What the Heathen Community Needs to Know
Hello. Yes, it’s me again. You might have noticed I’ve been gone a while, and there’s a reason for that. I held on when it seemed like there were just a few bad eggs, a few racists poisoning Heathenry for everyone else. But now, after watching our country elect a Nazi sympathizer and waking up to the deep-seated white nationalism underpinning most heathen discourse online, I gave up wanting anything to do with it. I still believe in the Norse gods, but I cannot, will not, align myself with racists and racist sympathizers. The heathen community is fundamentally broken, and before everyone comes to terms with these key issues it will not get better:
 The broader heathen community is racist– it isn’t just a few rotten apples. Nothing makes me more suspicious than when I see high-profile heathens losing their mind about a news story or organization calling out racism in the community. Those who are quick to cry “Those are fake heathens! Real heathens wouldn’t do that!” are missing the point. There are a lot of far-right Neo Nazis and other white nationalists who practice Heathenry, in real organizations and following widespread rituals and beliefs. There were AFA members and affiliates at Charlottesville. Troth leadership interacts with Nazi-loving extremists on social media. Two of the three biggest heathen orgs in the US- the Odinic Rite and the AFA- have been flagged and investigated by the SPLC. And even for those who are quick to say “I’m a universalist heathen, I don’t interact with people like that!” it’s rare to find a single kindred in this country that doesn’t have someone crying about the “loss of our ancestral traditions” or the “need to go back to our roots!” And you know, that isn’t an inherently evil sentiment, but it easily, so easily, treads a line, which brings me to my next point–
When you say you are ridding our culture of “Judeo-Christian influence,” you sound a lot like anti-Semites. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be a Christian, and no one should have to be a Christian just because it’s dominant in their society. But I feel like a lot of heathens need to take a step back and really listen to what they’re saying sometimes. Christianity isn’t inherently incompatible with European culture because it comes from the Middle East. There isn’t some Abrahamic conspiracy to steal pagan holidays or keep those of Northern European descent from their culture. Our gods are not an endangered species, and we are not living in a post-colonial society. The Catholic church didn’t like people being pagans a thousand years ago for political reasons and that is it. No “woe how hard it is to be Northern European displaced from our native traditions.” No “everything is a Christian conspiracy to keep us from the truth.” When you say things like that, you sound like white nationalists. You okay the racist, anti-Semitic notion that Europeans and Middle Easterners are inherently different and parrot centuries-old anti-Jewish propaganda that claims widespread conspiracies exist to control the white population. Yet these ideas are so common in heathen circles that I shrugged them off for years, and I’ve seen them repeated on almost every heathen page and social media group I’ve ever encountered. Claiming “Ostara was stolen from us” or Europeans are just “better suited” for the old pagan beliefs isn’t just bad scholarship– it’s racist. Pure and simple. Which leads me to, finally–
A lot of heathens okay “racism lite” without a second thought, but it was low-key racism that got us into this disaster in the first place.  The same people who cry “those aren’t real heathens” every time a heathen commits an act of terrorism often okay a kind of “racism lite” that  makes this religion a gateway to more extreme groups and mindsets. Most people aren’t going to go from upstanding citizens to swastika-waving neo nazis overnight, but heathen discourse– a discourse that triumphs “honoring the folk,” “protecting our people,” being a real heathen man or woman, claiming “heritage not hate” about symbols and runes used by extremist groups– paves the road from normal to nazi, and it’s something we all need to face. You don’t need to be “trying to reclaim” swastikas, for example; you need to be focusing on the kind of damage swastika-wearers have done and still do and try to fix the problem. You shouldn’t be yelling on the sidelines and insisting that you have a right to your culture, too, while native people and other PoC are trying to talk about how their cultures were actively erased and appropriated. You shouldn’t use totally justified news articles about extremism in the heathen community to call your religion oppressed while most of you just shrug at the idea of a Muslim ban.
 If you think not being able to wear a swastika or othala rune even though ~it’s our heritage~ is on par with the actual discrimination PoC face, you are part of the problem. “Taking back the swastika” hasn’t reclaimed the symbol; it has normalized it. Narratives of European nativism and cries to protect European heritage in the heathen community might not always be at the level of Stormfront material, but they sure look like stepping stone in that direction. And you know, the shit that has gone down these past few years– the rise of the alt-right, the election of Donald Trump and other far-right leaders worldwide– it hasn’t all been “Heil Hitler!” types causing these issues. For every one extremist there’s hundreds who are kind of in the “I just want to protect white people” boat, or even the “I will look the other way when I see racism because I don’t think it’s a deal-breaker” boat. And you know what? Those people are just as much to blame for what’s happened as the ones out there waving Nazi flags.  
