thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Ships and Stations: The Quarian Migrant Fleet
Also known as the Flotilla, the Migrant Fleet is the massive collection of starships that became home to the quarians after they were driven from their home world by the geth. The Migrant Fleet consists of roughly fifty thousand ships that house seventeen million quarians in total. The Fleet is so large it can take days for all the ships to pass through a mass relay. Some of the vessels date from the original flight from the geth three centuries ago.
The Migrant Fleet is rarely welcoming to outsiders, as any risk to the Fleet is a risk to the quarian species. Quarians rarely leave except to go on Pilgrimage; ships sometimes leave on an individual basis to pursue their own goals, on missions that can last days or years, but usually return. As Tali'Zorah nar Rayya describes her culture: "Home is a state of mind." (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 3 (2012)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Species: Reapers
The Reapers are a highly-advanced machine race of synthetic-organic  starships. The Reapers reside in dark space: the vast, mostly starless space between galaxies. They hibernate there, dormant for fifty thousand years at a time, before returning to the galaxy.
These giant machines are ancient; their true name is unknown. "Reapers" was a name bestowed by the Protheans, the previous galactic power fifty thousand years before, and the geth refer to them as the Old Machines. In the end, the Reapers spare little concern for whatever labels other races choose to call them, and merely claim that they have neither beginning nor end.
The Reapers are the original creators of the Citadel and the mass relay network. These massive constructs exist so that any intelligent life in the galaxy would eventually discover them and base their technology upon them – all part of a scheme to harvest the galaxy’s sentient life in a repeating cycle of purges that has continued relentlessly over countless millennia. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 2 (2010)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Species: Reapers: Sovereign
Sovereign is a gigantic starship of almost unimaginable power and sophistication. Commander Shepard originally believed Sovereign was a Reaper vessel that Saren Arterius found and somehow reactivated, but discovers Sovereign is in fact an actual Reaper, a fully sentient and extremely powerful AI, which is why the geth obey its commands. They see Sovereign as the pinnacle of AI evolution and worship it as a god. However, Sovereign regards Saren and the geth as no more than tools to aid in the return of the Reapers and is even insulted by the worship the geth "hurl" at it.
A vanguard of the Reapers left behind to instigate their eventual return from dark space, Sovereign has spent the last 50,000 years in a state of near-constant hibernation, waking periodically to assess the evolution of organic races. It was the duty of the starship to bring about the next revolution of the cycle, and serve as the harbinger for the return of its kind by sending a signal to the keepers on the Citadel. This would make the keepers open the Citadel relay, a mass relay that leads to dark space, and usher the Reapers through.
Sovereign is also able to control organic life through the process of indoctrination. A subtle field or signal surrounds the Reaper, gradually affecting the organic's mind until they are little more than a shell of their former self, bent on doing Sovereign's will. Sovereign has nothing but contempt for any lesser beings, seeing them as fleeting and temporary, whereas the Reapers are eternal. It also seemed angered by the attempts of organic life to defend their claim to the Citadel, claiming "this station is mine." (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect (2007)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: The Phoenix Massing: The Sea Of Storms system: Heretic Station
Once called Haratar by the quarians, this space station was stripped of its useful technology by the fleeing Migrant Fleet when they left the Perseus Veil 300 years ago. Little more than a cold metal superstructure floating in the void, the station was removed from star charts by 2050 CE.
Scans indicate the station was reconstructed and upgraded in a massive effort that must have taken at least ten years, implying that there may have been some geth outside the Veil before their infamous attack on Eden Prime. Needing little but a fuel source, it could have been hidden here for much longer without attracting attention from the barren worlds around Tassrah or the clueless elcor in the Salahiel system. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 2 (2010)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Arcturus Stream: Euler system: Benning
Benning was once a thriving human colony, but the Reapers have rounded up a large portion of the populace for processing. Some pockets of civilian resistance still elude the Reapers, however, and rescue attempts are underway. A "resistance radio" established during the early days of the attack continues to broadcast, exhorting survivors to band together and discussing rumors of safe havens. Unfortunately, those rumors have begun to result in ambushes, increasing the desperation of those who remain free.
Through all this, Benning's automated agricultural systems have continued to operate, leading to unprecedented stores of food in the planet's granaries and warehouses. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 3 (2012)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Omega Nebula: Sahrabarik system: Omega-4 Relay
The Omega-4 relay is surrounded by hazard beacons and automated warnings. Over the last thousand years, many ships have attempted to pass through it, but none have returned. The only ones to pass freely back and forth through the relay are the mysterious Collectors.
