Owen had gone out for a drive to help clear his mind. A lot had been going on lately in different areas of his life. School, college applications, hockey, football, illegal activities, and probably the most stressful of them all was everything going on with Bianca. The two had been so close growing up but as of lately things seemed strained between the two. Owen was surprised but at the same time he wasn't surprised when he rounded the corner and saw Bianca. The two often appeared unannounced at each ofher's houses. "Hey" He replied rather softly before reaching down and helping Bianca up. "Yeah, come in and we can talk. You know where the key is, you could have let yourself in B."
closed – @the-sexy-milligan
bianca was sitting in front of owen’s house with her back leaned against the door waiting for him to get home. she wanted to talk to him about.. everything. he seemed to have so much animosity and frustration with her. and they were such good friends, she trusted him with everything. so to say the least, the idea saddened her to know he wasn’t happy with her. once he turned the corner, her eyes flickered up to his. “hey.” she greeted quietly then extended her hand for him to help her up. “can we talk?”
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Listen, about last night…
Owen sighed “It’s whatever B. I’m used to it by now.”
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What’s your problem with me? {Drew}
“My problem with you is that you keep dragging Bianca around by her heart.” Owen huffed
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Who are you most annoyed with?
“Drew for fucking with Bianca’s feelings.”
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Bianca is in love with Drew clearly. Why do you keep trying to get with her?
"Because she said she doesn't love Drew and because she was my first love and I was her first love."
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Hottest girls at degrassi?
Bianca....and Bianca...and well...Bianca. Clare and Emerson aren't bad either if we're being honest.
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Honesty Hour
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truth or dare time. send my muse truths or dares!
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Sentence meme (Torture my character version)
Make them cry
“I never loved you.”
“You’re the reason they’re dead!”
“It’s all your fault!”
“Who could ever love you…?”
“You’re so stupid. So weak.”
“Just go away. I don’t want you here.”
Blackmail them
“Who would’ve thought a sweet thing like you would have such a secret?”
“I’ll tell everyone. Scream so loud the country will hear.”
“I have a friend with a radio station, you know. Broadcast it all over the city.”
“If you want this back, you’ll do whatever I say!”
“Be a good little slave, you don’t want your secret out, do you?”
“I know everything. I can ruin you.”
“Beg me, and I might consider keeping my mouth shut.”
Interrogate them
“Sing, birdie.”
“I know exactly how to make you talk.”
“You know some fascinating things, don’t you?”
“I’ll use your greatest weaknesses against you, and you know I know them all.”
“I have means of extracting information from you.”
“I might play with you a little longer after you’ve talked. You’re too cute.”
“You’re tough. But I’ll break you.”
Yell at them
“You idiot! You dumbass! You- you fucking moron!”
“You’re absolutely useless, aren’t you?!”
“What the fuck have you done this time!”
“You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”
“You’re not human! You’re a monster!”
“You’re a disgusting little rat!”
“You’ve fucked up for the last time!”
Physically hurt them
“What, can’t take a punch?”
“I’ll kill you!”
“It’s only a scratch, asshole!”
“Don’t move, or I’ll shoot you!”
“I’ll slit your damn throat!”
“Kiss my shoes or I’ll stomp your head in half.”
“I didn’t mean to draw blood, but oh well.”
“That’s going to bruise.”
Torture them… gently
“You want some of this cake? C’moooon, beg for it!”
“Tickle-tickle-tickle! Kitchy kitchy koo!”
“Whaaaat? Is this yours? You can’t have it back, it’s mine now!”
“I’ll stop singing when hell freezes over!”
“Get in the locker, shorty!”
“Annoying? Me? Annoying?”
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Confrontation! Sentence Memes
You don’t think of anyone but yourself.
Admit it, you’re scared aren’t you?
You’re out of control!
I hardly ever recognize you anymore, you’ve changed.
You spend all your time locked up doing lord knows what!
Don’t sneak up on me like that.
I heard the commotion last night… it must of been a terrible dream.
