as she mentioned Hatchetfield to her mother, she freaked out, telling her that if she dared to enrol in Hatchetfield, she would lock her in the basement and never let her out again. Sometimes Lydia was really crazy, Vanessa thought and looked at her reflection inside her mirror. While she was running upstairs and staring through her room more blood had left the wound, covering her face with bloody streaks. “Bloody hell”, she hissed and slowly touched the wound. “Ouch”, she hissed again and walked into the bathroom across the corridor. One advantage of her bedroom was that the bathroom was on the other side of the corridor, so she wouldn’t have to run much when she had to pee or throw up after a long night of drinking with her co-workers. Touching the wound made it worse than before, she just realized. The sight on her right eye was blurry since blood kept streaming over it. How didn’t she notice all the blood before? It was just when she looked at herself in the mirror when she recognized all the blood. How long did she stare at her room to not notice? Vanessa looked at herself in the mirror. Her entire face was covered in blood and some blood had started to drip onto her yellow shirt she was wearing. Disinfect the wound was the first thing she could think about. She took a towel out of the shelf, drenched it with water and rubbed the towel over her face. That’s probably how you disinfect a face, she thought, but at least she got a better view at what was happening right now. The wound was burning and fresh blood kept running out of it. “Good job mum”, she mumbled and opened the medicine shelf. Unlike most people, Lydia and Vanessa owned a huge medicine shelf. Since Lydia worked as a doctor or nurse back in Hatchetfield, she knew what was important to have at home. And thanks to her over ambitious teacher at school Vanessa knew how to stitch a small wound. Vanessa took out some disinfection lotion, band-aids and the required tools to stitch the wound. She hesitated. She knew what she had to do, she practiced this so often. But she never thought she would actually have to do this. From downstairs she heard her angry mother, probably cleaning the kitchen and meanwhile destroying half of it. Nothing special, she thought since it happens all the time that her mother destroyed some furniture in the house. At some point they stopped caring about good replacements and just bought what was cheap and functional. Vanessa put down the tools on the sink. Blood started to drip from her chin, the blood was streaming down her face in big streams. Usually her mother wouldn’t hurt her, at least not that bad. Bruises were normal for her. Lydia always had an anger issue and Vanessa assumed it was the reason she was divorced. But she never understood why her father would have left her with her mother. All she knew was that her father was a crazy person, probably living in Hatchetfield, which meant… Vanessa shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to think about her sad family back story. Before she could start to stitch the wound, she would have to clean the face again, so she took the towel and rubbed it gently over her face. Tiny pieces of fluff got stuck on the edges of the wound. With shaky hands Vanessa took out some tweezers from the shelf and removed those pieces, trying not to poke the wound. But of course, she did, only to make everything worse. Angry she threw the tweezers against the wall. “Fucking piece of shit”, she cursed. How did Murphy’s law say? Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Vanessa hated those phrases. She took a deep breath, then took a cotton ball and put some disinfection lotion on it. “Here goes nothing”, she said and put it on the wound. What followed was an agonizing scream, it burned like hell. She had to hold back tears, this wasn’t the time to cry. But this, she knew, was only the beginning of the trip to hell. She still had to stitch the wound. Vanessa looked around. There must be something she could bite on to prevent more screaming. Since she found nothing better she decided to take a towel. Her hands were shaking heavily, making it harder to get the needle and the string together. She took one last deep breath, then put the towel in her mouth. Whether she wanted to or not, now she had to sharpen her mind an concentrate. That’s not how she wanted to start her morning, but she had no other choice.
 30 minutes later, Vanessa had finished cleaning the bathroom. She carefully had to replace the band-aid on her forehead about five times already because it was soaking with blood. To ease down the pain she took some pain killers which soon kicked in. It probably wasn’t a good idea to take pain killers on an (almost) empty stomach, but she didn’t care. Too much had happened that morning. When she checked the time, she realized she would definitely be too late for work again. Her boss, a man in his mid-fifties didn’t like when she arrived too late. Mr. Miller was a nice man usually, but when it comes to punctuality, he had no regrets. Originally, she had planned to leave home earlier, go get something to eat at the bakery and then go to work, but since she was already twenty minutes late on her schedule, she would have to skip food. Vanessa sighed. This definitely wasn’t how she had planned this week. She was actually kinda looking forward for this weekend. Her co-worker, Miles, asked her if she wants to tag along this weekend to go to the cinema to see a movie. She hadn’t told her mother of course because she would probably refuse to let her go. Besides having friends, enjoying culture such as music or theatre was a big red flag in the Reynolds household. Every music channel on Tv was blocked, the radio had to be turned off as soon as music started playing. Her mother even edited her audiobooks and CDs so whenever music would play there was a harsh cut. Vanessa never understood why her mother was like that. Apparently, music triggered something in her past which is why she wouldn’t let Vanessa listen to it. Lydia even managed to get Vanessa out of every music related class. And since music was a banned topic in her family, Vanessa never showed interest in music. Whenever people asked her who her favourite band was or what kind of music she listens to, she always answered “You know, those who are famous right now”. This answer always counted, no one asked more questions. But it also had a good side to all of this. Since she wasn’t allowed to listen to music, Vanessa became interested in scientific audiobooks and documentaries from a young age. While others went through their boy band phases, Vanessa dived into the world of science. Her love for science helped her get good grades. Sadly, she wasn’t good enough to get a sponsorship for college, but that was alright.
