@jegulus-microfic - prompt: fine - wc: 339
“Sirius, just leave it alone,” Regulus huffed as he hastily walked down the school corridors, his potions book held tightly to his chest. All he wants to do is go study in the library so he can stop thinking for a few hours. 
“No, Reg, I won’t just leave it alone,” Sirius flails his hands around dramatically, causing Regulus to roll his eyes. He’s not in the mood for this right now. “This is a big deal!”
“Everything’s a big deal to you, Sirius,” Regulus sent a scowl his brother’s way, his teeth gritted together. 
“But this is a big deal to everyone! Even Moony and Pete say so,” Sirius responds, not put off at all by the insult. “You can’t just act like everything’s normal and fine when you two have the entire school gossiping up a storm.”
“I believe that it is no one’ business besides mine and Potter’s,” Regulus scoffs. He had no idea why Sirius felt the need to remind him that the kiss he and James shared on Halloween sent the school into a frenzy. He was more than aware, and was expecting a howler from his mother any day now. He just didn’t want to think about the situation for five minutes. 
“You practically ate the man alive and you still won’t say his first name?” Sirius let out a bit of a dry chuckle, shaking his head then pushing his hair back from his face. 
“Can we just move on to something else? It’s been nearly a full twenty four hours,” Regulus feels his face heat up the slightest, inwardly scolding himself because why the hell is he blushing? 
“Oh, please! You’ll be lucky if this doesn’t carry on until next year!” Sirius’ laugh was real this time, but Regulus couldn’t force himself to even smile. The thought of hearing about him and James–both who had gotten too drunk and accidentally revealed their relationship to the world only last night–until next year made him want to drop dead right then and there.
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: fireplace - wc: 202
“James, we have to get this one,” Regulus begged, looking up at James with shining eyes. 
“Reg, love, it’s above our budget,” James rubbed a hand up and down his boyfriend’s arm, trying to reason with him the best he could. “You told me to make sure we didn’t get anything above our budget.”
“It’s only by, like, one hundred pounds! We can handle one hundred pounds,” Regulus stuck out his bottom lip, really trying to sell it. It would work on a weaker man, and, unfortunately, James is exactly that. 
“Can’t we just get the one that we saw a few days ago? With the pretty balcony?” James asks, now trying to work his eyes into a softer form. He didn’t have the same effect, it seems. 
“This house has a fireplace! It’s perfect for the floo system, and warm cuddling, and reading books at night,” Regulus rushed out his words, truly seeming desperate for this house. James looks down to meet silver-green eyes that are even more tear-filled than before. “Please, Jamie?”
With one long sigh, James leans forward to plant a kiss on the top of his boyfriend’s head before walking over to the realtor. “Where do we sign?” 
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evan: a lot of people might not know this but i’m ambidextrous
james: that’s what’s up evan love who you love bro!! 🙏🏳️‍🌈
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Regulus is so real bc if I met some beef cake with a heart of gold I too would autism myself into his pants
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harry potter’s dead dad and sirius black’s little brother take up too much space in my head to be normal or healthy
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: over - wc: 425 - tw: mentions of abuse
“Where do you think you’re going?” A shrill voice exclaimed from the sitting room as Regulus passed it, his hand clenching the strap of his bag tighter. 
“Out,” Regulus responded, his voice cold and unforgiving. 
“Absolutely not! I will not have both of my sons become lousy little runaways!” Walburga stood up, and Regulus couldn’t stop himself from flinching at just that. 
“I’m not running away, mother,” Regulus huffs, seeing the woman walk close to him in his peripheral vision. “Remus invited me over.” 
Walburga was silent for a few moments, seemingly observing Regulus from head to toe. He knew how to play her game now, though, so it was easy for him to morph his body language into something she would recognize as honesty. Was he scared that he would get caught? Yes. But was he really good at hiding it? Absolutely. 
“That’s fine, I suppose,” Walburga speaks calmly now, though her voice always seems to have some sort of edge to it. She lifts a hand to the side of his face, and Regulus flinches again, but she just brushes a few of his curls back behind his ear. “Just be back home by tomorrow, Regulus. For me, yeah?”