Listen, about last night…
Here’s a tip, stop hiding behind excuses each time someone is worried about you.
Why are you alone most of the time?
Weren’t you friends with them?
Aren’t you tired of lying to yourself?
I should have known better… than to be fooled by you.
You’re pretty satisfied with serving on your knees most of the time, huh?
Quit getting in my face.
I’m warning you, get off my back.
I didn’t need your help.
What’s your problem with me?
You say you don’t recognize me, but you’re the one who’s changed.
When will you quit pretending to care? I’m tired of your lip service.
You can’t stand being next to me. Why is that?
Not everyone is going to leave you, but not everyone is going to stay.
You’re gonna get nothing but sass from me if you don’t change the topic.
How many have you killed?
What if they catch you?
This is dangerous…
I know you didn’t have the best relationship with your father/mother…
You’re tired of fighting, aren’t you?
What have you ever gotten out of this?
They’re using you. 
I was only using you.
I’ve known your secret this entire time.
Do you really think no one will find out?
Someone is bound to see the true you and I’ll be there for your reckoning.
You only push me away. Let me help.
Are you suggesting we commit treason?
Don’t fool yourself, you’re just as loathsome as I am.
Stop. I won’t have these unnecessary misgivings. Focus on your task.
Your skepticism is easy to read. What is it that you’re doubting?
In the end, we’ve only gotten more pain. I’m sick of this.
You’re going to run away?
We’re escaping. Tonight.
Make no mistake, we’re not friends.
You’re low. Lower than scum.
I’m only helping you this once.
Be a little more grateful about my help, you would of been a goner.
You can’t do this alone, let me go with you.
You keep can’t doing this yourself, let me intervene I’m sure we can resolve this.
You keep being singled out, it isn’t fair.
Quit mothering me, I said I’ve got this under control.
Maybe you should stop worrying about me and look at yourself first.
Help me? You could hardly help yourself.
Of course making friends would be easy for you, you’re eager to please.
You really are an emotionless robot.
How can you brush me off, if you’ve never even given me a chance?
Don’t touch me.
Get out.
Get away from them!
Watch out!
You’re in danger.
Your loved one is in danger.
If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place.
Please. Talk to me.
Don’t you ever say that again.
Don’t pretend we’re friends.
It was easy for your friends to abandon you. 
Shut up!
Let go of me.
Tell them how you really feel.
You’re not fooling anyone with your haughty display of strength.
Offended? I’m surprised. I thought you were hollow and unfeeling.
Tell me where it is.
 You said you’d never lie to me.
There’s nothing wrong in doing what is absolutely necessary. The ends justify the means.
You obey order without question, you’re just a docile dog aren’t you?
Maybe if you stopped being such an ice queen people would enjoy being around you.
You scorn others around you but you’ve never once stopped to open your eyes.
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bianca: me too. but it's all good. i'm better off.
bianca: ... don't play with me. please.
Owen: You honestly are. I'm so glad you're done with him.
Owen: I'm not playing with you B. You know I love you. Plus when you tell me you love me what am I supposed to say in return other than that I love you back?
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bianca: i just wanted to put my foot down but.. regardless it didn't matter. he still went to the tent with her.
bianca: i know. i deserve you. because you wouldn't do me like that. i do love you, you know? i love you.
Owen: I'm sorry that he did that.
Owen: I love you too B. I always have.
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Chloe: yes, hiking trails
Owen: Don't you mean Daddy's dick?
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Chloe: of course. the hiking trails were beautiful
Owen: "Hiking trails"
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Text: Asshat 💀
Ash: One of my little brothers hasn't been feeling well and I have a feeling I've caught whatever he has. But yeah, I'd really like that. Can you bring me some ice cream & gatorade?
Owen: Yeah sure.
Owen: Be there soon
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Clare: No idea
Clare: But It needs to be over soon
Owen: Not having fun Clare?
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Chloe: are you not enjoying the outdoors?
Owen: And you are?
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