the-belgariad · 7 years
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this is more or less how i picture Barak and Merel and their family. 
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the-belgariad · 7 years
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my original girl crush, the Lady Polgara from the Belgariad 
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the-belgariad · 7 years
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@even-the-sparrow LOOK WHO I DREW.
I was going to draw her lecturing Silk, but then I really wanted to draw the tree, so this is what happened.
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the-belgariad · 7 years
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More concept art by Geoff Taylor for The Rivan Codex.
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the-belgariad · 8 years
Reasons you should read the Belgariad
– Very archetypical fantasy but it’s subverted and lampshaded every chance Eddings gets (there’s a particularly brilliant moment that tears the bikini armor trope to shreds) and there are some hilarious (and serious) meta moments –The romance is very very well done; no relationship in the series is perfect, but none of them seem forced, even the one that’s stated as ‘going to happen’ from the very beginning by the narrative–which is an entity within the story, mind you–and the characters’ chemistry speaks for itself. –There’s an entire sub-arc where the kings leave their wives to govern their kingdoms while they go off to war and the wives kick ass politically –The politics are immensely detailed but Eddings pulls it off effortlessly –Polgara. Polgara in her entirety.  –Just read it I tell you
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the-belgariad · 8 years
Durnik teaches how to fight anxiety
“I cannot live with it. I live in constant apprehension, never knowing when it will return to unman me.”
Durnik looked up from the mare. “You’re afraid of being afraid?” he asked in a puzzled voice.
“You cannot know what it was like, good friend,” Mandorallen replied.
“Your stomach tightened up,” Durnik told him. “Your mouth was dry, and your heart felt as if someone had his fist clamped around it?”
Mandorallen blinked.
“It’s happened to me so often that I know exactly how it feels.”
“Thou? Thou art among the bravest men I have ever known.”
Durnik smiled wryly. “I’m an ordinary man, Mandorallen,” he said. “Ordinary men live in fear all the time. Didn’t you know that? We’re afraid of the weather, we’re afraid of powerful men, we’re afraid of the night and the monsters that lurk in the dark, we’re afraid of growing old and of dying. Sometimes we’re even afraid of living. Ordinary men are afraid almost every minute of their lives.”
“How can you bear it?”
“Do we have any choice? Fear’s a part of life, Mandorallen, and it’s the only life we have. You’ll get used to it. After you’ve put it on every morning like an old tunic, you won’t even notice it any more. Sometimes laughing at it helps - a little.”
“It shows the fear that you know it’s there, but that you’re going to go ahead and do what you have to do anyway.” Durnik looked down at his hands, carefully kneading the mare’s belly. “Some men curse and swear and bluster,” he continued. “That does the same thing, I suppose. Every man has to come up with his own technique for dealing with it. Personally, I prefer laughing. It seems more appropriate somehow.”
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the-belgariad · 8 years
Have you ever noticed that? We base our assessment of the intelligence of others almost entirely on how closely their thinking matches our own. I’m sure that there are people out there who violently disagree with me on most things, and I’m broad-minded enough to conceded that they might possibly not be completely idiots, but I much prefer the company of people who agree with me. You might want to think about that.
Belgarath the Sorcerer by David Eddings (via wolverine747)
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the-belgariad · 8 years
Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Belgarion
Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: Beldin
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: Beltira and Belkira
Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you: Polgara
Sinnamon roll: Belgarath
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the-belgariad · 8 years
The greatest wonder of all was the marking of Riva's heir. In each generation, one child in the line of Riva bore upon the palm of his right hand the mark of the Orb. The child so marked was taken to the throne chamber, and his hand was placed upon the Orb, so that it might know him. With each infant touch, the Orb waxed in brilliance, and the bond between the living Orb and the line of Riva became stronger with each joining.
Pawn of Prophesy, prologue
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the-belgariad · 8 years
For all the rest of his life he had a special warm feeling for kitchens and those peculiar sounds and smells that seemed somehow to combine into a bustling seriousness that had to do with love and food and comfort and security and, above all, home.
Pawn of Prophesy, about Garion
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the-belgariad · 8 years
The money's just a way of keeping score. It's the game that's important
Silk, Enchanter’s End Game
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the-belgariad · 8 years
When the world was new, the seven gods dwelt in harmony, and the races of man were as one people.
Pawn of Prophesy, Prologue, page 1
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