thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
So I heard you were look8ng for more books to read? Well, I don't know if you've heard of it but there's this book called "Children of Blood and Bone" by Tomi Adeyemi. I'm about 1/2 way through it right now and it's amazing.
I've actually read that one!
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
PITCH WARS: Boost My Bio (or not)
So this is a little different to what I normally post, but itā€™s for a Twitter challenge called Pitch Wars, where you can submit your manuscript to an experienced writer/agent/editor for mentoring! (if that sounds like something youā€™re interested in you should totally check it out!)
my twitter [< link here!!!] is @/bookiemonster14 if you wanna check it out!
DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT DOING PITCH WARS THIS YEAR. I thought that I might do it back when I finished Draft 3 of my MS, which I will be calling FIREBOOK on this post, but then I got a million ideas for Draft 4 and also Iā€™m starting uni in September and Iā€™m JUST SO BUSY so this is just to make friends!
So, without further ado. . .
In an alternate London, a date on your arm reveals the day you will die. Most think this is thanks to destiny, but in truth a group of state-sponsored assassins called the Fates collect these dates then kill the owner when it comes around.
Ezra is a death-fearing teenager and brother to Verity Vynson, the leader of the Fates. He knows too much about the Fates, and his cowardice paralyses him into accepting their murderous ways - until he falls in love with one of his targets.
ā€œPeople like us, we live life with no strings attached. If you do make any knots, you have to cut the rope yourself, no matter how painful it is to watch the other person fall.ā€
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4th draft M/M speculative fiction,Ā V For Vendetta meets They Both Die At The End
It features. . .
a Slytherin protagonist!
a (named) bi protagonist!
an emotionally repressed protagonist!
(itā€™s not just me i promise)
a conceptual twist on theĀ ā€œassassin falls in love w. targetā€ trope
lots and lots of moral ambiguity
a story that focuses on choosing to live against all odds
people being set on fire
a dysfunctional family
me viciously retconning homophobia out of the church
a kind of old England on fire aesthetic
the main character developing and understanding PTSD
is safe captivity better than uncertain liberty?
EZRA VYNSON. Reluctant government worker who quashes his doubts about the Fates in favour of keeping his head down and doing what has to be done. The greater good is not a concept he understands. Here is a thing he wants: to stay out of trouble. Here is a thing he fears: death or discovery ā€“ heā€™s not sure which one terrifies him more.
JUDE LYONS. Devoted to church and not much else, though thatā€™s because he wonā€™t live long enough for other things to be worthwhile. Here is a thing he wants: meaning. Here is a thing he fears: that life holds none of it.
VERITY VYNSON. Ezraā€™s sister and highest ranking member of the Fates. Only knows loyalty from her head; her heart stays cold and tieless. The definition of lawful evil. Here is a thing she wants: to do what needs to be done. Here is a thing she fears: failing at her own role in the game.
and more!
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Inspiration for FIREBOOK. . .
a buzzfeed quiz lmao
the great library series by rachel caine
reece kingā€™s face (aka my no1 ezra fc!)
the entire black parade album
buzzcut season by lorde
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hi iā€™m an awkward 18 year old who loves food & cats & adam parrish
the only straight i am is straight-up annoying
iā€™m a mancunian and very very proud of it
itā€™s physically impossible for me to write an unproblematic protagonist
iā€™m studying english language and politics at university in september!
somehow iā€™ve become obsessed with love island over this summer
iā€™m mildly synesthetic
i started writing FIREBOOK in autumn 2016 and iā€™m on draft 4 now but have also completed 5 1/2 other ms since draft 1 of it
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
wait i might be stupid and literally the last person to get this , but when noah said ā€˜someone is dying on the ley line when they should notā€™ and granted gansey a life, we all know that that person is noah, since they were dying at the same time
but since time is circular, could that person -also be the gansey in the present, the one who was kissed by blue? we get noahā€™s last scene after their kiss, and correct me if iā€™m wrong but a few moments before that, gansey had said that he didnā€™t want to die, that he was finally living whilst when he was younger, he was merely waiting for death to become him. so when noah says that someone is dying when they should not, could he have also meant that it was the present gansey, dying when he finally had conquered his fear, had finally found his family and had finally found his life?
and when noah does grant gansey that life, he doesnā€™t just speak to 10 year old gansey, he speaks to the present gansey. the last thing noah says in the series, because it wasnā€™t really just about finding glendower but it was about finding his own path, chasing his life,
ā€œdonā€™t throw it awayā€
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
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The Weight of the Stars made the cut!