In short, the bottom line is “keeping frith” with racists or supporting the idea that white culture and gods are somehow in danger is just as bad as being a Neo Nazi. And there’s a lot of it, a disgusting amount of it, in the heathen community.
So you want to worship the heathen gods and not be a racist? Don’t spread the idea that white culture is endangered. Don’t act like heritage should be instantly divorced from the hate it fed for centuries. Don’t put frith over calling out goddamn Nazis. And think real hard about the groups, people, and beliefs you are standing beside. Because even if you aren’t out there driving your car into protesters or using a religion to actively recruit people to the racist far-right,  if you look the other way, if you care more about the heathen community’s reputation or your right to wear a symbol without “being mistaken as a Nazi” than the real, tangible oppression PoC, Jewish people, Muslims, and the LGBT community face in this country, then there’s blood on your hands, too. 
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Thor’s Fishing Trip
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concept: in fifty years i’m an old witch and i tend to my garden all morning and cook fresh vegetables for lunch and watch the sea all afternoon with an old cat named bertha
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cursed image???? i’ll show ya a freakin curse......
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Activating sigils/bind runes/ magical symbols in general
An easy way to activate sigils is to align then with your element, or an element you feel is appropriate. For example if it's a sigil to keep you calm, use water. Fire- write the symbol on a piece of paper, a leaf or something flammable and burn it completely to ask. Keep the ashes with you in a pouch for the extra witch effect. Earth- draw or write the symbol on a rock or other nature thing, as to not harm the earth. Bury it and be sure to keep it in a place where it can't be easily disturbed by people walking Water- 2 ways to do this. 1. Draw the symbol on a piece of paper and let it fall apart in a bowl of water. 2. Write the symbol on a rock or other natural sinkable object and chuck it into the nearest body of water Air - 2 ways again. 1. write the symbol on a leaf. Or another sort of floaty thing. And Chuck it into a gust. 2. (Kinda weird) get an indoor fan or use a ceiling fan. Get a ribbon. Draw the symbol on the ribbon and the it to the fan. Turn on the fan. These are just some ways that I've had success with in the past! If you have any other ways feel free to add them! 🌙🌙💗💗🌙🌙
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Heathens Against Racial Prejudice
White supremacists suddenly act entitled to Heathenry, as if the opposition to ethnic diversity is in any way supported by historical fact. I know we’ve all experienced it. There are Heathens against racism by the dozens, but for every one of us posting antifa memes here on tumblr, there are three more out there shouting nonsense on TV. I for one, am fucking sick and tired of the tenets of my religion being subverted. Heathenry is not hate.
I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been said before, but it’s never a bad time to reiterate. You can use these as easy retorts when out there in heated confrontations. FACT: The Rus, a people commonly identified as VIKINGS, were a “multi-ethnic, multilingual and non-territorial community of sea nomads and trading settlements” as described by Omeljan Pritsak. They traded openly with Muslim peoples via the Volga Road, which connected Northern Europe and Northwestern Russia with the Caspian Sea and ran as far as Baghdad. [source] FACT: Most especially in the late 10th century, there was a HUGE hybridization of culture. Clare Downham said in “Viking Ethnicities: A historiographic overview” that “among the vikings of Russia and Ukraine distinct societies emerged blending Slavic elements with cultures from around the Baltic and further inïŹ‚uenced by links to Turkic and Byzantine trading partners.” You know. People of color?? And not only did it happen, but it was welcomed. [source] FACT: Still skeptical? Islamic silver coins, known as “dirhams” have been unearthed by the THOUSANDS across the Scandanavian world. [source] FACT: And when it comes down to cosmology, despite what little we actually know, it is a fact that the GODS themselves were multiracial. Thor, Odin, Baldur, Ullr and Thrud were all born of interracial coupling. And that’s just the short list. Almost half of the Gods were of mixed blood. 