“Yes, mother,” Regulus nods, sending her a side glance and a small, fake smile. Then, he continues his way to the door, letting out a deep sigh of relief when he finally makes it outside. The quiet hum of a car engine meets his ears and he has to stop himself from breaking down completely right there. 
When he looks up, he’s met with hazel eyes and dark skin sat inside a dark red car that he knows all too well at this point. He practically runs to the car and gets a kiss planted on the side of his head immediately, and suddenly the weight on his shoulders is gone. 
“Are you ready, Reg?” James’ voice makes Regulus’ heart stutter, despite them having been dating for almost a year now. 
Silently, Regulus turns his head to look at the dark townhouse. A house that never was, and never will be, a home to him. A house that he and his brother had suffered inside of for years without anyone knowing. A house where he had just gotten hit not even an hour prior because he wasn’t hungry. A house he would never have to see again after tonight. 
“Yeah,” Regulus nods, grabbing his seatbelt and strapping it over his chest before looking at James with watery eyes and a small smile. “I’m ready.”
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Friendly reminder that in canon-
Friendly reminder that idgaf and I’m delusional.
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sluttiest thing a man can do is be james potter
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: desk(such a great birthday prompt btw) - wc: 193 - implied NSFW
Regulus, for the first time in a long time, cannot bring himself to focus in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class. 
He had tried jotting down notes of what the professor was saying, but his mind kept trailing off and, before he knew it, he would be three pages behind. He tried pinching himself, which worked at first, but ended up just bruising his skin after a while. Now, he had just given up, letting his mind wander to yesterday evening, right after the Gryffindor team had finished up their quidditch practice. 
Looking around truly did him no good, every desk just a stark reminder of what he and the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team had gotten up to last night. Every glance at a table sent goosebumps down his arms, and he found himself biting his lip so much during that hour of lecture that the skin was torn.
As his mind wandered further and further out, he found his fingers subconsciously tracing the dark purple marks hidden right below the white collar of his shit, and he even smirked to himself. 
Salazar, what has James Potter done to him?
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: control - wc: 272
James Potter is head over heels in love with Regulus Black. This is a fact well-known by anyone who has ever talked to him. It is also widely known that James trusts Regulus with his whole being, and always has since they were children. Right now, though, is putting his faith in his boyfriend on edge. 
Regulus Black is often made fun of by their friends for being what they like to call a ‘Passenger Prince,’ but James had zero problem always driving him around, so why should that change. Turns out, Regulus very much thinks that it should change. 
As James sits in the passenger seat of his car, absolutely no control of what is happening or where they’re going, he starts to think twice about trusting Regulus with his life. Of course, Regulus has his license, though no one really knows how, but that does not make him a good driver. Quite the opposite, James realizes. 
“You okay, Jamie?” Regulus glances over to make eye contact and James answers with a nervous nod and hesitant smile. Regulus gives him a small, soft smile before planting his eyes back onto the road. He apparently realizes that he’s almost missed his turn and James is pushed against the car door as Regulus turns so quickly the tires squeal a bit. 
They’re quiet for a moment, then James speaks up. “Love?”
“Hm?” Regulus responds, hands gripping the wheel so hard they’re white. 
“You should pull over so I can drive,” James suggests, getting himself seated properly again in the seat. 
“I agree,” Regulus nods, wasting no time pulling into the nearest car park.
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: rank - wc: 274
James stood up with the people around him, cupping both hands around his mouth and screaming wildly. He had been on edge the entire time judges were taking scores for men’s gymnastics, picking at his hands anxiously when he saw Regulus looking less than confident in himself despite his flawless routine. He had neer been a gymnast, though, so he assumed that he just hadn’t noticed a mistake his boyfriend made. 
Now, though, as he sees Regulus pulling his older brother, and coach, into an excited embrace, he can’t help but smile widely. It’s hard to fight the temptation of running up and hugging him himself, but he knows he has to wait until awards are handed out. His chest fills with pride knowing that he’s taking home the gymnast with the highest rank. 
Afterwards, when James does finally get to see Regulus, he wastes no time yanking him into a passionate kiss, feeling a smile pressing against his lips before hands grab at the back of his neck, tugging on a few strands of his hair. His hands fly to Regulus’ waist with no hesitation. 
