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How Bob Marley brought good to my morning: . Today while driving into work something told me to get some oatmeal. It seemed there were no walnuts which are so good in oatmeal so I just added coconut and cranberries. I was behind someone at the cash register and it was his first day working. He was so nervous but I could tell he had a good attitude. Once he got his coffee I paid for my oatmeal and walked by him saying something generic like, have a good rest of the week. While walking away Bob Marley’s voice sinks into my mind and I realize I need to go connect with this guy. I introduce myself and he does as well. After minutes we sit down and are talking about music and how we arrived where we are today. It was such a good sign to meet someone on their first day with such a good attitude. I think I just found a work buddy.😎 . Pay attention to the little things that feel good, (that was Bob Marley for me) and follow your gut. You will rarely be wrong on following it. . Be kind, be open, be in the moment 🙏🏼 . Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by music and you ended up connecting with a stranger? Comment when this has happened to you. #randomactsofkindess #bobmarley #musicconnects #oatmeal #carpiediem #createyourreality #thebusinessalchemist (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpPnKIPAJdv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kwdeuzd1ascp
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This beautiful little fuzzy plant friend caught my eye and sparked this conversation in my head I want to share with you. . As I finish my cup of tea listening to @jayshetty awareness and success YouTube’s, these thoughts hounded the peace after pausing the video: . “you don’t have enough money” . “you’ll never make it” . “you’ll always be in debt” . “you can’t survive on our own” . “you’re a failure at what you do” ... Always thinking there was never enough and there will never be enough... I had no idea just listening then taking a break to observe my thoughts would bring up such pain on a good day. 😰 . Ever since I was 5 years old I struggled with living in poverty. Poverty is a mindset, not a number and is inanely difficult to get out of without support you can trust. I am blessed to have @thetreenymphdesigns_oracle in my life, she’s has shown such grace with my childish behavior when triggered. ❤️🙏🏼 . I am very slowly realizing how untrue these statements are now and how simple it could be to just relax and let my preparation come into existence. 👌 . Do you ever feel like you’re a perfectionist that has been unhealthy in demands? Comment below and stop beating yourself up, you’re doing a good job 🙌👍 . #successmindset, #awareness, #leavepovertybehind, #iamenough, #trustyourself, #failureisnotanoption, #moneyisjustpaper, #thebusinessalchemist (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpAygMdglIR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kaxch3v8g6kv
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Wow, seems like this year only just started a few months ago, and now we are slowly starting to come to a close. I love making "To Do" lists because they challenge me to rise up and keep my commitments to myself. If I see something written (and most importantly I was the one who wrote it), there is no way for excuses to creep in and derail me from my path. . This is my challenge to myself! These goals are achievable and quite frankly I am excited to tackle them. . How about you? What goals or "To Do" lists do you have set up? This year is almost done, don't exit it with "should haves, and could haves". . #almostendofyear #lifeonfullblast #exitstrategy #endofyeartodolist #entrepreneurship #makeyourgoals #writeitout #todolistchallenge #2018 #nottoolate #live_noregrets #yourockit #thebusinessalchemist #pdx (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoxOE-Fg2Zg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rnd5ltswh6ep
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Daily routines are so simple, yet so powerful to jump start your day and really lock you into the daily path of personal success. The following 7 step morning routine gets my day going in the right direction from the first action taken, to the last. Here is how it looks for me: 1. Set an intention for the day/meditate. 2. Tidy up my space. 3. Brush my teeth/shower. 4. Get dressed for the day. 5. Check on and feed my cat. 6. Write a love note to my partner, to help her morning start off right. 7. Lock up and head out for the day. By being consciously aware of the first action of the day, this dictates how the rest of everything flows. If life happens (as it sometimes does) and things don't go according to plan, you can always change what’s happening for you by taking a minute and redirecting the energy flow of the day to get back on track. What daily routines do you have, that help you conquer the day? If you don't have any, have you considered adding some into your day for maximum impact and success? It really is the simple things that make a huge impact! #dailyroutine #successkeys #thebusinessalchemist #doyourthing #conqueryourday #maximumimpact #consciousawareness #jumpstart #routines #ritualsoftheday #pdx #lifeflow (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BosBcPnA0hZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4l87kitoczod
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This is a good thing, my friends. We have the privilege and responsibility of taking a hold of our lives! We can make it whatever we want it to be, regardless of what we were told growing up or even what we are told now. Today...No, right now is the moment that you can choose to grab the reigns of your life and guide it on the path of your own choosing! Everybody loves a hero, and everybody seems to love superheroes even more. But you don't need to wait for a savior. You are more than equipped to do it for yourself. Stop putting your dreams on hold and start turning them into a reality. You got this! You are your own savior. You are your own hero. Now get to it! Your goals and visions are waiting for you. #saveyourself #beyourownhero #masteryourlife #superhero #ownyourlife #youareincharge #grabyourcape #thebusinessalchemist #entrepreneurship #businesscoach #businessguide #entrepreneurmindset #setyourowndestiny (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoQRqvZAiYF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u3doepkt6hfc
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Interesting thought challenge, huh? I believe where we choose to spend our money (especially if it isn't for us) really can give us an idea of where our financial and even personal priorities are at. And absolutely no judgement whatever your answer. It can be something fun, frivolous, life-changing, etc. The point is just for you to shift your POV about money, in a different way. So what would I choose? I would gift 98% of it to programs that benefit entrepreneurial teens that are gifted, yet socioeconomic concerns hold them back from pursuing their goals. I fully believe that we need more financially confident and visionary young folks out here, who unabashedly go after their dreams. The rest would go to a cat rescue facility...What can I say? I love my cat #money #moneythoughts #financialpriorities #challengeyourself #newperspective #thebusinessalchemist #gifting #considerations #thursdaythoughts #businesscoach (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoPitV3AQ1i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r34kbfsiea82
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Being about your Business is great, and giving your all to achieve your own personal success is necessary and amazing...But it is a must to realize what is truly important. Today while working, my partner @thetreenymphdesigns_oracle called me and let me know she was feeling really sick and really needed me to come home. She never asks me to do that so I knew it was necessary. I had a moments pause, but it was literally a moment...my partner is one of my main priorities. She is the definition of the saying "Behind every Great Man is an even Greater Woman". Yes I have built my own success by my own hands, but without her support things would be twice as hard. What are your main priorities? Family? Having Freedom? Early Retirement? Living a Life where you want for nothing? Something else? No matter what it is, make sure you are clear and solid on it, because your success literally depends on it. #priorities #priority #thebusinessalchemist #success #keytosuccess #businesstips #entrepreneurlife #greatmangreaterwoman #personalalignment #personalsuccess #whatmeanstheworldtoyou #getclear #business #entrepreneurmindset #businesscoach (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoIvE-UASDy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16uwm8d7z9i46
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