FACT: The Aesir and Vanir decided to integrate with one another post-conflict. So much for protecting their “heritage” right? [source, pg. 93] FACT: On page 22 of the Gylfaginning, Nótt the Goddess of Night was described by Snorri as “black and swarthy.” And do you know who she is? Thor’s grandmother. Why, there is such a thing as a God/Goddess with dark skin in Scandanavian culture, after all! [source] FACT: Hospitality is one of the central tenets of Heathenry. One of my favorite sections of the Havamal says: “2. Hail, ye Givers! a guest is come; say! where shall he sit within? Much pressed is he who fain on the hearth, would seek for warmth and weal.” So that pretty much spits in the face of all the “my land is mine and your land is yours” ideologies. When a refugee comes, you make a place at your table. [source]
It was Odin who allegedly said that. The Vikings, despite their being turned into hypermasculine wish fulfillment by a group of tiki torch wielding right-wing extremists, were actually a decentralized society of traders, artisans and travelers who were often more litigious than warlike (see also: the thing) and welcomed foreigners into their societies with open arms as early as the 10th century. In other words, they weren’t racist.
We know that. But it’s high time for us to get out of our echo chambers. The reason people think Heathenry is in essence the religion of the alt-right is because we stay where its safe, in spaces where confrontation can be avoided with the click of a button. Like @mythicalmodernity​ said, it’s time to square the fuck up.
Flood other platforms. Raise money. Make signs. March. Join up with groups listed under Declaration 127 and try to get something organized. 
It’s time to show people that we will not become the victims of public perception. It’s up to us to fight back.
I for one am in favor of calling ourselves HARPS. Heathens Against Racial Prejudice. After all, seems like being a nazi skinhead is back in fashion. 
Only now they prefer khakis and polo shirts. 
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Bifrost Apartments, the guy tells you. He overheard you saying you needed a new place. You’ve never heard of it but you turn where he says and walk where he says and there it is. Right by your office. 
Odin is landlord, he doesn’t say much but he does have a unit available. You take it without question. He’s obviously ex-military, but you’re afraid to ask exactly in what capacity. 
Frigga is your day-to-day anyway, she told you where the closest laundromat was and which grocery store had the best prices. There had been a casserole pan in your fridge when you moved in, and a quilt on the couch. 
Thor lives above you, and he terrifies you until he asks if you need help carrying stuff. Thankfully, he’s a harmless dude-bro, and you ask him where he works out, you need a new gym. He is, of course, a trainer and assures you he will help you get  those ‘gainz’.
Sif, his cheerful, spry, yoga-instructor wife, whose hair hangs down to her butt even when braided, is also incredibly kind. She invites you to the vegan cafe down the street.
Idunn owns the vegan cafe, her avocado-quinoa muffins are addictive. Her husband, Bragi, is super talented but she had to ban him from open-mic night. He was a total mic hog and sometimes got a little
Freyja and Freyr are so gorgeous you blush in their presence. Freyja invites you to the begginers self-defense class she teaches. Once she asks you to watch her cats while she’s away. You think there are 3 or maybe 5? Freyr, it’s rumored, is the best lay in the whole building, and you try not to think about it while he tells you about how his window boxes are doing. 
Loki lives in the basement, though he comes and goes at the oddest hours. He seemed to look a little different every time you saw him, what with the piercings, tattoos, and hair color, and you sort of wanted to borrow the bright pink sundress he was fond of wearing. His wife, Sigyn, was so normal by comparison you would have thought she had just been plucked from a field in Nebraska. 
You like it here, it’s comfortable and safe. Everyone seems to get along(well, mostly anyway) and before you know it, you’ve been living there a year, then two, then five. 
Once you see Thor lift an entire fridge and toss it over his shoulder like it was Styrofoam. 
Odin finds you one night, crying in the hallway, and before you know it you’re in his apartment, drinking whiskey that even smells expensive, and he listens to you blubber before finally giving you the best, most important advice of your entire life, though you can’t now entirely remember what it was about. 
Freyr insists on giving you some plants, just a few herbs, something to brighten up the space. Despite the fact you’ve killed every houseplant you’ve come in contact with, they thrive. 
Loki is always smoking, but you never see him lift a lighter. 
After a while, Idunn offers to make you an off-menu smoothie, apple-chia-date. It’s
strangely rejuvenating. 
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Common Kitchen Herbs đŸŒ±
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Not every witch has access to metaphysical shops that sell specialty herbs, or herbs you can’t find in your local grocery store, so here is a list of common herbs and spices that you can easily access, or that you may already have! 
Aside from obtaining these herbs and spices individually, look for bottles of poultry or beef seasoning, and other seasoning blends (Cajun, Italian, etc.) - they usually contain a variety of these herbs in one convenient container. 