There are many theories why ships never return from Omega-4. Some say there is a black hole at the far end; others (mostly the impoverished underclass of Omega) believe there is some form of earthly paradise. Most, however, simply think that the Collectors capture or destroy those passing through the relay. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 2 (2010)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Andromeda: Heleus Cluster: Inalaara system: Pas-10
An inhospitable, unstable volcanic planet. There is evidence of a large-scale Remnant complex, mostly buried beneath the surface. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Andromeda: Heleus Cluster: Inalaara
Inalaara is a medium system with five planets and an asteroid belt. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Local Cluster: Sol system: Mars
Once considered a prospect for terraforming and colonization, the discovery of faster than light travel turned Mars into a quiet backwater. Its southern pole is a historical preserve centered on the Prothean ruins found there. Immigration and development are restricted as the search for Prothean artifacts continues. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 3 (2012)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Sigurd’s Cradle: Psi Tophet system: 2181 Despoina
This planet was only spotted recently by human space probes, and no records indicate it has been explored since. Scans indicate it is covered in a ocean of liquid water and has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. It is highly likely to have at least some photosynthetic life. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 3: Leviathan (2012)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Andromeda Initiative: Ships and Stations: Ark Paarchero
Ark Paarchero is the Andromeda Initiative's designated vessel for transporting salarian colonists to the new galaxy. Mirroring design of its human counterpart, Hyperion, Ark Paarchero can accommodate 20,000 passengers and crew in cryogenic stasis.
Paarchero's development was plagued by early delays and disagreements between its senior crew and the Initiative's design team. The salarian penchant for constantly pushing the boundaries of technology was often at odds with the realities of budgets and time constraints. At one point, it was calculated that if every "vital and necessary improvement" suggested by the salarian contingent was incorporated into the Paarchero's design, its launch would have been delayed until 2204 at the soonest.
After considerable negotiation and debate, a compromise was reached and Ark Paarchero departed the Milky Way in 2185 in the initial wave of settlers under the command of Captain Lumont Hayjer.
At some point after the Paarchero's arrival in Heleus, the vessel was captured by the kett and tethered to the Archon's flagship Verakan, where the kett interrogated and experimented on the salarian passengers. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Andromeda: Heleus Cluster: Tafeno
Tafeno is a medium system with four planets and one moon. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Hourglass Nebula: Sowilo system: Hagalaz: Shadow Broker Ship
The Shadow Broker Base is a massive ship that travels through the volatile atmosphere of Hagalaz, which conceals its presence. It is from here that the Shadow Broker rules his empire.
Hagalaz is a second-tier garden world that receives little attention from the galactic community. A salarian mining expedition initially discovered the planet, which was promptly strong-armed away from them by organized crime figures. Hagalaz's exploration rights were then sold to the highest bidder, which led to a brief burst of mining colonies in the 2000s, but most of those were abandoned when other planets were found with more accessible resources.
Though Hagalaz has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere capable of supporting life, its rotational period is slower than Earth's, making its day and night 98 Earth days long. The intense heat on one side of the planet and the extreme cold on the other make for violent storm cells wherever the sun is rising or setting. As a result, the flora and fauna of Hagalaz have developed the capability to live in cycles of ice, flooding, baking heat, and dramatic air pressure changes. The biota of the planet has been largely unexploited by the exotic pet and gardening trades, since simulating their natural conditions is problematic for the average consumer. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker (2010)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Milky Way: Petra Nebula: Vetus system: Jon Grissom Academy
The stated mission of the Jon Grissom Academy is to "serve a student population demonstrating excellence and passion for math, science, and the liberal arts." Its entirely human student body ranges in age from the early teens to the mid-twenties. 
Founded in 2176, is the Alliance's premier school for young human biotics. The institution is housed in a space station in orbit over the human colony of Elysium. Its main program, the Ascension Project, is designed both to train and monitor young biotics as well as help them integrate into society after graduation. Unlike the project's previous incarnation, Biotic Acclimation and Temperance Training, or BAaT, the training is not exclusively military in nature.
The academy also employs scientific personnel, including Dr. Kahlee Sanders, to develop synthetic intelligence systems and biotic amplifiers like the new L4 implants.
Population: 8,620 Station Length: 1.1 km Gross Weight: 375,000 metric tons (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect 3 (2012)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Andromeda: Heleus Cluster: Vaar system: Margoth
Margoth's extraordinarily dangerous surface is of less interest than its ring system. Its inner ring is primarily dust and rock; the outer ring is composed of large chunks of water ice. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Andromeda: Heleus Cluster: Vaar
Vaar is a medium system with five planets (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)
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thebeautyinheleus · 7 years
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Andromeda Initiative: Ships and Stations: Ark Leusinia
Constructed in orbit around Piares in the asari home system Parnitha, Ark Leusinia is named after a kingdom of wealth and learning in asari mythology. She is built to the same specifications as her sister ark Hyperion, with internal modifications to accommodate asari social preferences, and captained by Elonis Atandra.
The Andromeda Initiative was initially rejected as a human-driven boondoggle by many asari investors, and the construction of the Leusinia was met with ridicule. However, the efforts drew the attention of several Matriarchs who had assisted in previous attempts to send crewed missions to Andromeda, and their impassioned extranet addresses helped turn the tide of public opinion. At her departure ceremony, Ark Leusinia was officially blessed by the Atamna Politeia, an organization of siarist high-priestesses from across the Asari Republics.
Ark Leusinia traveled to the Initiative rendezvous point in 2184, and left the Milky Way as part of the initial departure wave in 2185.
After reaching Andromeda and encountering the kett, Ark Leusinia came under attack by a group of specialized kett hunters known as the Decimation. Stolen kett navigational data allowed the ark to flee through the Scourge while evacuating as many civilians as possible, but constant harrying eventually forced the ark to go into hiding until rescue arrived. (from Mass Effect Wiki)
Mass Effect Andromeda (2017)
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