“Can you two at least wait until you get back to your hotel?!” Sirius exclaims, swatting James on the back of the head. James lets out a small laugh, while Regulus lets out a small huff of annoyance. 
“I’m just giving him the 10-point treatment,” James smirks, pressing a quick smooch to the side of Regulus’ head. 
“It was a 9.8, Jamie,” Regulus looks up at him, an eyebrow quirked up. 
“I’m rounding up,” James responds, leaning in for another kiss while Sirius fake-gags in the background.
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: barren - wc: 450
Regulus is very rarely confused. There are times where he’s on the brink of having no clue what’s happening, but more often than not, he has a general idea for what’s happening around him. The only two times in life that he had been genuinely baffled was when Sirius had explained to him that their family’s views were wrong, and when Barty had confessed to having a crush on him back in third year. Since then, he’s kept his head on straight. 
Now, though, would be a time that Regulus will add to that list. As he stands in the middle of a, usually barren, Room of Requirement, his head feels like it’s spinning in circles. Instead of the small, empty room that he’s usually given upon entering the room, there’s an entire picnic set up in the middle of what appears to be a large sunroom. On the other side of the candle-lit blanket stands a rather sheepish-looking James Potter. 
“Hiya, Reg,” James’ voice is quiet and his eyes are trained on the dinner in front of him. It does look quite delicious, to be fair, and Regulus’ mind distantly recognizes that all of his favorite foods are displayed. 
“Potter,” Regulus says slowly, not quite knowing how to react as his heart beats rapidly against his ribcage. If this is some sort of prank, he’s going to kill his brother and anyone else involved. “What the hell is this?”
James’ shoulders slump slightly at this, but he lifts his head, a soft smile on his face. “Well, uh, y’know.”
There’s a pause, then Regulus sighs. “I don’t know, actually. That’s why I asked.” 
James lets out a soft laugh before stepping around the blanket, standing a bit too close for comfort. At his proximity, Regulus lifts the books in his hands to be in between the two of them, and James laughs a little again. The butterflies are going crazy at the moment. 
“So, uh, this is for you,” James nods his head toward the romantic setting only a few feet away from them. 
“Figured that much,” Regulus responds dryly, trying so hard to resist the temptation of looking at James’ lips. With their small distance, though, this seems to be impossible. Regulus’ voice is barely above a whisper when he asks, “Why?”
James furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head the slightest before lifting a hand and tucking a loose curl behind Regulus’ ear. “Isn’t it obvious, Reg? I really like you. Like, a lot. I haven’t told Sirius because–”
Regulus doesn’t need to hear anything else, dropping his book and instead using his hands to tug at James’ tie, successfully causing their lips to crash together.
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: jewel - wc: 339
James runs a hand through his hair hastily as he paces nervously around his dorm room. The sound of his best friend’s laughter covered up the noise of his feet hitting stone, and it only made his stomach churn even more. How had he been so stupid?
James’ family was newer to their riches, and, therefore, were not apart of the high-class pureblood traditions. So, when Regulus began bringing him gifts, he thought nothing of it, especially since it was almost their two year anniversary. To him, he was just being spoiled. To Regulus, though, it had apparently been much more than that. 
“What the fuck is that?” Sirius had said upon James’ arrival to their dorm room, sitting up straight from where he was laying next to Remus. He lifted a finger and pointed at the green jewel hanging around his neck. 
“Oh, this?” James smiled widely, picking the large emerald up and twisting it around in his hand. “A gift from Reggie.”
“That fucker didn’t even ask for my blessing?!” Sirius threw his hands up dramatically, his eyebrows furrowed into an angry expression. James tilted his head at that. 
Now, after learning what the betrothal process was for old-timey pureblood families, he was having a small panic. Of course he loved Regulus, and would kill a man if it meant being able to spend the rest of his life with him, but he wished he had a small warning. 
“How are you going to break it to him?” Sirius asks after his laughing fit has calmed down. Once again, James tilts his head, confused. 
“Break what to him?” James asks, subconsciously grabbing the heavy necklace and twirling it again. Sirius’ face falls at this, and he slowly raises an eyebrow. 
“That this was all a misunderstanding and that you’re not going to marry him,” Sirius crosses his arms, nodding slowly as if he’s speaking to a toddler. 