Allspice - prosperity, luck, healing, energy
Anise Seed - protection, happiness, enhanced psychic ability, cleansing, warding off nightmares and disturbing dreams
Basil -  love, banishing, wealth, success, sympathy, protection; dispelling confusion, fears, and weakness
Bay Leaf - wishes, protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing, inducing prophetic dreams, enhanced psychic ability
Black Pepper - protection, banishing, cursing
Chamomile - peace, relaxation, restful sleep, love, healing, luck, prosperity, removing curses or negating spells
Chili Powder - love, fidelity, cursing, removing curses or negating spells
Cinnamon - success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, prosperity
Cloves - protection, love, prosperity, banishing, friendship, stopping gossip
Cumin - love, fidelity, protection, banishing, preventing theft
Dill - prosperity, protection, luck, lust
Fennel - strength, vitality, sexual virility; prevents curses and wards off negative energy
Garlic Powder & Garlic Salt - healing, protection, banishing, cleansing, purification
Ginger - sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, success, health, protection, new experiences and adventures
Mace - concentration, focus, self-discipline, studying
Marjoram - cleansing, purification, dispelling negative energy, protection, love, wealth, revealing the truth through dreams, overcoming sadness and grief
Mustard Seed - courage, endurance, preventing physical injury, luck, success
Nutmeg - prosperity, luck, protection, intellect, removing curses
Onion Powder & Onion Salt - prosperity, stability, endurance, protection, breaking bad habits, cleansing
Oregano - happiness, strength, energy, vitality 
Paprika - energy
Red Pepper - energy, banishing, cursing
Rosemary - healing, love, lust, improved memory, dispelling negative energy, cleansing, warding off nightmares
Sage - cleansing, purification, wisdom, healing, dispelling negative energy, wishes, overcoming grief and loss
Sea Salt - cleansing, purification, banishing, protection
Sesame Seed - prosperity, lust, passion
Tarragon - healing, compassion
Thyme - loyalty, affection, strength, courage, banishing, cleansing, healing, luck, prosperity, restful sleep, warding off nightmares
Turmeric - cleansing, purification
Common spice brands include: 
Mrs. Dash
Old Bay
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Types Of Witches
This is a post on the many different types of witches. Due to the fact there are so many different types of them, I probably missed a couple, and this list isn’t complete. You do not have to be only one type of these witches, but can be a multitude of them, and you do not have to feel limited to fit in to any of these. In order for a type of witch to appear on this list someone must be identifying with it. If you are not represented here, or misrepresented here please tell me, and I will change it.
Witch: A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft. There are no other requirements to be a witch besides the act of practicing witchcraft, because of this anyone can be a witch regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race, religion, or any other factor. Witchcraft is defined as the practice of magick primarily but not limited to the practice of thaumaturgy.
Male Witch: Are witches who happened to be males. Though this term is not necessary, because the word witch is already gender neutral.
Baby Witch / Newbie Witch / Witchling: Are witches who are new to the practice, or feel that they are not quite witches yet.
Elemental Witch: Are witches that work with all of the western classic elements. These elements being fire, water, earth, air, and spirit. Some elemental witches choose not to also incorporate the element of spirit.
Fire Witch: Are witches that work with the element of fire, and the energies that it possesses. They would work with things such as candle magick, fire elementals, bonfire rituals, and fire scrying among other things that are related to fire.
Water Witch: Are witches that work with the element of water, and the energies that it possesses. They would work with things such as different types of water, water elementals, and water scrying among other things that are related to water.
Earth Witch: Are witches that work with the element of earth, and the energies that it possesses. They would work with things such as crystal, herbs, rocks, earth elementals, the spirit of the land, and other earth-based things.
Air Witch: Are witches that work with the element of air, and the energies that it possesses. They would work with things such as air elementals, incense, and rhythmic breathing.
Crystal Witch: Are witches that use crystals in their practice. They will practice such things as crystal healing, communicating with crystal spirits, and crystal grids, among other things that has to do with crystals.
Herbal Witch: Are witches that use herbs in their practice. They will usually grow herbs, and will use these herbs in many different ways in order to produce magickal effects such as burning them, turning them into tea, or sprinkling them around places.
Tea Witch: Are witches that use tea in their practice in order to facilitate certain effects through the act of drinking certain teas.
Keep reading
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Days and Hours
Many people are posting about how the days and hours effect a spell that is being cast I thought I would do that same, the following is taken from the greater key of Solomon.
