So, about those Oscar noms...
Let's talk about why the Oscar noms aren't as progressive as we think, as well as the hard truth behind these award shows. First, let's address the #OscarsSoWhite campaign, which was created by April Reign (ReignOfApril on twitter) in order to bring to attention their lack of diversity. So, now that we have talented black actors nominated in each category, this certainly must mean that they learned, right? Nope, they haven't. Although they gave black men and one Asian man (Dev Patel for Lion) nominations, the majority of the contenders are still white including Casey Affleck, who was previously accused of sexual assault, for Manchester By The Sea. The only reason Affleck is not disqualified or driven out of Hollywood is because, you guessed it! White male privilege. And who protects this? Here's the cold hard truth about this whole mess. Awards panels consist primarily of old white men who have been invited to their respective academies and agencies. Although slowly becoming more inclusive, the influence the white men have is usually undeniable. It's a sad, but unfortunately realistic fact. However, let's not forget our wonderful nominees of color that will (hopefully) be shown taking home the awards they're nominated for! Don't forget, though: diversity in nominees only matters when minorities win -L
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tune in tomorrow to see the heard project take on TOXIC MASCULINITY. it's gunna be good! don't miss it! xx-S
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false rape reports account for less then 2% of all reported this story in the other 98%:
i was assaulted by my older sister, she was drunk and angry with me. and after it was over she threatened me and told me that if i said anything then she would smother my niece and nephew in their sleep. which led to me not reporting for 3 months. the only reason i did was bc i was afraid i was going to hurt myself. so my parents believed me which is great but the police officers were a different story. they didn't believe that it happened in the family and no one heard anything. and then they didn't pursue it bc my sister was deployed in afghanistan. which fine i understand. but she came back, and the detective assigned to my case lied and said i wanted to let it go. why? idk probably bc it was too much work for him. so the reason i'm even talking about this is bc there's a reason why survivors don't always come forward the cops do the bare minimum and don't care about us but that doesn't make the assault or abuse any less real. it's important to believe survivors bc honestly our abusers have been telling us no1 would ever believe us anyway and all u do with ur disbelief is make us lump u in with them. xx stay safe out there! -S
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let's talk about consent!!
consent is so fucking important if someone shares nudes with you they are placing their body and their trust in you. even after you break up continuing to share, make jokes, and all this other shit only tells that person you don't care about them. xx-S
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say it with me: men of color have less privilege then white women:
Men of color, especially Asian men, are given conflicting stereotypes that are either extremely sexualized or desexualized. These recent nude leaks have brought this issue to light but seemingly with no positive response. Ryan's, however, was the leak that truly matters, though, particularly because of the aforementioned conflicting and damaging stereotypes. Please respect his privacy. If you see his or any other nudes leaked onto your tls or dashes, PLEASE report them. This shit cannot happen anymore -L
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let's talk for a minute about some steps to take if you are sexually assaulted:
1. my first advice always always is report it. if u don't trust the police or are scared of the backlash u could get that's totally okay 2. call a trusted friend you're going to need someone to help u thru this 3. make an appointment at your local planned parenthood. there you can get plan b pills and get tested for any stds even if u don't have insurance planned parenthood will work with u to find a good payment plan for you 4. find your local survivor support group! they're everywhere! 5. if you see a therapist or psychiatrist make an appointment to see them asap 6. your mental and physical health take precedence here so make sure you keep up with doctor appointments 7. if you do report a few things happen, the police take your statement and send u to a hospital where they'll do a rape kit 8. rape kits feel very invasive but the want as much evidence as they can get so if you r reporting do ur best to not take a shower after 9. most hospitals at least in my state, assign rape advocate someone who was been trained to fight for you. they're ur best ally here 10. if u r reporting make sure ur rape advocate or a friend is with you when they take ur statement to make sure the police don't railroad or slutshame you. it's important to remember if u r assaulted that it is not ur fault. don't let anyone tell u otherwise. ur safety and health is the most important! if u have any questions feel free to drop us a message here or on our twitter page! xx-S
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in which we dismantle the virginity myth
so ok the definition of virgin is a person who has never had sex (obvi) or a naive person. but church and culture has changed that the meaning to pure, untouched, and when a woman did have sex outside of marriage they were considered dirty, impure, etc. the problem with that is there's no biological way to prove virginity. (yes that's right) like how every1 is told the hymen gets broken when u have sex is incorrect. the hymen is a small membrane that only partially covers the vagina. and if a person is sufficiently aroused or u use lube you don't feel pain when you have sex and your definitely not supposed to see blood. sex isn't supposed to hurt. which as far as i'm concerned was a myth spread so ppl with vaginas don't expect more out of sex. now the whole virginity myth is especially damaging to survivors bc most feel broken and damaged after they have sex and feel like they betrayed their future partner bc they no longer have their virginity. when in reality it's not the case. and feel like they betrayed their future partner bc they no longer have their virginity. when it's not the case. that choice was taken from you. and it's okay you're still you are no different then before. you are not dirty or broken bc you were assaulted and any1 who says otherwise is trying to put their own beliefs on to you. virginity is just myth created to commodify women and used to treat them as property. your worth is not measured by that. ppl always like to use this to slut shame survivors. even tho it's not our fault. virginity does not determine your worth -S
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We have a message for President Trump: #WeWontGoBack
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