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
Some folks on this website truly believe theyā€™re Truth Coming out of Her Well to Shame Mankind when theyā€™re really Moron Coming out of Left Field to be Annoying
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
Witch is a gender neutral term and yā€™all can die mad abt it lmao
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
(Late) Mid-Year Round-Up!
This is a bit late but Iā€™ve been wanting to name my top books of 2018 so far! The start of the year was a bit flat in terms of enjoyment of books but since maybe June everything Iā€™ve read has been at least four stars, with a bunch of recent reads that have just left me BREATHLESS!
So without further ado, here are my top 5 reads of 2018 so far.
Honourable Mentions:
Furyborn by Claire Legrand
The One Memory Of Flora Banks by Emily Barr
What Happened by Hillary Clinton
5. The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
This book was magical. I read it just after Christmas and it just extended that festive vibe, even if some of the stories were so brilliantly creepy. Iā€™m a slut for retellings in general, and so many of them are so vivid: the Little Red Riding Hood, the Little Mermaid, but especially the Nutcracker. Wow. (And also the illustrations helped!)
4. Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
Reading Starfish was a punch in the gut because every four seconds I had to pause and yell at how relatable it was while trying not to cry. I had the good fortune to meet Akemi Dawn Bowman just before I read this book and it was every bit as heartwrenching as she described it.
3. If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
I finished this in three sittings and I Cannot Stop Thinking About It. The vibe was so deliciously dark and twisty, the Shakespeare metaphors were brilliant, the melodrama of the characters fit the setting, the PLOT TWISTS HAD ME YELLING, the Thing happened that Iā€™d kind of guessed but didnā€™t think the author would have the balls to do and then she DID, and it just leaves you hungry for more when you finish.
2. Smoke and Iron by Rachel Caine
If you havenā€™t read the Ink & Bone series get on it Right Now. This was the best installment so far which Iā€™ve said for every book thatā€™s come out yet. I loved the different POVs and the squads that formed, the plot twists and the danger and the worldbuilding as always was so lush, I loved how the politics of the world were more explored, and I canā€™t wait for the last book!
1. I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman
Alice Oseman is a genius. There arenā€™t many YA authors who can tackle so many subjects in one slim book about a boyband and still make all the characters seem intrinsically real without being strawmen, but she smashes it in IWBFT. I read the book in a single sitting and was crying by the end.
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
is this @chronicintrovert
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Everyone is scared of something.
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
hot take: hrt, gender therapy and trans surgeries should be free
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
me yellingĀ ā€œlets GO lesbiansā€ but following me are a bunch of calico kittens
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
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but that is how a tragedy like ours or king lear breaks your heartā€”by making you believe that the ending might still be happy, until the very last minute.
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
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the boys of the arkĀ 
(jimmy, rowan, lister)
now that i have time on my hands i can once again begin to tit around on photoshop and today an edit for i was born for this by @chronicintrovert ended up coming out. itā€™s kind of meant to be a marketing campaign for their single but i just wanted to do wings with it
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
Review: Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
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Kiko Himura has always had a hard time saying exactly what sheā€™s thinking. With a mother who makes her feel unremarkable and a half-Japanese heritage she doesnā€™t quite understand, Kiko prefers to keep her head down, certain that once she makes it into her dream art school, Prism, her real life will begin. But then Kiko doesnā€™t get into Prism, at the same time her abusive uncle moves back in with her family. So when she receives an invitation from her childhood friend to leave her small town and tour art schools on the west coast, Kiko jumps at the opportunity in spite of the anxieties and fears that attempt to hold her back. And now that she is finally free to be her own person outside the constricting walls of her home life, Kiko learns life-changing truths about herself, her past, and how to be brave.Ā 
4.5/5 Stars
It was so grounded, so emotional, so raw and real.
Every character felt like a feasible person, every relationship felt genuine.
Kikoā€™s insecurities were beautifully written, as were her flaws and her development - her growth in strength to break away from her mother. I really loved seeing the whole ā€œI need youā€ thing with Jamie and how that was recognised as unhealthy, because propping up your existence on one person is never good in a relationship.
The character of Kikoā€™s mum was so well-done as well - it could have easily been so messy, but the abuse was always subtle and insidious in a way that made you barely realise it was happening. I recognised aspects of her behaviour in people who have come in and out of my life, especially in the quote from the book ā€œThose who get too close eventually figure her out.ā€
Another thing I think was super well-done was Kikoā€™s mumā€™s casual dismissal of Kikoā€™s Japanese heritage. What with the divorce and everything and her mumā€™s bitching about her dad (as someone whoā€™s in a divorced family whose parents can still speak civilly, I still picked up undertones of my experience in that), I think her mumā€™s general blatant disrespect for everything that was a part of her daughter was just perfectly seen through things like laughing at her brother for learning Japanese and everything.