When she checked time again another 15 minutes had passed. “Fuck”, she cursed and ran into her room. She still didn’t have time to change into something new. Vanessa pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it into a corner, then opened her wardrobe, hoping to find something acceptable to wear. One of her biggest weaknesses was forgetting about doing laundry. If Lydia wouldn’t remember her every now and then, she wouldn’t have nothing left to wear. At the bottom of her wardrobe she found a black dress. She usually wouldn’t wear a dress to work, but since she had nothing else to wear, she quickly changed into that dress and added a pair of black tights. When she checked her appearance in the mirror, she noticed that her dark brown hair was a mess. Quickly, she took her brush and put her hair into a bun. It didn’t make the situation better, but at least her hair wouldn’t annoy her so much. She grabbed her concealer and started applying it, when her mother suddenly slammed open the door of her bedroom. Lydia was sweating and breathing heavily. “Mum, you scared me, what is-“, Vanessa asked but Lydia interrupted her. “Listen, I’m sorry for what happened, I didn’t want to hurt you”, her voice was shaking. Something definitely was wrong. “Mum, what is going on?”, Vanessa asked and put down her makeup. Her mother was holding three bags in her hands. Two were already packed, one was empty. Lydia put down the two packed ones and threw the empty one on Vanessa’s bed. “Listen sweetie, I know you are confused. But please, pleaasee, pack some clothes, functional clothes. And hurry, we need to leave!”, Lydia said and stormed into the bathroom. Vanessa was confused. What the hell was going on? When Lydia came back, she had another bag with her, filled with what has been in the medicine shelf before. “Mum, please tell me what is going on”. It was then when she heard them for the first time. There were voices, loud voices outside the house. She heard them through the window. “Are you sure this is where you delivered yesterday?”, she heard a woman say. “Shitshitshitshitshit”, Lydia said and started to throw random clothing into the bag on Vanessa’s bag. “Don’t just stand there, help me pack!”, she yelled. “I won’t until you tell me what is going on!”. Tears started to fill up Vanessa’s eyes. It’s one thing to hurt her or destroy the inventory of their house. But never before she has seen her mother so nervous before. Lydia walked over to Vanessa and put her hands on her shoulders. “Listen sweetie. What happened in Hatchetfield wasn’t just a ruptured gasline. What happened there is coming to Clivesdale and if we don’t hurry and leave soon enough, we’ll share the same fate as the citizens of Hatchetfield”. “What-“. “Don’t interrupt me but listen, Vanessa. Your father predicted this exact scenario 30 years ago. Back then I didn’t want to believe him, I thought he was crazy. But it all adds up. Everything that happened in Hatchetfield, everything that is happening right now, it all adds up. We have to leave-NOW!”, Lydia zipped the bag and walked over to the door. “I will explain everything once we’re gone, but now we need to hur-“. A window shattered. The noises came from downstairs. First there was the shattering of the window, then there were voices. “The car is still outside, they can’t have left yet”, a male voice said. Someone was downstairs. Vanessa started to panic. “No, not now”, Lydia hissed. She looked at Vanessa. It was this moment where Lydia realized that only one of them would make it out alive. She hesitated, then she went over to Vanessa and handed her the car keys as well as the bag with her clothes, the bag with the medicine and a briefcase. “Take the car. Try to leave Clivesdale as fast as possible. You know my friend Leighton, right? He lives few miles outside from Clivesdale. You need to go to him. His address is in the car”, Lydia hugged Vanessa. “Do not stop. Don’t stop until you get to him. I filled the car yesterday, so you shouldn’t have to stop for gas”. The noises downstairs got louder. It seems like more people had entered the house. “You need to leave over the steps at the back of the house. Don’t worry about me”, Lydia gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek, knowing that it would be the last kiss she would be giving her. “Mum, what is happening?! Why do I have to leave?”, Vanessa was crying. Lydia stroke her cheek. “Now is not the time to cry. You must be brave. It will make sense as soon as you get to Leighton. One last thing”, she pointed at the briefcase. “Open it when you are out of Clivesdale, only when you’re save. It will explain everything”. The people downstairs reached the stairs, they were currently debating who should go up first. “Open it before you reach Leighton’s place. If what is happening right now already happened at his place, you will then now what to do. Just promise me that you survive”, Lydia hugged her one more time. “I love you, Vanessa. Always did and always will. And now go!”, Lydia left the room. Vanessa didn’t know what to do. It all sounded like a movie. But it was reality. She knew that if her mother was acting like this, then it must be really bad. She wiped away her tears. “Be strong”, she whispered to herself, then took the bags and left her room, walking down the corridor in order to get to the back of the house. Vanessa turned around one last time, just to see a man walking up the stairs to her mother. He was the same age as her mother she assumed but taller. Something about him felt familiar. “Hello Henry”, she heard Lydia say. “Long time no see”. More people were joining Henry. “My sweet sweet Lydia”, he said and grinned at her. “Did you really think you could escape from us? That you could stop us?”, he laughed. He had a beautiful smile, a smile she recognized. It was her own smile in some way, she thought. Lydia looked back at her one more time, signalling her that she has to hurry. “I know I can’t stop all of you. But at least I can make sure you never get her”. The last thing she saw before she ran out of the house was her mother pushing herself and all the people in front of her down the stairs.
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Guess who has a creative Phase rn and will start writing a Sequel fanficiton to tgwdlm
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henry: oh yeah? well i have a phd so you can suck my dick
ted: you don’t even need a phd for me to want to suck your dick
emma *slamming the uno cards on the table*: aaaaaaaannndd i’m out
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