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‘In the Days and Hours of Saturn, thou canst perform experiments
to cause good or ill success to business, possessions, goods, seeds, fruits and similar things, in order to acquire learning; to bring destruction and give death, and to sow hatred and discord. ‘The Days and Hours of Jupiter are proper for obtaining honours, acquiring riches; contracting friendships, preserving health; and arriving at all that thou canst desire. ‘In the Days and Hours of Mars thou canst make experiments regarding War; to arrive at military honour; to acquire courage; to overthrow enemies; and further to cause ruin, slaughter, cruelty, discord; to wound and to give death. ‘The Days and Hours of the Sun are very good for perfecting experiments regarding temporal wealth, hope, gain, fortune, divination, the favour of princes, to dissolve hostile feeling, and to make friends. ‘The Days and Hours of Venus are good for forming friendships; for kindness and love; for joyous and pleasant undertakings, and for traveling. ‘The Days and Hours of Mercury are good to operate for eloquence and intelligence; promptitude in business; science and divination; wonders; apparitions; and answers regarding the future. Thou canst also operate under this Planet for thefts; writings; deceit; and merchandise. ‘The Days and Hours of the Moon are good for embassies; voyages; envoys; messages; navigation; reconciliation; love, and the acquisition of merchandise by water.’
It is, therefore, advisable to know that the hours of the day and of the night together, are twenty-four in number, and that each hour is governed by one of the Seven Planets in regular order, commencing at the highest and descending to the lowest. The order of the Planets is as follows: ShBThAI, Shabbathai, Saturn; beneath Saturn is TzDQ, Tzedeq, Jupiter; beneath Jupiter is MADIM, Madim, Mars; beneath Mars is ShMSh, Shemesh, the Sun; beneath the Sun is NVGH, Nogah, Venus; beneath Venus is KVKB, Kokav, Mercury; and beneath Mercury is LBNH, Levanah, the Moon, which is the lowest of all the Planets. It must, therefore, be understood that the Planets have their dominion over the day which approacheth nearest unto the name which is given and attributed unto them – viz., over Saturday, Saturn; Thursday, Jupiter; Tuesday, Mars; Sunday, the Sun; Friday, Venus; Wednesday, Mercury: and Monday, the Moon. The rule of the Planets over each hour begins from the dawn at the rising of the Sun on the day which take its name from such Planet, and the Planet which follows it in order, succeeds to the rule over the next hour. Thus (on Saturday) Saturn rules the first hour, Jupiter the second, Mars the third, the Sun the fourth, Venus the fifth, Mercury the sixth, the Moon the seventh, and Saturn returns in the rule over the eighth, and the others in their turn, the Planets always keeping the same relative order.
Note that each experiment of magical operation should be performed under the Planet, and usually in the hour, which refers to the same. For example: In the Days and Hours of Saturn thou canst perform experiments to summon the Souls from Hades, but only of those who have died a natural death. Similarly on these days and hours thou canst operate to bring either good or bad fortune to buildings; to have familiar Spirits attend thee in sleep; to cause good or ill success to business, possessions, goods, seeds, fruits, and similar things, in order to acquire learning; to bring destruction and to give death, and to sow hatred and discord. The Days and Hours of Jupiter are proper for obtaining honours, acquiring riches; contracting friendships, preserving health; and arriving at all that thou canst desire. In the Days and Hours of Mars thou canst make experiments regarding war; to arrive at military honour; to acquire courage; to overthrow enemies; and further to cause ruin, slaughter, cruelty, discord; to wound and to give death. The Days and Hours of the Sun are very good for: perfecting experiments regarding temporal wealth, hope, gain, fortune, divination, the favour of princes, to dissolve hostile feeling, and to make friends.
The Days and Hours of Venus are good for forming friendships; for kindness and love; for joyous and pleasant undertakings, and for travelling. The Days and Hours of Mercury are good to operate for eloquence and intelligence; promptitude in business; science and divination; wonders; apparitions: and answers regarding the Future. Thou canst also operate under this Planet for thefts; writings; deceit; and merchandise. The Days and Hours of the Moon are good for embassies; voyages; envoys; messages; navigation; reconciliation; love; and the acquisition of merchandise by water. Thou shouldst take care punctually to observe all the instructions contained in this chapter, if thou desirest to succeed, seeing that the truth of Magical Science dependeth thereon. The Hours of Saturn, of Mars, and of the Moon are alike good for communicating and speaking with Spirits; as those of Mercury are for recovering thefts by the means of Spirits. The Hours of Mars serve for summoning Souls from Hades, especially of those slain in battle. The Hours of the Sun, of Jupiter, and of Venus, are adapted for preparing any operations whatsoever of love, of kindness, and of invisibility, as is hereafter more fully shown, to which must be added other things of a similar nature which are contained in our work. The Hours of Saturn and Mars and also the days on which the Moon is conjunct with them, or when she receives their opposition or quartile aspect, are excellent for making experiments of hatred, enmity, quarrel, and discord; and other operations of the same kind which are given later on in this work. The Hours of Mercury are good for undertaking experiments relating to games, raillery, jests, sports, and the like. The Hours of the Sun, of Jupiter, and of Venus, particularly on the days which they rule, are good for all extraordinary, uncommon, and unknown operations. The Hours of the Moon are proper for making trial of experiments relating to recovery of stolen property, for obtaining nocturnal visions, for summoning Spirits in sleep, and for preparing anything relating to Water. The Hours of Venus are furthermore useful for lots, poisons, all things of the nature of Venus, for preparing powders provocative of madness; and the like things.
