Series Journaling
The idea for series journaling came to me today while I was thinking about working on the book I was supposed to writing instead of typing this up. To be blunt, I have a mental illness that makes it difficult to stay motivated on my stories. I wanted to come up with something that makes me want to continue creating and keeps me motivated and excited for my writing.
Series journaling is not a replacement for a Series Bible, it adds onto it in more creative ways. I plan on making it more similar to an art journal. Some ideas below could be added into your Series Bible if desired. I'm not sure if anyone has ever had an idea for this kind of journal, but I'm sure I'm not the first person. Not all of these ideas are original.
Ideas for your Series Journal...
Meanings or ideas behind the names of characters, places, objects and anything else inportant to the series or MC
Did you choose a name because it had a personal meaning to you? Does the name have meaning? If you made up the name, did you give it meaning?
What inspired the story or characters
Keep track of the books, movies, games, art, music, etc. that inspired you to begin writing this story. Having a list full of inspiration can help you pull yourself out of writer's block because you know where you can go to to respark excitement for your story.
What symbols are important to the series or MC
Think about the common symbols in your series. Did you choose to add those symbols or did they occur natually? Are you using a well-known symbolism or did you create something new or personal to you?
Journal entries from the characters POVs
I think this could be really fun to do for side characters. Or in multiple POV situations where several MC are present in a scene but only one POV is in the final draft.
Scenes that you love but won't make it to the final draft
Instead of trying to force them into the story because you can't bear to get rid of them; keep them in your series journal. They'll have a loving home and you won't need to cry over needing to delete them. win-win.
Scenes and short stories about the characters or world that only you will see
Sometimes you need to write something just to make yourself happy. Knowing that no one else will see these scenes and stories will make it easier to losen up and write without limiting your writing. I find myself constraining and overthinking my writing a lot becuase I know my mom will want to read my stories, and making mom friendly stories can be exhausting.
Playlists for the series, world, settings and/or characters
Personally, I find making playlists really fun and inspirational. Music can help you get into a certain mood or mindset and that can help you while writing. You can share playlists with people to give them a sense of tone and personality for the series, world and characters.
Bonus: You can pick songs for certain points in your storyline. For example, So far away by Avenged Sevenfold would be the intro for one of my MCs.
Quotes and poetry that remind you of the world or characters
Like books and movies, they can help keep you inspired.
Scenes and short stories from altered timelines
I think it's interesting to think about how one action or event (or lack thereof) can change a story. It can give you ideas for your story that you would have never thought about. Just make sure your characters are still acting within their character or moral code; unless you want them to break their moral code (with good reason) and have a break down. It can add a good amount of internal conflict.
What happens to the world and characters after the series ends?
Every story and series has to come to an end, but to writers the world and characters continue to live in our heads. That's how it is for me, anyways. You can write short stories, journal entries or create a map of events to continue the story or get closure without feeling like you need to write another book or series; unless you want. It could inspire another book or spin-off series.
Character correspondence lists
This is less about what your characters like and more about what represents your characters. Example, your characters favorite color is purple but yellow represents their personality because they are the sunlight in everyone's lives. I think this could help add small details to your characters or how others describe them that will give them more life.
Setting correspondence lists
Similar concept as above, but it could be more literal. What sights, sounds, textures and smells are in the setting? Is there any symbolism in the setting? you can be really detailed or create a basic list. It could help create or write settings especially if you don't like writing settings.
RPG sheets for characters
I love playing pathfinder and D&D so for me this sounds really fun. What class would they be? What race would they be? How much of their personality would change? How much of their personality would stay the same? This is probably the least helpful idea for actually writing.
Favorite quotes your characters have said
What made this quote matter so much to you? Was it the moment they got the courage to stand up for themselves? Did they say something so profound it shocked you? I think this can help you keep an interest in your characters. When writers lose interset in their characters halfway through a story it sucks for the writer, but it can make readers throw your book. If you can't root for your MC how can you expect the reader to?
Favorite settings in the series
Why are they your favorite settings? if you can pinpoint the elements that makes you love a setting then you can make more settings you love in later projects. Rose bushes and doves can't be present in every setting you write but cut roses and photos of doves could be easy to include and it could help create motifs in your writing.
Favorite scenes in a series
What makes them your favorite scenes? Similar to above, pinpointing elements can help you continue creating scenes you love. You can break it down into categories; favorite love scene, favorite action scene, etc.
Create playlists and correspondences for relationships
I think this can create little elements and symbolism to relationships that readers will love. You can do this for any relationship; lovers, best friends, brothers, sisters, etc. Don't just focus on healthy relationships. Think about the symbolism and elements that can be used to show readers that a relationship is unhealthy without being told. Obviously, physical, mental and emotional abuse shows a relationship is unhealthy, but not all unhealthy relationships are abusive.
Artwork that makes you think of your characters and world
You can use your own art or you can print out pictures. I'll probably use a mixture of my own art and pictures. Try to choose art and images that reflect the mood you want for your characters, world and story.
Feel free to add onto this list and ask questions. I hope this helps someone.
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I set up my new altar. Everything was found at the dollar tree or things I had on hand.
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How do you handle gathering things from nature with non-witches around without explaining that you want to place them on your alter or use them for magic?
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I'm going to be honest and say that I'm not good with social media... or socializing in general. It's not that I don't don't want to talk or make friends, I just find it difficult to break out of the cozy shell of protection that I've built for myself. It doesn't help that I have severe social anxiety and general anxiety.
But I didn't join Tumblr to talk about anxiety; unless someone needs to vent. I joined because I want to be a part of the witchcraft/wiccan community. I want to make friends that have similar spiritual veiws as me that I can talk to about my path without feeling judement for my life choices.
Here's a little bit about me
I'm 24 and a mother to a hyper little boy.
I don't consider myself a baby witch, but until recently I haven't had much access to witchcraft/wiccan information. (I lived in the middle of nowhere without internet and only a handful of craft books)
My path began when I was a child. I was grounding before I knew what grounding was; it just felt natural to me. Greek mythology was the second step of my path. I took the class in high school and I felt a connection to the gods and goddesses. They felt real to me. The third step of my path started when I met my boyfriends parents in highschool (we are still together). His parents are wiccan and instantly knew that I was a witch. They began teaching me the basics of witchcraft. Sadly, our paths are very different and I branched out from their teaching to learn things that they could not teach me. We still have a good relationship. We talk about our paths and give each other tips and suggestions. Since then I have been a solitary witch.
Until recently I have considered myself a green witch. I love herbs, teas and nature. My path has evolved dramatically over the past year. The change occured after Aphrodite began calling to me and sending me signs. I can't remember how they began but I didn't uderstand them at first; so she used a direct approach to get my attention. She became my patron goddess. Until then I had no patron goddess and worked with the elements. Since I devoted myself to aphodite I have noticed new interests in sea magic, kitchen magic, beauty magic, art magic and sun/moon magic.
I'm a healer by nature and love helping people.
I've been told that I'm too kind, but I don't believe it's a weakness. It helps me heal people and allows me to empathize.
I'm a virgo with a sagittarius moon and leo rising
My goal is to post witchy tips, spells, sits, recipes and advice but at the moment I think I need more tips/advice than I can give.
People are welcome to ask questions anytime and I'll answer to the best of my ability or point you in the right direction if it's above my knowledge.
People are welcome to vent to me. I'm a good listener and will give suggestions if asked.
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