I actually liked the romance!!!! Thatā€™s honestly a modern miracle for me as I am so picky with romance I actually like but Jamie & Kiko didnā€™t annoy me? I liked them together? Donā€™t get me wrong, I wasnā€™t swooning, but this wasnā€™t one of those books where thatā€™s needed.
In fact, I think my favourite thing was how Kiko learned that she couldnā€™t just rely on someone to survive, she has to learn to do it for herself, because thatā€™s my FAVOURITE THING
And all the description of the art school stuff was a really nice addition. Maybe some of the chapter endings with the art descriptions were a little contrived, but yknow what I can let that go.
Essentially this is a massively underrated book that builds the world up amazingly even though itā€™s a contemporary, the writing of the characters and relationships were so nuanced, and itā€™s just amazing.
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
Review: I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman
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For Angel Rahimi, life is only about one thing: The Ark ā€“ a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are currently taking the world by storm. Being part of The Arkā€™s fandom has given her everything ā€“ her friendships, her dreams, her place in the world. Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark too. Heā€™s their frontman ā€“ and playing in a band is all heā€™s ever dreamed of doing. Itā€™s just a shame that recently everything in his life seems to have turned into a bit of a nightmare. Because thatā€™s the problem with dreaming ā€“ eventually, inevitably, real life arrives with a wake-up call. And when Angel and Jimmy are unexpectedly thrust together, they will discover just how strange and surprising facing up to reality can be.
5/5 stars
Where do I start? Where do I bloody start?
Okay, so the highlight of this book was far and away the characters. Every. Single. One. made me cry at some point or another. Angel and her obsession over the band! Jimmy and his anxiety and his confusion! Lister and his ISSUES! Bliss and her need to stay away from the spotlight! Rowan and his protectiveness! Jesus, even Jimmyā€™s grandad was like my favourite character too! Every character was well-thought out, flawed yet still completely likeable.
The world of The Ark was built brilliantly as well, with every interaction between the fans, the boys, the managers, the press realistic. As a former (who are we fucking kidding) Directioner, it parallelled the absolute hysteria seen in like 2011-2015 around One Direction and the probable damage it had on the boys. I really liked the inclusion of a point of view from Jimmy, too, to give a window into the band and to actually show that itā€™s not all itā€™s cracked up to be. Ngl, I did think that some of them (particularly Rowan), were a bit ungrateful especially towards the end, but it was 100% understandable and didnā€™t detract from their reality as characters.
I LOVED HOW THERE WAS NO ROMANCE!!!!!!!!! (Well, mostly.) Like, it was with the side characters, but I loved how that wasnā€™t an integral part of the plot (despite the Jowan rumours, which I loved as it showed how destructive they were to the real-life people that are shippedĀ cough cough LARRY STYLINSON).
I also loved the way that Angel and Jimmyā€™s - well, is even a friendship? I donā€™t know, it kind of feels like two lives that were meant to cross then move apart again. It felt kind of soulmatey, but notĀ if that makes sense. Like they were destined to meet. Anyway, that whole scene in the O2 bathroom was just impeccably crafted and I bloody loved it.
Another thing was how easily diverse her worlds are. I read that she did numerous sensitivity readers & research in order to represent the lives of a Muslim girl and a trans biracial man, and it came through brilliantly. One thing that really sprung out at me was that she (Iā€™m assuming deliberately) never deadnamed Jimmy, which was.....probably the first time Iā€™ve ever read that in a book with a trans character? And the reaction from the boys with the **are you just the 2k18 over-diverse band** twatty interviewer was ME AS HELL. I also love how just everyone was gay because Iā€™m predictable af.
Also........the ending. THE ENDING. Jesus Iā€™ve never been so stressed reading a book in my entire life. I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO BE A CHEKOVā€™S KNIFE SITUATION DAMN YOU ALICE OSEMAN. But yeah, that whole scene at his grandadā€™s place was beautiful and painful and amazing and for some reason the fact that it was raining stood out to me and made it even more dramatic? My one tiny problem was that I felt like it wrapped up a bit too quickly, but thatā€™s really such a minor thing that it didnā€™t impact at all on the easiest 5* book of 2018 so far.
(I also love how she sets everything in rural Kent. Write what you know, I guess?)
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
Hi! I came across your list of books that aren't Gay Books and I read A Darker Shade of Magic but I must admit that I didn't see the mlm relationship. I really loved the book and I shipped Rhy and Kell no end but I didn't actually think it was cannon? Did I miss something?
oh it was in the 2nd and third books!
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
me crying about pjo in 2018? i fucking guess so!
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thebookiemonster14 Ā· 6 years
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