the-mad-old-queen · 4 years
"Cara Alessandra, long I have waited to meet you. I think, one of these nights, we should steps outside the shadows and talk. I feel we have... mutual acquaintances" Eudoxia (chiaroscurojournals)
“Mutual aquaintences? You don’t say...” Allesandra turns her gaze to the speaker, letting her eyes roam over the feminine form that is unfamiliar to her. Not someone from Severaine’s coven then. “And who are you?”  @chiaroscurojournals
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the-mad-old-queen · 4 years
You feed me need and I open my mouth to / receive it.
Hillary Gravendyk (via desanctii)
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the-mad-old-queen · 4 years
quick tag ur muse w/ one of the seven deadly sins
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the-mad-old-queen · 4 years
                   they molded you into a monster 
                        sharpened your claws
                                         your fangs
                                      ripped out everything good and holy
                                  made you howl until your throat burned
                  maybe it’s time to show them what a mistake they’ve made
                          they should never have given you such a  b i t e 
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the-mad-old-queen · 4 years
//Unfortunately, your muse hates mine. XD
⭐️ We don’t rp, but I desperately wish we did
ooc; aw! if we’re mutuals feel free to hmu! we can always try to plot something c:
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the-mad-old-queen · 4 years
[Text] Did he make it out alright? It was not my intent to truly injure him. 
[Text] It was a bit of a reflex at that point.
[Text: Armand] Not sure if you care - but I did survive the incident in New York and found a safe place to heal.
[text] If this is who I think it is - I am glad to hear it.
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
I’m a simple girl. I awake from restless ancient slumber haunted by the shadows of my forgotten names and I’m hungry
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
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Eivør - Í Tokuni (x)
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
…not one second of calm has been granted me; nothing has been granted me,
Franz Kafka
(via desanctii)
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
Her eyes, were fire incarnate.
Channing.H.M (via le-immorte)
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
“She’d feel quite sorry for herself, with an almost voluptuous violence, feeling in her mouth a flashing taste of blood. In secret, she felt sorry for everything, for the most powerful things.”
— Clarice Lispector, from “The Chandelier,” originally published c. 1946
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
“i am not sorry about the parts of me that no longer exist that you still romanticize. i am not sorry about the versions of myself that expired that you still hold on to. i am only sorry that you haven’t grown since the last time you knew me. my growth owes you no apologies.”
- iambrillyant
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
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I’m really working this corner.
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
Armand. Ah, Armand. Allesandra's head bowed slowly, eyes closing as the red of her tears rimmed her eyes. "I am not welcome at Trinity Gate. I was staying elsewhere, on another of Armand's properties, alone. His Maker, Marius... he would not stand for my presence within the place where he himself dwelt." She inhaled slowly. After a brief pause, she spoke again.
"And because when the attack happened... Armand cared less for what had been done to me and more that it had been done in... 'his city'. He worried about the repercussions of letting the attack happen in New York only. I did not think I could rely upon him for protection."
She paused, looking up as Sevraine mentioned Lestat. "I did not go to the Prince because his fledgling is Everard's lover. I did not think that he would side with me over David Talbot." Though the offer of her blood was quite tempting.
"I will defer to your wishes, Lady Sevraine. I merely wish this put behind me. I do not think that Everard will try again, having failed. He caught  me off guard, and that won't likely happen again." She did nod as Sevraine asked if she would like a cool dip and she nodded. "Yes, that would be good, thank you very much."
The Kiss of Fire
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
must a woman be “beautiful”? is it not enough that she shake her fist at God and commit acts of heresy in the name of hedonism and lunar madness
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
Allesandra was pleased that Sevraine was going to offer her safe harbor. She sank down into the seat as it was offered to her. She folded her hands over her legs, staring down at the charred skin before she inhaled slowly and began to speak. "As you know... after I woke and read those books, I was... distraught... over Santino's demise. I went to Rome... to the catacombs we had once called home... and I meant to leave a bit of a memorial for him. When... to my surprise... Santino actually showed up at the cemetery. We sat and caught up for a while, but then he told me where I could find Armand. So I went to New York... where Armand was." She looked up at Sevraine, smiling slightly. "I missed them both terribly. There was friction, of course, because his Maker was there." She paused.
"And Everard was in town. We ran into each other in the park... he was with another immortal. Young. One of Lestat's brood, I believe... David." She clenched her hands together tightly, the pain helping her to focus a bit. "I tried to tell him that I meant him no harm, that I wanted to reconcile. He fled... but later he sent a message to Armand... saying that he was willing to hear me out. He asked me to come to a hotel where he was staying. Armand insisted on coming with me, but once we arrived, he went upstairs to speak with David while Everard and I had a meeting in the bar. We were the only ones there." And what a mistake that had been. One she would not make again.
"So I apologized for our past. Expressed my desire to mend our relationship... and his answer was to throw the fire gift at me. I was... quite taken by surprise. It wasn't until Armand and David came bursting in that I was able to get the flames under control and make my escape. From there, I flew back to Rome... where Santino found me and took me to his home with his beloved. But given whom Everard was with... I did not want to bring down the wrath of Lestat's circle on Santino. He's already suffered so much at their hands... I didn't want him to suffer anything more. So I came here once I was able to do so."
The Kiss of Fire
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the-mad-old-queen · 5 years
The ancient one moved slowly, there was no rush to any of her motions, as if she feared to disrupt the forming webs within her hair as she approached the coven master. “You should not have let him go. That is the rule, Santino, you know this. Either they join with us, or they are destroyed.” She spoke, of course, of the elder vampire whom Santino had approached earlier that evening. “He could now consider you a threat, Santino. The entire coven. He is a danger to us all.” She knelt down beside of him, turning her gaze to the rats that he was feeding.
“We should not allow him to live. I told you of my own blaspheming Maker. And even he, as powerful as he was - and he was much more powerful than Marius could ever dream - even he had his castles burned by our number, Santino…” She lay a hand upon his shoulder. “It is the will of Our Lord that he be put down if he will not join us. You know this. We must plan. He is aware of us now.” How she wished he had not gone to Marius. She had not believed that he would join with them, and she had been right. She had thought that he should just be destroyed. He was far too old. One as old as he… it was a miracle he was not mad.
Though given that he stepped into places of the Light, perhaps he was mad. Only a mad vampire would so callously disregard their natural instinct to shy away from Holy places. “He must be brought to heel, Santino.”
❛ it seems important to mention all the things that went wrong ❜ - (the-mad-old-queen :: coven days?)
Santino looked up, distractedly, from the rats that nibbled at his fingertips, snuffling and chittering for more bread. Allesandra stood in the passageway like a dusty statue, forgotten like all other monuments down here. Her beauty shone silver and somber and did not reach the earthy warm glow he had created for himself with candlelight. He reached down to pet one of the larger animals and it froze immediately under his touch, gripped by an unseen force. 
“What went wrong?” He asked, quietly, contemplatively. There was no judgement in his voice yet, no dread. He seemed perfectly content in his off-kilter sorrow. “Speak your mind, Allesandra, but speak it plainly. I would know my failings only from your mouth.”
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