“What are you on about?” James asks, genuinely offended by his friend’s assumption. “Of course I’m going to marry him, Pads.”
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: paint - wc: 293
“You’re allowed to take a break,” a voice in the doorway startles Regulus, causing him to jump the slightest as he dips his brush into the cup of warm water. “You know that, right?”
“Do you need something?” Regulus doesn’t turn to look at the boy standing a few feet behind him, knowing that just one tempting look will drag him away from his work. 
“Ouch,” James’ smile can be heard in his voice and it makes Regulus scoff. Nothing he says to this boy can make him upset. It’s ridiculous. “I was sent in here to check on you. Sirius said he would, but he’s a little busy with, y’know–”
“Snogging my best friend on the sofa that I paid for?” Regulus finishes, his tone snappy. “Yes, I’m more than aware.” 
James is silent for a few minutes, and Regulus can hear his footsteps approaching until he’s standing no more than a foot away from his back. He can feel warm breaths gently blowing through a few of the curls on the top of his head as Potter seemingly observes the canvas. His voice is soft when he says, “It’s beautiful, Reg.” 
Not knowing how to accept compliments, Regulus just scoffs as his face heats up, spitting out, “Really? I typically aim to paint horrific things that hurt one’s eyes to see. Now, leave me alone so I can finish this up.”
“Can’t you stop for just an hour so we can all eat dinner together?” James asks, a warm handing placing itself firmly at the base of Regulus’ scalp before pushing through. Regulus was sure that if he were a cat, he’d be purring so loudly that the entire apartment building could hear it. “For me, Reg?”
“Yeah, that’s fine, Jamie.”
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: dimple - wc: 289
Regulus wakes up to the familiar feeling of falling and rising under his cheek. The feeling of soft breaths tickle his bare shoulder and he can’t stop himself from shifting the slightest bit to completely lay on top of his lover, his body completely engulfed by the warmth of the other. Resting his chin on the boy’s chest, he gives himself a magnificent view. 
From this angle, James looks a little funny, a small line of drool visible in the bright morning sunlight. Regulus wrinkles his nose a little before lifting the sheet under the covers and wiping the small bit of dribble from his boyfriend’s chin. At the touch, the boy’s face twitches, then rises slowly into a sleep grin. Regulus gasps. 
Now, like this, even from the somewhat awkward angle, James looks absolutely divine. His loose, dark curls are lying lazily against his forehead, and the small piece of jewelry in his right nostril seemingly twinkles. As his lips tug up further and further, his singular dimple appears on the left side of his face. Regulus doesn’t stop himself from poking it, earning a huff from the boy under him. 
“Enjoying yourself?” James’ eyes flutter open, revealing the stunning hazel color that Regulus finds himself getting lost in more often than not. 
“Mm hm,” Regulus nods, moving his fingers to trace James’ nose, then his cheek, then his jaw. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, love,” James’ smile grows wider and Regulus feels his heart stutter. “Want me to order some breakfast?”
Regulus nods enthusiastically, not moving as James grabs his phone from the bedside table. As he listens to his boyfriend ramble about the options on the app, he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky. 
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@jegulus-microfic - prompt: mist - wc: 207 - implied nsfw but definitely not explicit
James knocks on the bathroom door in a specific pattern, letting the boy inside know that it’s him instead of one of their friends. He can hear the hiss of the shower running inside and suddenly his skin craves warm water more than it ever has. To be fair, it was cold outside, so his morning run left him much more tense than usual. 
“Come in,” a tired voice called out, muffled by both the running water and the wooden door. 
Without wasting another second, James slips inside the bathroom, instantly being hit by a cloud of warm mist floating through the air. Regulus always had liked his showers to be very hot, always coming out with his skin glowing red but looking more relaxed than in pain. James never understood how he did it, but never complained about it, either. 
“Looking for a partner?” James asks, raising his voice a little so he can be heard over the rushing water. 
Regulus lets out a small laugh. “To shower with?” 
“Well, yeah. What else were you thinking of?” James smiles as he listens to another round of gentle laughter coming from behind the curtain. “I mean, it’s never completely off the table–”
“Just get in here, Potter.”
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