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The Nine Worlds 
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Witch Tip
Your grimoire doesn’t need to be pretty. Every scribble, crossed out line, or stain adds to the personality and appeal. If I have two books of shadow in front of me, one that’s pristine and white and cute, and one that’s overstuffed and smells like ink and aged paper
 I’m always gonna pick reality’s masterpiece, not a man made fantasy.
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I was bored and made some of the Norse goddesses. From top to bottom its, Freya, Sif, Noirun, Skadi, Frigga, Eostar, Eir, Hel, Ran and Sol. These are just how I see them and was just for fun.
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odin · god of war, death, wisdom and poetry 
Norse god Odin was the main Viking god. He is also called All-Father since he is the father of all the gods and actually goes by some 36 different names. The main reason for that is his tendency to disguise himself on his travels among ordinary people. Wearing a mask, a long hat and a green coat was his favorite disguise. He is described as the king of the gods and the other gods make up his court and serve him even though they are powerful themselves. Odin is the wisest of the Viking gods and seeks his knowledge far, even to his arch enemies the giants. A lot of his knowledge comes from the giant Mimir. According to the story he went there to get a drink from the fountain of Mimir in order to gain supreme knowledge. Mimir didn’t allow him that unless he sacrificed one of his eyes. From then on Odin has been with but one eye since the other one is still on the bottom of Mimir’s fountain. He pulls his hood over the missing eye and that is one way of recognizing him when he is traveling among humans. From the giants Odin also got the mead of poetry.
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thor · god of thunder 
Thor was one of the most important and famous gods in Norse mythology. He was the son of Odin and Fyorgyn, the earth goddess. Thor was considered the storm-weather god of sky and thunder and also a fertility god. His wife was Sif, a goddess also linked to fertility. He had a red beard and eyes, he was huge in size, he had an insatiable appetite and not much wit. Thor was the strongest of all gods and men according to The Prose Edda. Thor was very talented at slaying giants; many of his stories revolve around violent episodes between him and his enemies. In order to perform his duties, Thor had a hammer, Mjollnir, a deadly weapon also associated with lightning and thunder, which was built by the dwarves. He also had iron gloves and a belt named Megingjard that doubled Thor’s strength once buckled on. There were also some other less destructive aspects of Thor. As a weather god he was associated with the fertility of the earth. He was also regarded as a guide for those travelling over the sea because of his power over storms and wind.Thor had a chariot to travel across the sky, which was drawn by two giant goats: Tanngniost and Tanngrisnir. These powerful animals had a very convenient magical property: they could be killed and eaten at any time, and as long as their bones were undamaged and returned into their skins, they would regenerate overnight and the following day would be alive, just like new.
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loki · the trickster god of mischief
Loki is known as the tricker God, he is not evil, nor is he good, he lives in Asgard even though he is from Jotunheim (the land of the giants). he loves to make trouble for anyone and everyone especially for the Gods and Goddesses in Asgard. Loki is both cunning and clever and he always comes up with new ideas to annoy and bring people in the uttermost embarrassments. Loki just loves to prank people in all the ways he can think of, aslong that he think it is funny. After he brings someone in trouble with his pranks, he often saved them so he would look like the hero of the day. Loki has an amazing ability which is a quite useful skill for him, he is able to shape shift into almost any living being. In some separate incidents he appears in the form of a salmon, a mare, a seal, a fly, and possibly also an elderly woman. After Loki had made one prank to many for the Gods and Goddesses in Asgard, he was placed in a cave with a poisonous snake above his head. Loki’s faithful and loving wife Sigyn, stayed with Loki in the cave and held a bowl over his head to catch the poison from the snake.
requested by: @orvynn
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