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Was told by a friend, who is an attractive girl, that this guy keeps hitting on her and his pick up line is "I haven't had sex in 4 months"
Get this man a Gatorade because the thirst is real.
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So my girlfriend wants us to start doing sexcam stuff
To be honest I’m surprised she not self conscious about it but hey if she wants to why not right? Gotta invest in a better webcam
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"this is America and it's my god given right..."
No sir your rights are given to you by people. God gave you nothing. Stop using your imaginary figment to backup your own life and shitty choices. This is not a war on Islam it should be a war on religion it does nothing but cause turmoil and get in the way of scientific fact.
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Lol yeah I'm in the wrong here
So you ever have one of those friends that you're just ashamed of for they always fuck up and then try to give you a speech about why they have zero self control and are scumbags but you've heard it so many times it just means nothing anymore? Well I had one said friend until he decides he doesn't like my brother because my brother points out his lack of knowledge about music which is very apparent to anyone who knows about music and speaks to him. I mean the kid tried to convince us that HIM is a metal band....um kindly kill yourself. So he decides to start fights with my brother Everytime he sees him and we go to this show which he turns out to be at and dude gets wasted starts being an asshole and then starts grabbing on my brothers dick and then gets pissed and tries to fist fight him because my brother wasn't ok with his dick being grabbed. And then the dude unfriended me because he was a drunken doiche that tries to grope straight men when he intact claims to be straight. Sorry you might have to have a conversation with your girlfriend because it's pretty clear you like they D but that makes sense since you never have sex with your girlfriend. It's hilarious the petty nature of people some people just never mature. Just remember you stopped being friends because no one was ok with your douchebag tendencies not anyone elses.
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Some kid, another one of these wannabe hippie #woke because I did shitty drugs at a festival kids tried to argue with people saying trump isn't a racist bigot and said show me one time he's said anything racist......um. and then upon being flooded with many many many examples he says "lol lame" those are all quote mining taking things out if context and splicing them. Um sir have you watched a single speech by this man? Did you listen to a single debate? Just listen to him speak a full sentence. Oh and he claims to be against racism but then can't see how trump is racist and says if he is it isn't a reason to not vote for someone because that's voting with emotion. WTF IS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD MORON? your president being racist or not doesn't matter? Yeah if even half of America thinks this way we deserve to plummet into the ocean and cease that exist. How the fuck can you be this unintelligent? Smh
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Thinking about giving stand up a try
For the year past year Everytime I'm at an open mic or something people swarm me and tell me to sign up and do a stand up set. Ive never done it in my life but so many people keeping telling me I should go for it so I think I'll try it and see what comes of it
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So last night I'm talking to my girlfriend's step dad and I overhear this overly flamboyant girl pants wearing kid, who literally I've only seen him wear the exact same pair Everytime I've seen him, say " hey what's the wifi password? Yeah my phone's wifi only because I won't pay for it." When asked why he replies, " because I'm a hippy I've been to more festivals this year than anyone that comes here." Um.....first off the hippys did not have cellphones. Secondly, going to excessive amounts of lame festivals doesn't make you a hippy. If anything the actions I've seen you perform shoe that you're just a mooch. Then he proceeds to go try and spin fire staff and lights himself on fire within 2 seconds of the heads being lit. Smh.....fucking people
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When a dude with a known micropenis tries to troll rotfl
Move on kid you'll be a scrub forever your choice
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I know that u have a gf but i had a dream that we were together and it was amazing...just thought u should know.
Um what....I'm already in an amazing relationship
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There always will be scum in this world
So two roommates who are a couple didn’t pay their rent blocked us on fb and our phones and up and snuck their shit out while everyone was at work. Then try to be keyboard warriors on fb saying we were conspiring to kick them out, when in faction multiple occasions I told them they were the reason I’m not resigning the lease because I was done loving with their bullshit childish drama. So apparently telling people how it is to their faces is conspiring. The kid then goes on a tangent saying he was the only one who cleaned and did dishes when any dish used they left in the sink or used as an ashtray in their room and ruined and that he walked my dog which I find interesting because my dog is deadbolted in my bedroom until I get home from work and I have the only key so how you can get in there to walk her since you’ve never done it while I’m home is beyond me. The kid rufused to get a job claiming “I’ve worked my whole life I just can’t deal with it anymore” he’s 25 mind you and when I talked him up to my boss and got him a job handed to him no interview or anything he worked 3 days then I let him use my car to go to work the 4th day and he lies and tells the boss his mom has cancer and he has to go take care of her only to go home and sit on his ass all day every day. He had his girl who leeches money from her dying aunt up until she passed then off her dying father so that she could pay for their bills and they could party with blow all day long, super mature. He also tries to claim after they stole countless amounts of food between leftovers and jars of sauce to milk, that we stole food from them when literally all they’ve eaten for the past 2 years are Velveeta shells and cheese and 711 hotdogs and my girlfriend makes me baked Mac and cheese because she knows I hate box crap. So they do this leave their snake which they also never feed or give water I had to give it a heat lamp and I don’t even like snakes. And the explaination? Apparently me getting mad because they don’t pay bills is equal to I’m always in a constant rage and if they were to tell me they were leaving I would’ve went off and hit him yet if I told you to your face and you know I wanted you gone why would I be mad for you telling me? That’s giving me what I wanted which is usually how you make someone happy not angry. I don’t understand the logic but not paying your bills and running from your responsibilities to go live with your mom at 25 is how to be an adult……this kid really needs to invest in a dictionary.
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The money struggle is real
So my lease is up at the end of August and I'm tired of the untrustworthy people I live with so my girlfriend, my brother, and I are looking to move into a new place and rod ourselves of these negative people. Problem is that we need to save a deposit for a new place plus a $400 dollar deposit to switch the electric and I'm not even sure how much for the water, and on top of that my girlfriend has a fracture in her leg rn so she can't work and my brother just moved here recently and has yet to acquire a new job. So it's just me working having to pay all the bills and yet somehow I have to save approximately $2000 idk how this is going to play out.....
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All I see around me lately....
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Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday fellow Sag!! I tried to reply to that msg but I'm only on the tumblr app and idk why that's still wonky, but I wanted to make sure you knew that I appreciated it and that I hope you had a great birthday as well :)
Yeah the app is pretty glitchy and I figured you were just busy and hadn't had a chance to reply . I had a great birthday ate at one of my favorite taco places in town tako cheena and went drinking with my best friend. Breakfast shots are legit lol.
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Typical American retard
Disagree with his ideal and that makes you an ignorant communist rotfl this country is going do quick with this epidemic of stupidity
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I hate when people say smoking weed is ruining your life
I'm sorry but how successful has it made you not smoking? There are plenty of extremely successful people that smoke it and it's been proven more intelligent people are more likely to use drugs. Get off your fucking high horse. Whether you smoke or not doesn't matter but that doesn't make you better than everyone who smokes because you don't. Smoke weed or don't smoke weed I couldn't care less but being a hateful douchebag to people who smoke because you don't just makes you a cunt
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Smh this world
So many dumb hypocritical people. Oh you have an opinion other than mine let me go on to tell you my opinion and say you’re uneducated because you don’t agree with me. It’s dumb fucks like this and so many more than have me striving on a new endeavor to start a podcast discussing the insanity that looms over today’s existence. Whole there are many great advancements taking place in science and technology there's also people raging about something as dumb as gender pronouns.
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